The Untold Truth βœ“

By MaFIABooks

940K 29.6K 20.8K

As Ares and Ali return from their blissful honeymoon, they are suddenly hit by the harsh realities of life. S... More

Chapter One | Adonis Blue
Chapter Two | Brimstone
Chapter Four | Duke of Burgundy
Chapter Five | Essex Skipper
Chapter Six | Fatekeeper
Chapter Seven | Glanville Fritillary
Chapter Eight | Heath Fritillary
Chapter Nine | Irizzled Skipper
Chapter Ten | Jolly Blue
Chapter Eleven | Kulworth Skipper
Chapter Twelve | Large Heath
Chapter Thirteen | Marbled White
Chapter Fourteen | Northern Brown
Chapter Fifteen | Orange-tip
Chapter Sixteen | Painted Lady
Chapter Seventeen | Qing Let
Chapter Eighteen | Red Admiral
Chapter Nineteen | Scotch Argus
Chapter Twenty | Twallowtail
Chapter Twenty-One | Upeckled Wood
Chapter Twenty-Two | Van Delo
Chapter Twenty-Three | Zaly Welly

Chapter Three | Chalk Hill Blue

46.5K 1.3K 984
By MaFIABooks

A R E S | N I C O L A I D E S


I have an obsession.

And she is always sleeping on our bed, the sheets between her legs, her hands dug beneath the white pillows and her dark hair sprawled out. Or painting on the floors of our apartment.

She was my obsession to be fair.

Who would not have an obsession for her? She is fucking beautiful.

You could say I am a lucky man, a very lucky man. I stand up from the couch that rests in the edge of our room and make my way towards her, her eyes are fluttering open as I crawl on top of her. She lets out a soft chuckle, my lips pulling her bottom ones.

Her fingers lift to the back of my hair, "you are tiring me out Nico." She whispers. "You do know our honeymoon is over with, right?"

"I'm still going to fuck you the same." I drag my lips down her neck, I could feel the vibration of her laughs. Her fucking laugh. My second obsession. Her smile. This woman makes me crazy, and it is unusual to have her in the bed I waited two years for. "I have a little present for you."

"Is it really little?"

"Not that one Angelos." I pull her up from the bed, she was already wearing her underwear. Not that I would mind her running across our apartment naked, it would not be the first time she has done it. With her hands interlocked with mine, we make our way to the room at the end of the hallway. "Go on."

"You want me to go inside first?"

"No, I just want you to stare at the door." She lets out a sarcastic laugh and pushes down the handle of the door before departing inside, I could tell her mouth dropped in shock. She looks between me and the room before jumping into my arms. Squeals and screams of excitement leaves her before she explores the room.

I made a room for her to paint in.

A shelf filled with the best paints and brushes there are, pencils, water colour pallets. Canvases from ever size there is and a stand. I made sure to get her the best of the best, she turns to face me, and I see a tear slithering down her blossomed cheeks. "I love you." She mouths, unable to get words out of her mouth.

"I'm expecting you to be painting naked Angelos," she chuckles.

"Thank you, Ares," I grab the back of her neck and kiss her deeply. She slides her hot tongue into my mouth before gently pulling away, I feel her hands brush on top of my hardened dick before a sudden phone call disrupts us. I slide it out of my back pocket and see my mother calling me.

"I'll be right back." I tell her before leaving the room, I answer the phone and hold it to my ears.

"Well, my son finally decided to answer me."

"What do you want?"

"Such a pleasant way to say hello."

"I said, what do you want?" I repeat myself to her.

"I want to see my daughter in law."

Athena will be killed by me. Athena is the only person that is close to my mother, thus I believe she told her otherwise how would she know.

I do not talk to my mother for a number of valid reasons, and I have not told her anything about Alex since she doesn't need to know. Particularly with women like her, my business is strictly my business.

"I don't want her meeting you." She tuts in the background.

"Now, now. Watch the attitude son, I want to meet her. I will be having a family dinner this weekend; she will be coming with you."

"Don't think I've forgotten what you've done mother,"

"I never said you did, I want to move on from the past Ares, I love you, you are my baby boy..."

I end the phone call and walk back into the room to see Alex fidgeting with the brushes, stroking it against her fingers.

If only Alex knew the entire truth, if only she could remember so I did not need to repeat the horror stories myself.

I could not find it in my to tell her about anything of my past again, I did it once. I hated it.

And so did she.

I guess we all have our indifferences, but now when I got back to falling in love. I would think it is crazy, because why do we fall for love? Why do we not rise into it? Well, when I am with her. I fall and rise, I fall to her feet and would worship her, and I would rise and protect her. Two indifferences between the both of us.

She picks up the paint brush and turns to me, I raise a brow as she slowly unclasps her bra. I watch as she slides down the straps, it falls over her shoulders before falling to the ground. I glance at her tattoos all over her stomach as she slowly makes her way to me, I look down at her dropping to her knees.


"Ares." She whispers unbuckling my belt, it was night. And here she was. At my mercy. I shake my head, warning her. She slowly unzips me and pulls my trousers down, my erection flung out niches away from her nose. She sucks in a deep breath.

"Are you just going to stare at it or suck it?" Her tongue comes out first as she licks the precum of my tip, and slowly she begins to ease it inside of her mouth. A groan releases my mouth as her lips begin taking me, I love the way I feel in her mouth. The hotness. She bobs her head in and out, only taking me in halfway.

"Angelos. Fuck. I'm sorry." She knew exactly what was about to happen, I grab the back of her head and thrust my dick into her mouth roughly. I could hear her gags for me and her hands tight around my thighs. I look down as see her saliva dripping down the corners of her mouth, she makes me cum quick. With her eyes looking up at me, her throat clogged by my dick and her spit wrapped around my skin.

I could cum now.

And I am.

Two more thrusts was all it took for me to burst into her mouth, I push her head all the way to make sure it reached the back of her throat. She taps my legs, "nose." I warn her before groaning, my head falls back in absolute pleasure.

I push her head away and the saliva leaks down her mouth, she wipes her mouth with her hands, and I pull her to her feet and kiss her.

"I'm just going to the bathroom, have to get ready." She whispers.

I barely caught on her words as she left me. I zip myself up and head to the bathroom, I hear the tap on. I stop by the open door.

I watch Alex from the split of the bathroom door, she stared down at her hands for seven minutes now. She slowly looks up into the bathroom mirror and sighs, I could see how much her miscarriages has affected her, and I had no idea on how to comfort her.

I push the door open and make my way behind her and slide my hands beneath hers. She looks into my eyes through the mirror, and I see the tears falling down her eyes. I could see the pain that I could not take away from her, the pain I feel like I caused.

"Butterflies Angelos," I whisper to her.

She closes her eyes for a minute and opens them, just by the shake of her head. I know it did not work. "I can't-"

"Yes, you can, come on. They are butterflies now...close your eyes and imagine them as butterflies." When she told me about her feelings, nothing has upset me more. I felt grateful for her to tell me these things because I know how hard it is on her. I know she struggles a lot with these little things.

She just is not one to say it.

My phone continued to ring throughout the day, and it bugged me. I switch if onto silent and throw it to the side. I watch as Alex finally leaves the bathroom and goes into the cupboard to change. "I have four canvases to finish before the open evening at my gallery." I hear her speak, her voice travelling to me.

"When is your open evening?"

"Fourth of December, I need to go over there tomorrow and sign some papers to finalise it." She walks out wearing a black lingerie, her small hands holding a hanger with a black dress linked to it.

"Where are you going?"

"Where are we going? You mean." This woman is a mystery. "We have dinner with the buyers, the old people who anonymously bought my painting before. Seriously Ares, you forgot."

I did forget. Fuck. "No, I did not."

"Yes, you did, I can see it in your eyes! You forgot about my dinner." I could tell by the shift in energy in the air that she was offended. I get to my feet while she gives me the quiet treatment. I walk behind her and assist her in zipping up the dress, my hands touching her back tattoos on the way up.

"I'll change now." She hums, walking to the makeup dresser.

I change into a matching black suit, leaving the first three buttons undone and rolling up my sleeves to my elbows.

Alex was shouting at me from the front door, so I hurriedly adjusted my belt around my waist and brushed my hair. I quickly pour myself a scotch and guzzle it down on my way to get my wallet.


Alex slips her arms through mine, taking her time ascending the steps to the restaurant's door due to the size of her heels. When we arrive, the doorman unlocks it for both of us. The receptionist then greets us with a smile on her face, "table for four under Nicolaides." Alex speaks.

"Of course, you guests are already here. Please follow me."

The restaurant had a very classy vibe to it, with the marble white floorings and gold chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. The man playing the piano in the middle of the room, it had beautiful architecture. "Ares, I should have just worn my trainers."

We reach the table, and in no way were they an old couple.

Two men in black suits, "Mrs Nicolaides I assume." One spoke, taking his hands out to shake Alex's. She declines gently and the man shakes my hands instead.

"You assume correct, this is my husband Ares Nicolaides."

"A strong grip you have Mr Nicolaides." He chuckles, "my name is Andrew, and this is my brother Chris."

"Good evening." I whisper out.

"I apologise but I thought we were meeting Mrs and Mr Spencer?"

"Oh, you were, they're our parents but they got held up and sent us instead." Chris answers, Alex nods her head.

After the introductions, the conversation turns to art. I see Alex beaming from ear to ear as they inquire about her work and where her ideas came from. They originated with me.

 A bottle of red wine is brought to us by the waiter, I thank her to see her already staring at me. "And that is how my first painting came to life. The one you're parents bought."

"It is beautiful, your hand is amazing." Andrew flirts, he better calm the fuck down with his flirting if he wanted to live to see tomorrow.

"Thank you,"

"We actually invited you to come to dinner for an offer." I slowly sit up, scanning every detail of their faces and clothing's. The funny thing is, they look very familiar to someone I know. I just need to find out the name of the person and I will have them all figured out. "We want to offer you thirty thousand to paint a family portrait of our family."

Alex swallowed her wine and settled down the glass, I turn to face her. "Sorry-I-What?" She stutters.

"We want to pay you thirty thousand for a family portrait."

That's my girl.

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