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The couple pulled into a Drive-in Movie Theater.
There were trucks full to the brim with horny teenagers who seemed to love to get it on to Tom Cruise.
Steve sighed as he tried to find the best spot available, which weren't many since most places were pretty occupied.
That is until Eddie saw a place under a oak tree, or at least he thought it was oak.
He tapped Steve's shoulder and pointed towards the less crowded area, who in return nodded and turned towards it. Not breaking the silence that they had seemed to mutually agree on.

Eddie looked up at the big screen, parts of the projected movie falling off of the canvas.
No one seemed to notice or care so he shrugged it off and reclined his seat a smidge.
Steve parked into the spot and shut off the engine. Rolling down his window with the crank.
He looked over at the metalhead, eyes darting to the crank and then to the window. As a bit of a signal.
Eddie followed the youngers eyes and connected two and two.
Placing his hand on the manual widow crank and started rolling it down, grunting a bit in frustration as he did.
"You got it Eddie?"
Steve questioned, leaning over a bit.
"Yeah yeah, stupid thing-"
Once he finally got the window down he sighed, looking over at Steve as he leaned back into the chair. A tiny bit of sweat making his face a bit dewy in dim light.
"So have you made a choice yet?"
He trailed his hand up Steve's arm and into his hair, stroking the side of his face with his thumb.
"Made a choice for what?"
He moved into the touch, trying to resist to smile like an absolute dork.
"My little proposition in the diner."
Steve racked all 4 of his his brain cells together, reading through their conversation in his brain.
He shook his head and gave up.
"I'm going blank here dude."
Eddie sighed and moved closer to others face.
"Do you wanna give me a B.J here or you wanna do this at your house?"
He whispered, as if it was normal conversation. Letting it roll off his tongue like it was the weather.
The pale skinned boy slid his hand down to Steve's neck, adding pressure to the sides from behind.
"I'm waiting Stevie."
Steve squirmed in his seat, turning into horny goo.
He sounded squeamish. A bit uncertain.
"You sure baby?"
Eddie asked, with a bit of concern in his voice.
"Yeah.. I'm sure."
Steve smiled a bit, biting the inside of his mouth as he did.
He gripped the steering wheel however, taking in small and shallow breaths.
"Just, promise you take care of me?"
Eddie nodded and released Steve's neck, resting his arm behind him.
"Of course babe, now watch the movie."
They sat, looking at the overly dramatic movie.
Steve noted all the buff sweaty men and how many shots it would take him to hook up with each.
The number averaged around 3.

However he couldn't help think about what Eddie might possibly do to him.
He had to be experienced right?
Steve loved Eddie's famous Blowies but it gets old after a while.
He wanted to try something new.
Feel something new.
There isn't much gay porn in a closed off little town so he could only go off of his imagination and what chatter he heard about it.
Some people would say it's pain, others said it was great.
He really didn't know what would happen.
With a girl it's simpler.
You do a bit of prep work and the it's the two parts, one goes in the other.
If you were good at what you did, like Steve, you'd go down on the girl.
Make her all shaky and moany.
Watch as he perfect eyeliner would run down her flush face with tears as he came from the over stimulation.
It was magic.
But with a guy? Who would be in charge? Who does what?
How do you know what to do?
Do they both do each other?
It's very hot and gross as he thinks about it.
He thought about Eddie being dominate over him, sure he was well in charge when they had done more casual stuff but penetrative sex? Would he gentle and kind? Would he be rough and mean?
He though about Eddie being harsh.
Leaving marks and bites that draw blood.
Treating him like a rag doll.
Picking at the skin around his nails he made a small sound as he pictured a very sensual scene.
The metalhead looked over at Steve and swatted his hands.
"Don't do that you'll hurt yourself."
He spoke in a gruff tone, not mad but not happy either.
More or less disappointed.
"Jeez you're not my dad."
Eddie rolled his eyes and smirked.
"But I can be."
Steve stuck out his tongue in a disgusted manner.
"None of the daddy kink, tried it once and did not like it."
Eddie tilted his head and squinted his brown eyes.
"With another guy?"
Steve eyes widened into two big circles as he turned bright red.
He stuttered over himself, darting shy eyes all around the interior of the car.
"No!- I meant-..! Like y'know- a girl..?"
The other boys mouth formed an 'O' shape as he realized the question was very stupid.
"Yeah should have guessed, you don't seem like the type to take it up the ass every other day."
Steve chuckled and jokingly responded.
"And let me guess, you do?"
He wiggled his eyebrows and Eddie just looked at him, eyes relaxed as he leaned in.
"Nah I prefer it the other way around. Take a guy home, talk to him nicely, slip on a condom, stretch him out and fuck him until his brains ooze out of his ears.
He batted his eyelashes and licked over his chapped lips.
"Do you want that Harrington?"
Steve could feel his body become hotter and hotter and he tried to look anywhere but Eddie's perfect face.
In return the boy used a hand to grab Steve's chin, turning his face towards himself as Steve's eyes tried to focus on the huge movie screen.
"Hey now, I can do this all day."
The freckled boy grumbled and looked back at Eddie.
Skin pink and eyes half lidded.
Eddie just smiled as he kissed Steve's soft lips in a steady slow pace.
Touching all over Steve's body while holding him in place.

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