
By Avax9193

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~The story is set in 1970s~ She had one silly nightmare. But it wasn't just any type of nightmare. It was a s... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 21

157 7 18
By Avax9193

Sorry for any grammar mistakes

Hope you enjoy it






She tried to slide off the bed. That caused Josephine's hands to slip and the pillow move a bit.

"NIALL!" she screamed still not able to see since the pillow was on her eyes now.
Niall's head snapped toward the voice from the stairs. He sprinted back up toward his room. Midway Maura and guard Payne and guard Tomlinson joined him.

Niall opened the door and rushed inside. Hannah was on the floor trying to catch her breath. She was alone though. Once she saw Niall entering the room she ran toward him. He caught her in his arms tightly.

"I'm right here" he said into the hug. Guard Tomlinson looked down and guard Payne noticed it. He patted his shoulder lightly feeling bad for him.
"What happened?" Maura asked worried.
"I was sl-sleeping and then someone tried to" her breath caught in her throat.
"Suffocate me" she finished in fear.
King Horan was mad. He turned around and faced everyone present in the room.

"AREN'T YOU GUARDS?!" He yelled at the present guards. And that was the moment when Hannah noticed Louis' presence.
Hannah held Niall's arms.
"Niall it's not their fault" she said quietly.
"Then whose fault it is? Their job is to guard the castle"
"But your majesty nobody has entered the castle today" guard Payne said.
"Then who did this?" king Horan asked.

"You" he faced Samantha.
"Aren't you my wife's lady-in-waiting? How the hell this happened?!" Niall snapped at her. She tried to explain herself but she was terrified.
"It's not her fault either" guard Tomlinson defended.
"And how are you sure?"
"I was with her. She was in the tailor's room receiving the queen's dress"
Hannah looked at them for a few seconds.
"Couldn't you do that after the queen was awake?!" the king said harshly.

"You are fired!" he said.
"What?!" Samantha panicked.
"How is that fair?" Guard Tomlinson asked.
"You want to be next?" King Horan asked.
Guard Tomlinson remained silent. Hannah signaled both of them to calm down and she won't let Niall to fire Samantha.

"Hannah did you see anything related to that person?" Niall asked her.
"no" she said shaking her head.
"Aren't you all suspicious that Josephine is nowhere to be seen?" Maura asked all the sudden.
King Horan closed his eyes in annoyance.
"Payne check the hallway's camera. Inform me who was the last person who entered this room"
"Yes your majesty" he saluted.

"Everyone is dismissed" king Horan said.
Everyone left the room. Once it was only the two of them Niall hugged Hannah tightly.
"I'm okay" she whispered.
"Let's get out of this room" he said breaking apart from the hug.
They left the room. They closed the door. She let out a deep breath and rolled out from under the bed.

Josephine sneaked out and ran toward the security room. But she was late. Guard Payne and guard Tomlinson have already seen the footage. She got caught.

"Josephine" Liam said not believing it was her.
"Payne" she said.
Liam shook his head in disappointment.
"You can't tell him" she said.
"He's my king. She's my queen. I have to tell them if there is a threat in the castle" he said.
"I won't do it again. I promise. Please don't tell him. He will hate me." her tear dropped.
"He already does" Tomlinson said.

"Please. Liam" she said.
Liam remained silent.
"Even if he doesn't tell him, I will" Louis said.
"Guard Payne is your leader. You should listen to his orders" Josephine said.
"You are a threat to our king and queen. It's our job to guard and protect them." Louis said.
"We will tell him" Liam said.
"no. please."
Liam signaled his guards. They dragged Josephine to the dungeon. She will stay there  until Liam and Louis inform Niall.

Guard Payne and guard Tomlinson walked toward king Horan's office. They knocked.
The guards entered and saluted.
"Your majesty we saw the footage and found out who attacked her majesty the queen" Liam said.
King Horan nodded for him to continue.
"It was lady Josephine your majesty."
King Horan shook his head feeling disappointed.

"Where is she now?" he asked.
"In the dungeon" Louis said.
King Horan looked at him in silence. He stared at Louis for a whole minute.
"Alright. Let her be there until I say so" he ordered.
"Yes your majesty" they both said and saluted.
They once again saluted and left the office.

Hannah was wandering around the castle.
"Are you looking for something your majesty?" Heather asked.
"No just looking around"
"I thought maybe you needed our help for tomorrow" she said.
"For tomorrow?" Hannah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"The King's birthday"
"Oh ... right .. yeah" Hannah said totally embarrassed that she didn't know her husband's birthday. It was not her fault though. Niall wasn't supposed to be her husband.

Even though Niall knew her birthday and did an amazing job.
"oh Niall" she huffed. Why he had to do something great for her birthday?
She walked toward his office and knocked.

She entered and courtesied.
"I came to ask, can I go and pay my family a visit?" she asked.
"You don't need to ask for permission Hannah. Just inform me so I would know where you are" he responded.
She nodded smiling.
"Just take some guards with you"
"I will"
"Not guard Tomlinson" he said firmly giving her a stern look.
"okay" she said quietly and courtesied and left the room.

On her way out she saw a worried Samantha and Louis trying to calm her down. She hid to hear the conversation.
"The king said I'm fired" Samantha's voice cracked.
"But the queen said not to worry about it"
"I .. just .. what if he bans me from here? We can't see each other"
"We will see each other. Don't worry"
Hannah looked away sadly. She walked out of her hiding spot and walked toward them.

"Your majesty I'm sorry that I wasn't present" she cried.
"Don't apologize. Just because you are my lady-in-waiting doesn't mean your eyes should be on me 24/7" Hannah said kindly.
"But .. but"
"What the king said was heat in the moment. We were all panicked at that second. Don't worry I talked to him and you are not fired."

huge smile sat on Samantha's face.
"Thank you so much your majesty!" she said and tried to kiss Hannah's hand.
"No need for that." Hannah said smiling at her. She then looked at Louis. He smiled lightly and nodded at her as a thank you. She smiled and nodded back.
As she was going to leave she faced Samantha again.
"Can you do something for me?" she asked.

Louis was guarding that he saw one of the two of the guards were carrying two boxes.
"Woa. What are these?" he asked them.
"They belong to that witch lady. We were ordered to take it to the storage room for now" one of them replied.
Louis nodded. As the guards walked away a piece of paper fell from the box.
Louis took it to give it to them but he saw two familiar faces.
Elizabeth and Samantha.

'They're exiling me!'
Samantha stopped kissing him and her eyes widened a bit.
"Do they know each other?" he whisper asked himself.

He waited for night time to arrive. He then went to the storage room and found the boxes. He reached for it and began digging.
Different spells written on different papers. He found a photo album.
He opened and began to turn the pages.

Elizabeth and Samantha.

Elizabeth and Samantha.

Elizabeth and Samantha.

Elizabeth and Samantha.

Elizabeth and Samant-

He shut the album. He dug more. He found a diary. It belonged to Samantha. Elizabeth had it for information for when she was doing her spells.
And there it was. All her secrets were exposed. How her mother did everything for Hannah to be with Niall so Samantha could be with him.
Every single detail was exposed.

The next morning arrived. Niall turned around and opened his eyes. But Hannah wasn't there. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He squinted his eyes and looked for Hannah but she wasn't in his sight. He slid off the bed and went to the bathroom. Still no sign of her. Niall changed his outfit and walked out.

"Your majesty" Samantha bowed.
"This is for you" she passed him a paper.
He took it and looked at it.

Not only you know how to pass notes

Turn the paper around

He smiled and turned the paper around.

But I won't give easy clues.

He let out a breathy laugh and shook his head.
Samantha gave him another paper. He took it and read it.

First things first. Apologize to Lisa for scaring her to death by being harsh to her and telling her that she's fired.

"Such a Hannah" He mumbled and looked up at Samantha.
"I apologize by scaring you to death by saying that you're fired"
"It's okay. And I promise to be more careful from now on"
"Are there anymore papers?"
"No paper but a special guest your majesty"
"A special guest?" he asked confused.
"ME!" Harriet ran to his direction.
"Hey" Niall said picking her up and kissed her cheek.

"I have a riddle for you sir" she said cutely.
"Go for it" he said setting her on the ground.
"Both got mad. Words needed to be said. They danced and forgot they were sad"
He began thinking. He started smiling.
"The ballroom" he held Harriet's hand and walked toward the ballroom.


"Did I get it wrong?"
"Then why is it empty?"
"Time for your second riddle"
"Okay" he chuckled lightly at how cute Harriet was being.
"I was lost. You set a path of books for me. I left them behind once I saw the red rose"

"Garden" he said immediately.
"And my part is done" Harriet ran off.
Niall walked toward the garden.
No sign of Hannah.
Guard Payne came and saluted.
"I have a paper for you your majesty" he said. King Horan took it.

Last riddle
Back to where you started
I needed you leave the room
Sorry for the time you wasted

Niall laughed. "Oh Hannah" he said.
He walked back to their bedroom.
He opened the door and there she was. Standing in a white dress looking like an angel.

"Happy birthday" she said smiling.

How's the story so far?

Aaaand I SAW LOUIS LIVE ON SATURDAY!! I still can't believe it! I felt like a dream. An amazing dream🥲💙

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