De La Reine Vengeance

By shree123gill

100K 1.1K 139

Previously known as ' Always & Forever ' _____________________ "Why is it that everyone perceives you as a my... More



2.8K 57 8
By shree123gill


"Mom, I need you... I love you."

River's words reverberated through the silence, penetrating the core of my being. The desperation in his voice ignited a whirlwind of emotions within me—love, guilt, and determination clashed, each vying for dominance. Gripping the armrest, I sought solace in its solidity, as if it could bridge the vast physical and emotional distance between us.

"Don't think too much, Kali. He's gonna be okay," Damon's attempt at reassurance struck a nerve. How could anyone truly comprehend the depth of my anguish, the torment tearing at my very soul? My jaw clenched, my knuckles turned white, as I battled to contain the storm brewing within.

In my mind, the events unfolded like a relentless loop, each scene replaying with searing clarity. The weight of guilt pressed upon my shoulders, an unyielding burden of failure. As a leader, as a mother, I had faltered. My heart bellowed in agony, its relentless beat a constant reminder of my shortcomings. A seething desire for vengeance surged through my veins, threatening to consume all reason.

My aura darkened, radiating a sinister and foreboding energy that enveloped those around me. The intensity of my emotions permeated the air, stifling any semblance of normalcy. They could sense the abyss that consumed me, the abyss that pushed me perilously close to the edge of sanity. I could feel their trepidation, their awareness of the unleashed demons within.

An intense gaze bore into my soul, piercing and unrelenting. I didn't need to look up to know it belonged to , Killiam Harenzyade. The mere thought of him aiding in my son's rescue was an irony I could hardly fathom.

"Reine, I'm afraid that we might not have any allies in Los Angeles. It will take hours to gather a rescue team," Elijah, my head of security, spoke with a mixture of fear and desperation, his fingers frantically dancing across the keyboard. Anger surged within me, propelling me towards Elijah and Angel, their eyes wide with anticipation.

"We don't have fucking hours!" I spat, venom dripping from my words. I moved with purpose, closing the distance between us. "River well-being is my top priority. I don't care what the fuck you do, but you better find a way to help him, or I'll rip you apart with my bare hands."

Elijah's face drained of color, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he nodded fervently. Damon and Angel scurried around, making calls, desperately seeking any lifeline that could save my son. Amidst the chaos, my mind raced, searching for alternatives, for any shred of hope against the insurmountable odds.

"I can help," a deep, velvety voice cut through the tumult. I turned sharply, my gaze fixated on Killiam as he rose from his seat, his approach marked by detached nonchalance. Suspicion clouded my features as my eyes narrowed. "I control the drug trade in that city. I can be of assistance."

A tidal wave of conflicting emotions crashed over me. Could I trust him? What were his hidden motives? I advanced cautiously, my voice laced with a dangerous edge. "What's the catch?"

Killiam's gaze remained unwavering, his expression devoid of emotion. "I may have ulterior motives, but saving your son aligns with my interests. My father is in that city, and I can call upon him to assemble a rescue team."

I weighed his words, the risks and uncertainties battling against the desperate need for aid. Locked in a tense gaze with Killiam, I found myself torn between suspicion and desperation. The enigma that surrounded him mirrored the shadows that engulfed my own existence. Could I afford to gamble my son's life on the uncertain trustworthiness of this man?

"Your motives remain concealed, yet you extend a helping hand," I retorted, my voice heavy with skepticism. "How can I be certain you won't exploit this opportunity for your own twisted purposes?"

Killiam's countenance remained stoic, his gaze unwavering. "Trust is a luxury we cannot afford, Kali," he replied, his tone measured. "But in this dire circumstance, our interests align. Your son's life hangs in the balance, and I possess the means to act swiftly. Consider it a temporary alliance, born of necessity."

My defiance flared, a blaze of resistance that refused to be extinguished. "Let it be known, Killiam," I warned, venom dripping from my words. "Should I detect the faintest hint of betrayal, this alliance will crumble. My vengeance burns unyielding, and those who have inflicted pain upon my son will suffer the consequences."

A flicker of understanding danced in Killiam's eyes, an acknowledgment of the darkness that dwelled within both of us. "We may have our differences, Kali," he acknowledged, his voice laced with an unexpected sincerity. "But I harbor no fondness for those who harm the innocent. Rest assured, our common goal is to ensure justice prevails."

As we ventured into the treacherous unknown of Los Angeles, our fates intertwined, with the outcome uncertain and the stakes unbearably high.

Only time would reveal the true nature of Killiam's intentions. But for now, I had no choice but to navigate this treacherous path alongside him, driven by the urgency of my son's plight and fueled by the burning desire for retribution. Together, we embarked on a perilous journey, where trust was a precious commodity and the shadows threatened to consume us both.


The sound of our footsteps reverberated through the dimly lit corridor of the old and dilapidated clinic. Its worn-out walls and scattered debris concealed our presence, offering a sanctuary of secrecy. As we pressed forward, the weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, and tension crackled like electricity.

Two familiar figures materialized at the end of the corridor, their heads snapping in our direction, their expressions a mixture of relief and trepidation. Nathan, his once vibrant eyes now clouded with shame, regret, and an unmistakable undercurrent of anger, locked gazes with me.

My jaw clenched, and the darkness within me deepened as our eyes connected. Words remained unspoken between us, the weight of our shared guilt and the agony of our son's suffering hanging heavily in the air. His apology lingered on his lips, but before he could utter a single word, I raised my hand, a silent demand for him to withhold his futile attempt at redemption.

"I will deal with you later," I harshly said, my voice laced with a chilling intensity. There was no room for absolution in this moment, no easy forgiveness. The wounds ran too deep, and the scars were too raw. I turned my attention to the one figure who had managed to rescue my son, Knox, his presence exuding a stoic resolve.

"And how is my son?" I demanded, my voice echoing through the desolate corridor, carrying with it the weight of a mother's fears and a leader's authority.

Knox met my burning gaze, his own eyes revealing little emotion. "The doctors are currently assessing his condition," he replied, his voice devoid of inflection, as if shielding himself from the turbulent storm that raged within me. "We will know soon."

I nodded, acknowledging his words with a curt gesture. The suspense hung in the air, each passing second feeling like an eternity. The clinic's silence amplified the anxiety that swirled around us, its emptiness mirroring the void in my heart. I yearned for news, for any sign that my son would emerge from this ordeal unscathed. Whereas Knox took Nathan with him to some room since he also had some minor injuries which needed to be dealt with.While me and Killiam silently waited for the doctor.

Soon sound of a door swung open with a creak, shattering the tense silence that permeated the dimly lit corridor. A figure emerged from the shadows, clad in a white lab coat stained with the remnants of countless battles waged against death. The doctor's weary footsteps echoed against the cold, sterile walls, their rhythm a haunting melody that resonated through the desolate hallway.

"His condition is severe," the doctor's voice quivered, a delicate tremor betraying the weight of his words. "He has lost so much blood. All we can do is wait and hope for the the best  " The gravity of his statement hung in the air, suffocating us with its oppressive presence. It was a cruel testament to the fragility of life, a reminder that even the strongest among us could be brought to the precipice of oblivion.

I'll fucking kill him

In an instant, an inferno of fury erupted within me, its flames licking at the edges of my sanity. I lunged forward, my hand seizing the doctor's throat with a vice-like grip, pressing him forcefully against the cold, unforgiving wall. His eyes widened with a mixture of terror and resignation, his feeble attempts to break free rendered futile by the strength of my despair-fueled rage.

The shadows danced, flickering in the dim light, as I leaned in, my voice a venomous whisper that pierced through the suffocating silence. "How dare you," I seethed, my words dripping with an intoxicating blend of wrath and anguish. "You speak of waiting? My son teeters on the edge of life and death, and you dare suggest that we passively watch as he slips away?"

The metallic tang of blood filled the air, mingling with the acrid scent of fear as I pressed the sharp edge of my dagger against the doctor's quivering neck. A single droplet of crimson emerged, tracing a macabre path along his pale skin. It was a chilling tableau, a twisted dance of power and vulnerability, as the blade whispered promises of retribution and justice.

My gaze bore into the doctor's terrified eyes, relishing the fear that mirrored my own torment. The pulsating darkness within me whispered of retribution, of the power I held over this man's life. As I pressed the dagger against his vulnerable neck, a twisted smile played upon my lips, reveling in the macabre dance of life and death.

But just as the doctor's fate teetered on the edge of my blade, a voice sliced through the air, interrupting the grim symphony. "That's enough, Kali," Killiam's cold, authoritative tone pierced the tension-filled corridor. His presence materialized beside me, his mere existence a blend of danger and allure.

A surge of defiance coursed through my veins, resisting his intrusion. I tightened my grip on the doctor's throat, a silent warning to Killiam not to cross me. "Stay out of this, Killiam," I snarled, my voice dripping with venom. "This man's incompetence may cost my son his life."

Killiam's piercing gaze locked with mine, his eyes burning with a dark intensity. There was a hint of admiration hidden within the depths of his expression, an understanding of the depths a parent would plunge into for their child. "I understand your pain, Kali," he stated, his voice laced with a chilling calmness. "But killing him won't save your son. We need his expertise."

His words lingered in the air, challenging my relentless pursuit of vengeance. My grip loosened slightly, the blade inching away from the doctor's flesh, but the fire within me remained unquenched. Reluctantly, I released my hold on the doctor, allowing him to crumple to the ground, gasping for precious air.

"The clock is ticking, doctor," Killiam's voice resonated with authority, his cold gaze never wavering. "Tell us about the experimental procedure. We won't tolerate any further delays or incompetence."

The doctor scrambled to regain his composure, his eyes darting between us, a mix of fear and desperation etched on his face. The doctor's voice trembled as he hurriedly explained the risky procedure that could potentially save my son's life. "We need to operate on him immediately," he began, his words rushed and laden with urgency. "But I must warn you, the risks are substantial. Given his weakened state, there is a high chance that we may lose him on the operating table."

My heart clenched at the doctor's grim assessment, the weight of his words threatening to crush my resolve. Yet, a flicker of hope danced amidst the shadows of despair. I turned to Killiam, his presence a steadfast pillar amidst the tempest of emotions raging within me.

"Kali," Killiam's voice, though tinged with steel, held a note of compassion. "I understand the anguish you're enduring. We all share your desperation to save your son. But succumbing to vengeance won't grant him the chance he deserves. We must take the risk, no matter how daunting it may be."

His words cut through my fury like a dagger, piercing the depths of my soul. I met his gaze, a storm of conflicting emotions churning within me. My voice, laced with a mixture of defiance and anger , emerged in a hushed tone.

"Killiam, you speak of risks as if they are mere words. But this is my son's life hanging in the balance," I whispered darkly through my mask , the weight of my words mirroring the heavy burden on my heart. " I can't lose him"

Killiam's eyes bore into mine, understanding the turmoil that waged within me. He, too, knew the torment of loss and the desperation to protect those we cherished. In that moment, I saw beyond his enigmatic facade and recognized a kindred spirit.

"I can't promise you that everything will turn out as we hope," he acknowledged, his voice steady and resolute. "But what I can promise is that I will do everything in my power to save your son."

I took a deep breath, my grip tightening around the hilt of my dagger, finding solace in its cold touch. It was my shield, my barrier against the vulnerability that threatened to engulf me. The fear, the anger, and the sorrow were all concealed beneath a mask of stoicism, a fortress to protect the shattered fragments of my soul.

"Killiam, you must understand," I said, my voice laced with a tinge of bitterness. "I have learned to trust no one, to rely only on my own strength. The world has taught me that vulnerability is a weakness, and emotions are a liability."

A flicker of understanding passed through Killiam's eyes, a glimmer of recognition that mirrored my own guarded nature. He took a step back, respecting the boundaries I had set, his hands held up in a gesture of surrender.

"I understand, Kali," he responded, his voice tinged with a mixture of respect and empathy. "I won't force you to let down your guard. But remember, even the strongest warriors need someone to lean on, even if only for a moment."

His words resonated within me, stirring a dormant longing for connection, for a glimmer of light amidst the shadows that threatened to engulf me. I paused, a moment of vulnerability slipping through my armor, and met Killiam's gaze once more.

" Proceed with the operation " I said in cold dark voice

The doctor, still trembling from the intensity of the situation, nodded frantically, relieved that my anger had momentarily subsided. He quickly motioned for us to follow him, leading the way down the dimly lit corridor toward the operating theater.

As we entered the sterile room, a sense of foreboding settled over me. The stark white walls and the cold, clinical atmosphere seemed to mirror the uncertainty that loomed over my son's fate. I stood at the threshold, my heart pounding in my chest, a mix of dread and determination intertwining within me.

Killiam stood beside me, a pillar of unwavering support in the face of the unknown. Though we were bound by necessity rather than trust, his presence offered a glimmer of assurance in this moment of darkness. I don't know how but he knew the depths of my pain, the lengths I would go to protect my child, and he had vowed to stand by my side.

But why , why is he helping

The medical team hurriedly prepared for the operation, their movements precise and urgent. The weight of their responsibility hung heavy in the air as they exchanged hushed instructions, their faces etched with a blend of focus and concern.

I approached the operating table, my hands gripping the edges tightly, my knuckles turning white. The sight of my son, vulnerable and fragile, hooked up to machines that monitored his weakening heartbeat, ignited a surge of determination within me. I refused to let despair consume me; I had to believe that there was hope, however faint.

The surgeon, a stoic figure clad in surgical attire, met my gaze, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We will do everything we can," he assured me, his voice steady but tinged with empathy. "But it won't be easy. Prepare yourself for the worst, but never lose sight of the possibility of a miracle."

I nodded, my eyes fixed on my son's pale face, willing him to hold on, to fight against the encroaching darkness. My voice, soft yet resolute, broke the tense silence that enveloped the room.

"Save him," I whispered, my words laced with desperation and a flicker of hope.

"Bring him back to me."


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