Loosing His Mind [STEDDIE]

By stranger_rot

18.5K 296 306

[Eddie x Steve] [COMPLETED] [Content Warnings: Sexual Situations, Dr/g Use, Drinking. Season 4 Stranger Thing... More



5.3K 67 105
By stranger_rot

It's been a while since Steve has had a good night of sleep.
It's been a while since he's kept down food.
It's been a while since he's felt normal.

Lately he's been feeling, well downright awful. Constant headaches, stomachaches and nightmares. Oh the nightmares. They felt all too real. It's been about three days since it all started. He'd flunked his last year of highschool and had to retake it all.
Who knew fighting evil Russians could screw you up?
But back to the nightmares. It's all so vivid. Robin and him, tied up in a small room, torture devices sprinkled through out.
He remembered being stabbed in the neck with some sort of serum. It felt good at first but as time progressed he felt bad. Very bad. Those damned Russians kicking his ass harder than any guy in school could have.
He knew they eventually got out but what if they didn't? What if he died. What is Robin died.
He'd wake up in a cold sweat and race for the phone, calling her just to make sure she was alive.
He never said anything. But hearing her voice made him feel better.
He would lay in bed and stare at his ceiling, wondering where it all went wrong. Maybe if he had stayed out of it he would have been okay. But if he hadn't intervened maybe they group could have lost a few.
He wouldn't be able to bare that.

He drifted back into a restless sleep. Sweat still pooled on his hairline and neck.
Maybe tomorrow will be different.
He always hopes it's different.
It never is.


He woke, gross and sleepy he forced himself into the bathroom. Trying his best to motivate himself for the water he stepped into the warm bliss known as a shower.
He always felt safer in bathrooms. Even if it wasn't his own he found a certain sanctuary.
He would mindlessly wash his body and hair, doing a half assed job. He somehow always managed to make himself look better than how he felt. He still had to use his popular guy facade at school. Especially now. His current excuse to flunking was the mall fire, how traumatic it was for his mother and 'Oh how she just needed me.' It was all bullshit. His mom was too busy with work and never gave two craps about him. And his dad was for some unknown reason upset because he lost his job.
The girls still ate up his sob story like candy.
So he stuck with it. Hoping to ride out the beast until he graduated.

Slowly stepping out of the shower he did his usual routine for his hair, four sprays of his favorite Farrah Fawcett hairspray.  While his hair was still damp of course.
Can't forget that.
He picked out a yellow sweater and some acid washed jeans that hugged his ass just the right way.
Oh Steve knew he was hot.
And he wanted everyone else to know it too.
It's all he really has going for him.
He grabbed his keys and bag, standing in front of the door so he could kick on his shoes.
Walking out he looked at his home. It's not a cozy home it's more like some castle where fun goes to die. At least when his parents are home.
Now that schools in he hasn't had a party in a while, it was the least of his worries.

He walked out of his house and hoped into his car that had housed many ladies before.
God knows what liquids have touched this car.
Driving off he remembered that the councilor had wanted to see him. Of all times after the prep rally? He wanted to go meet up with some girl but it would have to wait.


On the other side of this story we see Eddie 'The Freak' Munson getting ready for not his first, not his second, but his third year of senior year. He was so close to passing and if he didn't screw it up this year he could run like a bat out of hell from the shit hole known as Hawkins.
He was already rolling up to his beloved highschool when he saw Steve, hair messy but not to bad, he saw Max Mayfield speak to the councilor as Steve stood behind her. Liking if he was waiting his turn.
Turns out he was. He was much taller than the councilor. He was basically towering over her but he looked smaller than her. Metaphorically of course.
He was holding- or hugging? Himself as he spoke to the shorter woman, he barely said anything, nodding a few times and walking away.
Eddie tilted his head.
What a strange one Harrington is.
He put out his cigarette and began walking inside. Pass all the nerds, geeks and meeting up with his group of freaks.
They all walked into the gym.
But Eddie's mind was on Steve.
Why a guy like him needed a little therapy session was beyond him.
He's heard the school bimbos talk about his 'horrible' event at the Starcourt mall. It seemed like a bunch of crap to him.
Yet he shrugged it off and sat stood on the highest bleachers with Dustin and Mike glued to his sides. They were friends of the so called 'good guy' Steve Harrington. How?? That went against every law of nature! And physics too!
They babbled about how is Steve was on the team he would have made Jason seem like a baby. He didn't buy it. Why? Because if he was so good he should have been playing.
But he wasn't. It's just the facts.


Steve stood near enough to his freckled 'girl' friend. She needed some back up incase she managed to screw up just talking with a girl. So when she looked back he was there. Supportive thumbs up showing as the rally started.
Cheerleader galore dancing to the music that the band members played.
He spoke to whatever girl was next to him. Making the already fast paced rally speed up. She would make sexual comments every now and then. Biting her lip, fluttering her eye lashes, twirling her hair it was all the same to Steve. Repeated moves that are so watered down he feels as if he should drown.
He decided to cut things short and find his way to the office. Walking past posters for clubs and whatever dumb after school meetings they had.
Entering the office a plump woman sat at the desk .
"How can I help you deary?"
She smiled and he nodded.
"I just need a pass for Ms.Kelley's room."
He spoke with an unbreaking tone.
She furrowed her brows up in concern and handed him the pass.
"There you go sweetie. See you later!"
She waved bye and he waved back.
Walking over to the room he knocked on the door.

A curly haired women opened the door. He gave her the pass and she smiled.
"Hello Steven! You came early, any reason why?"
She sat at her desk and motioned for Steve to do the same.
"I just wanted to leave the rally."
She smiled.
"Well, thats all right, good thing you came to me. Let's get started shall we?"
She rolled over to a file cabinet and grabbed out his file. Scanning over it.
"So have the headaches gone away?"
He nodded.
"They've lightened up a bit."
She gave a soft smile.
"That's good. How about the stomach aches? Any vomiting?"
He bit down on the inside of his cheek.
"I- I can eat small things. Anything to heavy will make me hurl."
He chuckled and messed with his sleeve.
"It's progress! That's we're here for!"
She closed the file and set it on the desk.
"How about nightmares?"
He froze.
"I uh- had one last night."
He felt sick again.
"Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?"
He shook his head.
"They're not bad anymore."
"I've got them more under control!"
"I think this helped."
"Can I... Go? I just remembered I have a important test-"
She did a light nod and half smile.
"Sure thing Steven."
He paused before leaving.
"It's just Steve."

With that he walked out of the room, running towards the rest room. His last stronghold.
He held onto his stomach for dear life. It felt like he was drugged all over again.
"Oh fuck -"
He pushed opened the door and ran to a stall. Shutting it and sliding down. His stomach churned and churned.
Then, Puke.
His guts felt as they were coming out of his mouth. It's like he was trying to get it all out his system. However there was no drugs. Just what was in his mind.
Footsteps were heard.
"Are you okay?"
He groaned.
"Y-yeah I'm good."
He spewed out a bit more vomit with a more aggressive groan.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm fine! Just go away."
He leaned over the toilet. Flushing it, watching the green and brown mixtures go down the drain.
Once the noises began to fade he heard banging on the door.
"I said go away!"
No response.
"Ugh. Are you d-"
Then they began to speak. Russian. He was speaking Russian. He looked around. The silver walls surrounded him. He wanted to scream. He did. He screamed for dear life.


Eddie was sitting at lunch. Bickering about something he was reading in a magazine.
"Studies link violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... murder!"
All of his friends began to groan and protest the magazine.
He smirked and looked at each of them
Then he stood. Leapt onto the desk and began to talk. Theatrical tone, waving his hands.
"We're the freaks because... we like to play a fantasy game? But as long as you're into band, or science, or partieeees, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets! It's forced conformity. That's what's killiiiiing the kiiiiids! That's the real monster."
He pestered at girls, made shots at Jason who only replied with.
"You want something freak?"
Eddie gladly made a jab back, using his hands to make horns and he stuck his tongue out. Laughing as he stepped down from the table. Going back to eating whatever garbage sat in his lunch box.

As the boys of the group bickered he noticed Steve walk in. Hand on his stomach. He sat with a group of girls and they all began to aid to him. Giving him snacks and drinks to which he refused all.
It must be nice to have any pretty girl in your hand.
And if he was to admit. It worked on him too.
He loved the way Steve would smile and brush through his hair. He'd love to get up right now and stick his hand in it. Mess it up. Maybe tug on it to see what kind of sounds he could get out of him.
He shook his head.
He was suppose to hate Steve.
But his mind wandered.
What kind of ways Eddie could corrupt Steve. How he could see the King of Hawkins high for the true slut he was.

Steve looked up as if he could feel eyes on him. Excusing himself from the girls to go out. Eddie smiled and got up.
"I'll be back gentle men."
He followed far behind the boy, watching him as he walked into the forest. Going to the spot where Eddie usually did dope deals. Steve just stood there. Holding himself as he stared at a tree.
Eddie came up behind him. Hoping not to startle him.
That failed.
Steve was backing up slowly, Eddie should have stopped moving forward but he didn't. They crashed into each other.
Steve let out a 'girlish' scream. Whipping around to see Eddie. Faces only inches a apart.
Steve backed away a smidge.
"Jesus Munson I could have hit you!"
"Woah woah calm down- Just sit down."
He motioned at the table.
Steve sighed and they sat across from each other.
"Look Harrington I didn't mean to scare you-"
"I know I know! I'm just.. really on edge."
Eddie titled his head.
"I might have something that can help?"
Steve looked around.
"Like what?"
Steve twiddled his thumbs, he could feel himself started to sweat. His skin cold still.
Eddie bit down on his lower lip.
"Well. Hold on just a minute."
He smiled. Leaning over to grab a black pail. He looked at Steve who had confusion written all over his pretty face. He kept his eyes on Steve as he clinked open the box, pulling out a baggie.
"Look, I have some weed, it'll calm your nerves."
As he pushed over the baggie.
"Give me a twenty. Plenty of bang for your buck."

Steve looked around.
"How does this work again?"
Eddie closed the black lunchbox with a loud bang.
"It's just like any only purchase, cash only and for obvious reasons. No receipts."
The short haired boy sighed as went over to grab his wallet. A tree branch snapping, possibly a squirrel or racoon. Still making him whip around to check the surrounding area.
"Hey, listen- Give me the word and I'll just walk away."
"No no! Please. Its-....Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind..?"
Eddie batted his eyes a few times. Chewing on the inner part of his mouth as he spoke.
"Well. All the time! I feel like I'm loosing my mind doing a drug deal with Steve Harrington! Hawkins High King."
Eddie and Steve shared a couple of giggles.
"Y'know this isn't the first time we've uh, hung out."
Eddie started to stand. Walking backwards against the tree.
"It's not?"
"You don't remember?"
"No I'm -"
Eddie fell back, holding what appeared a fake dagger to his heart. Making a phony groan as he went down.
"I wouldn't remember me either Harrington!"
Steve laughed at Eddie's very dramatic act. He looked like some weird theater kid.
As Eddie stood up he brushed a few stay leaves out of his curly brown hair.
"Do I have anything?- Nevermind. You seriously don't remember me?"
"I'm sorry I-"
Eddie giggled. Turning towards the tree and crossing his arms
"Middle school. Talent show- You we're uhm. Doing that thing you did and I played with my band"
He made a air guitar motion.
"Corroded Coffin!!"
"Corroded Co!-"
He hit against the tree and smiled
Steve rubbed the back of his neck.
"With a name like that how could I forget!"
"I don't know man your a freak."
Steve looked at him as he turned back, smile still plastered on his freckled face.
Eddie slowly sauntered back towards the tagged up picnic table. Sitting down as he made eye contact with Steve.
"I just didn't recognize you-"
"Yeah makes sense- my hair was buzzed and I didn't have these sweet ol' tatties!"
He lowered down his shirt from the collar as he flipped over his arm revealing 2 or 3 well inked tattoos.
"Well good news is that flattery works with me! So fifteen for it- you're basically robbing me blind here."
He and Steve leaned a bit closer to each other as they giggled.
Steve eyes then turning a bit more serious and they flickered up and down.
"Do you have anything.... stronger?"
The metalheads eyes widened with the request.
"I-... Yeah- At my house."
Steve huffed out and leaned forward.
"Can I- buy some...?"

Eddie's eyes darted around Steve for any seed of hesitation but none was found.
He nodded and grabbed his keys out of his pocket.
"Sure- but we should go now."

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