Miraculous Ladybug Season 4:...

By MiraculouslyGory

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It's been over a month since I posted my MLB Season 3 rewrite. But hard work and long hours of writing, I ca... More

Info Page
Mr. Pigeon 72(rewrite)
Essence 2.0(original story by me)
Gabriel Agreste Part 1(rewrite)
Gabriel Agreste Part 2(rewrite)
Pitch Black(original story by me)
Dearest Family(rewrite)
Grandmaster Su Han(original story by me)
Glaciator 2.0(rewrite)
Hack San(rewrite)
Kuro Neko(rewrite)
Cat Noir's Perfect Payback Part 1(original story by me)
Cat Noir's Perfect Payback Part 2(original story by me)


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By MiraculouslyGory

(As in the show, this is a direct episode after Optigami. After I tried to have Optigami make rational sense to why it couldn't be made earlier, again I did my very best, I am now here for another plot hole. But first, this episode was pretty good. Alya was incredible and Gabriel was smart with his plan, but there were some issues. Apart from Cat Noir being a bit douchey in this episode, Pegabug is the real problem. Her design sucks, but that is not the issue. The issue is the scene where she grabs Gabriel's cup. What's the problem? I don't know. Maybe it is the fact Mari's RIGHT HAND was perfectly able to grab Shadowmoth's miraculous, and put an end to him. In other words, Marinette wasted the one and only good chance to actually defeated Shadowmoth. But she didn't. So that is why this needs a rewrite. As always, please enjoy my next story).

At Alya's house, the door bell rings. "I'll go get it." Alya said. She walks to the door, and opens it. It is Marinette. "Hey, girl. What's up?" Alya asked. "Nothing much. Just here to see my BFF again. As well as other things." Marinette replied. "Oh, yeah. Well, come on in. The meal is almost ready." Alya said. Marinette enters her home, and is greeted by Alya's family. Her two parents, her older sister, and her two twin sisters. "It was so nice of you to join us for today's dinner, Marinette. We love it when we have guest over." Alya's Mom said. "Of course. Alya told me all about how you are an amazing chef. I am very excited to taste you food." Marinette replied. "Thank you. Well, it will be ready in two minutes. Just relax, until the time comes." Alya's Mom said. "Ok, Mom. Marinette and I need to chat for a minute. So, we need some space for the time being." Alya replied. Alya takes Marinette to her room. She closes the doors, and puts down her blinds. "So, how is......you know?" Marinette asked. "Oh, that. She is perfectly fine." Alya replied. She unzips the hand bag she now has, and Trixx flies out. Tikki flies out as well. "Hello, old friend. How are you doing?" Tikki asked. "It's been going good, even though it has been only one day. Alya has been taking good care of me. She feed me, looked after me, and sadly made sure I didn't cause any mischief." Trixx replied. "Well, do you want Marinette to take you away from me, Trixx?" Alya asked. [signs]. No." Trixx replied. "Exactly. In other words, things have been going as cool as a cucumber." Alya said. "That is perfect. I am glad you have been playing your part smoothly and safely." Marinette replied. "Thanks. Speaking of perfect, did you tell Cat Noir about the new member to our team?" Alya asked. "No because Cat Noir must NEVER know about this." Marinette replied. "What, why?" Alya asked. "He would probably feel jealous that there is another permanent holder. That is why I cannot tell him you are full time Rena Rouge." Marinette replied. "Really? I think he should know about this. I mean, he is your partner after all, and me being a permanent holder looks like important info he should know." Alya said. "It doesn't matter. He cannot know about this." Marinette replied. "Ok, but it still doesn't make sense.  Are you sure this is the right solution?" Alya asked. "Well,.......[gets Cat Blanc PTSD].........yes. This is the right solution. And as guardian, I make the rules, and how they play out." Marinette replied. "Ok, if you say so." Alya said. They are interrupted with a knock on Alya's door. "Girls, the dinner is ready." Alya's Mom said. "Ok, thanks Mom." Alya replied. The two kwamis go back into their bags, as Marinette and Alya leave her bedroom. They sit down at the table, and Alya's Mom plates her meal. "This right here is a coq au vin. A famous chicken dish here in Paris. Fresh crispy chicken legs, a delicious French shew, served with a side of rice." Alya's Mom explained(Fun Fact: I think this is the actually dish she cooked in the original episode, but if not, hear this. Coq au vin is an actual classic chicken dish in France. So a little real life element to this story. And another fun fact, one of the reasons I enjoy this show in general is the fact I went to France/Paris twice one month each. It was amazing. I also studied French in high school, as I will in college. The more you know). As the plates are set, Alya and her loved ones enjoy the meal. They savour every piece of this dish. "Mmmm. This is delicious. You did a wonderful job, Mrs. Cesaire." Marinette said. "I appreciate the compliment, Marinette. That was very nice of you. In fact, Alya told me so much about you being a really nice person." Alya's Mom replied. "Yep, totally. I have done a lot of helpful things in my life. I helpe friends with their HW, I worked hard to make things right for everyone as class representative, and so much more. We can be here all day if we have to." Marinette said. "Impressive, but not as many as Ladybug and Cat Noir. They have been saving Paris left and right ever since Shadowmoth showed up." Nora said(Alya's older sister). "It's true. If it weren't for them, I would have hurt that kid who insulted my panther." Alya's dad said(Animan's events). "If it weren't for them, I would have hurtted my sister, and her boyfriend." Nora said(Anasi's events). "And if it weren't for them and Rean Rouge, we would still be having a lot of fun, but in a bad way." Alya's twisn said(Sapotis' events). "They work hard everyday you guys, and it is up to us to give them the respect they deserve for their duties. Don't you agree, Marinette?" Alya's Mom asked. "Uhh.......[thinks because she is Ladybug]......absolutely. They are the swore saviors of Paris, and they will always be there for everyone when needed." Marinette replied. "That is why we love them." Alya said. "Yeah. Hey, Alya, do you mind opening the doors to the balcony. It is a bit hot in here?" Nora asked. "Of course, big sis." Alya replied.

Alya gets up from her seat, and walks to the balcony doors. She opens them up, and gets a nice breeze fresh air. As she enjoys the air, she is then treated to a swarm of bubbles. The invade into the apartment, knocking Alya to the ground. The bubbles then swarm around Alya's family, and Marinette. The parade continues to flood the room, before they all parade out of the apartment. Alya then gets up, and see the unbelievable. Here entire family, including Marinette, are all up in the air trapped in bubbles. "So, how's that for an introduction?" A mysterious stranger asked. Alya turns around, and sees who did this. None other, than the Bubbler. "Bubbler....I mean.....Nino? What are you doing here?" Alya asked. "Just here doing my job. Nothing harsh, really." Bubbler replied. "Harsh? My entire family is in the air right now. What if those bubbles pop? They will fall to their deaths." Alya shouted. "Too bad. I just did what I was told to do." Bubbler said. "What do you mean told to do? What is going on?" Alya asked. Her phone then starts ringing. Alya looks, and sees that Marinette is calling. "Great, it's Marinette. When Ladybug and Cat Noir stop you, there better be a good reason why you got akumatized. [answers phone]. Marinette, are you ok?" Alya asked. "Sorry, but Marinette is not here at the moment. But don't worry, you have me to talk to, Alya Cesaire. Actually, I think it is ok if I call you, RENA ROUGE!!!" Shadowmoth replied not being Marinette. Alya is in total shock that it was Shadowmoth, and not her BFF. "Ohh, what's wrong? Surprised I know your little secret?" Shadowmoth asked intimately. "What are you talking about? I am not Rena Rouge." Alya replied trying to prove him wrong. "Hahahaha. This is living up to my expectations. Your frightened that I know you're a superhero. If you want to deny me again, that's ok. But I will say you did a good job assisting Ladybug with the Horse and Bee miraculous against Style Queen yesterday. And then you two celebrated defeating me, before de-transforming on the roof of the news building." Shadowmoth said. Alya is now in even more shock that Shadowmoth really knows the truth. "[takes several deep breaths]. What do you want from me?" Alya asked. "Well first of all, your boyfriend is safe and sound. Just, chilling with you family that's all." Shadowmoth replied. Alya looks, and sees that he is right. Nino really is with her family. "I capture him, before I came to take your family. Unlike the last two times he appeared, you will treated to my latest creation. The Senti-Bubbler. Second of all, it is simple what I want. All I want is the Fox, Ladybug, Black Cat, and all the other miraculous. And unfortunately, you are going to have to help get them for me." Shadowmoth replied. "Why would I help you with that?" Alya asked. "Uhh, obviously. Family being in danger. That's why. There is really no other reason why you shouldn't help me. I could have them either fly them into space to a freezing and slow death, or have them fall to a painfully and fast death." Shadowmoth replied. "[gasp]. Please, don't hurt them." Alya begged. "Exactly. That's what makes this so much better for me. You have no choice, but to obey me. Now, listen carefully. If you want to see your family, boyfriend, and BFF again, just do the following. First, Ladybug and Cat Noir will show up to save your family. They will see they need back up, so Ladybug of course will come to you. She will give you your miraculous, while Senti-Bubbler hides. After she gives you the Fox miraculous, Senti-Bubbler will capture her too. Then comes Cat Noir, which is where you come in. You will create an illusion of Ladybug to assist him. What he doesn't know is that he is falling right into a trap. The illusion will lead Cat Noir to a spot where Senti-Bubbler can capture him. Once he is captured, their miraculous will be mine. Finally, you will give me the Fox miraculous, and my mission will be done. In return, you will see your family and loved ones again. And if you do try to betray me, well, you already know what will happen." Shadowmoth explained. "Your insane, Shadowmoth." Alya said. "Yes I am. But when you have been toyed by kids for this long, it makes sense that you will do what it takes to win. Goodbye, Alya. I'm sorry. Rena Rouge." Shadowmoth replied. He hangs up, as Senti-Bubbler captures her phone. Back in the air, Marinette is worried. "This is not happening, Tikki. We are hundreds of feet in the air, stuck AGAIN, and Ladybug won't be able to save the day." Marinette panicked. "It's ok. Just call Alya using your phone." Tikki replied. "I would love to, but there is one problem. I left the phone on the table back inside her home." Marinette said. "Oh, but at least Cat Noir will be available. He can help save the day" Tikki replied. "What if he is not here? What if we are stuck up here forever? What is Shadowmoth actually wins? "What am I going to do?" Marinette panicked. "Marinette, takes some deep breathes. It's alright. Alya has the Fox miraculous now. She can help Cat Noir, and they can save us. Ladybug will then show up, and it will be all over. Just, relax, ok?" Tikki asked. Marinette takes some deep breathes, and calms down. "Ok, I feel better. Not really, but still good." Marinette replied.

Back at Alya's apartment, she is sitting on her couch, and progressing why this is happening. She doesn't talk to Trixx because that will get her in even more trouble. Senti-Bubbler is chilling too, waiting for the heroes to arrive. Alya now realizes that is she is going to save her family, she needs to fix her mistake. She then gets an idea. "So.....what is it like being a senti-monster?" Alya asked. "Why do you care?" Senti-Bubbler asked back. "Well, since we have to wait for Ladybug and Cat Noir to arrive, it would be best to past this time doing something. That's all." Alya replied. "I mean, you do have a point, BUT I got my eye on you still, Rena Rouge." Senti-Bubbler said as he laughs. "I know. I know. I am being forced to do this, as my own innocent family is in danger." Alya replied. "Well, being a senti-monster is a bit of a shame. I mean, we are controlled by whoever holds the object our amok is in, so we don't have much freedom. Sometimes a person can keep us locked up, in case anything bad happens to us. [as he speaks, Alya looks around her home to see what to do. She sees her table, her bedroom door, and Senti-Bubbler]. We are basically empty inside. Mind, body, even soul. At least we can still feel emotions, based on what our creator is feeling. So, we are just pointless puppets, doing what we are told." Senti-Bubbler explained. "Wow, that sounds horrible. I'm sorry you have to go through this." Alya said. "Are you trying to butter me up, so I can help you save your family?" Senti-Bubbler asked furiously. "Uhh....of course not. I was just showing sympathy for you senti-monsters." Alya replied. "I told you, I am empty inside." Senti-Bubbler said. "Oh yeah. Well.........I need to use the restroom. Do you mind if I go?" Alya asked. "Of course not. I was told to make sure everything goes to plan, and I am not falling for any tricks." Senti-Bubbler replied. "Please, it's an emergency." Alya begged. "Nope, not happening." Senti-Bubbler replied. "[signs]. Can you please allow this one time. If my loved ones are in danger and the fact I will betray my idols, at least give me this. Please." Alya begged. Senti-Bubbler thinks for a minute. "Hmmmm, since you did feel bad for me, I guess I can allow this once. ONLY ONCE!!!!! Do you understand?" Senti-Bubbler asked. "I understand." Alya replied. "She better be grateful for my generosity, but make sure you does nothing suspicious." Shadowmoth said through his cane(that is how they communicate). "Yes, sir." Senti-Bubbler replied. Alya gets off the couch, and pulls off her plan. She walks to Senti-Bubbler, put purposely trips, and falls into the table. The table blocks her, as she transforms. "Trixx, let's pounce. Mirage." Alya said as she transforms into Rena Rouge, and uses her powers. Senti-Bubbler gets suspicious, but Alya gets up. "I'm sorry. I must have tripped on something." Alya said. "Whatever. Now hurry." Senti-Bubbler ordered. Alya goes to the bathroom, as the real Alya stays behind the table. The illusion walks past Senti-Bubbler, who follows here. Everything is in the clear, and Rena makes her move. "HOLD ON!!!!" Senti-Bubbler shouted. The illusion stops, and Rena goes back behind the table. She peaks, and sees Senti-Bubbler turn around. He slowly approaches the table where Rena is hiding. She starts to sweat, as the villain starts to suspect something. He is a few feet away from her, and he is able to look behind the table. Rena starts to take quiet deep breathes, as she begs for him not to look. As Senti-Bubbler gets to the table, he raises his foot. And squashes a bug on the ground. "Stupid insect. Ok, go use the restroom, before I get bored of waiting." Senti-Bubbler said as he walks back to the illusion. With the senti-monster distracted, Rena Rouge quietly moves into her bedroom. Opening, and closing the door in silence. Inside, she is safe. "Trixx, let's rest." Rena Rouge said as she de-transforms. "You ok, Trixx?" Alya asked. "Yeah, but how is this possible? How did Shadowmoth find out your Rena?" Trixx asked. "I don't know. Based on what he did, he must have saw me de-transform after defeating Style Queen. I don't know how, but that means." Alya replied. "You did mess up. In a really, really, really bad way." Trixx said. "Ugh, this is all my fault. It's my fault my family is in this mess. It's my fault Marinette is in danger, again. Now it is because of me, Ladybug and Cat Noir will be defeated. But with Ladybug captured, I am going to lose my entire family. I am such a terrible superhero and best friend." Alya replied as she starts to have doubt in herself. "Hey, Alya. It's ok. What's more important is that we go out there, and fix this mistake, before anything bad happens. But if we are going to do that, we need some self-confidence. We can talk about this later, ok?" Trixx asked. Alya starts to calm down, and replies, "Yes, Trixx. Thank you." "My pleasure, but if we are going to do this, I need some food first." Trixx said as her belly rumbles. "It's ok. I got some grapes before leaving my hiding spot." Alya replied. She gives Trixx a grape, and the kwami enjoys the fruit. "Ok, so we have two objectives here. First, we need to find a way to stop Shadowmoth, and save my family. Second, make sure he never does this again." Alya said. "But how do we do that? He knows your Rean Rouge." Trixx asked. "True, but we can make him believe I am not anymore. Remember what Marinette told me what when I asked to be a permanent holder? [in flashback to Optigami. "I call upon them because I also need as much backup as possible. However, they will never keep their miraculous because Shadowmoth knows who they are. If things were to go extremely bad, like their family or friends were threatened or attacked, then I would have them stop being superheroes."]. That is how we make him believe I am not Rena Rouge anymore." Alya replied. "But, that means you really won't be Rena Rouge again." Trixx said. "It's my fault this is happening, and if I have to give up being Rena to save them, then I will. As for Ladybug and Cat Noir, that is easy. I will use my powers to create an illusion of Ladybug, so she can fill in for Marinette. I will then tell her what happened, and that ends one problem. That illusion will then distract Shadowmoth, as I try to find a way to get the real Ladybug. She takes the object where the amok is, and game over." Alya replied. "Ok, what about Cat Noir. Maybe he can help you guys?" Trixx asked. "Well, I know I said he can be useful and he is, but this is an emergency. He cannot interfere with the illusions. If we get caught, it's game over." Alya replied. "I guess I understand." Trixx said. They overhear Senti-Bubbler pounding on the bathroom door. "Ok, it's game time. Trixx, let's pounce." Alya said as she transforms into Rena Rouge. She then goes to call Cat Noir, so he won't interfere. Outside, Cat Noir is spying on the trapped victims, and waiting to Ladybug. He hears his staff ring, and sees it Rena. Cat Noir answers. "Rena Rouge. Your here again?" Cat Noir asked. "Uhhhh.......yes, I am. Where are you?" Rena Rouge asked back. "Looking at the trapped people in the sky. I have been trying to contact Ladybug several times. Do you know where she is?" Cat Noir asked back. "Yes, she is safe. Listen, she has a plan to save Alya's family, and stop Senti-Bubbler. Bubbler is the one causing this, but he is a senti-monster this time." Rena Rouge replied. "Huh? Shadowmoth decided to take a new strategy this time. Ok, glad to hear that, and that Ladybug is alright. What do I do in this plan?" Cat Noir asked. "Well........that is the problem. This will be only between Ladybug and I." Rena Rouge replied. "What? Why can't I help?" Cat Noir asked in shock. "Well......Ladybug told me that you won't be......needed this time. Just stay still, and all will go well." Rena Rouge replied. "I'm sorry, but Ladybug would never say that about me. It has always been her and I fighting crime. If this is somehow the case, I am going to need her to authorization." Cat Noir said. Senti-Bubbler continues to pound the bathroom door louder. "I'm sorry, I have to go, bye." Rena Rouge said as she hangs up. "Hey??? What was the for." Cat Noir asked. He decides to call her back, and get answers. Rena is about to use mirage again, but gets interrupted when Cat Noir calls. She sees it him, but Rena must not let Cat Noir know about this. So, she decides to block him from her calls. Cat Noir sees this happens. "WHAT????? She blocked me all because I want to talk to Ladybug. First Style Queen, then this. What's going on here?" Cat Noir asked himself. "Ok, mirage." Rena Rouge said as she uses her powers. The mirage creates a Ladybug, and another Alya. That Alya leaves the bathroom. "Finally, about time." Senti-Bubbler said. "Sorry, it was an emergency though." Alya replied. "Whatever. Now get back to you seat." Senti-Bubbler ordered. Alya does that, as the other illusion goes to Alya's home. Shadowmoth sees the illusion. "At last, she finally decided to show up. Senti-Bubbler, Ladybug has joined the party. Get into position, and make sure you capture her once she has given Alya her miraculous." Shadowmoth ordered. "Understood." Senti-Bubbler replied. He hides beneath the counter, as Alya sits back in the couch. Marinette sees the illusion of Ladybug in action. "What? Why is she making an illusion of me?" Marinette asked. "I don't know, but maybe she has a plan." Tikki replied. "I seriously cannot believe I am trusting her again with this." Marinette said. "Relax, Marinette. You were worried the first time, but thanks to her, she helped you defeat Style Queen. I am positive she can handle this as well." Tikki replied. "I hope, Tikki. I hope." Marinette said. Alya sits on the couch, as Senti-Bubbler waits. Ladybug then arrives to the apartment. "Excellent, she is here, Shadowmoth. In just a matter of time, you will have one new miraculous to your collection." Senti-Bubbler said. "Of course I will. You better not mess up though." Shadowmoth replied. "Trust me, I won't." Senti-Bubbler said. "Ladybug. Thank goodness you are here. My family and friends got captured by Shadowmoth." Alya said. "I see that. It's going to be ok. I am going to need you to help me on this one." Ladybug replied. "Actually, I cannot help you this time, Ladybug." Alya said. "What? Why not?" Ladybug asked. "It is because........I am so, so sorry to tell you this, but you need to know the truth.........The reason my family is in danger is because Shadowmoth knows my secret identity." Alya replied. Ladybug gasp, as does Shadowmoth. "What. What is she doing?" Shadowmoth asked. "What should I do, sir?" Senti-Bubbler asked. "Uhh.......just stay where you are for the time being." Shadowmoth replied. "When we fought Style Queen, Shadowmoth somehow found out my secret identity. He knows I'm Rena Rouge. I am so sorry this had to happen. I messed up so bad, Ladybug. Can you ever forgive me for what I did?" Alya asked. Ladybug thinks for a moment. "If you are truly sorry, then yes. But now I see that this will too dangerous for you, and for your loved ones. I am sorry as well, Alya, but I can't let you be Rena Rouge anymore." Ladybug replied. Alya gasp at this. "I understand, Ladybug. I deserve not be be a superhero again, after what I did." Alya said. "Despite this, you were an amazing superhero. You helped us a lot when we needed you. It is sad it has to end this way, but I have no choice. But I will save your family and loved ones, Alya. I promise." Ladybug replied. "Don't worry, I know you will." Alya said. Ladybug leaves, as Shadowmoth gets anger. "No, this was not suppose to happen. Senti-Bubbler, go after Ladybug. We can corner her, and still have the chance to get her miraculous." Shadowmoth ordered. "Yes, sir." Senti-Bubbler replied. He runs to the balcony, and leaves the apartment. Rena Rouge then opens the door, successfully pulling off her plan. The Ladybug illusions runs away, and Senti-Bubbler chases her. Shadowmoth sees her as well, and joins with his creation. Meanwhile, Cat Noir is doing what he is told. "I really don't see why I have to do this." Cat Noir said. He then sees Ladybug running, as well as the two villains. Cat than thinks for a moment. "Forget what Rena said. I need to help My Lady." Cat Noir said. He leaves his positions to help Ladybug. She continues to run, as the villains chase her. With Senti-Bubbler on the ground, and Shadowmoth on the roofs of the buildings. Cat Noir stays behind the villains, so he can have the upper hand. The Ladybug continues the run, and Cat Noir decides to make his move. He uses his staff to cataplult himself towards Senti-Bubbler. All of the sudden, Cat Noir kicks Senti-Bubbler across the ground. Shadowmoth sees this happen, and jumps to the ground. Focused on Cat Noir, he doesn't see the illusions Rena made disappear, after it hides in an alleyway. "So, the kitty cat finally decided to show his whiskers. I don't know what is up with you and Ladybug, but you two have been arriving late to our battles." Shadowmoth said. "Well, we need out time on some days. And today is the day, Ladybug and I defeat you once and for all. [looks at Shadowmoth's hands, and sees a coffee cup]. Huh? And that must be where the amok is hidden." Cat Noir replied. "Ha. You are correct, but what makes you think you will stop me, and get the amok?" Shadowmoth asked. "Uhh, because I took you out once before. Miraculous Menace. Remember?" Cat Noir asked back. "I sure do remember that day, but let's see you defeat me with two miraculous this time." Shadowmoth replied as he puts draws his cane. Shadowmoth charges at Cat Noir, as Cat Noir does the same thing. However, Shadowmoth moves to his right when he is close to him. That is because Senti-Bubbler uses his wand to spend another parade of bubbles. Cat Noir turns around, and sees their sneaky attack. He uses his staff to block the bubble attack. Preventing himself from getting captured. Shadowmoth then attacks Cat Noir again with his cane, but Cat Noir blocks his strike with his staff. They have another sword fight, where Shadowmoth has Cat Noir back up against a corner of a wall. However, Cat Noir takes advantage of this. He jumps, and does a front flip of Shadowmoth. Escaping him. He then kicks him against the wall, and Shadowmoth falls to the ground. Cat Noir goes to hit him, but Shadowmoth uses his cane to trip Cat Noir to the ground as well. Shadowmoth then gets up and tries to hit Cat Noir, but Cat rolls away from his strike. He gets up, and the two sword fight again. Clashing their blades, until they are standing still, pressing their weapons together. Shadowmoth pushes with all his strength, but Cat Noir overpowers him. He is having the upper hand on his Father. He is about to take him out, when Senti-Bubbler strikes from above. He brings his hand down between the two, sending them flying against corresponding walls. He then waste no time putting Cat Noir inside of a bubble. "Apologies for the injures sir, but I got Cat Noir." Senti-Bubbler said. "I'm fine. Excellent work capturing the kitty." Shadowmoth replied. "Thanks, sir. Ladybug should come back soon. What should we do, until that time comes?" Senti-Bubbler asked. "We give her the motivation she needs to come face us, and end this." Shadowmoth replied.

Back at her home, Alya is feeding Trixx again. "Good job with the illusions. Now Shadowmoth won't suspect your Rena again. But, are you sure your ok with what you did?" Trixx asked. "I told you, I will do what it takes to save my family. If that means I have to quit being a superhero, then I will do that." Alya replied. Soon, her home phone starts to ring. She opens the door, and see someone is calling her. Expecting it to be Shadowmoth, she leaves her spot to answer the phone. "Hello." Alya said answering the phone. "You have a lot of nerve telling Ladybug what you did, Rena. But your little stunt allowed me to add one more prisoner to my prison." Shadowmoth replied. Alya goes outside, and sees that Cat Noir has joined them. Senti-Bubbler is watching them, while Shadowmoth is calling from somewhere else. "Pathetic kitty tried to save Ladybug, but failed miserably." Shadowmoth said. "[off the phone, and in whisper]. Cat Noir, no. [back on the phone]. What do you want now? You have Cat Noir. Just use Senti-Bubbler to take Ladybug, and free my family." Alya demanded. "Sorry, but I told you. They will be saved once I have all the miraculous. And since you blew my chances to getting the Ladybug, I will have to punish you for that. I took some time, and decided to give them a cold and slow death. Up in space. If only you followed instructions. However, I am feeling a bit generous today. Cat Noir will stay, since I need his miraculous, but just for you, I will let you save ONE of the prisoners. Only one. The rest will be frozen popsicles in space." Shadowmoth explained. Alya is now in fear on what to do. She doesn't want to see six of the seven people die. She starts to worry on what to do. "Oh, and to speed things up. You have one minute to decide, or they ALL will freeze to death." Shadowmoth explained. Alya thinks, and looks at her options. She then sees Marinette, and that gives her an idea. "Ok, I made my decision. I want you to spare, Marinette." Alya said. "What? Your BFF. Interesting choice." Shadowmoth replied. "Hey, you told me to pick someone, and I did." Alya said. "Very well then. Senti-Bubbler, send them all into space, except Marinette. The blue haired one." Shadowmoth ordered. "Yes, sir." Senti-Bubbler replied. He sends them all into the air, expect Cat Noir and Marinette. They are both horrified, as they slowly ascend up. Cat Noir refuses to give up, and knows how to escape. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said as he uses his powers. The bubbles break, but his plan failed fast. Because Senti-Bubbler sees this, and captures him again. "Stupid alley cat." Senti-Bubbler said. "I hope you are happy with you choice. Farewell, Rena Rouge." Shadowmoth said as he hangs up. "Senti-Bubbler, come back to me, so we get at least one miraculous. Release Marinette from her prisoner, before you go." Shadowmoth ordered. "Yes, sir." Senti-Bubbler replied. Senti-Bubbler brings Marinette back to the ground, and releases her from her bubble. He grabs Cat Noir's bubble, and goes to his boss. Marinette rings back to Alya's apartment, to see her BFF. She pounds on the door, and Alya runs and lets her in. "Marinette. I am so happy your ok." Alya screamed as she hugs her BFF. "I'm fine, but tell me. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON??!!!!" Marinette asked demanding answers. "I promise you I will explain everything, but first we need to save my family and Cat Noir. Transform into Ladybug, before it's too late." Alya replied. "Ok. Tikki, spots on." Marinette said as she transforms into Ladybug. "Ok listen. I was forced to choose one of my family to stay for reasons. I choose you because you are my only option left to finish this. I am not sure where they are going, but FYI, the Bubbler is a senti-monster, so you need to look for the object containing the amok." Alya replied. "Good to know. They shouldn't be far. [thinks of an idea]. I know. I remember that your flute can also act as a telescope. Transform, go onto the balcony, and try to find them." Ladybug said. "It's worth a shot. Trixx, let's pounce." Alya replied as she transforms into Rena Rouge. She goes onto the balcony, to see where they are at. She looks as fast as she can, but she found nothing. Eventually, she zooms in closer, and finds the three of them. To know where they are at, Rena also looks at the street sign. "Ok, they are on Clarkson Street. That is where they are at. But, I cannot go to help them." Rena Rouge said. "What, why not?" Ladybug asked. "Well........I told you, I will explain later, I promise." Rena Rouge replied. "Understood. Just stay put, and I will be back." Ladybug said. She leaves Alya's home, to go to Clarkson Street. At Clarkson, Shadowmoth and Senti-Bubbler are waiting to see Cat de-transform. "At long last, I will finally have your miraculous. But first, I want to see how you truly are underneath that mask." Shadowmoth said. Cat tries to find a way out. "You won't get away with this. Ladybug will stop you." Cat Noir replied. "Ha, let's see her try to save you, AND the civilians I sent into space. Maybe there frozen demise will teach her not to slack on our battles." Shadowmoth said. Ladybug runs on the roofs as fast as she can. Hoping she has enough time to save Cat, and Alya's family. She finds the villains with Cat Noir. "The coffee cup in his hand must be where the amok is hidden." Ladybug said. Cat continues to try to escape, but he stops when he notices Ladybug. "Well, if this is really going to be the end of the funny, and amazing Cat Noir, then I have only one thing left to say to you two." Cat Noir said. "Ok, what is that?" Shadowmoth asked. "[signs]. Always have a good grip on your weapons." Cat Noir replied. "Excuse me?" Shadowmoth asked. Ladybug then throws her yo-yo, and grabs Shadowmoth's coffee cup. The Senti-Bubbler stands still, since it has no controller. That is, until Ladybug grabs the cup. "Senti-Bubbler, bring back the bubble in the sky as fast as you can." Ladybug said. "If that is the case, I will do so." Senti-Bubbler replied. He proceeds to bring back down Alya's family, who were mere feet away from freezing. "Looks like you lose once again, Shadowmoth. And so close as well. That has to hurt." Ladybug said. "Noooooo. Urg. My plan may have failed, but at a fatal cost for you heroes. Senti-Bubbler, I release you from existence." Shadowmoth replied as she snaps his fingers. Senti-Bubbler disappears, as does the bubbles. "Good luck trying to save those civilians now." Shadowmoth said. He leaves, but Cat Noir, who is free, throws his baton at him. Shadowmoth sees it, and hits it back to Cat Noir. Shadowmoth then escapes. "It's too late, Cat Noir. We have to save those people in danger." Ladybug said. "Ok, let's go." Cat Noir replied. The two move fast, as Alya's family starts to fall to their doom. As they scream, Ladybug and Cat Noir race to the rescue. The Cesaire's and Nino are about to go splat, but thankfully, the heroes arrive. Ladybug uses her yo-yo that uses her yo-yo to grab and pull people to safely. Cat Noir uses his staff to go into the air, and grab people, and take them down slowly. Thanks to their team work, they were able to save everyone from danger. Everyone takes a deep breath, as Alya runs out of the building. "Guys. I am so glad your safe. I was so worried about you guys." Alya screamed as she hugs her family. Her family and Nino hugs as well. "I am so glad your safe as well, dear. But, where is Marinette?" Alya's Mom asked. "Her bubble descend to the ground, and then popped. I took her back inside. She is ok. I am just so happy to see you all again." Alya replied as she continues to hug her family. "Well, another mission accomplished, My Lady. And by the way, sorry for interfering with your plan. Rena told me to stay still, but I moved to help you and got captured. So, yeah." Cat Noir said. "What plan......I mean.........Oh, yeah. The plan. Of course. Sorry about that. I have........been through a lot today. I'll see you soon, kitty." Ladybug replied. "Great, but can you explain to me why you....." Cat Noir asked, but gets interrupted when Ladybug leaves.

Back inside Alya's home, Marinette hears the truth. "HE WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!!" Marinette screamed. "Please, be quiet. [deep breath]. But yes, that is why he did this. Because he found out I was Rena Rouge, after we defeated Style Queen. I am so incredibly sorry for this happening. I had no idea he was watching us when I de transformed. It is because of me I got myself exposed, and you and Cat Noir almost getting defeated. If I didn't ask to handle the mission back at the news building, none of this would have happened. But it's ok. I tricked him into thinking I cannot be Rena Rouge anymore. But, that means I have to give Trixx back. I'm sorry, Trixx, but I have no choice." Alya replied. She takes off her miraculous, and gives it to Marinette. "Promise me you will pick a wise holder for the miraculous. And if you need any help, I will always be here to help you." Alya said. Marinette looks at the Fox miraculous. Marinette then gets some flashes of Cat Blanc in her head. "No." Marinette said. "What? Why did you say no?" Alya asked. "No, you are not going to give this back to me." Marinette replied. "What? But, my family was threatened. They almost died. You even told me that if this happens, I will never get this miraculous again." Alya said in shock. "I know. But, I now know that Shadowmoth is more clever than I thought. He found out your identity, and took advantage of it. I never want this horror to happen again, and thanks to you, you made sure he won't pull a stunt like this again. So that is why, I am going to make you our lookout. You won't be in battle anymore, but inside, as our spy for any of Shadowmoth's tricks." Marinette replied. "Are you sure about this?" Alya asked. "Yes because you are more than just an ordinary holder. You're a special kind of person to me. Your my BFF, who will do anything to save the day, and never give up. And I have to respect someone of that commitment." Marinette replied. She hugs Alya, as she does the same thing. Happy that this nightmare is finally over.

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