The Rascal Manor {Toh Swap au}

By Dormant_0ften

130 8 3

All rights belong to Dana Terrance. If Dana is uncomfortable with this I will gladly take this down. I own no... More

Episode 2: Witches before wizards

Episode 1: A lying with and a coven head

103 5 3
By Dormant_0ften

As Alador stepped out of the Blights' house, saying, "Oh my, little abominations, don't worry camp is only two months. Esmira and Edric please make friends and try not to get into trouble. Amity, dear, promise me to be yourself and don't change being yourself for anybody."

The youngest, Blight was placing an old hoodie in the bin.
Amity was forced to not be herself for an entire year until her father had enough and divorced their mother. The siblings' father thought that they had a stressful year and needed a break.

Esmira sighed as their father wished them goodbye and the bus was only a couple minutes away. Edric moved away a streak of green hair from his amber eyes while clutching his suitcase. Suddenly, a small red cardinal bird tipped over the thrash can and grabbed the hoodie as the siblings stared shocked until Amity who was planning to take back the hoodie began to run after the bird with luggage still in her hand. The siblings began chasing after Amity.

The red bird flew through the woods and straight through an open door of a small shack. Amity followed while shouting, "Stop flying away, you...

She ran into the shack after the bird and stopped suddenly, and watched the bird flew into another room.

Amity looked around, "Whoa, and I thought dad had a lot of weird stuff. But this, this is just far weirder."

A masculine voice said unexpectedly, "Finally, you're back."

Edric and Esmira looked through the gap of the wooden shack and sees a middle-aged man and the bird they were following. The man puts the bird on a tall piece of maroon wood and screws the red cardinal on, and in a small golden glow the bird turns into a still piece wood. He then grabs a bag and opens it.

The man takes a phone out of the bag, "Garbage." Takes out a diamond ring, "Shiny". Takes out a silver bowl, "Garbage." Grabs a plastic flower with a face on it, "Now this, this will make me rich."

" Now this," grabbing Amity's old hoodie," this will make good kindling."

Amity began to run at the man who she can clearly see had faded blonde hair, magenta eyes and was very tall, she then grabs the hoodie and runs back to the door, hearing her siblings calling her name, " Excuse me, sorry, that's mines, thank you. " Amity blurts out hurriedly. The door closes in front of the siblings.

The man then said menacingly "You're not going anywhere."

Edric began to yell and run in a panic, "Oh, no, no, no, no! What's going on?" A Fairy flies at him. "Oh, hello, little fairy, are you going to tell me that this is all a fantastical dream?"

Suddenly the fairy screamed, "GIVE ME YOUR SKIN!"

Edric then yelps and hits the fairy, questioning, "Where am I? Did we die? Am I in hell?"

The man then puts a hand on Edric's shoulder saying, "You wish." He then takes Edric back to the stand where his siblings were waiting with a scared expression on both faces.

Amity then yelled, "I'm so sorry! I just wanted my hoodie! If you're going to eat my skin, just make it quick! Just do it now!"

The man who the siblings could see clearly, was wearing a yellow-golden three-quarter sleeve shirt with what looked like an oval, blue, gemstone in the middle of it, and black leggings. (The shirt is like his golden guard one.) "Eat you? Why would I eat potential customers? Can I offer you a foot filled with holes? A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh! How about this black shadowbox that reflects only sadness?"

Esmira then laughs and says "That's not all it can do. Here, let me see it. "She then grabs batteries, puts them in the small tv, and turns it on.

A crowd gathers up at their stand wanting to buy the television

The blonde hair man then looked amazed and questioned "What did you say your names were?"

Esmira having gained some confidence said, "I'm Esmira, Esmira Blight." Pointing to each of her siblings saying," That's, Edric, and that's Amity."

The man said looking at the siblings, to where they can see a scar from the left side of his face going up. "Well Esmira, that was pretty clever, for a human."

Edric then steps into the conversation responding, "That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say."

The tired adult shook his head and then lifted it to look at the Blights. "Oh, dear children

, I am not like you. I'm Hunter the Scarlet Beast, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles! I am respected and feared the amongst all."

Just then a Coven Guard, the figure was tall and slim. A light grey bird beak mask is worn along with a pure white cloak and a silver triangle clasp. Black loose pants were worn along with maroon boots. The coven guard smashes the television interrupting Hunter saying, "And busted. " The crowd then runs away. "Hunter Witterbane, the Scarlet Beast, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors, the list goes on and on, but you get the point."

Amity gasped then whispered while holding her Esmira's hand tight, "Witch criminal."

The Coven Guard then announced, "You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium."

Hunter then says "Would you quit following me around? I haven't done anything your accusations are quite baseless."

The Coven Guard then looks at the siblings, "And you're coming too, for fraternizing with the criminal."

Hunter replied looking defeated, "Alright, alright, you win. Just let me get my stuff."

Hunter then bends down and shoots back up hitting the guard with his staff.

He begins to pack up everything with magic compressing it and putting it in a sack and shouting, " Follow me, humans!"

Edric screams while running "This is crazy! If we die here, our dad is going to kill me!"

Hunter then laughs "Ha! I won't let them hurt you. Humans like you are much more valuable to me alive than dead."

Edric feeling not very reassured said, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hunter stopped and yelled, "Everyone get on the staff!"

The ride was very cramped as there were four people on the staff and Hunter was only used to a couple of people on.

When they descended Amity looked up worried, "Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?

Hunter then replied, "Nope. My house has a state-of-the-art defense system."

They then stopped at a big house that looked like a dark red mansion. (Sort of like the owl house) "Well, we need to get in."

Suddenly what looked like a tube, with a furry face extended its body- head to Hunter and said, "Hoot! Hoot! Password please!" As Hunter pokes its eyes. "Aah!"

Hunter was being serious in saying "We got no time for that, Hooty. Let us in."

Hooty then looking very hurt replied "Alright, alright! Geez! You never want to have any fun, Ow! " He then opens his mouth to let them in, as they go into the house and Hooty closes his mouth again.

Hunter held up one arm and said proudly " Welcome to the Rascal Manor" He snaps his fingers, and the lights turn on. An outline of a cardinal warrior holding a sword on the dark red-magenta wood divider lit up with golden magic. The ceiling has a golden chandelier with candles on it. On a dark red-magenta wall can see a wanted poster of Hunter and someone else the price was three trillion snails for their capture and along with weapons above a couch "This is where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also, the cops and ex-girlfriends."

Esmira gasped and said "This place is beautiful! Do you live here alone?"

Hunter then looked at her replying "Actually, I have another roommate."

They hear someone stomping, a big shadow appears on the wall. As it comes closer, the shadow becomes smaller.

A small creature then appeared and questioned "Who dares intrude upon me, the Protector of Demons?!" and then squishes a squeaky rubber duck.

"Hunter, he's so cute! Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?" The siblings were baby talking to the creature known as Ember.

Ember commanded " No! I don't know who your little guy is! Hunter, who are these monsters?!"

Hunter was smirking at the sight of the siblings and Ember, "Oh, these are the Blights, Esmira, Edric, and Amity, they're humans and they're here to help us out with our little... situation."

Ember's eyes lit up "Oh! Hooray!"

Amity then looked anxious "Wait, wait, wait. I don't like the sound of this, 'situation'. What situation?"

Hunter began to explain, "Just, let me explain. Ember was once a mighty protector of demons until his Bone staff of power was stolen, and he became... this."

Edric was still babying up Ember "You mean this little bundle of joy?"

Hunter then ignored what Edric said and continued explaining, "The Bone staff is being held by the evil Warden Wrath and locked away behind a magic forcefield that only a human can break through. A human like you. If you help us retrieve his staff, we'll send you back to your realm. So, what do you say? Plus, who could say no to this cute face?" He then picked up Ember and shook his face.

Ember then screamed, "No! Please don't encourage them! Aah! " As Hunter dropped him.

"Plus, I mean, we're kinda your only way home," Hunter added.

Esmira looked down and asked, "So, we don't really have a choice, do we?"

Hunter was happy and exclaimed "Nope! Now, we have no time to lose! " He then grabs Esmira who was holding onto her siblings and drags them out of the house.

Ember then began talking to his duck "Soon, Mr. Ducky, we shall drink the fear of those who mocked us!"

Edric then questioned "Where are we going?"

Hunter laughed and then his tone of voice turned serious, " Somewhere super boring."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Hunter explained the large building as they approached the building, "The Conformatorium, a place for those considered unsuitable for society."

"Whoa, these guys really have it in for you." Esmira asked.

" Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery." Hunter replied.

Ember exclaimed "Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease, I'm a squirmy little fella!" Then proceeds to falls of Amity's head.

Ember explained dead serious, "Amity, you and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they're holding my crown."

Hunter continued, " And me, Esmira and Edric are going to make sure the warden's distracted."

Amity then questioned excitedly, "Will I need a disguise? I've been waiting to use this forever." As she puts on the hood of her hoodie and lifts the bat ears.

Ember then stated, "It's hideous!" thinking how ridiculous can these humans be.

Hunter sighed, "Oh, you'll fit right in." He then puts his staff on the ground which makes a glowing platform under Amity and Ember. "Hang on tight!" He then grabbed the twins and get on his staff "Meet you guys at the top of the tower!" they flew off at top speed to the top of the Conformatorium.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Edric then said quietly to himself "Okay, so we just go in, get the crown, and out, there is no way that he will catch us."

Hunter whispered "Shush, I hear something."

They see the warden going through a door. Hunter and the twins stay silent and hidden to see if the warden is coming back. After a bit, the warden comes back through the door with a small creature with a big nose in his hand. Then, Amity comes out the door looking sad.

Hunter began " Hey, we just checked. The warden is distracted, tormenting some tiny creature. He won't be coming around here any time soon."

They soon get to a door and Ember starts trying to open the door.

Ember squealed "My crown! It's close! I can sense its power!"

Hunter was whispering to the Blights, "Aww, he gets so cute when he's thirsty for power."

Amity declared, "It's not fair that they're all in here. They just want to be themselves. Why does everyone think that being a weirdo is so bad?"

Ember opens the door and runs in, Edric chasing after him.

Hunter sighed and said, " Come on, before he hurts himself."

Ember yelped "Ow!"

Hunter then began to explain " Ember, watch out! We have humans, remember?"

Ember then remembered " Oh, yeah."

Esmira then steps through the barrier and looks up; she sees the crown.

Esmira then started "Wait a second, is that a..."

She then grabs the crown and sees that it is a Dog chew toy. She goes back through the barrier.

Ember exclaimed "My crown!" He then grabs the crown and puts it on his head. "Yes. Yes! I can feel my powers returning! You there, nightmare critter! I shall call you Francois and you shall be a minion in my army of conquerors! Ha-ha!" While grabbing a stuffed bunny with a button eye.

Esmira looked at Hunter and asked, "That bone doesn't give him any powers, does it?"

"Uh, no. Oh, look at us. Ember, and I don't have much in this world. We only have each other. So, if that dumb toy is important to him, it's important to me. And besides, us weirdos have to stick together, you know? Well, we owe you one. Now let's get out of here before the coven head and warden finds us finds us and loses their heads."

Suddenly the Warden comes from behind Hunter saying, "Too late." and cuts of Hunter's head and lands in Esmira's hands, and the siblings' scream.

Hunter winces and says annoyed " Ow! Oh, I hate it when that happens."

Amity then screams louder, "Hunter, are you okay?"

"Yeah, this just happens when you get older."

"Does it?" Edric asked.

The Abomination coven head comes up to Hunter and says, "Finally, I have you cornered, Hunter the Scarlet Beast." She then grabs Ember's crown. "My guards could never get you, but I knew if I took your pet's toy, you'd come running. " Then she proceeds to destroy Ember's toy.

Ember cried out loud. "No! My power!"

Hunter tried to protest " What do you want with me? I've never actually broken any of your stupid laws... in front of you."

The Coven Head known as Alexis said blushing crazy "I want you... to go out with me."

"What?!" Hunter, Ember, Amity, and Edric screamed at the top of their lungs.

The Warden then hyped, "Go boss!"

Alexis blushed while Hunter looked in horror. "You've always eluded our capture. You've always been the one who got away. I found that enchanting."

Amity said, "I hate everything you're saying right now."

Warden shouted, "You two stay out of this!" He then grabs the siblings and held them up in the air. "So how about it, Scarlet Beast? The most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles and the feared Abomination Coven head. We'd be the strongest power couple ever. I mean, it's not like you can say no right now."

Hunter looked sad and said softly, " All right, Alexis, you win. I'd just like to say something first. Come closer." " No, just a come a little bit closer." Alexis gets close to his face" Just... Yeah, that's good." Hunter then spits in her face which making the Warden drop the teens running to his boss.

Alexis yelled so loud glass could break "Impudent wench! Don't you know how many germs are in your mouth? Ugh!"

Hunter was clearly annoyed, "Get over it. You had your guards stalk me, and then you cut off my head. I am not going out with you."

Warden then said in a deep voice. "If you don't accept, then I have no choice but to des- " Edric then hits him on the head with Hunter's staff.

Amity was panicking while Esmira puts Hunter's head on his body. "Okay, we're going now!" Amity says quickly as everyone gets on the reddish wood. "Expecto... flying? Magicus... Escapicus?"

Hunter then yells "Fly, magic bird!" and the cardinal's wings begin to flap, and its eyes glow golden as it flies away quickly.

Alexis yells after following them as a pile of goop. "Scarlet Beast, I won't let you get away again!"

As they fly through the corridors into the halls and passing the cells.

Amity turns her head to Hunter, "Hunter lend me a hand! " Hunter looks at Amity and takes of a hand and Amity slightly startled opens the cells.

As they fly out of the Conformatorium and fly down to the ground, the Warden follows and knocks them down.

Ember then yelps as they land, " Ow, my bones!"

Hunter then puts his hand back on his arm and grabs the portal key out from his hair and turns to Esmira and says, " Esmira take your siblings and go back to the human world."

Esmira says sadly, "What about you guys?"

Ember came up to them and spoke, "If you think this girl is bad, you should have seen his last girlfriend."

Hunter protested as shouted, "She's not my girlfriend! " He puts the siblings on his staff. "Go! Go! " Sending the three siblings away.

Warden Wrath takes of his mask and breathes fire at Hunter who casts a spell that turns the fire around to hit the Warden instead, he gets knocked back as Hunter cheered.

Warden said in a deep voice, " No more running away, Scarlet Beast. Today I finally capture you once and for all!"

In the distance, Amity shouts, " Go! Go! Go! Go!"

The prisoners then attack the Warden.

Hunter mutters under his tired breath, " Amity?"

A guy with many eyes says, "I eat my own eyes!"

Tiny Nose, " I think the world is a triangle!"

Kayla (she is a representation of us all) shouted at the top of her voice," And I practice the ancient art of fanfiction!"

Warden Wrath," You! Who do you think you are!"

" Do not underestimate me, Warden Wrath, for I am Amity the Human, keeper of peace. Now eat this‼ " She then hits fireworks in his mouth which ignite instantly.

Ember exclaimed suddenly, "That was actually one of his better breakups."

Hunter, "Not a breakup. Anyway, let's bounce before any more witches falls in love with me."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Hunter places his staff on the couch and faces the Blights,
"Well a deal's a deal, now let's get you home," he said as he pulled the magic door key out of the top of his poofy hair.

As he clicked the eye, a door appeared. The siblings looked sadly at the door, baggage in hand. Ember looked to the ground as Amity saw him, she pulled out an Azura doll from her bag and took of the staff, placing it on Ember's hand, saying, "A protector should not be without a staff."

"This shall suffice, you their plant, you are now under my command!" Ember said stomping of. Esmira looked to the door and then looked back at, Hunter and Ember.

Amity looks at Hunter " I think this is the most fun any of us have had in years. We have been having a bit of a rough time since mom left our lives forever and we don't really fit in at home so maybe we can not fit in together. I'm not going to summer camp anyhow." Amity said.

"What's summer camp? " Hunter questioned while laughing a bit awkwardly.

" I think I want to stay," said Amity, her siblings nodding in agreement.

Amity chirped up saying, I want to be a witch, like you and Azura."

Hunter laughs saying, "What-at, Humans can't be witches."

"Maybe that's because they never tried, if you teach us how to be witches, we'll do anything."

Ember tugged at Hunter's pants and whispered, " Let them stay she can make us food."

"Alright, I'll teach you how to be a witch, but in return, you'll work for me, deal?"


"Now about you two, what would you do? Are you going back to the human realm?"

Esmira and Edric looked at each other and sighed, "We must go back, Dad would worry about us being missing, if we are not there. We can cover for Mittens here at summer camp."

Amity ran up to her siblings and hugged them while thanking them.

The twins looked at Amity and then walked through the door to the human realm, waving to Amity, promising to text her when they reach to camp. Amity says that she will send video messages of her progess.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Amity got settled in her room, as Amity began to lie down, Ember entered the room, he said, " Your sleep cocoon looks fluffy." Amity gestured for Ember to get on. As he curled up a message from her family group chat, came,

'Hey guys, how was your first day?' – Inventor dad.

Amity looked at Ember who was curled up beside her and then replied,
'I think I might like it here.' – Mittens.

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