The Kashirai break the anime

By my_storie_written

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Join in in the crazy adventures with the Kashirai family More



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By my_storie_written

May 28

A day were a pair of twins were born

Reika Kashirai and Yuudai Kashirai
Reika was the eldest twin among the two

Once they got home from the hospital, their older siblings immediately rushed to their parents to see the newborn twins.

Sayuri Kashirai
1st born
Oldest among siblings

Riki Kashirai
Gender: Male
2nd born
Oldest among his twin

Seina Kashirai
3rd born
Youngest among her twin

They watched as the twins slept separately in each of their parents arms.

Bara Kashirai
Gender: Female
Mother of 5

Hinata Kashirai
Father of 5

"When will we play with them daddy?" Seina said while looking at the newborn twins

"They're sleeping right now, you'll play with them tomorrow."
Hinata said calmly

"Why can't we just wake them up and play now?" Riki asked

"If you wake them up, they'll cry. Me and Mommy will have to calm them both down."

Rikki and Seina were sad that they couldn't play with the newborns yet, but nodded.

Bara, their mother noticed that they were upset because of that so she thought of something that might help them to cheer up.
"Do you guys want to help me set up their cradle?" She asked

"Yes!" Seina said excited

Sayuri noticed that Yuudai started to squirm a bit in his sleep because of the noise. So she quickly reprimanded her.
"Speak softly, you're gonna wake them up."

Seina nodded then ran off to their parents room

Sayuri has light walnut eyes and black hair with a dark blue highlight. She has tanned skin with a birthmark on her neck

Hinata has  brown eyes and snow white hair that has black highlights. He has fairly brown skin and a few freckles on his cheeks

Bara has lightly tanned skin with blue hair that fades of to a orange colour. She also has walnut brown eyes

Seina has black hair and amber brown eyes. She has fairly tanned skin and some freckles on her cheeks

Rikki has medium walnut eyes and fairly brown skin. He has black hair that has a blue and orange highlights

All in all, they all have brown skin with brown eyes

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