𝙳 𝙴 𝙼 𝙾 𝙽 𝚂 ᵗᵛᵈ

By _everythingfandoms

16.7K 418 158

"Oh my god are you ok ?" "Yeah it's not my blood" •*•*•*•*•*•*•* When three Salvatore brothers turn... More



1.6K 51 23
By _everythingfandoms


"The battle of Willow Creek.Took place right at the end of The War in our very own Mystic Falls.How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms.Bennett?"asks Mr.Tanner the next morning as Scarlett , who is very tired from the previous day , has her elbow firmly placed on the small wooden desk.

Her chin gripped in her palm as her brunette hair cascade down her eyes lids closed as she sleeps lightly not noticing a certain dark brunette on the row beside her watching with her as a smile adorned his face.

     "Um"Bonnie says nervously as she grips her pencil furrowing her brows together as she thinks"A lot?Im not sure.Like a whole lot."Says the young Bennett somewhat in a proud and confident manner realistically not knowing the real answer as Matt chuckles from the back.

    "Cute becomes dumb in an instant Ms.Bennett."States The Male teacher as he looks at Bonnie in a judgmental way before he notices the sleeping Gilbert in the back.

   "Ms.Gilbert!"Mr.Tanner states rather loudly as Scarlett's hand slips out from underneath her chin as she jumps awake hence making her head hit the hard desk as she groans lifting it up as The Teacher continues

     "I would appreciate it if you did not drool in my classroom."Says the teacher as Scarlett wipes her mouth nervously, embarrassed as she isn't one to sleep during class.

           "I'm so sorry Mr.Tanner I-"Scarlett starts     apologizing as she is genuinely sorry that she    carelessly fell asleep as Mr.Tanner ignoring her turns to Matt."Mr.Donovan,would you like to take this  opportunity  to overcome the embedded jock stereotype ?"Finishes the teacher as Scarlett frowns whilst rubbing her head in pain.

    Nicolas,Nick , notices this and looks over at her in concern but she just waves it off smiling at him as he smiles back before turning  back around to glare at the teacher as Scarlett chuckles lowly at him with Nick proud that he made her happy smiles.

     "It's ok , Mr.Tanner , I'm cool with it."Says Matt in a careless manner as many of his peers laugh at his reply.

        "How about you Ms.Gilbert , now that you've done snoozing? Do you know the answer?"asks the teacher who once again addresses the young girl as she frowns."I apologize sir,but I have no idea."she states as his eyes harden at her"I figured as much Ms.Gilbert."He says finally to her as her frown deepens and Nicolas is staring holes into the mans head.

    Mr.Tanner then turns to her sister as Scarlett looks at Elena along with many other students.

     "Hmm.Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about about one of the towns most significantly historically event s ?"Asks the teacher as he turns his question to the brunette Gilbert in the middle of the large classroom as Elena looks caught off guard.

          "I'm sorry I don't know."says elena lightly shaking her head to indicate she genuinely didnt know the answer to the question."I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons Elena,but the personal excuses ended this summer break.That goes for you Scarlett."States the teacher as he looks from either Gilbert with disappointment on his face as Elena's face falls.

     "There were 346 casualties."Stats a voice from behind elena as one from beside Scarlett continues with"Unless of course you're counting local civilians."

        States another voice but this one has some British mixed into it.Everyone turns to see the two Salvatore brothers looking directly at the teacher with the same facial expressions plastered on their face.

     "That's correct.Mister.....?"The teacher trails off asking Stefan as he points in his direction as he was the first one to speak."Salvatore."Stefan says simply as the teacher then looks behind Stefan silently asks The other male his name as Nick cocks a brow."Nicolas,sir.Nicolas Salvatore."

    "Any relationship between you two."asks Mr.Tanner motioning between both the Salvatores as Stefan glances back at his brother as Nick does the same"He's my brother, sir."States Nick as he looks up at the teacher who then has a confused face.

    "Wait Salvatore?Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls."Mr.Tanner asks again interested in the brothers as Stefan speaks this time."Distant."he states simply as he is also anger at the man for embarrassing the Gilbert girls purposely.

     "Well,very good."says the Teacher before he adds on "Exept of course there were no civilian casualties in this battle."says the teacher more towards the class than the brothers as Scarlett squeezes her brows together yes there was.Atleast that's what dad said she thinks remembering how he told her stories about their ancestors.

    "Actually,there were 27 , sir."Nick speaks up again to the teacher as Stefan nods with him in agreement as Scarlett raises her brow at him as the whole class watch the interaction.

      "Confederate soldiers they fired on the church,believing it to be housing weapons.They were wrong.It was a night of great loss."States Stefan continuing Nicks statement as the whole class continues to watch.

     "The founders archives are ,uh,stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts,Mr.Tanner."Nick speaks up one last time as he keeps eye contact with Mr.Tanner as he looks around embarrassed as he was just showed up by two high schoolers.Scarlett smiles at nick as he returns it.



"You want a drink ?"aks a guy with  platinum blonde hair as he walked up to Scarlett who was sat on a log next to the bonfire as she looks up uncomfortably as she she's anxious from anxiety and shakes her head lightly and replies with "No thank you.I don't drink."

    "Oh come one just one."he says pushing the drink more towards her she she takes her hand pushing it back lightly"I'm really ok ,thank you though." She smiles once again trying to be friendly even though she is extremely uncomfortable.

    "Don't be a buss kill."he says about to sit next to her as someone snatched his shirt from behind pulling him back as she hears a voice.

   "She said she doesn't want one.Now leave her alone."that's when she recognizes the slightly British voice.Nicolas.The guy then shrugs him off flipping him the finger whilst walking away as Scarlett looks towards Nicolas.

      "Can I sit?"Ask Nick as he points to the spot on the log next to get as she nods"Yes Nicolas of course, hey and thank you for making him leave."she says smiling as she pats the seat next to her as he sits.

    He chuckles "If fine Scarlett.I don't need praise for doing the bare minimum.People shouldn't be treated like that anyway.Also call me Nick so it doesn't seem so formal."Nick says as he looks at the girl as the corners of her lips turn up in a smile as he gives her back a smirk.Woah.

    "Well Nick you can call me anything really.Most people call me Scar,Elena calls me Letti , or anything really."Scarlett replied as the as the Orange and yellow Hughes from the fire illuminate her face making her bold light green eyes twinkle.

    "Hmm.Alright fine , Cherie."Nick says smirking once again as he says the foreign name that rolls off his lips as she smiles with a confused expression.

    "Was that French?"she asks as she laughs moving her hair out of her face as he nods laughing with her"Yeah I uh travel a lot so I know lot of languages.You wouldn't believe how much empty time I have."He says kind of nervously as she once again smiles.She hasn't smiled a lot since her parents died.A real smile.



"Oh god you've got to be kidding me."Scarlett hears her sisters voice from beside Nick as she is hugging his leather jacket that he had given her even though she said she was fine.

Looks at where she heard to see Elena running after her brother as he jogs into the woods.She sighs and gives Nicolas an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry Nick I have to-" Scarlett starts as she points where she saw Jeremy and Elena walk "Go.I'll be fine.Go help your siblings."Nick says nodding in the same direction with a look of understanding as she smiles at him one last time before sprinting to where she had last saw her siblings.

That's when before she enters she sees Elena and Jeremy coming out of the woods carrying something as Elena starts to shout for help.It's Vicky.With blood all over her.

Everyone crowds Elena and Jeremy as Scarlett try's to push through the people to get to her brother and sister but no ones moving until a hand makes a path in front of her she looks up and Stefan is standing there with a rushed expression motioning her to get to her brother and sister.

She sends him a quick smile before quickly running beside Jeremy as everyone yells.

"It's her neck! Something bit her , she's losing a lot of blood."Elena says as she analyzes the girl who is covered in the crimson liquid that smells of iron.

Scarlett almost screams as she looks at the girl.Yes ,she was older than her but still very young.She hears Matt screaming as she starts to breathe more heavy.To many people.Surrounding her with a girl bleeding from her neck.

From afar you could see the youngest Salvatore brothers watching everything play out in front of them as they stand side by side , wide eyed.Nick looks up at Stefan as Stefan nods before they both turn and quickly and quietly leave the scene without turning back.



If you where outside the park Salvatore boarding  you would see two backs that belonged to the youngest of the Salvatore running into said building breathing heavy.

With the door shutting heavy behind them as Zach looks up from his desk taking in their hurried state.

"What's going on?"He asks the two Vampire males as he looks between them as Nick bends down and puts his palm to his kneecaps trying to catch much needed breathe as Stefan talks to their nephew.

"Someone else was attacked tonight,Zach,and it wasn't us."Stefan says before grabbing his brothers shoulder and forcefully pulling him up to his bedroom as Nick sarcastically waves good bye to Zach has Stefan continues to drag him up the stairs.

Soon enough they are in Stefans bedroom as Nick walks over to Stefans bed and starts to jump up and down with out a care.A smile adoring his face as he thinks of the time he and Scarlett spent tonight.

That's when he accidentally falls off the bed as a loud squawks loudly on Stefans balcony before it flies into the bed room up to the ceiling as Nick gets up groaning holding his back as stefans face hardens before turning back to his balcony as Nick just happens to look up at the balcony at the same time.

That's when he saw him.Covered in leather with his blue eyes and raven hair.Damon.Standing right there in all his glory a smirk plastered on his face.

"Damon."Stefan states simply as Damon's smirk widens as he looks at both of his brothers that are now side by side as Nicolas had moved to beside Stefan.

"Hello,Brothers."Damon's raspy,scratchy voice rings through the room as Nick raises his hand about to wave as Stefan slowly reaches up and pushes his arm down as Nick frowns at him.


"Crows a bit much,Don't you think?"Stefan says calmly as he stands in front of Damon as Nick is sitting on his desk swinging his legs back and forth.

"Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.I'll have to teach Nick."Says Damon as he points a Nicolas who just stares at him before going back to look at the ceiling and swinging his legs back and forth.

"When'd you get here?"Stefan asks as he glared at Damon with his eye brows squeezed together as Damon turns around and explores the room as he starts talking back to Stefan.

"Well I counts miss you or Nicks first day of school.Nicky boy here forgot to pack a lunchbox."Damon comments as he sets his arm on a random piece of furniture as Stefan watches him closely while Nicolas walks back over to Stefans bad and lays down.

Stefans bed is a whole lot more comfortable then his so he is always on it.Come to think of it He's in Stefans room more than he's in his own room.

"Your hairs different.I like it."Damon states casually as he looks at Stefan with a smirk dancing on his lips briefly glancing at Nick before looking back at his bronze haired brother.

"It's been 15 years , Damon's."Stefan states as he looks at Damon pointedly as he ignores Nick who is rolling his eyes at his brothers from behind them as Damon groans rolling his eyes.

"Thank god.I couldn't take another day of the nineties.That horrible grunge look?Did not suit you.Nick looked like a little emo kid."Damon chuckles as Nicolas makes an offended look with his mouth open and his brows squeezed together Damon sends him a smirk as he rolls his eyes once again.

"Remember,Stefan,it's important to stay away from fads."Damon comments as Stefan ignores him and questions him instead."Why are you here?"Stefan repeats from earlier as Nick, bored with the bed decides to go and stand by Stefan again.He has so much energy he just can't stay in one spot for to long.

"I miss my little brothers."Damon says as if it's obvious "you hate small towns.it's boring there's nothing for you to do."Stefan says knowingly as he just looks at Damon as Nick says"That depends on your definition of boring , brother."

Nicks ignored as Damon walks around them and speaks "I've managed to keep myself busy."Damon smirks again still walking around as Nicolas's eyes widen when he realizes he's talking about what happened with Vicky.

"You know you left that girl alive tonight."Stefan says Yep definitely talking about Vicky Nick thinks nodding to himself as Stefan continues talking "that's very clumsy of you."he says in an irritated tone as Damon points at him"Ah,That could be a problem.for you."He says giving them a quick smirk.

"Why are you here now?"Stefan asks after shaking his head as Nick makes a confused face"Why are you here now?"He asks as he looks directly at his brother as Damon stares back at them.

"I could ask both of you the same question.However I'm fairly certain that both of your answers are all gonna be summed up into three little words."Damon says as he walks forward to them as Nick straights up not in the mood for humor any more.

"Elena and Scarlett."Damon says after a moment giving them a smirk as Nicolas stiffens his face Harding as he looks at Damon with a glare that if looks could kill.He would be dead again by now.



Vicky Donovan is getting loaded into a ambulances Elena and Scarlett watch from afar with Scarlett holding Elena's hand trying to find some comfort after tonight's events.

Bonnie walks up to the brunette pair speaking up "Hey,We're gonna go Mainline coffee,wait for the news."Bonnie says basically asking if either of the Gilbert's wanted to join in.

Elena sighs "I gotta take Jeremy home.Do you want to go Letti ?"Elena asks as Scarlett thinks for a minute then nodding before moving next to Bonnie and holding her hand instead as Bonnie lets her.

"Elena,there's no way I'm psychic.I know that.But whatever I saw or think I saw.I have this feeling."Bonnie trails of lightly shaking her head in seriousness as she stares directly into Elena eyes as Scarlett squeezes The Bennett's hand in a comforting manner.

"Bonnie what?"elena asks a bit scared as Bonnie stares at her."That it's just the beginning."Bonnie says about to walk away before Elena yells"Make sure to take care of Letti.She almost had an anxiety attack earlier!"

Bonnie just nods as the girls are all away to head to Bonnie's car as Elena stares at their retreating back .



"They took my breathe away Scarlett,and Elena."Damon says looking at his brothers as Nick glares at him for talking about Scarlett as Stefan also glares.

"They are dead ringers for Kathrine and Belle."Damon sates as Nick glares harder taking steps closer to Damon."Is it working Stefan?Nick?Being around them.Being in their world.Doesn it make you fell alive?Like you got your little sister again ?Like your lover?"Damon says smirking at them as Stefan steps forward.

"She's not Kathrine.And Scarlett's not Belle."Stefan says defending girls as Nick agrees stepping closer and closer to Damon.

"Well let's hope not.We both know how that ended.Even for little Nicky here."Damon says as Nick almost lunges but Stefans holds him back as Nick just growls at him but all Damon does is smirk.

"Tell me something,Stefan.When's the last thing you had something stronger than a squirrel? You should really try and be more like Nick.At least he drinks blood bags."Damon says rolling his eyes as Nick speaks up"At least he doesn't drink the life out of people."Hisses Nick as Stefan talks again to Damon.

"I know what your doing Damon.It's not gonna work."Stefan says after scoffing as he looks at Damon."yeah? Come on!"damon says as he pushes Stefan in the shoulder as Stefan says stop"Just leave him alone!"Nicolas tries but Damon isn't listening.

"Don't you just crave a little.All of us.I saw a couple girls out their.Or just-let's just cut to the chase.Let's just go straight for Elena! Imagine what her blood tastes like.I can!"Damon keeps hitting him and hitting him until Stefan tackles  Damon out the window as Nick throws his arms up before punching his temple.

Nick then jumps from the window to the ground beside Stefan who landed on his stomach with a heavy thud.

Stefans groans trying to get up as Nicolas holds out his hand Stefan takes it and Nick takes him back up as Stefan moans and groans some more.

"I was impressed.I give it a six.Missed some style but I was pleasantly surprised.And Nicolas here gets a eight.Good job , buddy.You missed pizzazz in that landing though."Damon says from the bushes behind them as Nick rolls his eyes at him flipping him the finger smiling sarcastically.

"Very good with the whole face."Damon says before he makes a weird noise imitating his vampire face whilst moving his hands and fingers in a claw motion. "Thing.It was good."Damon finishes as he smirks once again.

Stefan than walks to him as he speaks "Yeah it's all fun and games , Damon.But where ever you go people die."Stefan splurges out through the blood as Damon looks at him with a face"That's a given."He's says as Nick hollers from behind them"Oh it is , isn't it ?"

"Hush , Nick the adults are talking."Damon says in a singsong voice before Stefan speaks about his previous statement"Not here.I won't allow it."Stefan says shaking his head as Nick once again screams "that's just gonna make it worse!"from behind them although he was ignored.

Damon tilts his head"I'm gonna talk that as an invasion."He says simply as you could here a small "Told You!"from behind them as Nicks on the grounds picking up pieces of glass and throwing them, listening to his older brothers.

"Damon please.After all these years.Can't we just give it a rest."Stefan begs as Damon,who's smirk did not falter one but as Nick behind them mutters a little "That's not gonna work."As he continues to play with the glass.

"I promised you an eternity of misery.So I'm just keeping my word."Damon says as he's now right in front of Stefan again for the one hundredth time tonight Smirking.

"Just stay away from Elena and Scarlett."Stefan says sternly as Nicks head perks up at the mention of the girls name as he is now looking at the brothers.

"Where's your ring?"Damon suddenly asks randomly as Nicolas looks to stefans hand to find no ring.His eye widen as he frantically checks his hands to find his ring still there.He sighs in relief.

"Yeah suns coming up in a couple hours.And poof ashes to ashes."Damon says as Stefan indeed had no ring on as Nick makes a confused face as he looks at Damon"Isn't that the lyrics to Ring Around The Roses ?"

Damon simply ignores him and continues to Stefan as he chuckles "Relax.It's right here."Damon says  going to stand toe to toe with Stefan pushes forth his hand to reveal in his palm Stefans daylight rings as Nicolas's eye brows raise.

Stefan takes his ring from Damon's palm and puts it back on carefully before Damon's vamp face shows up and he grabs Stefan by his throat throwing him into the house as Nick quickly gets up and vamp speeds to Stefan helping him up as Damon vamp speeds to beside Nick

"You should know better than to think your stronger than me.You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people.I wouldn't try it again "Damon says towering over Stefan as Nick turns to Damon with a warning look.

"Alright Damon he gets it.That's enough."Nicolas says as he stands up straight to Damon as Damon just looks at him.Then all the brothers hear a dog bark and then some noises from inside the house.

"I think we woke Zach up."Damon chuckles before he's turns leaving walking Away whilst whistles and a Sarcastic"Sorry Zach." As Nick sighs and looks down at Stefan before for the second time tonight bending over and offering Stefan his hand.Stefan takes it.

" You just got your ass handed to you."Nick says as he swings his shoulder around his brothers whist taking Stefans arm to around nicks shoulder helping him walk into the house while he heals."I know."Stefan says simply as the backs of the males walk into the house.



       "Are you sober yet ?"Bonnie asks the drunk blonde as Scarlett is beside her rubbing her back as Caroline as her head on Scars shoulder.Caroline takes a sharp deep breathe "No."she says releasing the heavy breath as Scarlett nods lightly "That's fine."she says as Caroline smiles weakly to her.

   "Keep drinking I got to get you home.I got to get me home.And Scarlett it's past her bed time."Bonnie says as Scarlett makes a face "I don't have a bed time."She says confused as Bonnie smiles at her"Caroline thought you needed one and we agree."Bonnie says like it's obvious as Scarlett looks offended

       "Bonnie i am not a child."Scarlett says even though she knows they are just faking the whole thing."I beg to differ."Bonnie says playfully as she scoffs setting her mug down as Scarlett mouth falls open in offense.They all just laugh.

     "Why didn't he go for me?"Caroline asks suddenly as she takes her head from Scars shoulder to put it in her hands as she sighs.Scarlett's face softens"It's his loss , Care-Bear cause you an amazing and wonderful person."Scarlett says smiling at her as Caroline just nods unconvinced.

       "You know how come the guys that I want.Never want me?"Caroline says in all seriousness as she makes a sad face as Scarlett frowns."I'm not touching that."Bonnie says shaking her head with a sigh as Scarlett sends her a disapproving look as Caroline continues.

       "I'm inappropriate.I always say the wrong things.And....Elena always says the right thing."Caroline states disappointed as Scarlett's face scrunches up as she hears Caroline compare her love life to her sister's."She doesn't even try.And he just picks her.And she's always the one that everyone picks."

"For everything.And I try so hard,and I'm never the one."Caroline finishes her rant with a head shake as Scarlett's frowning as she stares at Caroline.She had no idea her friend felt this way.Bonnie says looking at the girl going to speak.

"It's not a competition Caroline."Bonnie says finally shaking her head at the girl as Scarlett nods in agreement before Caroline in all seriousness looks Bonnie in the eye and reply's with"Yeah it is."as Scarlett holds her friend in comfort and in worry for her best friend.


Bonnie then gets up to reveal a raven haired man that's staring at Caroline and Scarlett who are side by side as he gives them a friendly smirk as Scarlett smiles back politely as caroline raises her eye brows before giving her a flirty smile in return to him.

He continues to stare at the girls so Scarlett waves her hand with a cheeky smile as his face softens noticeable almost as if a look of recognition before it goes away but his face still shows softness as he waves back actually smiling now as he takes notice to the way her eyes twinkle.Like he has seen it before.


Scarlett's sleepy body opens her sisters door after she changed ready for bed as she yawns her sister puts her diary down and looks at her sister in her door way before going to her bed and patting the spot next to it.

Elena knows she has nightmares from that night so occasionally she will come sleep with her sister.Scarlett gives her a weak thankful tired smile before going to her sisters bed and laying her head in her sisters lap as Elena plays her her hair smiling down at her little sister as her sister whispers something before she drifts off to sleep.

"Good night,La-La."She says with her eyes closed almost asleep but before she's consumed with darkness she hears her sister whisper back.



She met Damon!

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