In You (A BounPrem AU)


32.4K 1.2K 181

Boun had a girlfriend of eight years - they had planned their future together; adopting dogs, getting their o... Еще



1.5K 63 13

It's currently 6:23 am, the sun just perched its way through Boun's kitchen glass sliding doors, making their way in his house. As soon as he's done preparing his coffee of the day, he makes his way to the said doors, pulling them open so he could let the fresh morning air in. This is one of the few moments in his house that he likes the most - chill mornings spent in his ambient kitchen. The soft rays of the sun entering his home makes him feel so refreshed, something that he likes to feel every morning before starting any of his hectic works. 

He sits at one of the dining chairs, taking small sips of his coffee as he lets the cold taste slide through his mouth. He isn't that much of a coffee person but the past month, he noticed how his appreciation towards the drink grew. He wouldn't admit that it's because of a certain person, though.

Speaking of that one specific boy, Boun hasn't seen him in about two weeks now (not that he's been counting, though). After the day that he caught a common cold and Prem magically appeared in front of his door step, he hasn't seen the guy. He wouldn't admit that he kind of, sort of, miss his company, though.

Boun heaves a sigh, scrolling through his social media accounts and taking note of the e-mails that he has to attend to this morning. Though he works from home, his work seems as stressful as those of which are held in an office set-up. He endlessly feels lucky, though, that his time is flexible and that he can do what he's passionate about. He opens his Instagram, seeing a new post from Prem. As if on instinct, he double tapped the photo, a red heart blooming from it. He smiles, typing a little comment for his friend. 

Boun can't help but to wonder how Prem is doing. They haven't been talking much - not like before. Prem said that he's busy with his classes, said that he has so much stuff to submit and on top of it all, their finals are coming. Of course, Bound doesn't want to interfere with all his school-related endeavors. So instead, he opens his laptop, opting to use it instead as he sees a good amount of e-mails that's pending in his inbox. He pushes the thought lingering in his head - when will I see him again?


I smiled as I posted my reply for Boun's comment, closing my phone and setting it back on the counter top. I grabbed a muffin, touching the top part of it, admiring how perfect they came out to be. It's my first time perfecting these and I am beyond glad that they came out good.

"Quit smiling at your damn muffin." Fluke comments, making my head whip towards his direction in front of me. "Stare at it longer and it'll melt back into a batter." He sarcastically says, rolling his eyes after. I laughed, shaking my head a little.

"Don't mind him, he's grumpy because-"

"-of his boyfriend." Coo and Samantha finishes the sentence in chorus, the two looking at each other in surprise, laughing and high-fiving each other. I smiled at them as the three of us earned a glare from Fluke. 

"Shut up." Sam and Coo yet again earned another roll of Fluke's eyes. "Not my fault he's annoying as hell." He mutters, grabbing his glass of water, gulping a mouthful.

"Nah, you're just always grumpy." Coo comments with a shrug of his shoulder. Both Samantha and I chuckling discreetly.

"Nah, I'd like to think that I act and think rationally." Fluke says with a slight nod, as if he's telling it more to himself than us. 

"You get annoyed with him in even the smallest things." Coo adds, a small smirk trying to creep up on his face.

Fluke scowls. "Well, sorry Coo, not all of us can be as patient as you and Kao."

Coo beams at Fluke's comment, chuckling at his best friend and going over to the other side of the counter, engulfing the eldest in what seems to be a bone-crushing hug. "Hey, we fight some times, too!"

"Oh yeah? About what?" Sam chimes in and both Fluke and I's attention are now on Coo as he looks deep in thought, arms still sprawled across Fluke as he thinks of something.

"Well, there's this one time when.. oh no, we didn't fight about that.." Coo mumbles to himself, which earned a slap on his arm from Fluke. I shake my head at them, going over to my cabinets to look for a container where I could transfer these muffins.

"You guys bicker but you rarely, like rarely, fight." Fluke emphasizes, swatting Coo's arms off of him. Coo placed a sloppy kiss on the older's cheek though, making fluke almost gag. "Ew, what the fuck?!" Fluke exclaims, wiping his cheek harshly, his skin turning red instantly.

The entire time that the two are teasing each other, I'm busy with these muffins. Honestly, I didn't have much to do today. It's Saturday and I've already finished all my year-end projects for school. I've submitted them all already, actually. All there's left to do for this school year is for us to take the exams next week and then we're done! Summer break, freaking finally! 

I placed a few of my baked goods on a clean wooden tray since I know for sure that the four of us would be snacking on them. The other half, I secretly placed on a clear container.

"Ooh, let me have one." Sam says as she sprints beside me, bumping my shoulder with hers. I felt my soul almost jump out of my body.

"Suit yourself." I smile sheepishly at her, shaking off the obvious jitter. Though I still get overly-anxious whenever other people taste the stuff that I make, I am sure that I make good food (not to toot my own horn, though). I've been taught by my mom and sister so I'm pretty confident with my skills, actually. But still, like I said, I still get nervous whenever I let other people taste my products.

"Mm, that for Boun?" Sam almost whispers from beside me, pointing over to the clear container that I tried shoving under the counter's cabinet. I hit it with my knee, trying to get it out of anyone's view as I look over at Coo and Fluke who're still arguing with each other. 

"Uh, well, I was thinking of maybe having it delivered to him." I scratched the back of my head and Sam let's out a small hmm as she munches on the muffin that she grabbed. "I haven't seen him in 2 weeks." I added, looking at her all defensively.

"I didn't say anything." She chuckles, raising her hands in defense.

"Yeah, I just.."

"I wouldn't tell them, if that's what you're thinking." Sam says, voice still hushed, both of us careful for Coo and Fluke not to hear. The four of us are good friends but I think I'm closest to Sam. The fact that we're also close to age and we're actually in the same class adds to it. Don't get me wrong, I love Coo and Fluke, too. But I'm just closest to Sam, is all. 

I smile at her. "Thanks, Sammie." She ruffles my hair, smiling at me sadly before setting down the remainder of her food, sighing at the sight of the two who looks like they're about to rip each other's hair off.

"Aow! You two are too dramatic!" Sam exclaims, going over to the other side of the counter, sliding between Coo and Fluke, pushing them both off to the sides, the four of us laughing at the nonsensical events in my apartment. 

Times like these with them are always fun - us just hanging out, not talking about anything heavy or specific. They usually go to my apartment to either check on me or because they want to watch me bake and of course, they want to eat the snacks that I make. I love them all so much, really. Though some days I really adore and appreciate all their help, concerns, and nagging but some times, I just can't help but to think about how things were. Some times, I wish we could just rewind everything. It'll hurt so much but at least we could go back to how things were.


Hello!! Sorry for the late update, a lot of things came up last month:< Also, this isn't proofread, sorry. Tell me what u think about this story so far, I've been feeling demotivated to write:/ THANKS FOR READING!!

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