By butterflyrepose

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i long to exist in the spaces of your heart, where no one has ever been ©butterflyrepose 2024 More

season's greetings
breakfast with the tonk's
dementor dementor
the missing tea leaves
family ties
mirror mirror on the wall
the loudness of quiet
missing portraits
ocean blue
little saint nick
business ventures

fear resides in us all

60 1 1
By butterflyrepose

maybe none of us really understand what
we've lived through,
or feel we've had enough time

kazou ishiguro

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TRANSFIGURATIONS WENT BY slowly, Astrid had reluctantly sat next to Hermione since Dean and Seamus hadn't come to class. She was currently scribbling a list of reasons why they didn't come, hoping to find the correct one and get her spell book back since they had borrowed it last night. She avoided any situations with Filch, trying not to unintentionally manifest her expulsion. The most realistic one so far was that they had been eaten by the giant squid that lived in the black lake, so that really said a-lot.

Divinations ended tensely once Trelawney had told Harry Potter that he was going to die all because his tea leaves became the shape of a dog. What a joke, Astrid wondered how she even got hired. Harry was sitting in front of her and he'd been looking distraught all class, he was tracing the existing lines on the wooden table, his hair poking out messily.

She looked away from him and continued on her list, writing down that maybe Seamus tried to do intense magic and accidentally set them both on fire. She put a star next to the almost illegible writing, finding a new more realistic idea.

"Or maybe they just got lost," Hermione whispered. Hermione would never allow herself to get distracted from schoolwork, but just like the rest of the class she was beyond bored. Her sole focus for the past ten minutes had been trying to decipher Astrid's writing. She was mildly successful.

Astrid glanced up at Hermione, she hadn't realized Hermione was watching her. "We've had this class for two years, they couldn't have gotten lost, that's silly."

"And being attacked by rabid bunnies isn't?" Hermione mused.

Astrid blushed realizing Hermione had been reading her notes all along. She scribbled out the last part of that scenario rewriting it in a somewhat neater handwriting. "It's getting attacked by a bunch of rabid bears," she muttered, dipping the quill back into the ink.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows. "Bears? Astrid that had two N's"

"No it didn't," Astrid replied, unaware of how horrible her handwriting was. "I just like to squiggle my lines."

"Squiggle your lines?" Hermione sniggered.

"Yes, I don't have bad handwriting!" Astrid pulled out a piece of parchment from her bag, and began rewriting her notes in a bit of a neater way. "It's my notes handwriting."

"Then remind me to never ask for notes from you."

Astrid rolled her eyes, continuing to rewrite to her list, "Hermione, the world will stop before you ask anybody for notes."

"Not true! I've asked people like- like Cedric Diggory for notes!"

Astrid looked at her, unimpressed. "You asked Ced for the password to the prefects library. Thats one singular word."

"Well-" Hermione couldn't think of a way to defend herself. "I asked for notes when I was petrified last year!"

"Yeah, and then you told Dean off for not using the oxford comma and instead you wrote your own notes," Astrid grinned at her victory, shaking her head at the displeased expression on Hermione. They were academic rivals, so Astrid was selfishly pleased when Hermione had missed out in all those classes. As unfair as it was, Astrid had gotten top of her class last year, an award Astrid used to somewhat calm her soon-to-be furious Aunt that summer.

Astrid's guilt from divinations was settling in her, she sighed. "Y'know I'm not mad at you from earlier," Astrid began after a moment of silence, her voice quiet, "I guess it was a bad year. But I didn't mean to be so rude."

Hermiones eyes softened, "It's alright, Astrid," she said, her soft tone matching up with Astrid's. "I'm sorry about us too-"

"You've already apologized."

"No, no, I-" she took a deep breath, remorse clear in her eyes, "I apologized because I didn't want to feel, well, bad. But, now I want to really apologize because people did terrible stuff to you and I never stopped them."

"They're your friends," Astrid looked away from Hermione, scared her eyes might threaten her. "I would do the same."

"You were my friend" Hermione lowered her head.

"Hermione it's alright," Astrid promised. "really. And I am your friend."

Hermione grinned happily, her cheeks tinting pink. If she wasn't in the middle of class she would've hugged Astrid, but for now she settled with a wide smile. "Wasn't sure," she shrugged.

The rest of transfigurations passed by quickly now that Astrid had someone to talk too. She and Hermione had joined together to make much more possible ideas of where Dean and Seamus had gone off too. During the final moments of the class, Astrid was pleased to hear McGonagall say that Trelawney lied about a death every year, and she was sure Atlas and Cedric will be pleased too.

· 𖥸 ·

ASTRID WALKED TO HER next class alone, she likes being alone. Solitude was comforting as she knew the feeling all too well. She didn't miss the frightful glances given to her by first years or the long full one she received by people she used to consider acquaintances. She kept reading her book, her posture straight, pretending she didn't see everything around her. Astrid was great at multi-tasking. She was reading a muggle tale given to her by Andromeda on her twelfth birthday, Of Mice and Men. Astrid loved to read, many noticed she was almost always seen with a book, though no one knew what she read as all her books had blank covers. Something, it seems, the family has done for centuries. You probably could guess why.

Hagrid was waiting for the class with an anxious, small smile. By the time Astrid arrived at Hagrid's hut, most of the class was already there. She was once again, upset as Dean and Seamus were still no where to be found. Deciding that minute she wouldn't ever let anyone borrow her new prized possession again.

The gryffindors and the slytherins followed Hagrid as he led them down a dirt path. They walked for what felt like days, passing by the forbidden forest, large patches of lands, and even the herbology gardens. Astrid was absurdly tired once they finally came to a stop. Hagrid directed the exhausted class to a large fenced-in paddock. Clapping his slightly trembling hands to gather everyones attention. "Gather 'round everyone!" Hagrid said, stopping just in front of the fenced gate. "Firs' thing yer going ter do is open yer books," he smiled eagerly.

Astrid looked down at the thick monster book in her hands. She had tried to open it at the Tonks house but it became vicious and tried to bite off her and Ted's ankles. Neither Ted, Dora, nor Meda had taken Care of Magical Creatures so they had no idea how to calm the wild book. Astrid resorted to taping the book shut incase it went feral while she was asleep.

"And how are we supposed to do that without getting out bloody hands bitten off?" Draco Malfoy came into view, Astrid could recognize his cold voice from anywhere. She was pretty sure everyone could by now, he had a knack to never ever shut up. He had grown a couple inches during the summer, his hair wasn't slicked back anymore, instead it was slightly spiked. He was standing in between Crabbe and Goyle, Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass giggling behind them.

"Oh, don' tell meh," Hagrid looked crestfallen as he realized no one had been able to open their books. "Yeh've got ter stroke 'em." Hagrid took Hermiones book as his example, he stroked the spine and then to Astrid's surprise, the monster book didn't even fight back, but instead it sat perfectly still in his hands. The class followed his instructions, including Astrid. Though it took quite a while for her to rip off all the tape and the book wasn't very happy to have its eyes taped shut.

"Oh how silly we've all been," Draco sneered. "All this time we just had to stroke them."

He clearly hit Hagrid hard, Hagrid looked nervous and his little confidence drained away. Draco smirked, pleased with himself.

"I- I thought it was funny."

"Oh yes, how funny- Really witty, giving us books that try to rip our hands off."

Hagrid ignored Draco, as best as he could at least. "Right well yev got yer books- now to ter lesson- right yes."

Hagrid opened the white gate behind him, and led the class into a large flattened-out land. Astrid could see many fenced off squares. As they came closer, the creatures that Hagrid had planned for them came into view. They were majestic large bird- horse like animals that had long talons, and white feathery wings. From where Astrid was standing she swore their fur was practically shining, the sunlight hitting them just perfectly that they looked almost unreal. There were about eight of the bird- thing animals, one in particular was right behind Hagrid. This one was laying on it's stomach, it's arms and legs tucked into its body. The creature didn't seem to notice the class as it looked far out at the view, though Astrid was sure it was just pretending.

"Hippogriffs!" Hagrid said happily, his confidence bursting back once he saw the amazed class. "Now firs' thing yeh gotta know abou' Hippogriffs is they're proud. Easily offended. Don' ever insult one 'cause it might be the last thing yeh do."

He walked closer to the Hippogriff behind him, the class following him cautiously. Astrid looked around feeling the pride and elegancy that these animals radiated. It all seemed familiar and she decided that these animals weren't her favorite.

Hagrid went on to explain the process of how to get one of these animals to trust you, Astrid had a feeling one of them would have to demonstrate.

And she was right, Hagrid then asked someone to volunteer and be the first to come in contact with Buckbeak ( the hippogriffs name ), the entire class stumbled backwards, all except for Harry Potter. Astrid was stood next to Hermione after still no sign of Dean and Seamus, and she felt Hermione grip onto her arm tighter as Harry went up to Buckbeak, anxiousness practically dripping out of him. He bowed down for what seemed like ages, but really it was just a couple seconds. The tension made Astrid's heart beat faster, she didn't think Hagrid knew what to do if the thing didn't bow back.

But atlas, Buckbeak replicated Harry's bow, leaning his head forward for Harry to pet it. The class loosened up, they all now appeared to be eager to have their turn with the Hippogriffs.

"Great, really great 'arry!" Hagrid said excitedly, noticing the students sudden interest in the class- in his class. "I reckon he might let yeh ride him."

Astrid could've laughed if Hermione hadn't immediately dug her nails into her arm. Harry was at a loss for words that he couldn't even bring himself to say no. Astrid was surprised this is where he drew the line- considering he fought a fifty foot snake just a couple months ago.

"Hermione your hurting me!" Astrid whispered ferociously, her arm turning red.

"Why doesn't he ever say no! It's so easy N.O!" Hermione looked distraught. "Sorry," she whispered, realizing that her nails had been digging into Astrid's forearm.

Hagrid took Harry's frantic nodding as excitement, much to Harry's dismay. He mounted Harry up onto the Hippogriff, barely allowing Harry to grip on properly when he sent them off. Astrid heard the loud scream Harry yelled as he went soaring into the air, the scream was followed by a laugh and Astrid guessed the fear had washed away, replaced by thrill and adventure.

Astrid knew of Harry Potter, ever since she could remember she had this horrible picture of him. Though, he turned out to be the complete opposite. Harry was shy, he kept to himself and was barley seen with people other than Hermione or Ron. Astrid noticed he would do anything for his friends and strangers too, even give out his own life as he had done on many occasions now. He was like a magnet for trouble; it was like a plague that followed him everywhere. She did feel bad, Astrid knew he would eventually get tired of fighting but have no option but to do it - because he is so stupidly selfless.

Astrid could count the times she spoke to Harry on one hand, always making sure to keep her distance. Maybe it was the death-wish, as many called it, that would set upon anyone close in his proximity or maybe it was all the tales she was taught as if he were the scum of the Earth. Well, to most her family, he surely was. She never noticed the green eyes that were constantly on her, or the small pushes Ron would give Harry when they were in close distance. At least, not for a little while longer.

Astrid didn't ever want to be part in whatever hero schemes they were up to - she didn't want to be constantly in danger like them. Her entire family came from war backgrounds and she definitely didn't want that for herself. In constant fear that if a war were to break out, she wouldn't necessarily be on the good side. Hermione and Ron would follow Harry to the ends to time and Astrid just couldn't understand why.

Her lack of bravery would probably make Godric die once again, and the selfishness must run in her DNA.

Harry landed back into the paddock, his hair a mess and his cheeks flustered. He got off the Hippogriff, the proudness of the animal seeping into his own ego. He strutted back to Astrid, Hermione, and Ron ( who Astrid had just realized was beside Hermione the entire time ).

Hagrid told the class to separate into groups and go with one of the eight Hippogriff's. Astrid cursed Dean and Seamus under her breath, wishing she were in a group with them. Nonetheless, she followed Hermione to a light purple one, a big tag on the front of the gate with the name MERCY etched onto it.

"What a pretty name!" Hermione gushed, excited about the animal.

"You'll be wishing for it when she's done with you," Ron muttered crossing his arms. "I don't like these very much, reminds me of blondie."

Astrid noticed he whispered his dislike as to not let the Hippogriff hear him. She agreed with Weasley, Hippogriffs were so beyond full of themselves. Hermione on the other hand, ignored him, bowing down and Mercy almost immediately bowed back. Then went Ron whom the Hippogriff took quite a while to bow back to. Astrid almost thought Mercy wouldn't, he tutted as he reluctantly went to scratch at the animals neck. And then went Astrid; Mercy stared at Astrid waiting for her to bow, and as Astrid began to bend her body, the animal bowed back at the same time. Both their heads reaching down simultaneously. It nearly seemed forcefully.

"Oh look, Astrid! She must like you," Hermione said excitedly. Astrid watched the Hippogriff with narrowed eyes. The Hippogriff continued staring at her, the ego and pride not present like it was before.

Harry was about to go next, he went up in front of the Hippogriff, Astrid's eyes still on the animal as she moved aside. He looked confident since he had already done it before but just as he was about to break eye-contact and bow-

"OW! It's killed me! I'm dying!"

The voice instantly recognizable, Astrid turned around and somewhat predicted what she about to see. Her cousin, Draco, was lying on the floor, clutching his right arm, his white button up was stained a dark cherry red, Astrid was instantly filled with fear. No matter what was going on, all she could see what the blood staining her cousins shirt. Hagrid was trying to restrain Buckbeak who looked bewildered, as he tossed and turned, loud cries from the animal were sure to be heard all the way to the castle. Astrid noticed the blood on his talons. She rushed over, pushing Pansy aside and kneeling down, "What happened?" Astrid asked, her hands on her knees.

"That great ugly brute scratched me! Oh, please it hurts!" Draco moaned.

Astrid realized he must've offended the Hippogriff, she saw the class back away from the animals, afraid that same might be done to them. She took his arm carefully, wincing once she saw the three deep scratches. His blood seeped onto her jumper, but she didn't let go, she wasn't efficient at healing spells, much less with injuries as bad as his. She didn't know what to do. "Draco, don't worry," she whispered, trying to calm him down.

"Star- It hurts really bad," Draco whispered back. Astrid's eyes softened at the childhood nickname.

"It' jus a couple ligh' scratches, he'll beh alrigh'!" Hagrid exclaimed, finally tying down the restless Hippogriff.

"He's hurt needs to go to Madam Pomfrey!"

Hagrid didn't look like he wanted to take Draco to Madame Pomfrey, he was scared. Astrid knew he had every right to be, but right now she didn't care what her cousin would do the poor professor.

"Hagrid you have to take him now, he's bleeding," she said harshly, glaring at him. She watched with worry hidden inside as Hagrid picked Draco up and carried him to the castle.

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lazy writing towards the end but wtv
and two chapters in one night i never
knew i could do it

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