
By JD_rules02

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Ryuu is a Japanese kitsune fox spirit. However he is a troubled spirit for he left his home and family in ord... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

1K 11 0
By JD_rules02

*Ryuu POV*

Still driving. We are still driving to our destination and the boredom is killing me. I know I'm a lazy bum, but this lazy bum can't sit in the same place for almost 50 minutes without either sleeping soundly or pranking someone. And since this car has been very bumby and I can't prank someone without distracting Yori, I had nothing to do but stare out of window as we drove from the city, to the countryside and now into the woods. But luckily the car stopped which meant that the ride was over.

Yori: Alright, everyone we're walking from here.

Me: Finally! My legs need to stretch.

Emiko: Why are you always so restless.

Me: Emi. It's me you're talking about. I love moving around and getting the chance to explore.

Yori: You haven't been down this way before?

Me: Nope! This is new territory to me.

Yori: Huh? Figured you would've been down here once you left home years ago. Well anyways, there's going to be fog up ahead, so stay close.

We then started walking through the forest as the fog started to get worse and worse. Not bad to see where we're going though as it was just hard to see within 20 feet in front of us.

Sam: You gonna change back to your human form, Ryuu?

Me: Nah. I'm gonna stay in my fox form for awhile. It's been awhile since I've been a fox and thanks to that 13 hour flight, I can finally stretch these fox legs.

Sam: Whatever you say.

Yori: We're almost there. We should be getting out of this fog when we reach the bottom of the path.

Mitsu: Bet I can reach the bottom before you, sis!

Momo: In your dreams!

Mitsu: How about it, E? Think you can beat us down the stairs?

Momo: I dunno, Mitsu. Maybe she's still a little shook from the airport.

I look over and see Erma with a pissed off look until she looked to Emiko for confirmation.

Emiko: I don't think that's such a good idea.

Me: 'Emiko, come on let her have her fun.'

Mitsu: Aww. Need mommy's permission? That's cute.

Momo: Oh well. See you at the bottom, Cuz!

Yori: Y'know, Emi, This reminds me of the time we dealt with those hitotsume kozo when we were kids. Remember how they usually got their fun out of pranking us all the tim?

Emi: Well yeah. They thought they were untouchable. The only person who was untouchable due to their pranks, was Ryuu.

Me: Thank you for the compliment Emi.

Yori: Mhm that's right. And we sure had some fun when we eventually dunked them into the local river. But it was against our dad's wishes. (Looks at Erma) Then again, a stuck up like him was never a fan of fun. Heck, he barely let us out of our home. One thing I've learned when it come to parenting: we can only prevent nature for so long. (Gives a wink to Erma)

Me: 'Well done, Yori.'

And with that wink, Erma was off to catch up to her cousins. And to be honest, I feel like joining. The feeling of racing and the satisfaction of winning just gets my juices flowing.

Emiko: J-Just wait for us at the bottom, okay? And b-be careful and... uh..... why did you do that?

Yori: Sorry, I figured she needed to loosen up a little since we've been traveling for quite a bit. I'm sure she'll be fine and waiting when we get down there.

Sam: I don't know. I kind of want to see how this turns out.

Emiko: Samuel Williams. I know that look in your eyes. It's that spark that leads to another one of your books. Now's not the time for-

Sam: No, no, honey. Not at all.

....................... That's it I can't take it.

*Yori POV*

As I watch Emi and Sam talk about their daughter, I look down and see Ryuu in his fox form, shaking really violently in place.

Me: Uuuhhh Ryuu? (Emiko and Sam look down at him) Are you okay?

Ryuu: ........... I'm going.

Me: What?

And without any warning, he immediately bolts after the girls. I guess his competitive nature never left him as time passed.

Sam: Dang, he's fast!

Me: *SIGH* That's Ryuu for you. You give him a challenge...

Emi: And he will do whatever he can to win.

Me: Whelp! Let's get down there.

*Third POV*

As Erma flies ahead of Mitsu and Momo, taking the lead, she couldn't help but feel smug.

Mitsu: Hmm. She's fast.

Momo: Yeah? Well she won't get very far.

As Momo gets ready to throw her yo-yo, the girls couldn't help but hear the sounds of what sounded like quick and hard thumping as they looked behind them to see Ryuu in his fox form, sprinting at full speed down the hill.

Mitsu: Was that?

Momo: Uncle Ryuu?

The girls all look at each other and nod and chase after their uncle. As they start to catch up, Mitsu aims her slingshot and fires a number of small pellets at him. All of which he dodges easily. Momo and Erma then try to tangle him up with their yo-yo and hair. Which he dodges again.

Ryuu: You girls are gonna have to try harder than that!

Ryuu then picks up more speed and runs even faster. The girls are frustrated at this point.

Momo: Ugh! I wanna be mad at him but he's so cool that I just can't bring myself to be!

Mitsu: Tell me about it! Got any other ideas?

Erma then smiles as she goies into the ground and uses the shadows to slowly creep up on Ryuu.

Mitsu and Momo: ......... Cool.

And then Erma uses her telepathy to lift Ryuu up and then tosses him to side tumbling down the hill as they reached the end of their race. With Erma in first, Mitsu and Momo coming in second and third.

Mitsu: That was awesome, Cuz!

Momo: Yeah! Though you could've done that in the first place but oh well.

Mitsu: You'll learn.

Erma: 'Jerks.'

And finally Ryuu came to a stop from his tumble in last place.

Mitsu: Well Uncle Ryuu, looks like you came in last.

Momo: Looks like old age is catching up with you.

Erma couldn't help but silently laugh. As the girls mock him, Ryuu gets up and points behind them. They turn around to see Ryuu, sitting on rock with his hoodie up as he is skipping stones across the lake. This shocks his nieces to see two of him. One of him in human form and the other in fox from.

Ryuu: Took you long enough.

Momo: But h-how did you... (looks back and forth) Erma... she tossed you... d-down the hill... huh?!

Mitsu: Explain!

Ryuu: Stands up and turns around to face his nieces with a huge grin on his face. The fox then disappears in a puff of smoke.

Ryuu: I can make clones.

Mitsu, Momo and Erma: 'AWESOME!'

Erma is then brought out her trance as she takes in her surroundings and sees that they were in an abandoned village. Mitsu then jumps over her head and runs off with Momo right behind her.

Mitsu: That was fun!

Momo: That was good Uncle Ryuu! Too bad Cuz over here isn't as good you. Isn't that right loser?!

Erma then gets so pissed, she decides to chase them and leave Ryuu behind.

Ryuu: Ho boy. Guess I'll just wait for the others.

*Erma POV*

As I chase after these two, they just couldn't help but just laugh and mock me. This makes me even madder and wanting to rip them apart even more! We go through the entire village going from street to street as they keep running away. They eventually lead me to a house and are immediately gone the next second as there is only the flower petals they leave behind when using their flight. I try to find them but there are petals everywhere around the manor. They eventually lead me to another outhouse which is what I presume their hiding in. I slide the doors open only to be met with an empty room with a giant hole in the middle with a puddle of black water or something in it. As I look at myself in the liquids reflection, I started to hear things.

??? Kararin.

I look up to see where it came from and I see a statue on the other side of the hole. I fly over to it and put my ear next to it and listen.

???: Kororin.

I jump back from the statue trying to figure out on what is going on.

???: Kankororin!

As I step back slightly, I step on something and what comes out screaming was.... a living.... sandal? He then proceeds to cry in pain and starts yelling what I think is profanities in a different language. I was more confused and startled that I had no idea on what I should do to apologize. He then jumps and runs to the open door. I try to catch up to him but once he was outside and around the corner, the doors slammed shut on me. I try to open them but I just couldn't. The walls then grew eyes and started staring at me as I backed up away from them. As I took another step back to where the hole was, my foot made contact with the wooden floor. I look down and see that the hole was gone and everything no longer looked old and rotten but instead new and well maintained wood and tiling. The eyes kept staring at me until they just vanished and were replaced with silhouettes of people from outside the room. The door slides open to reveal many different monsters and yokai that I didn't even realize that there was one behind me. I was quickly surrounded by many different people. What in the world is going on here?!

???: What is this?

???: Um. A kid, I'm assuming?

???: Yea, but what kind of kid? She smells of human, but also yokai.

???: I mean, she looks like one of us. Definitely has the eyes for it.

???: Wait a minute!

Then a yoaki lady who's head was floating, started to circle around me and name certain features.

???: Pale skin. Long black hair. Black eyes. White dress, *GASP* And black dress shoes! Are you Erma?! You must be Erma!

I shyly nod at her question which makes her scream in excitement and hug the absolute life out of me.

???: Oh my gosh! Your're so much cuter than I could've imagined!

???: Wait! Erma? As in "Emiko's daughter" Erma?

???: I know right? Look at her! Just like little Emi back in the day!

???: Wo-ho! You're right! That's... actually kind of freaky. How ya doing, kiddo? Hope we didn't spook ya.

I proceed to touch the big guys beard and think if he is my grandfather. He certainty doesn't act like an old man but yokai are different from humans. I mean, Uncle Ryuu is the eldest sibling out of his family but he looks like he's no more than 21 years old.

???: Mayumi! Isn't this amazing?

Mayumi: ...........................

Guess she doesn't talk much.

???: Ena. Even if this is Emiko's child, we are complete strangers to her. Strangers who have been violating her personal space and rambling nonsense to her. Don't you think we should introduce ourselves or, at least, find Emiko for confirmation? She must be around if the little one belongs to her.

Ena: Oh! Right! I'm being an idiot, aren't I? My bad! Heheheh.... Ahem. (sets me back down on the ground) My name is Ena. And I may or may not be your auntie. Either way, this is... kind of awkward. Do you know where your parents are, sweetie?

Before I could answer her question, black hair poured from the windows and into the room and towards the center of the room. It then snatched me out of Ena's hands and into my moms arms and boy does she look mad.

Emiko: She'll be waiting for us, huh?

Yori: Hey. I said I was sorry.

Ryuu: Emiko...

Emiko: What?

Ryuu: Look around real quick.

We all look to see everyone stare at us with shock and confusion.

Emiko: Heheh... hey everyone.

*Ryuu POV*

As I watch Emiko and the others converse and smile as they reconnect, I start to remember all the good times again. It was..... bittersweet to see them again because on one hand, I'm glad to see them grow up into fine young adults but on the other, I'm a little scared at how they'll react once they realize it's me. But I was immediately brought out of my thoughts as I felt something wrap around me pretty tightly. And it was Rin wrapping me and Sam up in her snake body.

Rin: Excuse me! What are these doing here?!

Kentaro: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Is that-

Ena: A human?

Rin: It most certainly is. *SNIFF* *SINFF* This ones, got the stench all over it.

Sam: My cologne doesn't smell that bad, does it?

Me: Well it hurts my nose, so......

Sam: Shut up.

Ena: Is that who I think it is?

Fumiko: Possibly. But who's the other guy?

Kentaro: He seems familiar though.

Yori: Um, Rin? You might want to let them go now. Especially the one with the glasses.

Rin: No living human should even know about this place, let alone be here!

Me: 'Damn. What stick went up her ass? She's seems very pissed about humans.'

It was at this point that I noticed a scar on the right side of her cheek. That certainly wasn't there when I left. Sam of course, is not afraid and is acting like this happens everyday.

Sam: Please excuse me, ma'am, but you're squeezing me a little too tight.

Rin: I don't think you're getting the memo, meat. This is the part where you start panicking.

And within seconds, Emiko's hair become daggers and she holds them up to Rin's face.

Emiko: And this very observant one, Erma, is your Auntie Rin. Now Rin, can you be a dear........ and please let my go of my husband?

Kentaro: Come again?

Ena: *GASP*

Fumiko: ............

Mayumi: ..............

Me: *SIGH* Here we go.

Rin: Cute joke. I didn't think you'd grow up a messed up sense of humor over these past years.

Emiko: Do I look like I'm joking?

Yori: It's true, Rin. He's the real deal.

They glare at each other for quite some time until Rin reluctantly let's go of Sam but not me. Emiko doesn't take her hair away from her as she looks at me with worry.

Emiko: And him as well.

Rin: No. This guy is a complete stranger and we have no idea who he is. His smell is yokai but, he looks more human.

Emiko: That's because-

Me: Emi, don't say anything.

Emiko: Are you sure?

Me: Positive. Just let me take care of this.

Emiko: *SIGH* Alright, if you say so.

Her hair then goes back to normal and Rin is right in front of my face with the same scowl on her face. I of course, am smiling warmly at her which pisses her off even more.

Rin: Why are you smiling?

Me: Haha. You still haven't changed much since I left Rin-Rin.

Rin goes wide-eyed at her nickname I gave her back when we were kids. I look over towards the others.

Me: Kentaro, nice beard and uh.... nice.... clothes.

Kentaro: Wait what?

Me: Ena, still the same excited little girl I always knew.

Ena: (Blushes in embarrassment) Um.... thank you?

Me: Mayumi! How's my favorite little blank girl doing?

Mayumi brings her hand up and waves at me shyly while tilting her head in confusion. This makes me chuckle at her innocence. I then look at Fumiko, who is lifting her eye brow in question on who I am.

Me: Fumiko, I see you kept you're promise to me.

Fumiko: What promise? I don't even know you.

Me: Are you sure?

I then proceed to turn into my fox form and jump out of Rin's death grip and land right in front of her.

Rin: A kitsune?

Me: (Lifts up head) Lift up this patch of fur and you'll see something that I'm sure you know that only one person has.

She then proceeds to move my fur out of the way and gasps at my birthmark.

Fumiko: A birthmark.... shaped like a flame!

Rin: No way.

Kentaro: It can't be.

Ena: Is that....

Mayumi brigs her hands to her non existent mouth to show her shock.

Fumiko: ...... R-Ryuu?

I then turn into a human and proceed to take off my hoodie to reveal my ears and white hair. I then turn to face every one of my siblings that were in shock and smile warmly at them.

Me: Hey guys. It's good to see you again.


*Yori POV*

The walk back home was...... awkward to say the least. The fact that Ryuu made his debut to the others was not really heartwarming. Rin was the most upset due to the fact that Emiko was here with her husband, who was human, made her annoyed, but it was also due to the fact that Ryuu decided to come back home out of no where since it was her and Fumiko that looked up to him the most. So to say she was upset was actually the biggest understatement I've made to date about her feelings since she decided to leave before us as we tried to figure out on how to hide the others from the other yokai that were walking around town. However Ryuu wasn't with us, as he turned into a fox and immediately took off to either look for Rin or straight for the house. I guess he wanted to explore and see what changed while he was gone.

Me: 'Damnit, Ryuu. Where did you run off to?' *SIGH* 'I swear.'

Ena: You good Yori?

Me: Yeah. I'm just wondering where Ryuu ran off to.

Ena: O-oh.... uh I-I'm sure he's fine.

I can tell Ena is also worried about Ryuu. But she is conflicted about her feeling about him. She's glad he's back but she was not very happy about him leaving. As we approached home, my twins tried to leave the group and have another race. Again.

Momo: Last one in's a rotten egg!

Me: Stay in my sight, you two!

As we approached the gate doors, Emiko ordered Haru to open the door. As the doors closed behind us, we all breathed a sigh of relief as the hard part was over and now we just need to worry about the house servants. Luckily they won't freak out as much since they are all trusted by us to not say anything.

Fumiko: The coast is clear. You may lower the umbrella.

Kenji: Sorry about all that, Mistress.

Emiko: Please. Kenji, was it? Just call me Emiko.

Umbrella: EMIKO?!

As my umbella came to life, it kicked Kenji in the face and flew off to try and escape so that it can possibly spread word about Emiko returning. But I'm more worried since it was my only umbrella!

Me: Hey! My umbrella!

Haru: It's heading over the gate!

Kentaro: I got it! I got it!

He clearly didn't get it as he missed grabbing it. Fumiko then used her hair to jab it's pressure points to make go to sleep. She then handed it to me and told us to keep moving. I swear she can be so strict sometimes. As we entered the mansion, everyone kept eyeing us. More specifically the Emiko, Sam and Erma. As we waited for the elevator door to open, we could all hear the servant talking, not so quietly. It was honestly annoying.

???: Alright everyone! That's enough!

We all turned around to see Ryuu below us, telling the servants to stop staring. But something didn't seem right about him. He seemed annoyed.

Servant 1: I-Is that...

Servant 2: Master Ryuu!?

Servant 3: No way!

Servant 4: Who is he? I've never seen him around.

Servant 5: You idiot! That's the eldest sibling of the Yureimoto siblings! How did you not know?!

Ryuu then proceeded to yell and release a deadly aura around him.


Everyone then shut up as they then went back to what they're doing before and didn't speak for the rest of the time we were waiting.

Kentaro: Who knew big bro could be so aggressive?

Emiko: I can understand why.

We all looked at Emiko as she spoke.

Emiko: It's because he hates it here. He hates the fear they all have towards him. And he especially hates.... them, since this is their home.

When she said "them", we all knew who she was talking about. Well except for Sam, Erma and my daughters, who were gossiping to each other.

Mitsu: Who's "them"?

Momo: I think their talking about Grandpa and Grandma.

Me: Shush you two.

The elevator door then dings and opens up and we all filed in. I look over the railing to call up Ryuu before it closes.

Me: Hey bro, you coming?

He turns around and then jumps up high and lands right in front of me with all the deadly energy gone and was replaced with his usual calm self.

Ryuu: You know it.

*Ryuu POV*

As we all filled up the elevator, Fumiko spoke with the elevator operator. I hated this old fart.

Yokai: Which floor shall it be, Mistress?

Fumiko: Sixth floor.

Yokai: Ah. Very good choice. And welcome back, Mistress Emiko. We most certainly thought you were gone for good.

Emiko: Um... thanks?

Before he could press the button for the sixth floor, he looked back at me with an even bigger grin on his face.

Yokai: And a warm welcome back to you, Ryuu. It's been a while hasn't it?

Me: Drop dead, Rei.

(I don't know if that's his name or not. It doesn't say, so I'm just giving him one.)

Yori: Ryuu, calm down.

Yokai: Ah. Feisty as ever I see. Reminds me of the old days when you were just a child.

Me: I said, drop dead.

The rest of the ride up was rather quiet, that was until Sam spoke up.

Sam: Those people just then, that were looking at us. They're family too, right? You didn't want to say hi?

Emiko: Those weren't family members. They're servants.

Sam: Servants?

Ena: Yep! Yep! They mostly do janitor work, but we also have room service too.

Kentaro: Although, if you want some real good food, you're gonna have to go into town. Trust me. I know some places that can hook ya up.

The elevator then dings open.

Yokai: Sixth floor. Enjoy your stay.

Fumiko: Here we are.

The doors are opened to reveal the main lobby. Of course Sam and Erma are amazed, but to me, I couldn't care less as this was my parents home. The memories of them training me, beating me and torturing me just so that I could become strong for their purposes came flooding back as us three explored the room. I then look over and see a door that lead to a room. My room. I open the door to reveal my old room still the same as the day I left it, albeit it was all nice and clean almost as if someones been taking care of it. As I look around the room, I notice a picture on one of my shelves. I took it in my hands and smile as it reveals a picture of me and my siblings all smiling and having fun as we were all having a slumber party in Emiko's room. I miss those days where we would all have fun, get into trouble with the villagers and just be kids. But it all had to be ruined by mom and dad. They wanted us to be yokai that caused havoc for humans, not be kids and play around.

???: Those were the days, huh?

I turn around to see Emiko and Yori standing at my door.

Me: Yeah. It till amazes me at how much to me has passed. You guys went from these adorable sisters of mine, to fine young women. And Kentaro.... well he hasn't really changed much in all honestly. But he has become more controlled and responsible.

Emiko: Yeah. Seems like it.

Me: It's just amazing to see my room the same way it's been for years. I would've thought mom would've turned it into a steam room or something.

Emiko: Yori told me the same thing for my room.

Yori: It took me a lot of convincing the others to not change your rooms.

I put the picture back, walk up to Yori and place my hand on her head.

Me: Thanks for not giving up on me Yori.

Yori: Have I ever? (Brushes hand off) And don't pet me. I'm not little anymore.

Me: Meh, that may be true. But to me your all still the same little siblings I knew all those years ago.

We then started laughing, until I noticed mom and dads room.

Yori: Ryuu?

Ryuu: (Points to the room) Is that still mom and dads room?

Yori: Well yeah. Their names are still labeled on it.

I then walk past them and head up the stairs and stop right at the doors. Emi and Yori were right beside me before I took a deep breath, grabbed the handles and readied myself.

Me: .......... Let's get this over with.

Yori: Ryuu wait!

I then swing open the doors to their room and head in with my sisters close behind me.

*Erma POV*

Ena: And last, but not least, the dining room.

We finally came to the end of the tour as Auntie Ena showed us the house. It was really big.

Ena: So. What do you guys think?

Sam: I've got to say, this is quite the home you guys have.

Ena: Actually, second home. I guess you can say this is more of our home on Earth.

Sam: Oh. So what is your first home like?

And then Uncle Kentaro came in with a bowl of.... something. I'm guessing it's food.

Kentaro: Imagine this, but times ten.

Ena: How is Kenji doing?

Kentaro: He's fine, sis. Mitsu and Momo are getting the ice for him.

???: AAGH!!!

Me: 'What in the...'

And out came Momo and Mitsu running from Kenji after having his pants stuffed with ice cubes.

Momo: You're welcome, Kenji!

Kenji: Get back here!

Me, dad and Auntie Ena chased after them to see what had happened.

Ena: How are you feeling?

Kenji: Wonderful, Mistress. These two are very helpful.

Sam: Wow.

Ena: Aren't they just the most thoughtful little cuties?

Me: 'Thoughtful? Cuties? I prefer to call them annoying little jerks if you ask me.'

Sam: We better get an actual bag of ice.

While they were all talking, I noticed the room with the big doors were open. Someone must be in there because they were closed when we got here. I went in the room and was immediately met with what looked like a museum. There was shattered armor, broken weapons and even scraps of clothing on display. I noticed Uncle Ryuu looking at a painting being displayed over a katana. I couldn't see my uncles face, but I knew he was angry as he kept looking at the picture because I looked down to see his hand closed into a fist, as small amounts of fire were emitting from it. I then heard voices coming from another room as I looked inside the bedroom to see mom and Auntie Yori talking.

Emiko: So where are they now?

Yori: Don't know. All Fumiko told me was that they're running late.

Emiko: Like how late are we talking?

Yori: Well hopefully sometime before the night of the parade.

Mom then exhales strongly before going all wobbly.

Yori: Hey, hey! You okay? You looked stressed.

Emiko: Oh. You think? What gave you that idea?

Yori: Okay, okay. Fair enough.

Emiko: You could've at least told me and Ryuu that mom and dad weren't here!

This surprises me that I didn't notice Uncle Ryuu standing behind me.

Ryuu: Erma?

And with that sudden startle, I fall down on the ground inside of the bedroom.


*Ryuu POV*

We were all in the lobby discussing on where mom and dad were.

Sam: Not here? As in they're not coming?

Me: No. Apparently they're running late.

Emiko: Oh how I wish someone would've told us on the way over here.

Yori: Hey! I found out about this at the last second. Like, right before I went to pick you guys up.

Sam: So does anyone know why they're running late?

Yori: Don't look at me. All of my knowledge is from Fumiko, which isn't saying much.

Emiko: Where is she, anyway?

Ena: She said she had to go take care of something.

Yori: That sounds about right.

Me: Hmm...... what about you Kentaro? Any ideas on where our parents are.

Ena: Yeah! Do you know where they are?

Kentaro: Don't look at me either. Fumiko's the one keeping tabs on mom and dad.

Fumiko: They're on a business trip.

Fumiko and Haru enter the room with Fumiko's art supplies. I look over at Erma on the couch and see that she looks confused on what's happening. I then head over, get on my knee and pat her head reassuring her that everything is fine.

Me: It's alright Erma. We're just trying to find out where Grandma and Grandpa are.

Fumiko: I'm creating a shortcut.

Me: Huh?

I look over to see Fumiko using her art supplies to create a portal and it reveals Yori's car.

Me: What's happening?

Fumiko: Apologies, Emiko. Ryuu. But you four need to leave.

Emiko and Me: What?

Fumiko: Apologies to you as well, Mr. Williams, for this inconvenience.

Emiko: Now wait just a minute!

Yori: Yeah, hang on. Can we talk about this? We just got here. And I am not about to drive all the way back to the airport.

As they start to argue, I look back and forth between my siblings and see that after I left, they really have grown apart from each other and their happiness. Mother and Father have torn our bonds because of their idiotic views on humans. They always thought of humans as inferior to us yokai because of our supernatural powers. And this pissed me off even more.

Me: 'Damn old man!'

I then felt something wrap around my legs as I looked down to see Mitsu and Momo hugging my legs.

Mitsu: Please don't leave!

Momo: Yeah! We have so many fun pranks we wanna do with you!

As I patted their heads, I looked over to Erma who had a very heartbroken expression on her face. That's when the memory of Fumiko pleading me not leave came back. This was a memory I have always regretted. But not this time. This time, I intend to stay and fix my bond with my siblings. This time, I will stand up to my parents, face to face.

Fumiko: What are you going to do when father sees all of you?

Me: We'll deal with it.

Everyone looks at me as I look back into Fumiko's eyes with the intention of staying.

Me: I appreciate your concern sis. Emiko and I really do. But we all knew that this was going to happen eventually. And trust me when I say this, I've been wanting to do this for years. But I was too afraid to do so. And now that I've had the courage to come back, I will not stand back as the very mention of his name, break this family more than it is already. So as bad as it is of an idea coming here was, we'll deal with it. All of us. As a family. End of discussion.

It was quiet as everyone else looked at the both of us as we just stared at each other. Fumiko narrowed her eyes to see if I was being serious or not. And I was dead serious about doing this.

Fumiko: Alright, Ryuu, have it your way.

Me: Thank you, Fumiko.

Fumiko: But just so you know, whatever happens to you, Emiko, Sam and their daughter? That will all be on you and Emiko's decisions. Do I make myself clear brother?

Me: Crystal, dear sister. Now close the portal.

She closes the portal and packs away her art supplies. She and Haru then walk off to her room as we watch them in silence. Kentaro then slaps Sam on the back.

Kentaro: Whelp! You guys must be hungry! So what'll it be, Sam?

Sam: Whatever doesn't crawl around in my stomach, I guess.

Kentaro: Ah, why not? It adds to the texture.

Me: He's human, Kentaro, he can't eat our food like we can.

Kentaro: Oh yeah. Right. Uh sorry Sam.

Sam: It's all good.

Ena: You coming, Ryuu?

Me: Just a second, Ena.

As soon as those three were gone, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Me: Well.... that could've gone a lot smoother.

I then feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Emiko and Yori smiling at me.

Emiko: Thank you, Ryuu. I'm glad you said something before I did.

Me: Hey, it's my job as big brother to make sure you guys don't do something stupid. I'd rather take the blame than rather see you guys suffer in guilt and regret.

Yori: But why?

Me: Because I lived with those feelings for years. And it doesn't get easier over time.

Yori: ....... You gonna be okay?

Me: Yeah.... yeah. I just gotta try and explain my actions to Fumiko and Rin. But it looks like Ena and Kentaro are warming back up to me. But it seems Mayumi is being very introverted as of now. What happened when I left?

Emiko: Many things. We were lost without you. We eventually got over it at some point but the thought was still there. The idea of you not being there when we got in trouble with mom and dad. Even Rin came crying to me asking for where you were when she was attacked by humans one day.

Me: Wait, is that how she got her scar?

Yori: Yeah.

Me: God.... damnit.

I walk over to the couch and sit down with my face in my hands as I start to hate myself for not being there for my little snake. What kind of brother am I?

Emiko: Ryuu?

Me: Just... Just give me a second alone. Please?

Yori: You sure?

Me: Yeah. You guys go on ahead. I'll be there in a second.

My sisters and their daughters leave and head to the dining hall, while I sit there silently crying to myself.

Me: I failed. I failed to protect them. I should've stayed and kept them protected. But what did I do? I fled like a coward and left them to defend themselves. I'm such a failure.

As I sit there, beating myself up, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Fumiko standing behind me.

Me: Fumiko?

Fumiko: You're not a failure, Ryuu.

She then sits right beside me as we just sit there in silence for a moment as I wonder why she said that.

Me: What do you mean?

Fumiko: You were a child, Ryuu. We all were. Anyone of us would've done the same thing you did all those years ago. The abuse you took was too much for you so you decided to get away from the torment. And honestly, I'm glad you did.

Me: How come?

Fumiko doesn't say anything for a moment until I saw something drip down her chin. She then looked up with a sad face and black tears. She was crying. Crying for me more specifically.

Fumiko: Because I didn't want to see my big brother become a monster. I didn't want you to lose the gentle and caring nature you've shown to us. Your smile, your laugh, your goofy personality. Those were the things that made me happy to be your sister. I looked up to you for being so strong. And I don't mean your physical strength.

Me: Fumiko....

Fumiko: I-I was scared of l-l-losing y-you. *hic* J-Just the mere fact that one *hic* d-day, *hic* *hic* that we might've lost that part of you, was enough to make me fear for you. So when you told me that you were leaving, I was happy. Happy but sad. *sob* I was happy you were gone from mother and father and their abuse, but I was sad that I would never see you again.

Me: Fumiko.

Fumiko: I'm sorry for trying to push you away.

Me: Fumiko.

Fumiko: I was just trying to protect you.

Me: Fumiko.

Fumiko: Please don't hate me!

Me: Fumiko!

She stops her rambling as she looks in front of her to see me right in front of her. But she was surprised to see me that I wasn't mad. Instead, I was smiling with tears coming down my face as I was proud of her. Proud of what a fine young woman she has become. She finally let her emotions out in front of me, as all the years of sadness and fear she's had for my well being, just on full display. I stand her up, wrap my arms around her, embracing her in a hug that I've wanted to give her for so long.

Fumiko: R-Ryuu?

Me: I would never hate you. The fact that you wanted to send me away just so you could protect me makes me all the more prouder of what you have become. And that's being fearless in the face of danger and to use all your strengths to protect your family. So there is no reason for me to hate you. I love you and that is final. You will always be my little sister. You and the others are my family. And I will not abandon my family this time.

Fumiko then hugs me tightly as she continues to cry to herself.

Fumiko: Please don't leave us.

Me: I was never thinking of it.

And out of nowhere, Ena crashes into me crushing me in a tight hug as she cries her eyes out.

Ena: Big bro!

Fumiko and Me: Ena?

Ena: Me and Kentaro heard everything as we were coming to let you know that dinner was ready but instead we heard you two talking and we couldn't help but listen in!

Me: You heard everything?

Kentaro, Yori and Emiko come out as they joined in on the hug and were crying as well.

Kentaro: 'Course we did bro. Me and Ena are just happy to know that you're here for good.

Me: Of course I am.

Yori: Guess the family's all back together.

Me: Not yet. We're still missing Rin. But what about you Mayumi?

We then look over to see Mayumi quickly duck back into her room in embarrassment I'm pretty sure.

Me: *CHUCKLE* You wanna join in?

And with that she slams her door shut and I can hear her rustle around her room.

Me: She'll come around. Now, I'm hungry so lets eat!

Sam: Foods ready guys!

Kentaro: Heck yeah!

He then runs off to the dining room, probably to eat everything on the table.

Me: Hey, no fair Kentaro! I haven't had anything good to eat since we landed!

We all then ran off to the dining hall and had the first happy family meal we've all had, in such a long time. All that was missing was Mayumi and Rin. And tomorrow is the day we find her.

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