Chapter 6

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It was a lie when he said he would be out on Monday. He turns up in the office with a mute face and proceeds to be indifferent with each other's presence.

"Here's the paper."

He nods and you left quietly.

None of you had been properly conversed unless it was for work. Neither sincerely apologising with how both of you were stuck up with pride.

Even Ran who visited his brother noticed the atmosphere. Not like it haven't happen before, people who worked longer with the two of you gets used to it.

Morning sessions wherein you sit in with Rindou was to say a bit sullen and stoned. You swore you even saw tumbleweed roll down at the office's floor.


The atmosphere between the two of you slowly dissipated. Still no proper apology to any of you. Snide remarks here and there but nothing unusual.

Kokonoi slipped in somewhere in the middle of the morning to excuse and ask you to do something. Knowing perfectly well how you were overqualified yet wasted to stuck with someone like Rindou, his words.

And other than that, it was a slow day. Rindou had his face stoic, brows furrowed as he peeks at your sitting figure behind your desk through the blinds. Discreetly watching as you have no plans to went inside his office or not.

He did honestly feel guilty — strangely feeling shame. He hasn't felt that in a long while, not even when his hands are all covered in blood. Hahh, why do I have to fall for someone like her. He thought.


You were sure that the day would end silently with no commotion. That is until a pink manic arrived.

"Sir Sanzu." You stood up to bow at him as he stands in the middle of the room. His eyes lands on you, his intention was to talk to Rindou. "[Name], long time no see." He casually engages into a conversation, completely comforted with the secretary of his co-executive.

"It has been sir. Do you need something? Boss is in the office right now." You reported, Sanzu cocked a brow at you. He hums before asking you, "Heard you were quitting?" Rindou can wait, he had to get some source to bully his jellyfish with.

"That is correct sir." You quipped.

"No need to be so professional. Are you free later—" He was cutted off by the office's door getting opened. Rindou gripping the door handle, "I'm guessing you're still high?"

You sweatdrop at his statement, Sanzu scratched his nape with a grin on his face. "I'm guessing you were watching—"

"What do you want druggie?" He opens the door wider pertaining for the pink haired man to come in. The scarred man had a smirk on his lips, successfully agitating his colleague. He dug his hands  into his pockets and gave one last smile to you before walking in.

With the click of the door, it closes. Having the two powerful men discussing on the other side of the door.

You lingered your sight on the door first before you shift at the glass wall, hidden only by the blinds. Was he really watching.

"—Says the creep who watches me work." You retorted.

Arguing back and forth with the purple haired male whilst continuing your work. The argument leading to everywhere and anywhere.

It was a typical Wednesday.

"Sanzu was lying about that." He avoided the hit, "I never said sir Sanzu hinted it." But the hit came back like a boomerang and smack him in the back.

"Ho, does that mean someone lied to you?"

"I don't know, you don't really count as person and more of a jellyfish." You uttered making him pop a nerve.

"Uhh..." The new employee who was tasked to deliver the papers uncomfortably shifts as you casually bantered back with one of the boss.

"You can leave." Rindou glared and lashed out at the poor worker that made him jump his soul out.

"I'll go as well. I hope your done lying for the day~" You teased as you close the door slowly, giving him a mocking smile. "Why you—"

Cutting out the noise you turn at the newbie. He trembles lightly, "How could you go fight with the boss like that?"

"He's a coward." You stated blankly obviously lying. Making the poor newbie involuntarily shiver.

"Weren't you in bad terms with the boss recently?" He grips the door handle, ready to go out but stalling. You were already behind your desk. You hummed, seating down and leaning back to the swivel chair.

"It wasn't that big of a deal." You stated, smiling at the newbie, "Your manager might need you back, your dismiss anyway."

He nods and parts, leaving you to think.

'It wasn't that big of a deal' and yet I did kind of made a fuss about it. Sighing to yourself. It's honestly surprising how well we can both tolerate each other enough to silently agree and forgive.

You twirled your ballpen in between your fingers. "Purple." You felt like you've seen a flash of purple the second you shift your gaze to the glass wall. In between the blinds but you see no purple but the white blinds that are closed off.

Rindou swear your eyes met his, he immediately backs away from the blinds, a good enough distance from the glass wall. Did you find out?

But seeing as there was nothing you teased for the whole afternoon, he deemed it great luck. Having to exit his office at the right time, you were packing your things.

He invited to drive you to your house in which you declined politely with, "Have you actually gone mad?" That did made him internally irk.

You then said you had somewhere to go before home and he insisted again to drive you. You declined him more persistently and managed to sneak out.

"Where has the mad woman gone to?" Rindou says as he tries to find you.

—That aside, it takes a little bit more to fight indefinitely. A small amount of time to forgive and forget.

The two of you were used to how much you'd argue the same way as how the two of you would forgive each other without a word.

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