twisted realities

By jade_millsx0

112 8 1

what happens if harry knew everything before hand. what if he knew in the department of mysteries. what if he... More

the battle of the department of mysteries
where am i?
Breakdowns and apologises
fixings and favors
What to do when everything feels lost
There is always the after.
Later on in the day

parties with drarry

14 1 0
By jade_millsx0

Hey so for this chapter I should warn you there is slight smut at the end of the chapter it isn't heavy mostly is just implied. I think it is fairly clear where it starts but it is at the line. 

"they wanted more" until the end. so if that is not something you would like to read that's okay. I hope to see you in the next chapter and a slight warning for swearing but anyways enjoy the next chapter!


Harry was currently back in his room He was extremely stressed. Today was possibly one of the weirdest days of his life to date. This says a lot considering he has literally come face to face with the Dark lord. It beats the day Hagrid broke down the door to tell him he is a wizard. This day beats defeating a three-headed dog or seeing someone living on the back of another head. That is because bringing back the dead is just something else. He still wasn't sure if everything was real. He was still partly convinced he was dead and this was his heaven. But his heaven would not look like this in a mile shot. He wouldn't be an utter git. He would just have a beautiful reunion with his parents and godfather and thank every one of them for everything they did for him. Even if it was at the young age of just 1. 

Currently, he had another issue to face. What to wear to the Malfoy Manor. Back in his life  Malfoy and him refused to get within two meters of each other and if we were forced by the summons of class, we would spend the time spitting insults at each other. It sometimes got as bad as climbing in trees just to spit insults. Looking back it looks very silly, No wonder there were dating rumors spiraling. But here in this world, it sounds as if  Malfoy and I are friendly maybe even more. 

And that strangely was something he wanted to see. 

After much deliberation and thought he decided on wearing casual wear. If all went well he wouldn't be wearing his clothes at the end of the night anyways. He was wearing a Slytherinerin green jacket fitted with a white polo dress shirt and just causal black jeans. He always had a slight feeling the hat was right and should have been placed in Slytherin . He secretly always thought he looked good in and for someone in Gryffindor he honestly had a lot of green in his wardrobe. 


Here he stood. Right in front of one house that at one point would have held him captive. The same place that would have caused Hermoine the mudblood scar. The same place Dobby would have met his unfortunate end. The place the killers and monsters would have gathered. The place that was pure evil. Expect none of that could have happened. Not in this life. expect he can't help but think that he is somewhat betraying people. But that isn't even possible. In this life, he doesn't even have Hermoine. 

He sighed and stood forward and opened the door with a slightly shaky hand. The inside was beautiful and huge. There are no words that would do the manor justice. everything was just grand. the room was draped in picture-perfect frames made from actual gold, inside were well-painted portraits of all sorts. Some of the manor. Some of the fountains and lakes with the most magnificent willow trees. It was a scene of utter peace and bliss. The windows were all covered in the finest velvet curtains matching the colour of the Malfoy crest, these were all fitted with a velvet tassel to allow sunlight in at a single request. Above his head was the most radiant chandelier made from clear glass that was delicate enough to shatter in a second. The grand staircase, joined at the top with the Malfoy crest, this could be seen in front it led up to the first floor of the manor. Decorated in the most grandest white stoned cobble and layered in the finest red carpet he had seen. It seemed like such a crime to walk up and ruin the ruby fabric. It was very obvious that the Malfoys had money. 

"Ah, there you are. You goose. We never thought you'd arrived. Thought you had ditched us for those horrid parents of yours" Blaise spoke coming up to the boy and grabbing him into and squeezing him tight. Blaise had clearly been here a while as he already smelt off vodka coke and cigarettes. 

"You are in for a treat tonight my friend. Let's just say Draco has missed you and cant wait to see you" Blaise added onto his previously sentence 

"Blaise babe what's taking so- HARRY," a woman's voice said coming up from behind him clearly already drunk due to the manner in which she was standing and practically leaning into Blaise just for balance. 

This woman was Pansy Parkinson 

"I've missed you Harry boy. Come on in you are so late. Ready to get absolutely smashed?" Pansy asked him with clear excitement in her voice 

He wanted to say no he really did. He wanted to listen to his father and not get too drunk but these were his friends and they seemed happy to see him and what's the harm in one night? One fun drunken night and then that will be it. Then he will go back to Perfect Harry. The Harry his parents so desperately deserve. 

"Fuck it. Let's get fucked" he said a little excited. It has been an awful long time since Harry has been to a party let alone get completely smashed at one. This is because he is always the sensible one along with Hermoine but that is just expected she's Hermoine. Don't get me wrong I love her but she is literally the grown-up of the group. Sirius told me that James was always the adult of the group so maybe that's where I get that trait from. 

Before Harry could even realise what was happening both Pansy and Blaise had dragged him by the arms and were dragging him into the nearest room. The ballroom and of course this room just spent like money. 

"HARRRRYYYYYYYY HONEYYYYYYY" he heard. A voice he would know anywhere. Draco Malfoy. 

"Malfoy" he responds blandly. 

"Oh, honey don't act like you don't love me I know you do. You just need some alcohol same as normal?" he asks politely. Way too polite for a Malfoy. 

"Yeah that'll be great" He responded without hesitation because god he could use some alcohol right now. 

" Goody. I want-" he starts to talk but then lowers his voice to a whisper 

"I want to hear you scream and moan again" he whispered directly into his ear 

At this moment Harry's face turned all red and flustered. Harry is not used to this feeling, especially from Draco Malfoy but strangely he is rather turned on. 

" Just give me the dam alcohol goon" He responded trying not to think of the unimaginable.

"Been that kind of day? Heard you saw your parents. About bloody time" Malfoy mentioned whilst mixing vodka with lemonade 

"they-well-I" He tried to say not really knowing how to word how his day has been

"It's okay your with us now and we are going to get fucked. In more ways than one" Draco reminded him before making sure to kiss his cheek 

Harry just downed his first drink straight away 

"Fuck it!" Harry shouted feeling the alcohol go into his system whilst refilling his glass. 

"oh and um my father." he started before getting interrupted 

"James or regulus?" he asked 

That confirms it. I have two dads I have no idea how that works or even where lily is 

"James. he took my cigs. Do you happen to have it on you? I desperately need one." he asked Draco in a sense of need 

"Another lecture. You know you really shouldn't have gone to see him. You know what he's like" Draco lectured him. 

"I know. I just." He started before sighing

Harry doesn't really know how to describe the emotions and feelings right now. Because right now it is almost like he is two people. He still has the cravings from the Harry that was here before him but the memories of his past life and everything just becomes confusing honestly. It is almost like he has snapped into someone's body that is severely struggling with addiction and Harry will now have you try so hard to get out of that stupid vicious cycle and honestly he doesn't know which addiction is worse. 

"Harry. What have I told you before?" Draco told him. 

harry just shrugged really not remembering anything. 

" We are your family not them okay. Where were they when everything came crashing down for you? When James and Lily got divorced because James is pansexual. Where were they when you got turned down for professional quidditch because they were too involved with each other? Where were they when all this started and they just threw you a cigarette to shut you up because that is better than helping and there's no harm right they did it? We were there the whole time. We are family at this point. Family for life" Draco reassured him slowly pulling up his left arm to show a small tattoo of an owl. 

he then leaned over and gently lifted up his sleeve to show another small tattoo in the exact location of Dracos owl except his was a Dragon. 

"I remember when we got these we wanted to be friends for life and look at us now practically shagging every other day" Draco laughs 

"There you two are. We lost you." Pansy spoke coming up from behind him. She was slowly followed by Blaise who appeared all messy. His hair definitely had been messed with and his shirt had been untucked and he couldn't be bothered to be tucked back in.

Yeah, definitely a Slytherin party. 

Harry was not drunk enough for this. 

"ugh, do they ever stop snogging each other's faces off?" Pansy complained looking in the direction of a boy and a girl. 

Harry would recognise them anywhere. Hermoine and Ron 

He felt himself tear up. He didn't know why. Maybe it was because they weren't really his friends anymore. Maybe it was because he missed them. Maybe it is because he chose a bunch of Slytherins over them. But for Harry, they will always hold a very special place in his heart. 

"They seriously need to get a room. Like seriously who do they think they are?" Dracocomplainedd adding to the conversation

Harry downed his second drink. He couldn't be thinking like that not now. 

" As if you can talk mate. We all are sick of you and Harry, It's sickening " Cedric told Draco generally appearing out of nowhere 

"Ugh I need to forget I swear to Salazar," Harry told the rest of the group 

"For a Gryffindor,  you really say Salazars' name a bloody lot" Pansy pointed out 

"Yeah we all know but now I should have been in Slytherin but if I was I would have been thrown out on the street," He told his friends 

"Your father was literally a Slytherin," Draco said clearly confused 

" Yeah and he says it reminds him far too much of being a Black or something," Harry said dryly 

Harry generally did not know where he was getting this information from but he was just going for it anyway because he couldn't let them figure out his real secret. 

"Ah dearest cousin, That day was extremely tragic," Draco commented 

Harry just looked at him with severe interest whilst downing his third drink he was starting to the effects ever so slightly. He knew he was feeling something because he suddenly found Draco Malfoy extremely cute. Something he would not feel otherwise

"I always forget you are related to regulus," Harry told Draco 

"Gotta keep it in the family" He speaks whilst winking in Harry's direction. 

"Now I really need something to forget that," He told the group jokingly 

Draco just shoves him in the side

"Here just take this. It'll help ease the pain of this conversation" Blaise joked tossing him a pill. 

"It'll also help you forget that," Pansy told him pointing him in the direction of what appeared to be Ginny and Luna making out in the distance. 

Harry's face just shot to the floor. That one hurt. That one really really hurt. In his world he and Ginny had just started to get somewhere our flirt game was on point. Everyone at this stage just knew that we would end up together get married have kids and you know all that soppy stuff. And at that moment I couldn't help myself a tear fell. followed by another and another. 

Gosh, Harry get yourself together. 

He knew he was crying. He knew he shouldn't be. In his world, they have probably always been gay and him and her were never a thing but dam it stung so hard. His heart is just hurting. It's like seeing her cheat except they were never really together. 

He felt a hand. It reached towards his. They held it. Didn't ask any questions just stayed there and slowly but surely dragged him in and held him close. It wasn't done in a hard manner. It was done softly, gently, and with care. So much care. They smelt like cigarettes and vanilla and expensive cologne. 

It had to be Draco. 

And that did not bother him. He wanted to be in Draco's arms. He could stay there all day. Yes, he was crying. Sobbing maybe at this point but Draco was being kind and a complete softie and he just wanted him. Maybe he always secretly wanted him. But he would never ever admit that. 

"It's alright okay. She was an arse. She shouldn't have done that not with you so close. I should have guarded you. I am so sorry." Draco apologised 

Draco just looked between his friends hoping that he was doing enough to stop the sobbing from his friend. 

"No I am sorry this is stupid gimme," He told Draco 

"But James" Blaise said 

"When have I ever cared what he said. " Harry reminded him snatching the pill and swallowing it down with straight vodka

"Ah James. Was always such a bitch. Hated Slytherins" Crabbe added in coming into the frame 

"And to answer your question 2 years was the last time you cared. It was around about the time they tried to make chose between us or them." Goyle added in as if they were twins finishing each other sentences. 

Harry just downed enough. 

"I guess you are choosing them now. Is this our goodbye?"Cedric questioned knowing full well he went to his ddad'searlier. 

"Wait you what? You are leaving us" Draco pouted starting to tear up 

Harry just Igrabbedd his hand sighing 

"Never. Not in a million years but I am cutting back. Need the best of both worlds I suppose" He confirmed  

Harry then downed another drink. 

He was now feeling the effects of the alcohol and the pill but decided that wasn't enough and took yet another pill. He wanted to forget he needed to forget

"Your too cute to leave." He mumbled boboppingracos nose

"Come with me for a ciggie" He pleaded giving little puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine!" Draco complained once again 

"Once because you are the cutest button in the universe" he whispered the last part into Harry's ear 

Harry was of course very reckless and at this stage, he was already in it too deep. He felt that he was just at a party all his memories from his previous life disappeared. All that was left is the now and the present. With Draco in front of him. His legs feeling like Jelly and a heart that ache. In this moment he just wanted to be loved. Maybe even by the man in front of him. 

The issue was he was in a fuck it mood. Deal with the consequences tomorrow mood so he took yet another pill and downed his current drink. 

"Harry James Potter you are going to kill yourself. Stop it right now. I swear to merlin" Cedric shouted full of concern. 

"DO NOT USE MY DAD'S NAME WHEN TALKING TO ME. HE IS DEAD TO ME," he shouted back before dragging Malfoy's hand and slowly wobbling outside. 

Once he reached the desired location he desperately took the cigarette out of the packet ad lighted the object immediately. 

one puff in. 

One puff out

Suddenly he felt relaxed. 

His head was certainly fuzzy and his legs could barely walk. He was past drunk. But he did not care. He was at peace that was something he had not felt in what felt like forever and it was all because of one cigarette. No wonder he smokes these. They are like heaven. his vision was going and conversations came very difficult to focus o. But overall he was horny. but surpirsely only for one person. 

He put out his cigarette. 

One step forward. 

Another step. 

One more step. 

He took in a deep breath. He was close enough. He was close enough to smell the sweet vanilla zest and a slight tang of cinnamon. he looked up and he was right there. 

It only took one move. 

Draco looked back at him. 

Draco gripped his arms around his waist. 

"Please" He just whispers. He is aware of how desperate he probably looks but right now. He is high. High on the scent of Draco Malfoy. 

"Are you sure?" Draco asked. 

Draco was drunk. But he was starting to sober up and as much as he wanted Harry. He wanted Harry so bad. Harry was his addiction. He needed consent. Yes, they had done this plenty of times before but every time he needed consent. Harry was a precious petal. He hoped to one day make him, his, but for now. He just wanted him. 

In any way, he could. 

Harry did not answer Dracos's answer he was, however, looking all over the place clearly just drunk and high. This wasn't the first time he was like this. He wished he wasn't like this all the time but he was and he loved him regardless he just questioned whether he only did those things because he was high and not because he likes Draco. He was Harry Potter. No one really knew him. 

But of course, Harry the amazing Potter got way too impatient and before Draco could ask again Harry had attacked his lips so his lips were connected with the other. 

This made Draco horny as if he wasn't already. 

He was attacked on the lips very viciously. harry was kissing deeply trying to take anything in that he could. biting and licking his bottom lips asking for permission wanting nothing but more. More contact more love. Draco had pulled him in further and just relaxed into the kiss. He was such a softie. Especially when it came to Harry

He got pushed to the wall and a slight groan left his lips out of pain but the feeling of love and lust had completely taken over the moment. He loved potter and he wanted more he needed more. 

the positions they were leaned let both boys know what they wanted. Draco let out a low and soft groan. He was hard. harry was hard they each were leaning into each other pushing their boners in each other's thighs. This lead to more lust. 

They both wanted more. 

The snogging had got heated. Draco's hands were in Harry's hair and harry had dragged his hand down Draco's body and landed them on his arse. This ultimately lead to the older boy moaning once he had squeezing one cheek. They both were just letting out small moans and groans all out of pleasure and neither of them cared if they were heard or seen. At this moment they just loved each other.

Harry pulled away and started to kiss and suck on the side of his neck. 

"MMMM baby let's go okay?" He suggested to him giving him that look with a smirk 

Harry just smirked and licked his hand. 

"Lead the way daddy" he whispered in his ear. 

Draco did exactly that and before either one of them knew they were leaned up against the back of Draco's bedroom door stripping each other high and low of clothing

Harry had taken over Draco's body allowing him to take full control doing anything and everything and anything to just please and tease him. 

Both were high and drunk. But both boys were in utter bliss and at that moment nothing else in that moment mattered

so in that moment Harry went into Draco causing a much-earned moan. They continued the rest of the night. Harry pleasing Draco. With Draco pleasing Harry. Both letting out numerous moans and groans from the state of utter bliss. This is just another state of high. One that does not involve a pill. It involves each other. It only ends in sore arses and swollen lips but they truly enjoyed every second and that is all they both needed that night.

"i...i..I love you" Draco breathed out rather breathless 

" I love you too Draco Malfoy" He replied just as breathless as Draco

 And after all that, they collapsed into each other's arms only to be found the following day by their beloved friends. Something that isn't strange in the slightest. Not when it comes to Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. 


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