His Dove


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Book 5 of the Jackson Series! Marcella is struggling to break free from all she has ever known. Brought up in... More



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Chapter Thirty - Sweet Life

Early April.

"Love?" Judah calls from down the hall as I finish applying my rose-colored lipstick. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me put my shoes on!" I shout back as I rise from the chair and grab the silver heels.

He walks in as I'm about to sit down and I chuckle when his eyes widen before flooding with desire. "Wow!"

Judah's taking me out on a date night with a fancy dress code. He surprised me with a royal blue midi dress with sequin work all over it in lines and patches. The bodice is tight and held up by straps whereas the skirt flares down to my legs. I've paired the look with long silver earrings and rings while choosing to keep my hair straight and sleek.

"I clean up quite nicely huh?" I wink as he kneels before me and puts my heels on for me.

"You look beautiful my little dove." He murmurs tenderly as he tucks my hair behind my ear. "Like a badass goddess and a sweet angel all wrapped into one."

I bite my lip as a blush warms my cheeks. "You look very handsome too...but I bet you told yourself that already."

"Well, it's nice to hear all the same." He grins boyishly when I roll my eyes. "I mean it Mace, you look...absolutely gorgeous."

I glance at the mirror unsurely before meeting his gaze once more. "Thank you."

He sends me a knowing look and I shrug half-heartedly before standing. I haven't been feeling the most confident after acquiring so many new scars so my self-esteem is at an all-time low. I remember locking myself in the bathroom and crying for so long when the bandages were taken off my back.

Ever since then I've been covering it up but today is the first time in a while that I'm wearing something which shows my flawed skin. I'm starting to feel confident again with Judah's help and more importantly I'm learning to love myself more.

"I found a matching shawl too if you're not ready yet." He murmurs as he pulls it out of the bag I didn't notice he came in with.

That makes me tear up and I laugh as he wraps it around my shoulders. "It's beautiful, thank you Jude."

"Then why are you crying?" He asks softly with a confused frown.

"Just another moment where it's hit me how lucky I am to have you." I smile as I blink away the tears. "You make me feel so loved Judah. I appreciate everything you've done and continue to do for me."

"Of course, Macy. You're my person...the love of my life. I'd do anything to keep that smile on your face." He whispers as he cups my face and presses a lingering kiss to my forehead.

"I love you." I smile before kissing him. "And I've probably made us late for our dinner reservations so we should head out now."

"Give me a twirl first." He pleads as he pulls me up and steps back to admire me.

I stiffen at the thought of my scarred back before nodding hesitantly. I twirl and blush heavily when he wolf whistles. "Okay?"

"Do you want the nice version or the dirty one?"

That makes me laugh loudly. "A mix of both please."

"I'm honored to be the one who gets to make you feel loved. You're sinful Macy and you don't even know it." He breathes huskily and I bite my lip at the heavy desire in his tone. "You are perfection to me and you make me want to sin yet worship you at the same time."

"That's exactly what I thought when I first saw you." I chuckle as he takes a seat on our bed and tugs me to stand between his legs.

"If you'd let me I'd worship you from dusk 'til dawn every single day. Your skin is the softest thing I've ever felt, it makes me want to kiss every inch of it but dig my nails into it at the same time while I pleasure you." He brushes his lips in a feather light kiss against my knuckles. "Your curves are delicious. Your cute little ass makes me want to spank it red and raw every time you run that smart mouth of yours. Your soft voice soothes me like no other yet drives me insane with need when you moan my name."

"Judah!" I do just that when he makes me straddle his lap and trails a path of hot kisses up my neck.

"My mind is always on you when you're not near me but I can't get enough of you when we're together. You're like my own personal drug, one that I'd happily become addicted to." He murmurs against my heated skin before kissing me passionately. "I love you Macy."

"I love you too, so much." I sigh contently before kissing him. But before I can speak further his phone rings.

"Hello?" He answers before wincing. "Alright, we'll be there soon."

"We're late aren't we?" I chuckle once he hangs up.

"Very so we better get going, come on." He smiles as I grab my things before we make our way out of the house and into his car.

I aimlessly scroll on social media and reply to a text from Cameron. The doctors eventually cleared him and with a lot of physical therapy he's now back to normal. He bought an apartment in London a few months ago so that we can stay close to each other and started up his architecture firm too which has been quite successful. Currently he's on vacation in Hawaii with his girlfriend, Alejandra. Much to everyone's delight she stayed back in London to help him recover, they grew closer and he asked her out.

I smile at the picture he sent me of himself at the beach with the ocean in the background. He looks content and I'm so happy for him. I put down my phone and hum in time to the song playing but frown in confusion when I realize that we're still in the countryside. Judah chuckles when he notices my expression before curling his hand around my thigh.

"I thought we were heading into the city?"

"I might have lied." He grins cheekily with a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Our date's setting is a little different than usual but I promise you'll like it."

"Alright." I murmur with suspicion.

We continue for fifteen more minutes before Judah drives up to a pair of black gates. My eyes widen in familiarity when I recognize the house we've been wanting to purchase but it was sold a few days ago to someone else. I sit confused as Judah punches a code into the keypad before the gates open and he drives up to the front doors.

"The people who won the bid pulled out. Couldn't secure a deposit quick enough." Judah states as he cuts off the engine.

"T-That means it's ours?" I breathe as a wide smile slowly blooms across my lips.

"It's ours love. This is our new home." He leans over to kiss my cheek with a soft smile. "Shall we go inside?"

I nod eagerly which makes him laugh as we both step out of the car. I rush inside after he unlocks the door and grin happily as I walk from room to room with him again. It's a recently built property so it's very modern with vast gardens at the front and back of the house. Fields of countryside stretch for miles around us and provide us with privacy which was a big factor for us.

"I'm so excited!" I whirl around as Judah walks into the kitchen. "I still can't believe it's finally ours."

"I know." He smiles as he tugs me against him and rests his chin on my shoulder. "This is home now, where we're soon going to have mini versions of us running around and where we're going to grow old."

I turn in his arms and wind my arms around his neck. He grins down at me and rests his forehead against mine while his thumbs rub gentle circles into my hips. I could stay like this with you forever, I find myself thinking contently. He inches forward and pulls me impossibly closer which makes me smile shyly. I close the rest of the gap by raising myself on my tip toes and pinning my lips on his. He groans softly and I find my nerves going haywire over the sound.

"You make me so happy Jude." I murmur when we pull away. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"I'm glad to hear that because I feel the same way." He chuckles before cupping my face to kiss me deeply. "Want to watch the sunset with me? I know how much you like them."

"I'd love to." I grin excitedly and place my hand in his as we walk outside.

"We've got a full view this time." He murmurs as he stands behind me.

I smile happily at the view of the sun setting, the sky carrying beautiful hues of oranges and pinks above. "It's so beautiful."

"Your beauty outnumbers anything else dove." Judah replies but his tone wavers with what I pick up as nervousness.

I turn in confusion only for my eyes to widen when I see him down on one knee. He holds out a ring box with a shaky smile and I step closer with my poor heart racing a mile a minute. Tears spring to my eyes as I recall every memory of us since the day I met him. I think back to the time in the conservatory where I felt hope that I might just get everything I wanted. This is another moment where the realization shakes the ground beneath my feet.

"I never had the desire to settle down...not until my brothers started finding the love of their lives. Seeing them so happy made my heart ache and I realized I wanted that little slice of heaven for myself." He grins as he takes my hand and pulls me close. "Then I met you. The day you tripped me I fell hard...not just on the ground but for you too."

That makes me laugh and I quickly swipe away a traitorous tear before teasingly whispering, "Sorry not sorry."

"I couldn't get enough of you during the time we had together but my heart ached something fierce, as if you had ripped it to pieces, when you left. I realized that I never want to feel that way again, so empty and lost without you. You're it for me Macy. I need you like I need air to breathe." He brushes his lips against my knuckles with a tender smile. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. There aren't enough hours in the day to show you just how much I love you but at least this way I'll have forever to remind you how much I adore you in every waking moment. Will you give me forever my sweet little dove? Will you marry me Marcella?"

I can't stop the tears from spilling across my cheeks as happiness overwhelms me. "Yes, I'll marry you Jude."

He smiles handsomely and it's enough to take my breath away. I laugh as he picks me up and twirls me around before slipping the gorgeous diamond ring on my finger. We stare into each other's eyes and smile goofily before our lips meet in the softest of kisses. I hug him tightly and feel his chin rest atop my head as we stand still, basking in the moment.

"Come on." He eventually says and intertwines our hands. "Let's go eat yeah?"

I nod happily and he guides me back inside the house towards the dining room. I'm shocked to see his entire family, Cameron, Alejandra and the rest of our friends here when the doors are opened. Everyone cheers as Judah holds my left hand up and yells, "she said yes!" I turn to him with wide eyes and a big smile which makes him laugh. I kiss his cheek before everyone pushes forward excitedly to congratulate us.

"Finally got him to settle down!" Kenzo says as him and Aiden fist bump me. "Well done!"

"Thank you!" I wink cheekily before they wrap me up in big bear hugs.

Cameron finds me next and hugs me tightly, not letting go as he kisses the top of my head. "Congratulations Mar. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Cam." I whisper, feeling myself get emotional for some reason.

We realize both of us are crying when we pull away and end up laughing at each other. He wipes away my tears as I do the same for him. I can't help but hug him again thinking of how lucky we are to have made it out the other side, alive and well.

"Love you." I murmur as I pull away. "Remember not to trip me up when I'm walking down the aisle soon yeah?"

"I wouldn't dare." He grins with a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Love you too Marcie. Now, I think Elenora might just combust if I hog you any longer so I'm going to go."

"Oh, shut up!" Els sticks her tongue out childishly at him before shoving him out of the way. Reece and Alejandra join me in that moment too and the four of us squeal excitedly before they fawn over my ring.

It feels like I'm on cloud nine when we all finally sit down to eat in the big dining room. Servers bring out our dinner and I shake my head in disbelief over how well Judah planned this. He winks at me knowingly before curling his hand around my leg.

Dessert and more drinks are eventually served and as we're split up to catch up with everyone we still catch each other's eye from across the room and smile. I find myself falling more in love with him which I thought was impossible.

"Marcella?" Michelle calls softly which snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn to her just as Evan stops beside us with a gentle smile. "We wanted to give you this."

I take the two boxes and open them only to gasp when I see the stunning necklace and bracelet set inside lined with aquamarine jewels. I frown in confusion once I look back at them. "This is beautiful! But...what's this for?"

"We always give our soon to be daughter in laws a jewelry set as an engagement gift. As a welcome to the family." Evan explains as he pulls Michelle close. "It's usually a little later after the engagement but since you and Judah live in the UK we thought now was the best time."

"Oh, wow...t-thank you so much! I love it!" I smile as I hug them tightly. "You really shouldn't have though. This is too much!"

"Nonsense! I never thought that boy would settle down then you came along and you're perfect for him Marcie." Michelle pats my cheek affectionately. "If he ever gives you trouble or makes you upset you let us know right away. We may not have daughters of our own but we see you and the rest of the girls as our blood."

"If you have a hard time accepting the gift then just think of it as our way of saying thank you for putting up with him." Evan winks and I nod as we burst into a fit of chuckles.

"You wound me father." Judah suddenly interrupts as his arms circle my waist from behind. "I'm not that unbearable."

"Debatable." Evan mutters before taking a sip of his drink.

I look up to see Jude's eyes narrowed playfully. "Fine...let's have a debate. Give me five minutes."

"We're not having a debate about this Judah." I shake my head and stifle a smile when he stares at me incredulously.

"Why not?!"

"It would be unfair since you're going to bribe everyone to side with you in those five minutes." I reply and arch a brow when he opens his mouth to protest.

Evan and Michelle burst out laughing while I smile cheekily. Even Judah can't stop the grin from blooming on his lips while Evan raises his drink and says, "She's a keeper Jude!"

"That she is." Judah murmurs before pecking my lips softly.

Life feels so sweet and complete.

One chapter left! 

Vote if you are enjoying this story!

- R.W. ♡

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