By azxzelle

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Who will you love back? [Momo, Sana, Mina x Female Reader] More

I: She's Back!
II: Jealousy
III: Y/n's Protector
IV: First Love
V: Sudden Confessions
VI: Promise
VII: Sucker
VIII: Momo's Victory
IX: The Snake Attacks
X: Lifesaver
XI: History Repeats
XIII: Scandalous
XIV: Good Day
XV: Perfectly Imperfect
XVI: Failure
XVII: Kiss Collector
XVIII: Better Knock Next Time
XIX: Little Rebel
XX: Fun
XXI: Full Of Surprises
XXII: Too Late
XXIII: Consequences
XXIV: Brand New Girl
XXV: Love Back

XII: Better

1.3K 79 17
By azxzelle


"Mina, I'm serious. Don't talk shit about mom" Sana said

"I'm just saying the truth and that's not what's important right now" Mina said

"Then what is?!"

"That I'm friends with the daughter of the woman dad loved, the only woman he loved and there's a high possiblity that she's also our half sister!"


Early in the morning, Mina is ready to meet someone. Good thing, her first class starts at 10am so she have a lot of time

"Thank you for meeting me, have you lied to Chaeyoung?" Mina asked

"I won't lie to my daughter, Mina. I just didn't tell her where I will be going. So, what do you want to tell me?"

"Chaeyoung... Is she dad's daughter?" Mina asked then Seyoung's smile fades

"Is she?" Again Mina asked

"She's not" Seyoung said and Mina felt a relief on her chest

"But dad told me he had a kid with you... Chaeyoung told me she's an only child, that could only mean that we have the same father.. right?"

"I had miscarriage, so I'm certain my Chaeyoung's father is not your father. After I lost our kid, our parents made me marry someone and that's Chaeyoung's father.. some time we divorced"

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Mina said

"It's alright now, I know my son is in good place now" She smiled. It went silent for a while

"Why is it because you fancy my daughter? You don't want her to be your half sister?"

"No, not at all. I fancy someone else, it's just.. no offense but I would rather not be friends with dad's illegitimate child" Mina said

"I see... Too bad, My daughter happens to like you"

"I like her too, she's a good friend"

"What about the person that you fancy? By looking at your face, it doesn't look like it's going on well" she said

"Just.. complicated"

"It's okay, you're free to open up to me. You're Ken and Harumi's daughter, they were the closes people in my life before. I would like to get to know you" She smiled

"That's the thing, my parents did something bad to you. How can I assure you won't turn your back on me once I tell you something about me?" Mina asked

"You're right, I still hold a grudge especially to your dad for not fighting but you have nothing to do with it"

Time Skip~

Mina decided to visit her dad, since he got an heart attack. He had been staying at the mansion while Momo is the acting ceo of the company

"Mina, it's good to see you" Mr Houizaki smiled when he saw his daughter come inside the room

"How are you? Do you still feel chest pain?" Mina asked and sat down

"I'm doing better, thanks to Momo. She had been taking care of me after her work"

'I can't believe this, Momo chose you over Y/n' Mina thought

"Anyways, I'm here to ask you something"

"Are you gonna go back to the company, my daughter?" He asked and Mina shook her head

"I'm here to ask you, do you think Son Seyoung's daughter... Son Chaeyoung is your daughter as well? Is that why you recommended her to me?"

"How did you know?"

"It's not important, just answer my question dad"

"I do.. I think she's my daughter Mina, I don't know how to approach her. I wanna take a dna test but how can I show my face to her? Especially to Chaeyoung, she grew up without a father"

"Chaeyoung, she's not your daughter. I just talked to Seyoung earlier, she got married after you left her in Japan. She went back here then her parents arranged marriage for her"

"I'm gonna go now, I just want to let you know Chaeyoung is not yours. So atleast I got to reduce some of your worriedness, bye dad" Mina added and stood up. She walks to the door

"I'm sorry, Mina" He said making Mina stop, she glanced at him

"I'm sorry for being a bad father to you, I didn't gave you the attention and love you needed as my daughter. I promise, I won't burden you anymore and I will pay attention to you now"

"Too late, I'm now an adult. I don't need any validation from my parents anymore, You should've done that when I was a kid" She coldly said and left

Meanwhile ....

Sana goes to Y/n's university, she wants to take her to a oceanarium. She got out of the car and all the attention are on her, Sana's the most popular student during her days and of course the new students will know her. Every women that she pass by, Sana will wink at them while Sana ignores the men

She reached the classroom where Y/n told where she is, just in time their class just finished. The students are going out of the room and Sana enters, she looks for her. She finally saw her putting her laptop inside the bag

"Babycakes!" Sana runs to her

"Unnie.. you're early, that's new"

"Of course, anything for you. Let's go now?" Sana said and she nods

They walk on the way to the parking lot, everyone's eyes are on them. Sana is holding her bag on her left hand while her right arm are placed on Y/n's shoulder

"By the way, have you seen Mina?" Sana asked

"I haven't" she shook her head

"That kid is badmouthing mom, I haven't talked to her properly because she suddenly left. She's sometimes difficult to understand, she's so weird"

"And as Mina-unnie's unnie, you should understand her"

"Yeah whatever"

Some time~

They are on the way to the oceanarium, the light is red. Sana couldn't be more happier to be with her, she's smiling their whole ride while Y/n doesn't seem to notice it

Meanwhile at the other side of the road, Momo and Heechul are in the car together. They're going to try on the wedding dresses, Momo had not only been busy because of the company but also for her upcoming wedding with Heechul

Momo saw them, she couldn't take her eyes off to the beautiful Y/n. Heechul follows where Momo is looking at

"Isn't that Sana? Who's the girl? Is she going on a date?" Heechul said

"Sana is really the best when it comes to choosing women" He added, he glanced at Momo who suddenly looked sad

"Are you okay?"

"Can we reschedule our schedule today? I'm not feeling well" Momo said

"Of course, I'll just reschedule it. Do you want to go home now?"

"Yes, please" She nods

Some time~

"It's so beautiful here, unnie. Thank you for bringing me here!" Amazed Y/n said as she looks at the animals inside the aquarium, while Sana only smile because of how adorable Y/n looks like

"You're like a kid, you're still amazed to this kind of stuffs"

"Who wouldn't? It's so cool!" Y/n is walking around while Sana is quietly following her. She's not a fan of animals but for Y/n, she will be


"Yes unnie?"

"I.." Sana struggling to say the words to her while Y/n is patiently waiting for her response

"Hello! Can we take a picture of you two? You two looked good together!" Then an employee with a camera approached them

"Of course!" Y/n smiled and hold her hand pulling Sana closer to her

"Say cheese!"

"Cheese!" Y/n grins

"Wow, you two are so beautiful. Definitely made for each other!" She complimented while Y/n only blushes

"Of course we are, where will that picture go?" Sana asked

"We have a wall where the pictures of visitors will be displayed, I'll put the picture once I'm done printing it. Do you guys want a copy?"

"Sure, just contact me if it's already printed" Sana said and handed her business card

"I will, see you again love birds!" She said before walking away

"We're not love birds!" Y/n shouts as she laugh

"But she's right, we do look good together" Sana said


Sana is currently at her company's meeting, she feels bored because this happens every month and they kept on talking about same things. She's seating while playing with her pen, distracted and couldn't care less about what her employee is saying

"Ms Houizaki?" She called her, Sana sat properly

"Hmm... What are you saying?"

"Do you approve of the new launch of the perfume? Is it already perfect or should we change something?"

"Just send me the papers, then I'll tell if it's already perfect" Sana said and she nods

Meanwhile ....

Y/n will be visitng Yujin to her dorm, she brought donuts for them to share. She happily exits the elevator and walking on the way to Yujin's dorm room when someone bumped into her. She falls down because of the strong impact

"Oops sorry didn't see you there" the girl meanly said

"It's okay" Y/n smiled then tries to get up but she pushed her again

"Yah you're so fake!"


The bully kneels and grabbed Y/n's hair while her friend smiled seeing Y/n hurting

"She's Ahn Y/n, the campus' whore" her friend said

"Yeah she is, are you" She pulled her closer

"It hurts! L-let go!"

"And why would I? Because of you, he dumped me. Who do you think you are? You only grew up in London, nothing is special to you!" She shouts. Then Y/n's phone starts ringing

"Looks like your cousin is looking for you but I'm not over yet. I will end you homewrecker!" The bully slapped her then her friend took the box of donuts, opened it and threw the donuts to Y/n while Y/n was crying. The bully scratches her skin

Yujin got worried because her cousin is not responding so she decided to go out of her room. She heard shouts, someone crying, and a phone ringing so she decided to follow the sound

In shock, she saw Y/n at the ground surrounded by two bullies

"What are you doing to her?!" Yujin exclaimed and runs

"Are you okay?" Yujin kneels and Y/n only nods even if she's hurting

"Yah what's wrong with y'all?! Why are you doing this to her?!" Furious Yujin stood up

"I didn't do anything to her, she's just being dramatic" the bully scoffs

"Dramatic? So she's an idiot and put the donuts all over her?!"

"Let's go-" the bully's friend said

"No none of you will go! I will report y'all to the dean!"

"Yah we're older than you, who do you think you are?"

"Ahn's are really so entitled, just because they are one of the richest family they think they can use their power anytime" her friend agreed

"Look who's taking you little fucker! You think what you did to Y/n is right?!"

Meanwhile Mina who happens to live on the same floor as Yujin heard fighting as she exits the elevator

"Y/n?" Mina saw her on the floor

"What did you do to her?!" Mina runs to her while the two bullies shivers from fear, Mina glares at the two

"You two.. aren't you two the one in the bathroom? Didn't I warned y'all to stay way from her?!" Mina exclaimed then they flinched because of her loud voice

"Yujin, take her to the clinic. I'll handle these two" Mina said, Yujin nods and helps Y/n get up

"I'm sorry, we didn't meant it!" The friend kneeled

"Yes, we're sorry!" the bully kneels too

"Didn't meant it? What a bunch of liars! I wouldn't let you go time, you two will pay for what you did to her" Mina said and dials Jinyoung's number, the president of sc

Some time~

"You're not okay, Y/n. You should head home now" Mina said

"I still have to go to the library unnie"

"No, you're wounded. You should rest, you can go now Yujin. I'll handle this"

"Alright just punish them unnie" Yujin said

"No, don't do something bad. I'm fine" Y/n said

"Stop being kind, Y/n. Because of them, you got chocolate all over your hair. Auntie will be mad once I tell her this, I'll make sure she'll know so that she will make them pay" Yujin stated

"No, don't tell her!"

"Why not?" Mina asked

"It happened it back in London, I was bullied... When she found out about it. I was homeschooled, I don't want to be one again so please don't tell my family"

"I'll just handle it, you don't have to tell her parents" Mina said and Yujin noddded

"I'll go now, go home okay?" Yujin said and she nodded. Yujin left

"Where's Lia? Why is she not with you? If she's by your side, none of this will happen" Mina worriedly said

"It's not her fault unnie, she's in Canada for a while"

"Then why didn't you told me? Since Lia is away for a while, you should always by my side okay?" Mina said

"I'll be fine, unnie. Don't worry much, I know they regretted it"

"Just let me take care of you"

After Mina said she hugs her, Y/n was surprised by her actions as this is the first time Mina initiated the hug. Mina would always dodge if Y/n will hug her.

"I'll protect you because I care for you"

That night ...

Mina drove her to her house, her parents aren't home so they wouldn't see the bandages on her. While Mina is now calling Sana

"Thank god, you called! Houizaki Mina, we're not finished yet-"

"Unnie.. someone hurted Y/n"

"What?! Is she okay now?! Holy fuck, who did that to her?!"

"One question at a time, she's now okay and I took her home. I reported the incident but only her friend got punished but the other won't didn't because she came from a wealthy family" Mina said

"Where can I locate this bitch?!"

"I called you because this is the only option to make them pay, do something to them just don't murder them. She lives in the university dorms, 403 is her room number. I'll leave everything to you" Mina said

"Count me in" Sana said

Next day ....

Sana woke up early today, she will avenge Y/n. She's now looking for the room, then the bully goes out while on her phone Sana decided to follow her. The bully hasn't noticed Sana that's with her inside the elevator

"I know right? If only Mina and Yujin didn't come, I'll end that bitch. How dare she" She scoffs and Sana clenched her fists but she will remain calm until they reached the ground floor

The door of the elevator opens, they walk out of the elevator. Without wasting any time, Sana grabbed her hair and they went inside the bathroom

"Everyone, out!" Sana shouts to the students inside the bathroom, after they all go out. Sana locked the door

"Who are you?!" She exclaimed and Sana turned around there she finally recognized her

"Houizaki Sana..."

"Right, THE Sana" Sana nodded and walks to her

"Where's your sidekick, she's not here?"

"Get away from me! I didn't even do anything to you!"

"To me, yes but to the woman I love... You fucking did!"

Some time ....

Despite of what happened yesterday, Y/n still comes to school and of course Mina had been by her side all day. Now, they're at the cafeteria eating snacks

"Where is she?" She mumbled

"Who?" Y/n asked

"No one" Mina smiled, Y/n nods and continue to eat

Mina finally saw Sana, Sana's arm are wrapped around her shoulder. It's clearly visible that the bully is not comfortable and frightened

"Babycakes, this bitch has something to say to you" Sana smiled then Y/n glanced, Mina held her hand because Y/n still felt scared by the bullies' presence

"What are you waiting for?" Sana asked with a threatening tone

"I'm so sorry, Y/n!! I promise it won't happen again! I'll do everything, you can hurt me back for me to pay for my sins! I'm sorry!" She kneels and the students' attention are on them

"What in the Sana is happening?" Mina unbelievably looks at Sana

"I won't hurt you because if I did, I will be became like you too. But I can't say I forgive you, the best thing for you to do is to never hurt anyone again" Y/n said and the bully quickly nods

That night ...

Sana and Mina are at Momo's club, they are at the vip lounge drinking some alcohol. Momo is not around so for now Han manages the club

"I didn't expected that you will do that" Mina said

"Then what did you expected me to do?" Sana asked

"Like beat her up? Break her bones, burn her house?"

"You're so funny, Mitang but no. I won't do that anymore" Sana chuckles


"I wanna punch her so hard but I remembered something Y/n said to me. Nothing better will happen if I became like that too, I will just pushing myself down. The better things to do is to be the bigger person you are"

"Wow, so you're the better Sana? Where's the old Sana?"

"She's gone, for Y/n. I will be a better person for her" Sana said and Mina nodded

"Why did you tell me anyways? I mean you said you're better than me, so why would you trust me to handle it?" Sana asked

"Because when I did my 'Mina thing' nothing happened.. I reported them but the school didn't take any actions, maybe if you did your 'Sana thing' something will and thankfully it did happened. Thank you"

"We're Y/n's protectors. Aren't we?" Sana laughs

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