Scooby-Doo! Where Are You?(Cr...

By kamenscoob7

2K 36 2

A while back a did attempt a book with Scooby Doo with a Crossover Mystery Incorporated but I didn't try to c... More

Episode 1:What A Night For A Knight Pt.2
Episode 2:A Clue For Scooby-Doo Pt.1
Episode 2:A Clue For Scooby-Doo Pt.2
Episode 3: Hassle In The Castle
Episode 4: Mine Your Own Business
Episode 5: Decoy For A Dognapper
Episode 6: What The Hex Going On?

Episode 1:What A Night For A Knight Pt.1

975 14 1
By kamenscoob7

It was just another evening at the Crystal Cove Historical Museum,the museum had closed for the night.

Their we find the caretakers tidying and cleaning up the displays in the museum, on display were many treasures, artifacts, relics and pieces of art.

We then find a brown-haired man with a mustache and wearing a light-brown suit with a white dress shirt and black tie was in his office gathering some files and placed them in his black leather briefcase.

The man in question is Professor Jameson Hyde White, a professor of archaeology exchanged from London, England and is teaching archaeology in Big City University, and he was preparing to head home to call it a night.

Armed with his briefcase, he locked his office door and then made his way to the rear entrance of the museum where he passed by Jeremiah Wickles, the museum curator, who was on his way to the medieval section of the museum with a duster on hand.

Professor White:"Have a wonderful evening, Mr. Wickles."

Mr.Wickles:"Same to you, professor."

The professor nodded as he took his leave.

Arriving at his convertible parked in the deserted parking lot in front of the museum, the professor was about to get on when he remembered something and snapped his fingers.

Professor White:"Now, how could I have left that in my office?"

He wondered as he quickly made his way back to the museum.

Back in his office, the professor sorted through his desk until he found what he was looking for and placed it in his briefcase.

During that time, a dark figure made it's way to the convertible and climbed onto the back.

After returning from his office, the professor got into his car and then drove off, unaware that a figure was hiding in the back row seats of his car.

Soon, the man was driving down a deserted stretch of main road.

At that moment, the figure, which turned out to be got up, and with a balloon and an air pump, it started inflating the balloon.

The professor was still driving when there was a loud pop coming from the back, which sounded like a blowout.

Professor White:"Oh My. Sounds like a blowout. I better go check."

Professor Hyde White thought as he pulled over and then got off the car to check the tires.

After checking the front tires, he noticed nothing of interest and moved to check the rear tires.

At that moment, a dark suit of armour quietly got off the car and moved closer to the unsuspecting professor.


In a nearby park, a sixteen-year old teenager and his dog were walking down a path on their way home from the movies.

The boy mentioned was (Y) (L) a student at Crystal Cove High and the dog next to him is his best friend Scooby-Doo.



(Y):"Seriously, Scooby-Doo how did I let you talk me into letting you watch Dog Wonder, The Epic Origin Story Twice in the same night.

Scooby:"Rhe's My Hero!"

The duo continued on walking down the path until they were stopped by some rustling and what sounded like a croak coming from the nearby bushes.

(Y):"Hey, what's that?"

Scooby:"Ri don't know."

(Y):"Well, go see what it is, Scooby."

Scooby:"Ruh, Uh?"

(Y):"Don't worry dude,I'll be right behind you."

Scooby:"Rhanks a lot."

Scooby replied before sticking his nose into the bush. A minute later, he emerged with a frog on his nose.

(Y) proceeds to burst out laughing as Scooby glared at the frog on his nose.

(Y):"Aww it's just a little frog. Nothing to worry about."

The frog did a few more croaks before it unexpectedly leaped off Scooby's nose.


Finding his nose still shaking from the leap, Scooby became annoyed and started growling before giving chase to the frog.

(Y):"Scooby, wait!"

(Y) proceeds to chase after Scooby as the Great Dane proceeds to chase after the frog.

The frog soon made a turn at a sharp corner, followed by Scooby and eventually, (Y).

After a while, Scooby lost the frog. He quickly stopped himself before looking around.

Scooby:"Ruh?,Rhere did rit go? Rhere did rit go?"

Just then, (Y) finally came around but was unable to stop himself in time, ended up tripping over Scooby and fall to the ground.

(Y):"Hey next time, signal why dont'cha."


Just then, (Y) looked around and his eyes settled on something.

(Y):"Hey, what's that?"

Scooby looked towards where (Y) was pointing as the latter got up. They were looking at a convertible parked on the side of the nearby two-lane highway.

What made the sight unusual was that a suit of armer was seated in the driver's seat.

(Y) and Scooby walked over to the convertible as the former continued.

(Y): "It looks like someone deserted their car or something ."

He then went to the driver's door and knocked on it, asking.

(Y):"Hello? Anybody home? Preferably someone from this century."

Scooby began chuckling at (Y)'s little joke then, unexpectedly, the knocking caused the helmet to come loose, shake a bit before falling from the rest of the armour and landed on the road right in front of them.

(Y) and Scooby both swallowed at the sight before looking at each other and laughed nervously.

(Y):"Woah dude, no reason to lose your head."

Suddenly a strange wailing sound resonated from the car scaring the duo, causing them to run off in the opposite direction.

A short while later, (Y) and Scooby were back at the abandoned convertible. This time, though, they were accompanied by their friends a brown-haired boy that went by the name Dipper Pines, a red haired girl named April O'Neil and a purple haired girl wearing glasses named Twilight.

Dipper Pines

April O'Neil


The Mystery Machine is parked nearby as the trio examined the convertible.

The Mystery Machine

(Y):"See what did I tell you, a suit of armor seated right here."

April:"I guess you were right (Y), but this is kinda strange."

Dipper:"Yeah,what's this empty suit of armour doing in a deserted convertible?"

(Y):"Simple, he was going out for the night."

(Y) elbowing Scooby while smirking

(Y):"Get it?"


Scooby smiled as the duo burst out laughing from (Y)'s little joke.

Twilight:"Guys this serious.We need to find the driver."

April:"Yeah for all we know they could be hurt or in trouble."

The gang began searching around for clues to the drivers whereabouts,soon April came across some papers on the passenger seat that had probably fallen out of the glove compartment during whatever had happened in the convertible earlier that night.

April:"Check it out they're all addressed to a Professor Jameson Hyde White."

Dipper:"Professor Hyde White?"

(Y): I've heard of hide and seek before, but I never heard of 'Hyde White'."

Twilight:"That's an English name you comedian. It seems or mysterious driver or passenger may have come from England."

Dipper:"So we know that this convertible belongs to Professor Hyde White,But we don't know who does this hunk of tin foil belongs to."

Twilight made a close look at the armour before realization hit her.

Twilight:"Wait I think I recognize this armour. It's the recently-unearthed Black Knight that was delivered to the Crystal Cove Historical Museum for display just last week. I've read about it in an article on line. Look"

The genius of the group showed her phone with information on it to her friends.

Twilight:"It also says here that Professor Hyde White works at the Museum and only just started working there and at Big City University early last week.Which could mean that he may be the archaeologist involved in the archaeological expedition that unearthed the Black Knight."

(Y):"Okay so we know who he is, but the question still remains.What happened to our mysterious professor?"

Twilight:"By the looks of it, it seems like he has vanished or he could have kidnapped or worse."

Dipper:"Well guys, looks like we got a Mystery on our Hands. First things first we gotta get this suit of armor back to the Museum in the morning."

The gang agreed however, none of the noticed the creepy red glowing eyes emitting from the helmet.

Later the next morning, the gang found themselves in the Museum speaking to its curator, who was accompanied by two museum workers. The Black Knight was back in its case as the curator expressed gratitude to the gang for returning the armour.

Mr. Wickles:"I'm not sure how to thank you kids for finding the armour, but with Professor Hyde White's mysterious disappearance, I sure wish you hadn't."

Dipper:"Why's that, Mr. Wickles?"

Mr.Wickles:"Because of the legend."


Mr.Wickles:"The legend of the Black Knight."Legend has it that before he became a ghost, the wearer was one of the most skilled, brutal and most deadliest knights in the kingdom. In fact, they were so much so that their bloodlust for killing continued long after the war with the other kingdoms had ended. He turned on his king and planned to storm the castle and single claim it as his own. First by killing the king. However, the king had set a trap for the black knight was set up. With the aid of a witch the rogue knight was captured. Imprisoned within their suit of armor. Now some say that the suit of armor will come to life every night to exact his revenge."

(Y):"ZOINKS!!! Professor Hyde White was the one that led the archaeological expedition that unearthed the Black Knight!"


Twilight:"What I would like to know is what Professor Hyde White was doing with the Black Knight last night?"

Mr.Wickles:"Beats me. Best way to explain it was that it came alive last night and followed him into his convertible, soms might think that Hyde White may have been a descendant of the King."

The two museum workers had carried the Black Knight's armour back to the medieval section of the museum.

The gang nodded before Wickles turned around

Mr.Wickles:"Now, if you kids will excuse me, I've got some artwork to take care of."

As the curator left, Lincoln turned to the others.

Dipper:"I guess we should get going as well, We need to find Professor Hyde White after all.

Unbeknownst to them, Scooby had,out of curiosity, decided to follow the two museum workers as they carried the armour back to the medieval section.


It was (Y) who then noticed that Scooby was missing.

(Y):"Hey, where's Scooby?"

The gang paused and looked around. Scooby was nowhere to be seen.

During this time, Scooby somehow lost the two museum workers carrying the armour and wondered into another area of the medieval section, where his eyes settled onto a statue that looked like that of a lion, except that there were a pair of weird-looking glasses on it.

Scooby:"Ruh?" (sniffed at the glasses.)"Rhat's ris?"

The glasses look a little out of place for a statue, and Scooby pondered on what he should do next.

Before he could do something, he heard April calling.

April:"Hey,Scooby Doo, where are you?"

Dipper:"Wherever you are, Scooby.Hurry up! We're leaving."


Scooby then decided to take the glasses and held them in his mouth.

Scooby:"Ri'm coming."

After taking off with the glasses, Scooby managed to catch up to the gang as they made their way to the Mystery Machine parked outside.

Soon, the van was driving down the road in the late-Saturday morning traffic of Crystal Cove with Dipper behind the wheel.

As the Mystery Machine stopped at a red light at an intersection and waited for a streetcar to make a left turn, Twilight began thinking about what happened at the museum.

Twilight:"Something about this case isn't adding up, it's got me baffled."

(Y):"Well it's got me hungry. I saw we head to the Clam Cabin. Can't think on an empty stomach."

At the mention of "food", Scooby, who has been lying at the back, suddenly got up and smiled

Scooby:"Ryeah! Ryeah!" (Happily licking his lips.)

The first thing the gang noticed was the pair of glasses he was wearing, as April reached over and grabbed them.

April:"Hey, what's this Scoob?"

(Y):"He must've picked them up at the museum."

Scooby nodded in confirmation.

Scooby:"Ryeah! Ryeah!"

(Y):"Man, I wonder what kind of crazy things can you see with those?"

Dipper:"There is one way to find out.Twi think you can look it up."

Twilight:"Sure but don't you think we should report this as missing first?,So that we can have them returned to the original owner?"

Dipper:"Sure but for all we know it could be a clue, especially if these belonged to the missing professor."

A short while later, the gang parked near a sidewalk as the were looking over Twilight's shoulder as she was looking up the glasses before finding the information that they needed.

Twilight:"Here it is,These are special type of magnifying glasses used by jewelers, scientists and archaeologists, and get a load of this, It says here: 'Made only in England'."



Soon the gang came to a sudden realization.

Everyone:"Professor Hyde White!"

Twilight:"You were right, Dipper.These glasses do belong to Professor Hyde White!"

Dipper:"That settles it. There's something going on in that museum. We're checking it out Tonight"

(Y) and Scooby:"Tonight?"

Dipper nodded as the duo gulped in fear

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