Supernatural Gay Ship Oneshots

By Reynad_23

2.3K 55 7

Yes, another one. . . A bunch of oneshots filled with a little bit of fluff and/or angst and probably a bunc... More

Oneshot Requests
Samstiel vs Destiel
Got Laid Because of a Fucking Remote (Destiel)
A New Friend, Maybe? (Sabriel)
Quiet Unexpected (Jensen x Castiel)
Some Self Respect (Samstiel)
A Little Awkward, Don't You Think? (Mishalecki)
Fun Before A Small Bargain (Casifer)
Hunger and Need (Destiel)
The Fuck Is This Shit??? (Destiel)

This Isn't Right (Destiel)

204 7 0
By Reynad_23

Alternate Supernatural
Relationship Status: Friends
Castiel P.O.V
Smut warning

"Hey Dean! C'mere for a second."

I presume Dean's in his animal form, a boxer, since I heard the tapping of claws get louder as I wait for Dean. I watch as he turns the corner and stops to look at me, tilting his head.

I sit down on the ground. "C'mere boy!" I pat the spot in front of me and he growls. He hates when I do that. As he turns to leave, I quickly say, "Wait! Come back, I'm sorry. This is important, I promise!"

Dean freezes for a second, but then walks away. "Fine, then. Go ahead walk away. I'll just go by myself and use this coupon I won."

He comes back. 'Coupon to where?'


He turns back into his human form. "Really now? Gimme!" I shrug and get up, motioning for him to follow.

"Here you go, Dean."

I give him the coupon, smiling a little. He looks at it for a bit. He doesn't really believe me, since he says I tricked him last time.

"You did trick me!"

"No, I didn't Dean. You just misheard me."

"Dammit, I was really looking forward to some hot chicks."

"But I made it up to you with a Biggersons coupon!"

He doesn't answer, he just gives me a cute smile. He pats my shoulder and walks to the door. He looks back when I didn't move to follow him.

"You coming or not, Cas?"




"Hey, this is new. Look at this, Dean."

I point to one of the desserts in the menu. "They got pie!"

"I still don't understand why you like pie so much."

Dean was about to speak when the waiter showed.

"And what will this lovely couple be having today?"

"Couple? N-no Cas and I are not a couple."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. My relationships don't really last that long anyway."

That brought up an awkward silence between the three of us. I break it by ordering. "Uh, I'll just have a black coffee."

"That's it?" both Dean and the waiter ask.

"Yes, your turn Dean."

"Alright then."




I tilt my cup watching the coffee swirl. I hear Dean cough and I look at him. He pushes his plate of leftover pie towards me.

"You have to eat at some point Cas."

I look at him suspiciously. "Are you sucking up? Or are you legitimately worried for my health."

Dean leans back, looking a little offended.

"You need to eat. You can't keep living off of those stupid spells."

"Those 'stupid spells' have saved your life."


"And more than once, might I mention!"

He's silent for a few seconds, just staring at me.

'Eat. Or I'll ruin all of your stupid spell books.'

'Touch the books and I will end you!'

'Like you will.'

'I'll make sure you have nothing left.'

'Bite me.'

He glares at me as I take a sip of my coffee, looking everywhere except in his direction. He's sending a lot of threats through our telepathic connection.

After a few minutes, I finally meet his gaze and give in. The threats were starting to get annoying and mildly concerning.

"Fine, give."

He pushes the plate further into my direction and I dig in. It tastes great actually. But why does it feel a little off?

I shrug it off before taking one more bite. I then push it back to him.

"There. I ate."

Dean looks at me like I'm an idiot. Which I probably am. . .

"Your not an idiot. You just don't understand the concept of self-care or personal well-being."

I ignore him and take out my wallet while Dean takes a look at our receipt. "Hm. . . not bad."

I set down the coupon and money, then we get up and leave.




"Hey, Cas? I think I might have eaten something bad."

"Why is that, Dean?"

"My stomach feels weird. I don't know. Maybe something it didn't agree with and now it's acting weird?

"What is it? Chocolate?" I joked, smiling. He looks up at me and, becoming very concerned, I stopped smiling.

His face is a little flushed and he's panting, looking at me weirdly.

"Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?"

Now that he's said it, I realize I feel a little warm. I go to check the temperature. "It isn't exactly cold, but it's definitely not hot in here. . . And today was a cloudy day, with quite a breeze. . ."

Whatever it was, it wasn't affecting me as bad as it was Dean.

Speaking of Dean, he looks like he realized something. He sighs.

"Didn't someone warn us to not eat any of the desserts?"

"I believe Benny did. Why?"

"What is the one thing we shared today?"

"The pie. . ."

"Well, whatevers happening to us is pie's fault."

"Guess that's the last time we get pie from Biggersons."

Dean let's out a small, 'Awww dammit,' before getting up and throwing a punch at the wall. "Why did it have to be the pie?!"

"Dean, calm down. It's just pie, we can get it at the store."

He turns to me and goes silent, he looks down, then up. I realize he looks a little different, and rub my eyes.

He is a little more attractive than he was a few seconds ago. And, since Dean ate most of the pie, I look like a frickin tasty snack. Apparently.

"Dean, calm down," I say, slowly backing away as he approaches me.

I fall onto the couch and he gets on top of me. I push him to the side and try to get up and leave. He pulls me back onto him, making me face him.

He lets go of my arm and grabs my waist gently. One of his hands slid up my back as he pulls me closer. I shiver a little.

He kisses me, grabbing my arms around and putting them around his neck. I feel my shirt being unbuttoned and pushed off my shoulders as we break for air. My hands slide to Dean's chest, trying to push myself away.

"D-dean, we can't. We promised we wouldn't. . ."

"But you won't make me stop. You and I both know your also enjoying this. All you have to do is say 'stop'. I'm your familiar, I have to listen to you. So, until you can say stop, I'll have it my way. Unless you want to take control? I wouldn't say no to that!"

I couldn't bring myself to say it. Instead I just gave him a kiss, silently asking for him take charge. I could feel his smile as we kissed.

He starts kissing my neck and I tilt my head to the side, moaning. I feel as one of his hands grope my ass while the other played with my nipple.

He stopped for a few seconds to open a drawer. He pulls out some lube.

"How. . ?"

"What? You remember I bring ladies over often! Always gotta be ready."

"Of course."

I grab his hair and pull him into another kiss. He chuckles, unbuttoning my pants.

I hear the bottle of lube open and feel my pants and boxer briefs slipping off. Dean starts growling as he fumbles with his own pants, getting impatient. He breaks the kiss to unzip his pants and open his boxers, dick springing out.

I blush, gaping in surprise. He indeed has brought ladies home often. I usually see them with barely anything on, but when I see Dean he's either shirtless or fully clothed.

"Like what you see?" Dean asks seductively. He then tilts his head and asks, "Prep or no?"

"Wha- huh?"

Dean holds out one hand and motions to it, "Prep," and then motions to his dick, "or no prep?"


"It's going to hurt a little. But hey, your choice," he says, shrugging. He grabs my hand and squirts the lube onto it.

I sigh shakily, knowing what he wants. I situate myself to get comfortable and start rubbing his dick. He leans his head back and moans.

"Oh, Cas. . ."

I rub him a few more times before he stops my hand and pulls it away. "Ready? Cause I know I am."

As an answer, I pull myself up and use Dean for balance as I slowly sink onto his dick. He grabs my hips to help keep me up.

Dean was right, it did hurt quite a bit, but pleasure started to kick in quickly.

"H-ha, oh god," I moan. I lean back, holding Dean's legs and squeezing them. He bucks his hips up eagerly. "Mm! Be patient Dean."

I whimper as I finally reach his lap. I wait for a moment, taking a deep breath, before moving again. Dean pulls me closer, kissing me. His hands roam over my body as I start to roll my hips, riding him. "T-that's it, Cas. Good boy," he praises.

"And I thought you were the pet," I joked. Dean shrugs, smirking. "Touché." He bites my lip, asking for entrance. We start fighting for dominance, me pushing him against the couch. 

I start pulling his shirt up, feeling his abs. I break away, taking a look at him, as he throws the shirt. My hands run over his body, feeling every single part of him that I could.

He's gorgeous, with his beautiful green eyes filled with lust, his plump lips. His features overall were absolutely stunning. "What can I say? I'm a beautiful bitch!" 

I gasp as I feel Dean start bucking his hips up. We start off a little rough, but soon enough, we're in sync. I moan in pleasure, reaching my release. My legs start to give out, a little sooner than I'd hoped. 

Dean immediately took advantage of that very moment, pushing me onto my stomach. He grabs my hips and pulls my ass into the air. He pushes himself into me again, thrusting hard. He was basically calling me his, with all the marks. Especially with how I'm going to be limping after this. I moan at the thought, him basically owning me. He may be the familiar but I'm the pet.

He growls, leaning down to nip at my ear and whisper, "That's right, Cas. Your mine, always have been and always will be! You wouldn't mind that, would you?"

"No, I- shit! Ah~ I wouldn't mind at all!"

Dean's sighs happily, as he cums into me. Thrusting a few more times until he's satisfied, pulling out and letting go of my waste. Without the support of his hands, I collapse onto my own mess. He lays down beside me.

"We're gonna have to clean this, aren't we?"

"Who the fuck cares, Cas?"

"I care, Dean!"

"Alrighty then, fine. But we can clean it later. Besides, we're comfortable and you can barely walk-"

"No thanks to you!"

I turn to glare at him accusingly and he gives me a kissy face. "Mwah, love you!"

I bury my face into the arm rest, sighing heavily. Dean's going to be the death of me.




1772 word count

A.N. - This was in my head for a long while. So, I finally gave in and made this. I honestly don't know what this is, nor do I care to name it. It could either be trash or a masterpiece. Up to you.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night and stay safe!

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