Proof Of My Worth

By Arkham_Daze

85.5K 1.9K 1.5K

Title inspired by Mitmite2 Most of the Jaune Arc fanfictions I read just aren't good enough. They either mak... More

Knight meets Ronin
Improvements and New Edges
Jaune Arc: Bio & Gear
My OC: Andi
The Shining Beacon, Part 1
The Shining Beacon: Part 2
The Emerald Forest
Pieces and Players: Part 1
Pieces and Players: Part 2
Forever Fall
Knight Time Fun
Invincible Girl vs Dark Horse King
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
Reunion; Jaune & Andito
The Inner Circle; Plus 1
Burning the Candle
Dance Dance Infiltration
CCT Showdown
Field Trip
Push and Pull Through
Sign Up
Reminiscence x And x Nen
Welcome Crossers
A Word With RWBY
Round One
New Challengers
Dancers and Diamonds, Part 1
Dancers and Diamonds, Part 2
Special Chapter: How Do They Work
Along Came The Crossers
Behind Closed Doors
Lessons Learned
Never Miss A Beat
Idea For The Future: Revised

The Badge and The Burden

3.5K 93 75
By Arkham_Daze

Nightfall was upon Beacon Academy. Intitation was over and the ones who passed and put on to teams were now in their dorm rooms sleeping.

Although elsewhere in an abandoned warehouse. A orange haired man in a white suit was getting off the phone. This man is the most wanted man in Vale. His name is Roman Torchwick. Letting out an exhausted sigh, lighting a cigarette as he did so. Then a man in a white military uniform walked up to him with a cart full of crates. Torchwick then paid him fir the cart and it's content.

"Open it." He ordered.

The other man then opened one of the crates. Revealing a number of many different dust crystals inside. Roman picked one of them up.

"We're gonna need more men."

Back at Beacon...

It was 7:50 in the morning and some of the students were still asleep. Some except for our favorite blonde haired hero Jaune Arc. He was finishing up in the shower. Then drying off and getting changed into his new school uniform. He took a glance at his scroll and saw it was now 8:00.

"Andi would usually wake me around this time to start training. Better wake up the others. Don't wanna be late on the first day. Mom and Dad would probably kill me if I was. Andi on the other hand would definitely kill me." Jaune thought, frightened at what his parents and teacher would do if he was late on today of all days.

Jaune then took a look at the sleeping forms of his new teammates. Nora was spread all throughout her bed with her blanket falling to the side with a strand of drool falling from her mouth. Ren was a still as a log, breathing silently. And Pyrrah was on her side hugging her pillow like a teddy bear.

"Hehe. Look at them. Oh well."

Jaune then got out a megaphone and set it to it's loudest setting. He took a deep breath, and yelled as loud as he could.


Team _NPR along with other teams who slept close to them jumped in surprise and took a while to process what Just happened. Once they did, they looked at the clock, but because they're were half asleep they didn't read it right, and started rushing.

"Oh no! We're going to be late!" Pyrrah exclaimed in worry of being late on the first day.

Ren and Nora followed her example and rushed to get ready. All while Jaune looked on from the sidelines. Once they were ready, they were about to rush to the door but Jaune stopped them.

"Jaune what are you doing?!" Ren asked loudly.

"You said we'd be late for class!" Pyrrah pointed out loudly like Ren.

"It's only 8:35. We still have twenty-five minutes." Jaune bluntly informed his team.

They took a double take at the clock and saw he was telling the truth.

"THEN WHY'D YOU WAKE US UP?!!!" Nora shouted in Jaune's face, angry that he woke them up like he did early in the morning.

"It's called being the responsible one. Something you should start being every once in a while." Jaune retorted to his carrot haired teammate. Which made the rest of team JNPR snicker.

"Get yourselves straightened up. We gotta make a good first impression on our first day."

Nora, Pyrrah, and Ren obeyed, although still a little peeved at their leader for waking them like that. After 20 minutes team _NPR finished fixing themselves up and now looked like proper students.

"Good. Class starts in five minutes. So let's go." Jaune said nonchalantly.

"Wait. FIVE MINUTES?!!!" Pyrrah asked.

"Yup. Let's go." Jaune then dashed to his class so fast people could think he had a super speed semblance. With the rest of his team and team RWBY running after him.

Jaune arrived at professor Port's Grimm studies class in under twenty seconds. Taking a seat in the process.

"Haha! Mr Arc. It's a honor to have you in my classroom." The professor complemented him for he had seen his display of skill and power in the initiation the day prior. "Uh, where are your teammates?" He questioned the blonde haired leader.

"What you taking about? They're..." He trailed off noticing they weren't with him.

"Give me a minute." He dashed out of the classroom.

Teams RWBY and _NPR were still running to at least make it on time to class. As they were about to enter the courtyard, Jaune appeared right in front of them in a flash and running along side them at their pace.

"How are you guys barely here? It's only a twenty second run." He asked confused at why everyone was so slow.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TWENTY SECONDS?!!!" Ruby exclaimed at what her friend just said.

"Not all of us have speed semblances Jaune." Ren told him with frustration lacing his voice.

"What? I don't. Sigh. Just hold on tight."

"Wait what are you?..." Yang was cut off as Jaune grabbed all of them into one pile and was carrying them. Making them all yelp.

"Like I said. Hold on tight." He said before his foot dug into the pavement and he blitzed forward. Leaving an imprint of his foot in the courtyard.

Ozpin and Goodwitch saw what had just conspired. Both having different thoughts on the matter.

"What? But his semblance is aura amplification. It shouldn't allow him to move that fast." Prof Goodwitch was confused at how Jaune was able to move so fast and almost believing it was a speed semblance. But then remembering what actual semblance was.

"That wasn't a semblance Glynda. That was just Mr Arc's own natural speed at play."

"Gah! But that's impossible." Glynda exclaimed in disbelief.

"Is it really?"

Jaune was blitzing through the halls of Beacon with everyone he was carrying either screaming in terror or cheering at how fast they were going. In exactly one minute Jaune rushed back into the classroom, holding teams RWBY and _NPR as he did so. They looked like they just got off a rollercoaster. Their hair was in messes. The majority of them wore terrified expressions while the others, Ruby and Nora specifically, looked like they had the time of their lives.

"One minute exactly. Impressive Mr Arc. You managed to carry almost two teams to my class on time. Truly impressive indeed." Professor Port complemented him once again.

"Thanks. They just got to courtyard when I got to them." Jaune explained.

"I see. Whoever trained you has my compliments."

"Hehehehe. Uh. Guys? Are you okay?" Jaune asked his friends, seeing their physical state and facial expressions.



"AWESOME!!!" Ruby and Nora cheered for their friend/leader.

"LETS DO IT AGAIN!!!" Nora cheered.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOUR SEMBLANCE WAS SUPER SPEED?!!! WE COULD'VE BEEN SPEEDY BUDDIES!!!" Ruby pouted at Jaune for not telling her he was that fast.

"No. That just normal speed. My semblance is something else." Jaune answered them nonchalantly.

Weiss snapped out of her daze after hearing that.

"WHAT?!!! HOW IS THAT NORMAL TO YOU?!!! ARE YOU SOME KIND OF A MONSTER?!!!" Weiss exclaimed in disbelief at how powerful Jaune was.

"What? Isn't that..." Jaune was interrupted by a cough that caught everyone's attention.

"Ahem. Class will begin shortly. So please take your seats." The professor told the eight teens before they could bombard the poor boy with a million questions.

Time skip later in class...

"Monsters. Demons. Prowlers of night. Yes the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I merely refer to them as prey. Hahaha!" Prof Port told his tale. However many students, including Jaune, were either falling or already fell asleep out of boredom. Leaving him with silence.

"Uh, and you shall too upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is teeming with creatures who would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in."

"I already know all of this. Everyone does. Just get to the point. Grimm studies class. Teach us about different Grimm and how to kill them." Jaune thought. Andi already taught him what it meant to be a huntsmen. But this man made it impossibly boring.

"Huntsmen. Huntresses." Even though his eyes were closed. He sent a wink to Yang. Causing her to roll her eyes and let out an silent uncomfortable laugh.

"Individuals who swore to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? Why, the very world!" He raised his fist in the air.

"EhYah!!!" A random student exclaimed, making everyone look at him oddly. Making him shrink down into his seat.

"That is what you are training to become. But first a story."

Professor Port then went to tell a story about himself. Most of which just sounded over exaggerated. Many of the students fell asleep during his story. Jaune just took out a notebook from his backpack and started writing in it.

"My first day at Beacon and things are getting pretty boring, pretty fast. Prof Port's just telling an over exaggerated story about his youth. If he keeps this up I might as well die of boredom. But on the plus side, I met some really cute girls and made friends with almost all of them. If I could date any one of them. Hmm, good question. Ruby Rose. She's a little young, fifteen actually. Her sister Yang might kill me if I try. But she's worth a shot. Weiss Schnee is no doubt pretty. But she has a lot of attitude problems. So maybe not her. Blake Belladonna. She's beautiful and cute for sure. Her being a cat faunus is a plus. Cat girls, gotta love them. But she looks quiet and a bit distant. I'll save her in the second place spot on my list. Yang Xiao Long. Hot and sexy as hell. Any guy would go for her. She's a top candidate. Her hair is beautiful, like a waterfall made of burning fire. Nora Valkyrie. On the short side and impossibly energetic. Pretty hard to deal with. How does Ren go through it everyday? Yeah maybe not her. Finally Pyrrah Nikos. Almost as tall as me, strong, smart, and talented. She's gorgeous. What I wouldn't give to go one on one. Tied for first place with Yang. If I had to choose one, I'd wait so I can get to know them better. Then I could make my choice." Jaune wrote down in his journal.

"Celebrated as a hero." Prof Port finished his story with a bow. The word hero caught Jaune's attention as he stopped writing in his journal, and put it away.

"The moral of the story is that a true huntsmen must be honorable. A true huntsmen must be dependable. A true huntsmen must be strategic, well educated, and wise. So who among you believes you are the embodiment of these traits?"

"I do sir!" Jaune and Weiss raised their hands at the same time.

"Oh. Well then. Let's find out. Step forward and face your opponent. The both of you if you may." Prof Port said, standing in front of a cage holding a Grimm inside.

They nodded in agreement as they went to get ready.

Weiss stood in front of the cage in her combat attire, holding out her rapier Mytanaster, pointing it at the caged Grimm. Jaune was had Candidus Mors in it's sheath mode on his back while Aureum Mors is in said sheath.

"Go Weiss!" Yang cheered raising her fist in the air.

"Fight well!" Blake followed while holding a small flag with her team's name on it.

"Yeah! Represent team RWBY!" Ruby raised her arms in the air. Only annoying her white haired teammate further.

"Ruby! I'm trying to focus!"

"Oh um. Sorry."

"She only said that to Ruby. What's her deal?"

"Go Jaune-Jaune!!!" Nora cheered for her blonde teammate.

"Do your best!" Pyrrah encouraged.

"Show no mercy!" Ren followed his teammates lead.

Jaune sent them a thumbs up.

"Alright! Let the match begin!" Prof Port brought his axe/riffle Blowhard down, destroying the lock on the cage. It was revealed that inside the cage was a boarbatusk. With said boarbatust charging at Weiss. But she dodged the attack while simultaneously attacking the Grimm. With it going unscathed. Both starring each other down.

"Haha! Wasn't expecting that were you?!" Prof Port exclaimed to the white haired heiress, who took a quick look towards him.

"Hang in there Weiss!" Ruby tried to encourage her teammate.

The boarbatust then started rolling like a car tire at high speeds and charged at Jaune.

"Look out Jaune-Jaune!" Nora warned him. But he kept standing there without moving a muscle.

Weiss used her semblance to boost her speed to try to stop the charging boarbatust but wouldn't make it. Jaune however had a plan.

As the Grimm was just about to run him over, but he grabbed the boarbatust by it's tusks and easily stopped it mid-spin. A shockwave was made from the force of the impact. It happened so fast, everyone in the room was starring at him in disbelief, Weiss more than anyone.

"I-impossible." Weiss said quitely while experiencing yet another of Jaune's feats of strength.

Jaune flipped the boarbatust on it's back and in one quick move. He took out Aureum Mors and cut the Grimm perfectly down the middle. The whole class was now wary of Jaune, but what really put them on edge was that he wasn't showing any signs of being tired or even struggling.

"Bravo. Bravo. It appears we are in the presence of a true huntress and huntsmen in training." He praised Jaune and Weiss' performance as the bell rang, signaling the end of the class.

"I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed." As the class got up to go to their next class. Team _NPR went to congratulate Jaune for his skill and new Grimm kill speed record.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!!! TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT I'M BEGGING YOU!!!" Nora cried out on her knees while giving him her best puppy eyes.

"Yes. Most impressive indeed." Ren added, complimenting his speed and skill.

"First a deathstalker and now a boarbatusk. How in the world did you get so strong?" Pyrrah asked, curious of how Jaune could do what he could.

"Aren't all huntsmen supposed to be that strong? Because the way Weiss fought was kind of weak." This threw his team and an eavesdropping Weiss for a loop.


"Don't get me wrong, her technique was almost perfect. But she wasn't strong or fast enough to keep up with it. Not only that, she looked like she was trying to prove something. If she went for the boarbatust's stomach earlier then she would've won easily. My master always told me pride and arrogance can get you or other people killed. I guess this is what he meant."

Weiss took in every word Jaune said and walked away. Getting the attention of her teammates and team JNPR.

"Shesh what's with her?" Jaune asked noticing she was in a worse mood than she usually is.

Ruby got up and ran after Weiss. Jaune got up to follow her.

"What are you doing?" Ren questioned.

"I'm gonna follow her. Just to make sure things don't get worse between them. Well, more than it already is." He answered.

His team nodded and he went after the two girls.



"What's wrong with you? Why are you being..."

"What wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?! You're supposed to be a leader and all you've been so far is a nuisance!"

Ruby looked liked she was falling asleep but then let out a snort.

"Snort. What did I do?!"

"That's just it! You've done nothing to earn your position! Back in forest you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so!"

"Weiss where is this coming from? What happen to all the talk about, working together? I thought you believed in acting as a team."

"Not a team, lead by you. I've studied, and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better." She turned around to not look at Ruby and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Ozpin made a mistake." She finished, walking off as she did so. Leaving Ruby feel hurt and dejected.

As Ruby was gonna walk back to her teammates, Ozpin appeared out of nowhere. Making her jump a bit.

"Hmm. Now that didn't seem to go very well."

"Is she right? Did you make a mistake?" She gave Ozpin a sad look.

"That remains to be seen." He chuckled.

Ruby looked confused.

"What do you mean?"

But then Jaune came up from behind Ozpin.

"He means it's only been a day. Ruby. My master made more mistakes than anyone can imagine. And I'm sure Ozpin has too. But you becoming a team leader isn't one of them. Right professor?"



"That's right. I'm what's called a crosser. I'm a being who can travel to other worlds and gain all kinds of powers. Some of us even make worlds of our own."

"Now you being this strong and having all these weird powers makes sense."

"Yeah. But's that's pretty average for a crosser. We can basically be called gods in a way."


Andi then smacked him on the head.


"Sorry. Sorry. But seriously. You're a crosser, and a terrorist?" Jaune asked nervously.

"Was. I "was" a terrorist. It's a long story. So I guess you want nothing to do with me now. You can leave whenever you like."

Jaune only walked up to him.

"I'm not sure who you really are, or who you were back then. But, you wouldn't have done any of that without a reason. You made a mistake."

"So many I lost count."

"So how about you tell me everything and I can decide if you really made that many. It'll be our secret."

Andi only smiled at his student's kindness.

"Thanks. You're a good kid Jaune. You must be a gift from God himself if you're gonna trust me."

Flashback ends...

"Yes, indeed Jaune." Ozpin replied to him.

"Really?" Ruby asked hesitantly.

"Being a team leader isn't just a name you have in a fight. It's a badge that you're always gonna be wearing. If you're not always giving it your all, then why would anyone want to follow you? My master told me that once, and so far he's right."

"You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility Ruby. I advise you take some time, to think about how you are going to uphold it."

Ozpin walked off, and Ruby looked out the exit seeing Weiss standing and Prof Port walking off. Ruby looking at Weiss, and knew what she had to do.

"Good luck. Always do your best." Jaune encouraged her as he walked off to his dorm to get some sleep for tomorrow.

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