10 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐈 �...

By Mystique_Lily

30.8K 1.3K 259

[ I N T H E P R O C E S S O F R E W R I T I N G ] -Where in [name], Rindou's secretary/P.A is now nearing... More

Author notes.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

1.6K 81 16
By Mystique_Lily

It's been such a long time. And yet you could still remember the day you stepped foot on the company. You chuckled at the thought, how remarkable you two were. Such an odd pair of a 'cat and dog' working together.

Well atleast, one of them. Did I say work together? I meant fight each other — jokes aside, you two were amusing albeit annoying to watch. Atleast to the executives that is.

But enough about that. You'd like to relive your first day just to get the laughs back with how the situations turned out in the present.


The nerves weren't settling quite well within you and every being of your conscience tells you to turn back. The tall building looms over your small figure infront of you, never had you expect yourself to turn and apply a job at a criminal association; despite it being the only facade and shallow waters.

But you also had enough with countless job interviews and scammers despite your well over enough resume, guess a newly-graduate(for almost a year already) was an easy catch. You've had enough of adulthood after college, harsh at how life actually starts.

So you turned to your fellow classmate that had recommended you, discreetly as possible she offers you a job to a high-paying company. That being said you refused as soon as you've heard about the company's name, a recently popular company that revolves around the rumors of which dark and deep secrets hide. And you weren't gullible to believe they were just rumors.

Despite all of that, money was a top priority. And hard work doesn't always pays off, you might try and live off hardship but it could only go so far. And if you can't grab hold of the opportunity right infront of you, then you might as well be ignorant.

Yet to apply for a company that runs by criminals, have you stoop too low? That's just how morals can be twisted in life, not that it gave you an excuse.

You shouldn't contemplate about this right infront of the building. You took a deep breath and braced yourself, the very least, you can fight back.

The dyed white-haired male seemed to be satisfied by your answer, "not bad..." he notes as he continues to write down any notes regarding you. He'd take glances back on you once a while, giving you an even more reason to be anxious about. Cold sweat drips every passing seconds, as if a ticking noise began to edge you internally.

The other applicants were on another room in the waiting room. Many of them looked a few years older than you, having experience you had yet to gain. You were bold to even apply the position of the secretary with how the only experience you have with part-time jobs from when you were a student.

But it's all within the plan, you're a top student who passed with flying colors — as unbelievable as it can be. You've been recommended by a department manager of their company. You only plan to get the interest of the person overseeing the applications.

He nods, closing his eyes momentarily as he closes the folder, his voice snaps you back to reality. "Well, miss [Last Name], you seem promising," those words puts you to a short ease, "You can head back on the waiting room, I'll be deciding the secretary today. Send the next one after you." He dismisses.

You can't believe results would be too soon, has he atleast already considered you in the company? For sure you atleast fits the requirement of another position. Maybe you should've just applied normally on another position. But being ambitious and a little hopeful isn't too bad...?

Now that you take a good look at it, every applicant was a female and had atleast very much dressed and made such a pleasant look. All in which are beauties but a little too revealing in your taste. You grimaced, you feel a little well under the standards standing next to them.

You sigh as soon as you take a seat, feeling your nerves bubble up. Either way, applying for the company doesn't mean death if you fail to be hired.

"Congratulations miss [Last Name], you're hired." He says yet again after all the other applicants left. You were at a loss of words, cold seat forms at your temple. "T-thank you... I- umm..." you hesitate to ask.

"Is there something you wanna ask?" He inquires as he notice you stutter.

"May I ask why?"

He hums, he places two fingers under his chin as he acts like he's in deep thoughts. "Your resume's quite impressive." He says with a half-smirk on his face. One of your eyebrow twitches, not finding it amusing, although you must say graduating college is considerably impressive. The lack of experience was a big ridge, especially when you were to apply at such position for this criminals.

"You don't seem to be convinced, then I'll tell you why. You seem to be someone who can punch a guy." He smiles. You stood dumbfounded and felt being played. What was this person saying?

"You must be confused, but I do mean it when I say your resume is impressive despite being fresh out of college. I've been looking for a person to meet my personal standards." His slanted eyes glints for a quick second as he states his last sentence. You discreetly eyed him suspiciously, guarding yourself to anything.

"I didn't mean it in any way, but the person you'd be working under is one of the many handful people. You'll get along very well with him." Kokonoi was and could say have a good judgement of people. Atleast he'd know what and who would be more advantageous.

Especially someone who's fresh out of college, they may be a bit on the clumsier side but they're most likely to be hardworking. You also looked like someone who can't be swayed by looks alone.

You hide your skeptical look, putting up a poker face. You still had doubts but you are ready to punch someone if needed.

"I think I haven't introduce myself, Kokonoi Hajime, one of the top executives for the company." He gives you a pleasant smile, you didn't expect to have one of the executives to manage the interviews. They're cautious about picking an employee that would be working directly under the executives. They must've done background checks on you already.

"I'll be introducing you to your boss in just a second. Follow me."

He stops by his office first to grab your folder, you followed suit quietly as you began to shift your eyes around. Taking a glance around the office that would soon be your working place. You calmed your heart, it wouldn't be too bad to work here, you hoped.

Kokonoi opens the door, entering with you on tow, he stops at the middle of the room, "You'll be working here." He starts before going on with what secretaries would have to do before telling you the rest would be taught to you by his secretary.

You ponder a bit nonetheless kept mental notes and ears onto the ebony-eye colored male. He didn't seem too dangerous, he was still quite formal and professional of what he's doing. The image of a ruthless crook didn't seem to fit him, he must be one of the people to work differently.

After he explains he then knocks on the door opposite to you, he states his name and enters. You followed albeit staying behind him by the doorway.

"Hey, Rindou, I've hired you a new secretary." He says casually.

The mullet-haired man raises a brow, glancing from the money-maker to the person behind him. He then mentally nodded as the secretary doesn't seem to be hard to control, a little bit mundane but if he can have his way then he'd have no trouble at all. You didn't looked like the typical bimbos that previously works for him but he didn't really cared at all.

You held a neutral face, staring at the person behind the desk who seemed to ignore the folders stacked on his coffee table that was clear to evidence that it was set to side. You take a quick glance at your interviewer, he lightly nods to hint your own introduction.

"Good afternoon, I am [Last Name] [Name]. I'll be now working as your secretary, thank you very much." You bowed at him.

Rindou then stands up from his seat and walks over to you. You tried not to feel intimidated as his purple droopy eyes looks at from head to toe. He then glances back to Kokonoi.

"You know the rules now, you can't fire her and you can't kill her." Kokonoi states nonchalantly, being open and unfiltered about the killing part. He would've already realised you knew what kind of association you applied in.

You unknowingly gulp but was unnoticeable. Rindou sighs, "Yeah." He says before stopping in his steps as he faces infront of you. You two stared at each other first before he moved closely to your ears.

"You better know your place sl#t and not get all too close. Of course if you did good enough, I might just like you." He whispers, side-glancing at the white-haired man who was slightly glaring at him.

You released an inaudible breath, you clench your fist and forced it upwards. You didn't entirely have the patience and tolerance for people you didn't know at all and most of all, you didn't like. He really is going to be a handful.

Rindou hunched over as he cradled his injured stomach. It took you a second or two before realization to dawn on you. You internally scream, It's time to run.

Kokonoi who witnessed the scene was shocked, shock with mouth open slightly ajar and eyes wide open. That soon shock turns into a fit of laughter. He's definitely going to tell this to the others.

You hoped it was amusing enough to forgive you, you didn't want to see death too soon. Rindou on the other hand already has plan to kill you.

"Pft— that was quite hilarious—" Kokonoi begins to die down his laughter, "— I'll leave you both be, now that you've already met each other." He begins to walks away before stopping once more.

"No killing and harming your pretty secretary. Get along real well." He ends with a smirk playing in his face, patting lightly of your shoulder. After the commotion Rindou brought trouble to get out of the company, he wouldn't let go of you now. He'd hold you against him and tie Rindou down to the company as instructed as they continue to grow and expand their association.

He can't run the company alone, and some of the Bonten executives are all over Japan or overseas. Others, aren't mentally well for any works besides physical.

Kokonoi was petty, this time he was.

Rindou had his eyebrows furrowed, standing straight up as if nothing happened. He wanted to protest but Kokonoi quickly left the room with a victorious smirk.

He glances back to you with a glare, he feels defeated. It seems he would have a hard time dealing with you. Before he could utter a word at you Kokonoi came back.

"Also [Last Name], you'll start working on monday. Come back tomorrow and I'll have my assistant to teach you." He says one last time before leaving, two people left behind in the office.

You're now split between intimidated, scared and pissed. And you'd rather prepare yourself fight back as a diversion and sprint.

Rindou snaps his head to you and you instinctively took a step back and clench your fist. The purpled-eyed male involuntarily covers his stomach with one of his hands. He clicks his tongue and goes back to his desk, embarrased already that he'd been punched and now traumatized by the secretary.

I can fight too!... I think. Sweat ran down your temple. Luck was on your side and you can't thank enough for it.



Sorry for the one month delay of the chapter, I was finishing school year and family holidays and yadda.

I also must inform you that I will be heavily-editing /rewriting the first chapters. The reason for this is; (1) the book was half-assed and I wrote it as soon as I got the plot in mind. I write as I go. (2) Rindou isn't (romantically) redflag. He's canonically not. And that was my first draft. Which means, I'll be wanting to write the first chapters as my first draft. The plot won't change much but he won't be a total a-hole. (3) As I said, the book was partly half-assed and I wanted to take it seriously like my other ffs. I'd like to rewrite it the same time as I'm writing the next chapters.

Again sorry for the late update.

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