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As soon as the lesson ended, she walked out and saw her aunt waiting for her amongst the group of parents

She walked to her aunt and they both went home to change into their training attire. Yuri told her what to wear then they went to one of the many  training grounds Konoha has.

"Today you will learning about reflexes and instincts" Yuri explained
"First we stretch then meditate for 30minutes. We will do that everyday before we start the actual training. Then I'm going to blindfold attack you, nothing too hard not simple. We will do that everyday and I will add new things I'm going to train you when you're ready"

_____________One year later _____________

Reika Kashirai
Age: 8

Everyday was like that. Waking up. Stretching, jogging. When she comes back she does what she'd been told

When her aunt saw that it was starting to get easy for her, she would make it a little harder.

Soon enough, Yuri introduced weights to Reika. She changed them every month to more heavier weights as part of her training.

Every month Yuri would check on her progress by having a hand to hand fight with her.

Reika now improved her senses and learned to trust her gut. She hasn't learned her chakra natures or hasn't been using it. She's great with taijutsu and shes stronger than anyone around her age.She's still isn't as strong as her aunt but she will get there.

She meditates daily and has good mental strength. She has good memory and she's very smart. Almost as smart as a Nara that's around her age.

She set up her timetable so she'll have time to train, see her friends and maybe even study.


Yuri was waiting for Reika to finish her daily meditation as per usual. Once Reika finishes, her training will start.

"Okay Reika. Today I wanted us to start with weapons training but seeing as you're starting with chakra in the academy and we haven't even started with chakra yet...
I don't know what to train you next. So which one do you need to learn, chakra control or weapons training?" Yuri said

"Weaponry" Reika answered

"Why weaponry? It's not like I don't want you to chose it but why?"

"Weapons is the next stage for a reason. Because once you learn chakra control you need to start teaching me some jutsu and I once read that you can make a weapon with your chakra. But that will be useless if you don't know how to hold a weapon properly. We could always learn weaponry when we're done but it would be useful to learn it now instead of later. That and I could probably learn something like this in a month or two" Reika said

"You sound pretty confident in yourself, weaponry isn't something you can master overnight you know. You might even take you a year to learn one! But weapons it is then." Yuri said as she placed some weapon beside Reika
"Let's start" Reika was looking at the weapons excitedly as Yuri sat infont of he

Lili placed some scrolls and bags infront of Reika
"Scrolls" Yuri said

"I thought we were learning about weapons?" Reika said looking at the scrolls and bags infront of her

"We are, we're first going to start by learning where to put your scrolls and more. Just read this book and when you're done. Oh and these little bags are called weapon pouches. You'll find that chapter at the end of the book and do not touch anything here until I come back" Yuri said as she left


Reika finally put the book down as she just finished reading it after 3 and a half hours. She read and learned about how a scroll work and how you can put stuff in it and carry it. She also learned about the different pouches and where on the body must you put it.

"Your done reading. Good job! Now, do you need help putting anything inside the scroll?" Yuri said

"Probably not. I'll call you when I need help. What should I put inside of it?" Reika said

"Just try and put this in" Yuri said as she handed Reika a rock "I'll watch you this time"


It didn't take long for Reika to do it. She was now looking at a more bigger and thicker book about different weapons

"If you manage to finish this before 4pm
I'm going to teach you how to fight with some weapons" Yuri left after saying that

Reika wanted to cry about the the size of this book, but she ignored it and started reading.

Reika didn't even managed to finish the book and it was hours past 4pm. She wanted to finish quickly but then again she wanted to understand all these weapons. She learned about quite a lot of weapon and how to use, sharpen and clean them even though she didn't finish the book. She also learned about who created them, when they were made and the reasons behind why they were made

"Meditate for the last hour we have for training. I'll pack everything away" Yuri said as she started packing everything away

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