Queen Of My Heart (MiChaeng)

By chiyongs_cub

5.9K 359 132

Is this the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending. With all these nights we're spending, Upon t... More

26 - Start of something new
27 - Run
28 - I knew you were trouble
29 - Traitor
30 - Cruel Summer
31 - Call Out My Name
32 - Everything Has Changed


137 11 0
By chiyongs_cub

Song of the chapter
Moonlight by dhruv


 I drink my meds for my injury just to make sure that I'd be 100 % okay after seven days. I did not tell Momo and Sana what happened here because their might worry about me. And I'm sure that they gonna blame the reason why this happened. Of course, I don't want them to blame Chaeyoung, because I was the one who jumped in, in the middle of their fight. It's all my fault too. 

" Uhmm. Are you staying here all alone? " I asked her. 

I'm curious because the house was clean. 

" Yes. Why? " 

" Nothing. It's just that your house is clean. " 

" Ahh. Seulgi hired someone to clean the house once a week. That's why it's clean. "

Geez! I thought she was the one who clean their house, but I'm wrong. 

" I see. "

" Do you want to eat or do you need anything? " 

" No. I just want to sleep. Can I just take a nap here? "

I asked as I lay my back on their couch. 

" No. Let's go upstairs. " 

She invited me as she stood up. She offers her hand to me and I grab it. I smiled as I felt her smooth hand. We go upstairs and entered a room. The room smells good. It was clean and well-organized.

" You can sleep here. " She said as she point to the bed in front of us. 

I still look around the room and someone caught my eye. On the left side of the room, I saw another door, It was locked. I can tell it because I saw the padlock.

" What are you looking at? " She said as she was busy preparing the bed. 

She looks at me and saw me looking at the door. 

" That is not the bathroom, right? " I asked her. 

" Hahaha. Yeah. there's my bathroom. " She pointed to the right side of me. 

So, this is her room? I started to walk to look around her room. I saw her table with a laptop on it. 

" Are you not going to use the bathroom? " she asked me. 

I'm just curious about that door. And just think of some hilarious scene. Is she a murderer? That she just dumped the body in here that is why it's locked?! Oh my god!!!

" No. I am just curious about this door. You're not a murderer, aren't you?!! " I jokingly said to her. 

" What?! I am not!! What the fuck? " She said. 

" Hahahaha. I'm just kidding. I'm just curious because it's locked. " I said. 

" It's locked because some of my important things are there," she said. 

" Okay. " I just said. 

I want to know what's inside there. But I don't want to invade her privacy. Besides, It's locked. 

" Here. Just sleep and stop thinking about murder. Tsk!. " she said while she drag me to her bed. 

" What about you? " 

" I'm just gonna be here. "

" You're not gonna sleep too? "

" No. I'm just gonna play some games on my laptop until you wake up. "

" What? I'm not gonna sleep now. "

" Yah. Stop being stubborn. Just sleep and take a rest. Psh. "

I don't have a choice but to do what she said. Besides, I'm so sleepy now. I think it's because of my meds. I always feel sleepy whenever I dink that. 



I woke up because my phone rang. I immediately look for my phone on the bed but there is nothing. 

" Where the hell is my phone? "

I said as I was pissed because it disturbed my sleep. Then I remembered that my phone was still in my pocket. I took out my phone and answer the call without looking at the name of the caller.

" What? " I sound pissed. 

" Thank god! You finally answered my call. "

As I heard his voice, I open my eyes and looked at my screen, and saw Jackson's name. Tsk! I immediately regret that I did not look at the screen before answering it. 

" What do you need? " I said casually.

I got up on the bed and look around, Chaeyoung is not there. 

" Babe, can you please listen to me? Please give me another chance. I will not waste it. " 

How dare he ask for another chance in me? After all that he did to me? 

" Are you on the right mind? We are already done., Jackson. I'm tired and sick of you. " I said bitterly. 

" C'mon! I know that you still love me. I'll just gonna wait for you to come back and we gonna fix this. " 

What?! How can he say that? I don't love him anymore. I am so done with him. I'm not gonna get back at him. We are done!

" What the fuck are you talking about? Just let me tell you this once again, Jackson. We are done. I'm not gonna get back to you! So stop calling me!! " I said as I ended the call. 

I breathe in and out to calm myself. I was so pissed that he still has the guts to tell me that I still love him?! And to call me babe? Yuck! I think I might gonna puke if I'm gonna hear him say that to me. Tsk. 

" Calm down. Just block his number if he still calls you. " Chaeyoung said. 

I did not notice that she is at the door standing and looking at me. 

" Tsk. " I just said.

My mood now was ruined because of that stupid guy! Tsk. 

" Let's just eat dinner and I'm gonna drive you home. "

She did not come near me, but instead, she just walks out of the room. What the hell? Tsk. I enter her bathroom just to wash my face and just to relax for a minute. After that, I walk downstairs and saw her waiting for me on the couch with food on the table. She was busy watching the TV as I sat beside her. I waited for her to approach me but she was still focused on the TV. I sighed. 

" Are we going to eat or not? " I asked her. 

" Are you still pissed? " She answers me with her question. 

" What? " 

I looked at her waiting to look at me. 

" What are you talking about? " 

" You're still pissed with your ex, right? " 

She asked me as she looked at me. I don't know where this conversation gonna go. Tsk. 

" Y-Yeah? "

" Okay. Let's eat. "

What is wrong with her? Tsk. Is she not in her mood again? She served some food on the plate and gave it to me. We are eating and she still not speaking to me. I focused again on my eating and the food was great. I think she just order this. 

" How's the food? " She asked me out of nowhere. 


" It's good! Where did you order this? " I asked her while eating the pasta on my plate. 

" I made that. " She casually answered me. 

I almost choked as I heard her say that she made this. I cannot believe that she knows how to cook. 

" Hey. Haha. Calmed down. Are you that surprised that I made that? "

" Yeah!! You're not joking around, aren't you? " 

" I'm not. I made that. You can look in the kitchen and you'll see the evidence there. " 

" Alright. I just can't believe that you know how to cook. " 

" My mom thought me how to cook. " 

Knowing that she can cook, makes me love her more. 

" Do you know how to cook? " She asked me as she pour some wine into the glass and gave the other one to me. 

" Hehehe. " I just laughed. 

" Hahahaha. Oh my god! You don't know how to cook? " 

" Yahhh! Tsk. It's just that my mom always cooks for me when I'm still living with them. And I'm just a busy person. " I explained. 

" No. Hahahaha, I don't need your explanation. The fact that you did not know how to cook. Hahahaha. " She laughed hard now. 

I drank all the wine that she pours on me and glared at her. 

" Stop it! Tsk. "

" Okay. Hahahaha. Oh. I'm sorry. HAHAHA. "

She can't stop herself from laughing! My god Chaeyoung! Okay. As long as you're happy. It's fine. 

" Okay. I'll stop," she said as she put her plate on the table and put her two hands on her mouth. 

" Yah. Tsk. Hahaha. You're cute, did you know that? " I teased her. 

She looks cute and just like a kid while her doing that. 

" Hahaha. So, what is the food in your condo? Are you living alone there or are you with your ex back then? If you mind asking me. " she asked as she put down her hands. 

" I always just ordered food. But sometimes my friend Momo gives me some food. Hehehe. And, Uhmm. Yeah. My ex and I lived together back then. " 

I don't know but I feel so shy as I told her that. 

" I see. How long are you and your ex together? " 

" Two years. "

" Ohh. Not bad. " 

Of course! I'm the person that stays with the one I love and give everything I could to save our relationship. But If I get tired, I will just leave him. 

" How about you? "

Okay, this is my chance to ask her. 

" What about me? " She plays dumb. 

As if she didn't know what I was talking about. Psh. 

" C'mon! You know what I'm talking about. "  I said as I'm putting down my plate on the table. 

" Hahaha. You didn't want to know that if I were you. " She said while laughing. 

" Yahhh! Just tell me! Tsk. " I gently pushed her. 

" I can't remember them. "

What?!! My eyes got big from what she said. 

" What?!! You can't remember them? Are you kidding me? " 

" I'm serious. You all know that I'm a play-girl, am I right? " 

I gulped as she asked me that. 

" I'm right? I'm not gonna deny that. Hahaha. "

" Why are you laughing?!!! " I asked him. 

I'm annoyed because she looks proud of herself for being a playgirl. Tsk. 

" What? I was just being honest with you. " 

" People changed. "

" Yeah, right. "

" Is Somi your girlfriend? " 

" No. She's just a fling. " 

" Just a fuck buddy? " 

" You heard that? Tsk. " 

" Of course! You and her voice were so loud at that time. "

She just sighed from what I said. 

" Do you have a girlfriend? "

It took time for me to have the courage to ask her that question. I don't know what might her answer be but all I know is that I was scared. Knowing now that she admitted that she's a playgirl.  

" Psh. Let's go. " She then stood up in front of me. 

What? Tsk. 

" Why are you avoiding this topic? "

" I am not. We're just gonna talk about this some other time. "

" Tsk. Alright. "

I decided to agree with him just now. I will respect her decision. We left her house and she drove me home. It was just 30 minutes and we are already on the INN. She already told me that she's not going to stay in her room now because she has still something to do after this. 

" I'll walk you there. " She said as she unbuckle her seatbelt. 

" No, I'm fine. " I rejected her. 

" What? Why? Are you mad at me? "

It's not like I'm mad at her. It's just I'm thinking about our group right now. They're might gonna be still on the outside and if they're gonna see us together they're gonna teased me. Tsk. 

" No. If they gonna see us now, they're just gonna teased me. " I said. 

" Ahhh. I see. Okay. Will you be okay walking alone? " she said. 

" Yeah. I'm just gonna text you. " I said. 

But then I remembered that we still don't have each other's numbers. 

" Right! Here. " She said as she gave me her phone. 

I typed my numbers there and gave them back to her. 

" Why did you not write your name? " She asked me. 

" Just write whatever you want. " I said. 

" Okay," she said while typing. " Mitang. Hahaha," she said as she shows me what she write to my name. 

Mitang? What the hell? What is that word? 

" What the hell? Why Mitang? Tsk. " I asked her. 

" Nothing. Just want to. Hahaha. " She said as she laughed hard again. 

Happy that much? Psh. 

" Give me your phone. I'll gonna save my number there," she said to me. 

We are still in her car exchanging numbers. I gave her my phone and she immediately type her name and number and gave them back to me. I looked to her name and just save it as Chaeyoung. I took my revenge now and changed it to whatever I wanted. 

" What are you doing? " She asked me as she saw me changing her name.

" I'm gonna changed it. Do you have a problem with that? " I asked her.

" N-nothing. " She stuttered.

" Why did you stutter? Hahaha. "

Chaeyoung stuttered just because of me?! Wow. That's new. She always makes me stutter and now, she stuttered because of me.

" Because you sound intimidating! Tsk. " She whined.

Hahaha. Whatever. Now I scored!

" Hahaha. So, you're intimidated by me? " I teased her.

" Stop. Tsk. "

" Hahaha. You're cute when you're annoyed. "

" You're cuter when you're blushing because of me. "

What the?! She doesn't want to lose. She teased me back. And now I know that I am blushing because of what she said.

" Hahaha. Gotcha," she said as she get out of the car.

" Yah!!!!! Chaeyoung!!! " I said as I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt.

She's still standing in front of her door as I walk towards her. She's still laughing. When can I get to win to her!?

" What? Hahaha. " She still laughs.

" Psh. I'm going now, Chaengie. " I said as I smiled widely at her.

" What?! Chae- Chaeng what? " The smile on her face disappeared as soon as I called her Chaengie.

" Hahahaha. Chaengie. "

" And why is that? That is not me. "

" No. You are Chaengie for me. Hehe. I'll just gonna call you later. Take care!!! " I said as I kissed her on the lips and run and left her.

I hear her calling my name but I did not stop. I smiled at what I did. I just did not expect to myself that I'm gonna make the first move to her. I'm used to from my past that they always make a move on me. But Chaeyoung is not like them! Tsk. But It's fine, I'm so intrigued by her.

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