The phoenix (a scott McCall f...

By ChocoDipCupcake

9.8K 191 56

{Complete season 3} after everything that happend from the day peter died. from jackson turning into the kani... More

tattoo (2)
pay back
dear friend
the devil herself
please don't go
the choice
you and i
i'm your anchor
closed door!
not anymore
no control

good to see you again

278 5 3
By ChocoDipCupcake

*(pov lyla)*

i didn't wanted to go home so i went to the place where the woman i love is staying. the hospital.

i walked to the room my mom was in and saw the doctor checking on her. '''hey lyla'' she said. ''hello doctor hellen. how is she?'' i asked.

''still the same'' she asnwerd. i signed and sat down on the chair next to my moms bed.

'' i'll give you privacy''she said walking out of the room.

i sighend and looked at my mom ''ey mom it's me again. your daughter. all of this. all that happend with you, it's all my faul, i should've looked out better. i didn't needed to let you go, if i looked out better this woudn't have happend, it should've had been me that's in a coma not you. this all is my fault. it's my fault'' i said whiping away tears.

'' i needed to protect you. but i failed. i fault and now you're in a coma'' i rested my head on her arm.

there was a soft knock on the door i turned around and standed up. i walked over to him and jumped in his arms.

we stayed like this what felled like years. i pulled away. ''what, how, when'' i said not nowing what to say.

''you missed me?'' he asked. i nodded my head like a mad woman. ''yeah duh i missed you, where were you i didn't hear mutch of you'' i said.

'' i was in the army'' he said. i just hugged him again.

'' i missed you so mutch jordan'' i said, tears falling from my eyes. i pulled away and walked to my mom again.

''how did you know?'' i asked. ''your brother told me'' he said. i nodded.

''are you staying'' i asked not looking away from my mom. he was quiet for a sec, ''yes i'm staying i'm not gonna let my fav cousin go true this alone'' he said

''AWW you're so sweet'' i said. ''i was talking about david'' i looked at him and hit him on his stomach.

we laughed, ''i'm kidding'' he said. that's jordan my cousin he can Always make me laugh even when i have the most awful day ever.

i looked at the time and it was pretty late. and i have school tommorow.

i grabbed my moms face in my hands and stroke her cheek. ''i need to go, but i promise i'll be back tommorow. with jordan'' i said looking at him. he nodded.

i looked back at my mom. ''just please promise me you'll be better soon. please'' i said. a tear slipped and landed on her pale lips. i kissed her forehead and walked outside with jordan.

*(pov 3the person)*

when lyla and jordan when home, the tear from lyla slipped into lyla's moms lips.

lyla's mom chocked awake. she was breating heavly she had a dry thoat. the nursed came running in and so did the doctor. the doctor flashed a light on the eyes of Veronica.

she was awake. they gave her a needle that calmes her down. she calmed down and looked around. they gave her a pill and a glass of water.

they all looked at eatchother. they didn't expact her to wake up. it only been 4 days.

that was really rare. but Veronica knows that lyla did this. lyla saved her.


*(pov lyla)*

i woke up all sweety. derek he's in trouble. they have him, the caliveras they have him. i need to call braedon.

''hello'' her voice said. ''braedon, braedon'' i said fast. ''lyla? what's wrong'' she asked.

''it's derek, he's in trouble, you need to find him braedon please'' i said.

'' already did'' she said, i frowned.


i woke up by someone calling me early in  the morning like 5 am. ''hello'' i said sleepy. ''hello lyla'' doctor hellen said. i sat up in bed. wide awake.

''what's wrong'' i asked scared. ''it's your mom'' she said. OMG i hate this so mutch why do they Always do this. let you hangning.

''what's wrong'' i asked again. ''she's awake'' she said. i jumped awake.

''i'm on my way'' i said hanging up. i don't care how late it is i need to see her.

i putted my boobs on, i was wearing short and a tank top. i didn't have mutch time to change. i ran out of the house.

and i ran to the hospital, adn burst inside. and run to my moms room. jordan was there and my mom was awake. she smiled when she saw me.

i walked to her and hugged her tight. ''thank you'' she whisperd in my ear i pulled away and frowned. ''okay, Veronica you are really Lucky we need to run a couple of test first and then you're good to go'' doctor hellen said.

''i'm gonna wait'' i said. she shook her head. ''no you're not you're going home change and go to school'' my mom said. i wanted to protest. but she beat me to it. ''no, i don't wanna hear it i'm not going anywhere now go'' she said, i hugged her a last time and walked slowly backwords to the door.

''i love you'' she said. ''i love you to'' i said walking around the corner i'm so happy she's alive.


i walked in school and was so happy, i saw kira. ''hey yukimura'' i yelled, she looked at me. i ran up to her.

''so about the pictures'' i said. ''i'll tell you only not here, okay'' she said, i nodded. ''can you come at my house after school?'' she asked. i nodded.

we walked to class just than the bell rings. i saw scott and stiles, kira walked to scott.

i sat down next to stiles. '' hi i'm kira. you knew that'' she stammerd.

i frowned. ''looks like you got competition'' stiles said. i slapped the back of his head. "go suck lydia'' i said.

''i will'' he said smirking. ''ew'' i said.

i listend to kira's and scott's chat again. ''anyway, i have something for you'' she said grabbing her back pack. stiles looked at me. i didn't remove my eyes from kira and scott.

''if looks could kill'' he said. i shht him.

''for me?'' scott asked. ''yeah'' kira said. ''a-about the bardo. my explanation was sort of all over the place, so i did some research and i printed it out for you.'' she said. stiles chuckeld. and i kicked him.

scott was scratching the back of his head. he laughed nervously. ''what is he doing'' i asked stiles. stiles struggels,

''ah you didn't have to do that.'' scott said. ''it only took a couple of hours'' she said.

''oh snap'' stiles said. he turned to look at me. ''um lyla. your eyes'' he said. i shook my head and looked at him.

''you're jelous'' he said. i ignored him and kept on listening.

''wow. then you really didn't need to do that'' scott said.

okay i had enough i got up but stiles pushed me back down. ''stay'' he said, i glared at his arm and burned it. ''ouw ouw'' he said licking his arm i made my way over there.

i standed next to scott, ''kira'' mr yukimura said. oh the joy.

''you forgot all the research you did for that boy you like'' he said, i facked laughed this keeps getting better and better.

she turned to us and handed scott the pages of bullshit.

''thanks'' scott said. he looked at me, and i looked down. he lifted my chin and kissed me on the lips. ''don't worry i love you''he whisperd.

i walked back to stiles. with a smile on my face. ''you burned me'' he said. ''aw boo boo, are you mad at me'' i said mimicking Lydia. ''he gave me the finger and i blowed a kiss.

''okay, let's start. we were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war.'' mr yukimura said. ''there's a passage in our reading that i'd like to go over in more detail. who would like to come up and read aloud for us?'' he asked i sinked down in my seat.

mr. stilinski, how about you?'' he asked. i looked at stiles and saw that he was getting nervous.

''oh mayby someone else could'' stiles said, i sighed and raised my hand. ''can i go?'' i asked,

''no, everyone participates in my class, so MR. stilinski'' he said pounting to the stand with the book on it. ''okay'' stiles said, i gave hi, tumbs up he nodded.

he walked up front to the class. and looked at the book. his heart beat was picking up.

he was grabbing the side's of the table tight. it was like he was going to faint. ''stiles'' i said. he looked up at the class. ''stiles'' scott said standing up.

''are you okay'' scott asked. i felled dizzy. he was having a panic attack he thinks he's dreaming.

''scott you should take him to the nurse's office'' i said, he nodded and brought stiles there.

mr. yukimura was looking at me, ''he'll be fine'' i said. looking at the door. ''hopefully'' i whisperd.


after history i grabbed scott and stiles back packs. because they left them.

i walked to the hallway. and stopped, it was her. malia. i can feel it.

but it was different. she was more powerfull. oh no the full moon, she roared at me and ran up to me. i hide in the locker room but the bitch jumped true the glass. i hide behind lockers. okay she wanna fight let's do it.

i waited for her to make her move, but scott grabbed me and pushed the lockers. she was gone.

''i had it'' i said. but he was looking at something i followed his gaze and he was looking at stiles his back. it was a doll? why does stiles has a doll?

and he really need a new back pack. i'm gonna buy one for him.


the police came, ''did she hurt you?''scott asked me. i shook my head. ''i'll be back'' he said. i nodded.

''lyla'' stiles said, i walked to him and he hugged me. ''are you okay?'' he asked, ''better question are you okay?'' i asked. he nodded.

i walked to scott and hugged him. ''are you sure she didn't hurt you?'' scott asked. ''positive'' i said.

''scott i think i i know what she was looking for'' stiles said. opening his bagg. he pulled out a doll.

''you took the doll from the car''scott asked. ''what car?'i asked.

''the car form the accident''scott said,. i grabbed the doll and looked at it. ''i know this doll, she used to Always bring it with her'' i said.

''why did you take it?'' i asked. ''i though scott could use is, you know for like her scent'' stiles said.

''where did you get that?'' a familiar voice said. ''where did you find this?'' he said again.

i begged away. ''it belonged to my daughter'' mr tate said.

''sorry'' sheriff stilinski said. ''Mr. tate i don't know how you heard about this. if you got your own police scanner or what.. but you can't be here'' he said.

sheriff stilinski wanted to push tate but tate flished back. what was he hiding?

he sighed closing his eyes and the opening them again, basted.

Mr stilinski opend Mr. tate's jacket and he had a gun. it doesn't suprise me.

''i have a perment'' he said.

''California schools are gun free zones, permit or no permit'' i said. he looked at me. ''lyla gerrad long time'' he said. i glarred at him.

scott pulled me behind him, ''you need to leave, Mr. tate. now'' sheriff said.

''you find that animal. you find that thing'' he said. ''and you go find a shower'' i said, he charged to me. but the police pulled him back. scott growled quiet.

sheriff looked at me. ''he started it'' i said, he sighed and shook his head.


''does she have it'' i asked just then a beeping noise sounded. scott pulled his Phone out. ''she got it'' he said.

''xylazine. it's a tranquilizer for horses'' deaton said. ''for a werecoyote, expect it to work within seconds i only have whoever's shooting needs to be a damn good shot''

''allison's a perfect shot'' i said. ''she used to be'' isaac said. i looked at him. ''she can do it'' scott said.

''if we manage to find the thing''isaac said.

''isaac i love you but sometimes i just ask myself. don't he ever shut up'' i said. ''it's just my opinion'' he said.

''okay what is the point of him? seriously, i mean what is his purpose? aside from the persistent negativity and the scarf? what's up with the scarf anyway? it's 65 degrees out'' stiles said.

''#WhatsUpWithTheScarf"i said.they looked at me. ''SORRY'' I said.

''look mayby i'm asking a question no one here wants to ask''isaac said. ''how do we turn a coyote back into a girl, when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?'' isaac asked. i looked at scott.

''i can do it'' he said. ''you can?'' stiles asked.

''you remeber the night that peter trapped us in the school? in the gym, he was able to makie me turn using just his voice. deucalion did the same thing in the distillery'' scott said.

''this is a werecoyote, scott. who knows if it'll even work if you can find someone who can teach you'' deaton said.

''that's why you called derek first'' stiles said.

''yeah, i could try it on my own. but right now, i'm to scared to even change into just a werewolf'' scott said. i grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

''we need a real alpha''stiles said we looked at him. ''you know what i mean. an alpha who can do alpha things. you know an alpha who can get it going you know get it-" "up?'' isaac asked. stiles nodded.

''great. i'm an alpha with performance issues'' scott said.

''is there anyone else besides Derek who could help?'' deaton asked.

''i woudn't trust peter'' isaac said. ''i know someone. the twins'' i said.

''they're not alphas anymore. after what jennifer did, almost killing them?it broke that part of them.'' deaton said.

''yeha but what if they know how to do it?'' stiles said.

''nobody's seen them, for weeks'' scott's said. ''that's not totally true'' stiles said looking at me. ''i'll call ethan'' i said.


stiles opend the door to derek's loft. i walked from the steppes. ''they said they'd meet us here'' i said.

i heard something behind me and saw that aiden punched scott. they trew hem on the ground. stiles pulled me to the side.

the punched them and punched them and kicked punched. it was staring to hurt me. scott was on the ground. ''i though you guys were gonna teach me to roar'' scott said.

''we are. you do it by giving in.'' aiden said, ''giving in and letting go. that's how duecalion thaught us control''ethan said grabbing scott and lifting him up.

''hey, you know, that's funny. i've actually tried something like this one time using a heart monitor and lacrosse balls. but you're right, beating the living crap out of him is probably a lot better'' stiles said.

''is that your plan you kick his ass?'' i asked. ''he's afraid to turn'' aiden said.

''we're gonna make you, you turn and then you kick our asses'' ethan said.

''and then you roar'' aiden said. roaring flashing his eyes blue.

''you don't think you can let go with us?''ethan asked.

''you think you're going to hurt us?''aiden asked pushing him on ethan.

ethan pushed scott back. ''come on McCall. give it your all. we can Always heal'' he said.

scott swinged his hand but aiden grabbed it and ounched him on the stomach. ethan punched him on the face. ''you're an alpha'' ethan said.'' you want to roar like one, you've got to give in full throttle. you've got to be the monster. become the beast. become everything you're afraid of'' aiden said.

''that's what gives you power. it gives you strength'' ethan said he swinged again. but misted aiden elbowed him on the back macking him fall on the ground.

''giving into it doesn't make you the bad guy'' aiden said. ''so long as you can control it'' ethan said.

''sometimes control's a little. overrated'' aiden said, kicking scott.

i looked away. ''come on, scott. fight back'' stiles said.

''what if i can't control it? what if i can't turn back?''scott asked.

''then it takes over. you become malia. you get further and further away from being human. you turn into an animal or wors'' ethan said. ''you turn into peter'' aiden said.

scott yelled and ran up to aiden, aiden grabbed him and smashed him on the table. then he sat ontop of him. and kept hitting him. i coudn't take it and walked over to them and grabbed his fist before it would hit him again.

''what i though we were helping him'' he yel;led. ''you help too much''ethan said. i let go of his hand and pulled him of scott.

scott was all bloody. ''i'm sorry'' i said. ''it's okay'' he said.. ''it's okay''


to be continued

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