A Railgun In Fairy Academy.

By MisakaLovesYou

5K 159 164

Mikoto Misaka is the new girl at Fairy Academy. Brash, bold, and a bit of a Tsundere, she quickly attracts th... More

Welcome to Fairy Academy: The Gaming Club
Revenge Vegetables
The Dork Side


1K 27 33
By MisakaLovesYou

Don't play video until prompted to.

Mikoto stood in the girl's bathroom looking at herself critically. Did her hair look okay? Her face wasn't a mess was it? Should she consider makeup?

Mikoto shook her head in disgust. Makeup!? She hated makeup! That wasn't her at all!! Why was she so flustered?

5 minutes till 3:30.. till she got to see that boy again.

Erza peeked her head in to the bathroom. "Hey Misaka! Time to go! hmmm.. I've never been to a gaming club before.. should be fun."

"Right." said Mikoto, blushing. "F-fun..."

Mikoto and Erza walked back to the Gaming Club room, to find Lucy, Accelerator, Natsu, Touma, and Aiko there.. staring at a note.

"This is bad.." Accelerator muttered.

"H-hey guys." said Mikoto. "Er.. where's the other co-president?"

"She.. WAS KIDNAPPED!!" Aiko exclaimed, pulling out her I-Pod and playing dramatic music. "DUN DUN DUN!!!"

"Wait.. what!?" Mikoto exclaimed.

"Kidnapping? One of our students!?" Erza's gaze turned livid and she grabbed the note out of Natsu's hand. "Not in my school..."

The note was crudely written.

"We have taken your president. If you want her back, you will come to the park at 4:00, and bring all your game data and ideas. Otherwise, we will keep her forever, her knowledge on over 103,000 original award winning game ideas will be useful to us!

signed, your mysterious captors, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

p.s. Aiko, if you didn't play ominous music during the laughing part of this ransom note, you are a jerk.."

Aiko, who hadn't played any music at this point, looked down sadly. "Awww.."

"It's one of the rival game clubs.." Touma growled. "They do this stuff every year!! Last time they took Aiko and made her dance on a tightrope over a pool of the smelliest trash imaginable!! Such misfortune.."

"I had no idea that the Gaming Club suffered so much abuse from the other schools.." said Lucy with slight shock.

"Yeah.. but this is the worst one yet." said Accelerator. "Index's awesome knowledge of award winning games is what has made our club top notch every year, even if we don't make first place. And she has an idea for this year, an online MMO that will shake the nation if it gets created.. no the world!!"

"We call it.. League of Awesomeness!" said Aiko.

"We agreed on League of Legends." said Touma.

"I don't know.. I kinda like League of Awesomeness!" said Natsu. "Is there food involved?"

"Well usually with Index it is.. but this game will be a free to play with optional pay to play unlockables.. where you can play as an assortment of different characters called champions.. well.. she plans to sell the game to a company called Riot Games if it's a huge success." said Touma. "We have to save Index!! THE ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE GAMING CLUB IS AT STAKE!!!"

"And not just that.." Natsu's face contorted with anger. "They kidnapped somebody from OUR school.. that's something I can't stand for.. LET'S GO BEAT EM UP!!!!"

"Or.. we could call the police?" said Lucy.

Natsu scratched his chin. "Hmmmm call the police.. orrrr... WE CAN BEAT EM UP!!!!"

"Heheheheheheh..." Accelerator licked his lips. "Police would only get in the way of ripping out their livers..."

Mikoto shivered. "Is everyone in this school so violent!?"

"Yes.." said Lucy. "Yes they are.."

"YEAH!! LET'S GET EM!!!" The entire group except for Lucy and Mikoto piled out of the room, making their way to the park.

"Should we follow?" said Mikoto. "Or call the police..?"

"If we call the police, the others will get in trouble for fighting.. so probably not." said Lucy.

Mikoto sighed. "Well.. here we go.."


As everyone headed to the park, Mikoto ran up next to Touma. "S-so.. eh... K-Kamijou.. who do you think kidnapped Index?"

"Most likely it was Night Academy's game club." said Touma. "They always like messing with us.."

"So what are they like? This Night Academy Game club?"

"Ever watch Power Rangers?" said Touma


"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"

"Eh.. I'm more of an anime fan.."

"Thunder Cats?"

"Not really.."

"Well, let's just say they're incredibly flamboyant." said Touma.

Right when they reached the front gate of the Park, the point Touma made became pretty clear.

4 individuals jumped out in front of the gate, making strange poses behind each other.. throwing out their hands as if readying for a battle.

"SHIZURI!!" one tea color haired girl shouted

"SAIAI!!" said a younger brown haired girl wearing an orange hoodie shouted.

"FRENDA!!" shouted a long legged blonde girl with a beret similar to Aiko's

"Rikou.." said a bored looking darker haired girl.

"TOGETHER WE ARE!!! THE SUPER AWESOME GAME CREATION FIGHTING FORCE!!!" the entire group shouted, frozen in their strange poses.

"Oh.." Mikoto muttered as a sweat drop went down her forehead. "I see.."

"Ahah!! Intimidated by our battle taunt?" said Shizuri with a sly smile. "That's good to see, as we're about to take away all your gaming secrets.. now.. where is the data we asked for..?"

"We don't have it you jerk.." said Touma, clenching his fists.

"Yeah!!" said Natsu. "We're not giving you jerks anything!! We're gonna beat you up!!! SO HARD!!!"

"Hand us back our fellow colleague, or be warned.." Erza said with a demonic expression. "We won't go easy.."

"Oh really?" said Shizuri. "You mean this friend? Frenda...?"

"Yes ma'am!!" Frenda pulled Index out of the bushes.. she was all tied up. There were furious flames in her eyes. "YOU FREAKING TURDS!! I WILL END YOU!!! TOUMAAAAAAA!!!! WRECK EM!!!! TOUMAAAAA!!!! CHOMP!!!

Index took a big gaping bite into Frenda's arm.

"EEEEEKKKK!!! IT'S GOT ME!!! AIEEEEE!!!!!" Frenda squealed, tears coming out of her eyes as Rikou pulled Index off.


Index then chomped into Rikou who screamed as well and pulled her off and threw her back into the bush.

"I thought I told you to muzzle her!!!" Shizuri raged.

"Well she kept on biting then eating the muzzle!!" said Frenda. "That girl's a demon!!"

"IDIOT FRENDA!!!" Shizuri grabbed Frenda by the back of her neck and began spanking her repeatidly. "BAD FRENDA!! BAD!! BAD!!!"

"OW!!! WHY MUGINO SEMPAI!!!! WHY!?" Frenda cried.

"Oh.. here we go again.." Saiai said, shaking her head. "This is going to be SUPER annoying."

"They are... different.." said Erza with a raised eyebrow.

"They're always like this.." Accelerator growled. "Filthy little sadist Shizuri... alright, enough talk!! Let's get ready to fight!! Aiko!! Play our theme music!!"

Aiko grinned and took out what looked like a mini stereo and hooked it up to her I-pod. Immediately, hard core battle music began to play.

"Ha!! That's nothing!!" Shizuri said. "Frenda!! Play OUR theme music."

"Yes ma'am Mugino!!" said Frenda, taking out a large stereo system and pressing a button.

Play video now.

A super goofy tune began to play, reminiscent of comedians and circus clowns..

Shizuri's eye began to twitch as Frenda sweated nervously. "Eh... eh.. eheh.. forgot to switch out the tapes...eh.."

"BAD FRENDA!!! BAD FRENDA!!!" Shizuri pulled Frenda forward and began spanking her again.


"Are... we going to fight?" said Lucy. "Or what?"

"I'll go with.. 'or what'. " said Mikoto.

"Hell no!! WE'RE FIGHTING!!!" Natsu roared. "ATTAAAAAACK!!!"

Everyone charged into each other.. and for a moment, the place went into chaos.

Riruko charged at Accelerator and pulled out what appeared to be vitamins.

"Yeah.. so you see.. I'm going to take these vitamins.. so my hearing will be like.. I don't know.. better.. so you won't take me by surprise.." said Riruko boredly.

"WHAM!!!" Accelerator punched Riruko in the face, and she went down. "Well.. that was easy.."

"AHA!!!" Saiai was running circles around Touma and Natsu, outspeeding them at every turn, throwing up dust clouds in her wake. "I'm the most athletic member of the track team at my school!! You'll never Super take me alive!! I'll make Super dust out of all of you!!"

Saiai jumped up and began kicking Natsu and Touma in the face both repeatidly.

"LIKE THAT WILL WORK!!!" Touma pulled out a baseball mitt in his right hand and caught Saiai's foot in a split second.

"Wh-what!?" said Saiai. "H-how!!?"

"When I was in the baseball club back in junior high." said Touma. "I was such a good right handed catcher, that no ball could escape my grip.. this earned the attention of a lot of girls.. and eventually they gave my signature right handed catching technique a name.. I call it.. TSUNDERE BREAKER!!!"

Mikoto's jaw dropped. "WHAT BREAKER!?"

"O-okay now.." said Saiai nervously. "L-look, I'm a girl.. and I'm much younger then you guys.. surely you'd like Super spare me right?"


Saiai was left quivering on the ground, covered in bruises. "S-so.. heartless.."


Meanwhile, Erza was dodging a bunch of water balloons filled with ketchup and mustard that Frenda was throwing.

"Come on legendary Class President!!" Frenda yelled. "I know you can do it!! Come at me!! My legs will kick you up a storm!!"

"Oh you're on!!" Erza roared, she pulled out a meter stick and ran at Frenda, but before she could reach Frenda, her foot got caught in a rope trap that rapidly pulled Erza upside-down.

"HA!! My traps are everywhere!" said Frenda. "There's no way you can-"

Before Frenda could finish her sentence, Erza yowled like an angry cat and ripped the rope apart with her bare hand, falling down, then getting back up so she could run at Frenda like an angry beast.

"EEEE!!!!" Frenda squealed as Erza pulled her forward by her hair, and began spanking her behind with the meter stick.

"BAD FRENDA!! BAD FRENDA!! BAD FRENDA!!" Erza yelled as she spanked Frenda.

"WAAAAAA!!!!" Frenda sobbed. "BUT YOU'RE NOT MUGINO SEMPAI!!!"

And as Aiko was busy with the audio, that left Mikoto facing Shizuri.

"Ahah!! You must be a newbie!!" Said Shizuri, taking out a long stun baton with the words "Meltdowner" on it. "Well, I'm Shizuri Mugino!! Heir to the Meltdowner Company fortune!! My family is the number 1 producer of police weapons in the nation!!"

"Number 2 actually, if you crunch the numbers right." said Mikoto pulling out her tazer. "The Misaka Electromaster Company beats you by a fair margin the last time my dad checked sales."

Shizuri blinked for a minute, then her face went dark with rage. "I see.. you're the heir to my family's competition!! Well then!! Misaka!!! Let's dance!!"

Shizuri lunged forward and began jabbing and lashing out her stun baton at Mikoto as she dodged and leapt aside, easily outmaneuvering Shizuri's attacks.

"Your Saiai friend isn't the only one whose an athlete!" said Mikoto with a grin. "I've been on a track team myself!!"

Mikoto lunged forward, slashing her tazer down at Shizuri's chest.. but the tazer was knocked out of Mikoto's hand by a swift kick from Shizuri.

"Oops.. looks like you're vulnerable!" said Shizuri, lashing out her baton again.

Mikoto did a gymnastic flip back, dodging the attack.

"You can't stay back there forever!" said Shizuri. "My baton has a long range, and you know it!!"

"Actually, I have more range then that!!!" Mikoto yelled, taking out her high powered slingshot. Mikoto began firing round after round of arcade coins at Shizuri, all of which connected with Shizuri's face, knocking her back with loud smacking sounds, and creating angry red welts.

"The crap!?" Shizuri fell back and her hand brushed a tree.. out of the tree, fell a ketchup and mustard water balloon, that splattered all over Shizuri's head and face, drenching her head in the sauce.

"FRENDA!!!!!" Shizuri screamed, grabbing the nearby Frenda away from Erza and spanking her. "BAD FRENDA BAD FRENDA BAD FRENDA!!!!!"

"M-MUGINO.. OW.. SEMPAI.. OW... LOOK!!! OWWWW!!!" Frenda pointed nearby as she was spanked.

Shizuri looked where Frenda was pointing to see that Index had wriggled out of her bonds, and was chomping her teeth menacingly. "You.. little.. TWERPS!!!"

"Uh-oh.." Shizuri squeaked as Index lunged forward like a vicious cougar and began her vicious cycle of bites.

"CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!!!" was pretty much all you needed to hear while the deed was done...


"Well.. I hope the ambulance goes to the right spot.. Index left them with quite a few bites, and they could get infected.." Touma muttered as he closed his cellphone.

Everyone was on their way back to the school to finish up what little of the meeting was left. Mikoto.. for a reason she couldn't yet comprehend, was walking next to Touma.

"W-well.. I hope they aren't too hurt... I mean, what they did was bad.. but we kind of went overboard roughing them up.." Mikoto muttered.

"Not with Shizuri.. she was coming at you with a stun baton." said Touma. "Are you hurt or anything? She kicked your hand awfully hard."

Touma took Mikoto's hand, and at that single touch, Mikoto felt her heart start beating wildly.. her face began to steam like a sauna. "M-meh....meh.....eh.."

"Misaka? Misaka!?" Touma waved a hand frantically in front of her face. "Are you okay!!? You're turning hot!!"

"H-he thinks I'm hot.." Mikoto murmured, going even more red and dizzy.

"Misaka... MISAKA!!!!" Touma shouted as Mikoto fainted in his arms..


Mikoto woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. Next to her, Lucy was sitting in a chair reading a book.

"Oh.. you're awake lover girl!" said Lucy with a sly wink.

"Wh-what happened?" Mikoto stammered. "Where am I?"

"You're in my house." said Lucy. "And as for what happened.. eheheheheh.. you were so head over heels for that Touma Kamijou boy, you plain fainted!!"

"WHAT!?" Mikoto squealed. "HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THAT IDIOT!? No!! Of course not!!! Even if he is handsome.. and nice.. and.. and.. NO!! OF COURSE NOT!!!!"

Lucy gave a good natured laugh. "Mikoto! It's not embarrassing to like a guy that much! Just tell him how you feel!!"

"I DON'T FEEL ANYTHING!!!" Mikoto squealed.

"Riiight." said Lucy winking. "Sure you don't"

Mikoto grabbed a pillow on the bed and screamed into it.

Lucy laughed again. "Well.. you want some advice on boys...?"

Mikoto looked up. "Advice? What kind of advice?"

"How to win em over." said Lucy. "Firstly.. boys.. are really, really.... simple... to put it nicely.. keep it as simple as possible.. or they'll remain oblivious.."

"Or I can pretend I don't like him!! And that way I won't have to like him!" Mikoto said.

Lucy sighed. "Tsundere..."

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