Aurora (Andy Barber ~ Five Ki...

By caprogersfan

9.2K 449 139

Andy Barber ruled his city with an iron first. Everything in order, everything in its place. Broken a long... More

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Inspirational Song List

Part One

1.3K 69 11
By caprogersfan

Welcome to Newton.  A sleepy town outside of Boston.  Where kids can play with their friends and shop owners advertise with signs on the street.  It's a quiet town.  An unassuming town.  A town where one-man rules and no one forgets it.  This town, Newton, is Andy Barber's town.

Aurora Thatcher wiped the sweat from her brow as she placed the last table in her shop.  Her shop.  The bakery that Rory always dreamed about.  The Sweetest Things. It took two years, one loan from her grandparents but it was here. The décor was Parisian, black, white and pink.  The displays would be filled with her treats.  The checkerboard floor was polished, the white tables and chairs ready for customers to sit and enjoy their treats. Rory smiled. Everything was perfect.

The bell over the door rang, startling you from your thoughts. A man with dark hair, scruff on his shin stood in the doorway. "Miss Thatcher?"

"Yes? Sorry, we are closed."

"I know Miss Thatcher. My name is Nick, Nick Fowler. I work for Mr. Barber." He offer what she assumed to be a gentle smile, trying not to scare her.

She froze. Mr. Andrew Barber, the notorious mob boss. He ran this town and everyone in it. She had been made aware of this early on and while Rory knew he wouldn't hurt her, she still feared him. "Hello Mr. Fowler. How can I help you?"

Nick Fowler smiled at the pretty young thing standing in from of him. She was petite, with dark hair pulled into braids and a bun, large doe eyes that alluded to the innocence of her. She was beautiful but she also didn't realize it.  Her shirt was tight to her body covered by an apron.  Nick licked his lips at the girl, adjusting his jeans subtly, not wanting to scare her. "I'm sure you are aware Miss Thatcher that there is a certain, let's call it, leasing fee, that comes with owning a shop in this town."

Rory gulped. "Yes Mr. Fowler. My landlord made me aware." She shuffled to the register and pulled the envelope full of cash for him. "I was advised the leasing fee was two."

Nick opened the envelope full of $20 bills. He looked up at her with a smirk. "To start Miss Thatcher. Depending on how profitable you are, that may change. Do you understand?"

Rory nodded, trying not to cry.  She watched as Nick sniffed the air. "You got any samples?" She nodded again and moved to package up some treats she had made.  A couple of croissants, some Danishes, cookies, and her signature red velvet cupcakes.  Nick pulled out his wallet to pay but Rory waved him off.

"If you like them, you can just send customers my way."

"Thank you, Miss Thatcher. Have a nice evening."

Rory watched him leave and then sag against the counter, the tears she fought so hard to hide finally falling.

Nick walked back into the office, munching on one of the heavenly cookies Rory had given him.  He swallows as he saw his boss reviewing some documents, his third in command, Sam Wilson, reviewing the monitors for the casino. "Hey Boss!"

"Fowler.  How'd it go?" Andy never looked up from what he was reading.

"Smoothly.  The owner was ready for us."  He tossed the envelope on the desk.  "She was sweet but scared. Killer body. Amazing baker."  He put the box of treats down carefully.

"Good to know my tenants warn the new people."  Andy looked up at Nick with a smirk. "You have something," pointing to the side of Nick's mouth, a smear of chocolate on his lip.

"Shit, sorry boss."  He took out a napkin to wipe his face.

"Was that from the baker?" Andy looked at the box.

"Yeah, Miss. Thatcher. Sweet thing.  She gave them to me.  Said that if we liked them to send her customers.  By the way, I will.  She's that good."

"Hmm, red velvet. My favorite."  Andy plucked the cupcake out of the box and took a bite.  He couldn't help the moan that escaped his mouth.  "Fucking Christ, that's good."

"Told ya. Wilson, you have to try these."

The men munched on the treats as Andy put the money away.  "So, Miss Thatcher was amiable?"

"Very.  Wouldn't mind going back and visiting with her.  Get to know her... personally." Nick smirked at the thought.

"You will do no such thing Nick."  Andy frowned.  He had never met the girl, but he knew Rory's grandparents and was doing them a favor by charging such low rent. "She's innocent.  So just do your job and that's it."

A couple of months had passed, and the bakery was a hit on the block.  The rate of growth left Rory happy but unsettled.  Nick has been back as promised, once a month to collect rent.  He could see the growth but didn't charge her more.  Every time he stopped by Rory had a box of treats for him, especially saving a couple of red velvet cupcakes after Nick mentioned that Mr. Barber liked them.

It was nearly closing time when the doorbell rang.  Rory looked up from her sweeping to see a gruff dark hair man enter with a lankier man.  She went to the register and smiled.  "May I help you?"

"I've come to collect the rent," he replied.  She paled.

"I'm sorry, M-Mr. Fowler already came by to pick it up.  I'm sorry."

The man leered at Rory.  "Stupid bitch," he growled. "This is my block."  He came around the counter. Rory froze as he stalked towards her. "Guess, you'll have to pay me another way."  He twirled a tendril that had fallen from her ponytail, the smile on his face sadistic.

Andy was in desperate need of caffeine. After wiping the blood from his bruised knuckles and taking care of the issue with the casino behind the antique store, he heard his stomach rumble. "Work" had left him tired and hungry.  He spotted the new little bakery and decided to visit and meet the Thatcher's granddaughter.  He walked across the street and peered in the window.  He watched as a young woman pushed Rumlow away from herself and Rumlow reach back and slap her, the force pushed her to the floor.  He raced into the shop. "The fuck do you think you're doing?"

Brock looked up to see his boss standing in the doorway with a look of fury.  "Mr. Barber, sir, I'm just collecting..."

"I told you, I already paid Nick two days ago," Rory whispered from the floor, holding her cheek.

"Rumlow, she's on Fowler's list. Leave now and never come back here again."

"But sir..."


Brock scurried like the rat he is and left, taking Ward with him.

Andy walked around the counter and kneeled beside Rory. "Are you alright?"

Rory was still holding her cheek, a single tear falling down her face.  "I'm fine."

Andy's heart cracked. "No, you're not." He stood up and went to the back.  She heard the freezer open and close.  He returned to her with ice wrapped in a towel.  "Here," he gently pressed the towel to her face. She winces and he brushes a strand of hair from her face. "My name is Andy."

She knew who he was. "Rory. Uh, Aurora," she whispered.  He could feel the tremble through her body.

"That's a beautiful name." She maintained her eyes casted down. "I'm not going to hurt you," he reassured. He could still see the fear in her posture.  Rory refused to look at him, keeping her eyes casted down. She didn't want to make the mobster mad, but Andy studied her.  She was beautiful, even as she was covered in flour, tear tracks and a red mark covering her face.

Rory's voice quivered as she spoke.  "I'm sorry Mr. Barber.  I didn't mean to talk to your man that way or shove him."  She stood up.  "I – I can pay if you need me too."  She went to the register, still refusing to meet his eyes.

The buzz of the register brings Andy out of whatever trance her body had put him in. "If you say you paid Nick, then I believe you."  She nodded. But Andy wanted to see her face. "Look at me." She froze, her heart begins to pound. She was sure he can hear it thumping against her rib cage, wanting to escape. "I said, look at me."  He grasped her chin and tilted her head to meet his eyes.  Their height difference was significant.  He was easily over six feet while she was just over five. Soft brown eyes meet his blue green ones, and she was lost.  Rory could see every line in his irises, like a map that she wanted to study.

Andy tried not to lose himself in her eyes.  "You are under my protection.  No harm will come to you ever again.  Do you understand sweetheart?" Rory nodded, unable to let go of his gaze. "Good. Now, what time do you close?"

"In an hour and then I have to prep for tomorrow," she whispered. She never took her eyes off of him. She took in the rich texture of his suit, the dark blue complimenting his eyes, his full beard accentuating his full lips.  But then she saw it.  A speck of blood on the collar of his white shirt. She locked eyes with him again and she swallowed.

Finally breaking the stare down, Andy looks at his watch. "I'll be by in a couple of hours to take you home.  I'll send Nick to watch over you."

"You don't have to do that Mr. Barber. I can take care of myself."

"No, I do." He gently caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes at his touch. "Finish up sweetheart. Go on. I'll wait for Nick."

Rory offered a small smile as she went back to her cleaning and organizing.  Andy called Nick over and five minutes later the man himself strolled in.  "Hey Rory! Any cookies left?"

"Hi Nick. Yeah, in the back. Help yourself."

"Hey boss." Nick nodded to Andy. "What's going on?"

"Rumlow was here, claiming to be collecting the rent but I think he was after something more."  His eyes moved to Rory as she wiped down the ovens.

"Shit. Ok, what's the plan?"

"I want protection for her at all times. Get Parker or Lang to watch her.  I need to take care of somethings with Barton but I'll be back.  We'll discuss how to handle Rumlow later."

"You got it boss."

"And Fowler, if anything happens to her, I'll consider it your fault."  Andy turned and found Rory stocking ingredients. He observes her as she straightens the boxes and bags, her curves more defined when not hidden by her apron.  He wants to run his hands over her back and down her backside to grasp the globes of her ass while he holds Rory tight to him.  He clears his throat to bring his mind back from dirty thoughts and catch her attention.  "Sweetheart, I have business to finish but I'll be back. Please, don't go anywhere without Nick." 

"Yes, Mr. Barber." Rory chewed on her lip.

Andy took a few steps towards her.  He cupped her chin and using this thumb pulled to release her bottom lip. "What I wouldn't give to bite that lip," he whispered. Rory sucked in a breath and closed her eyes.  "I hope I get that chance soon," he breathed in her ear and placed a small kiss on her cheek, the whiskers of his beard tickling her face. "Soon, beautiful." And then he was gone.

Rory took a moment to calm herself.  Having never met the man before today, the emotions and attractions were new.  Andrew Barber was sex walking in her eyes.  His height was perfect, allowing her to still study him when she locked eyes with him. Those eyes, the eyes that allowed you to get lost in the deepest of oceans and yet still see the sky. His face, after it let go of the fury, was kind.  He looked at Rory, not with anger, but with longing or dare she say it, lust.  Rory's body clenched at the thought of Andy's hands on her and she shook her head to clear her thoughts.  Rory went back to work and chatted with Nick.

"You ok cupcake?"

She tilted your head. "Cupcake?"

"Would have called your kitten but I don't think the boss would have liked that," Nick replied as he leaned on the door frame.  He was no slouch either, with his blue sweater bring out the blue in his eyes.

"He seemed angry earlier." Rory got on her tip toes to get a canister onto a higher shelf. Nick got behind her to help, placing the canister with ease.

"Boss doesn't like it when an innocent is hurt." Nick tilted her face to see the small bruise forming on her cheek.  "Rumlow crossed a line. Did you put ice on this?"

"Andy gave me some." Rory blush at saying his name. It felt good to say his given name. But then the thought of Rumlow entered back into her mind.  "He isn't going to come back, is he?"

Nick clenched his jaw.  "Not if we have any say. Rory, you are on my list so your protection is my responsibility, and the boss will make sure of that.  Don't worry cupcake. We'll take care of you."

Rory and Nick continue to work, she was prepping and Nick finishing the cleaning.  As she placed the last of the doughs in the fridge, the bell tingles again, making her jump and coward behind the shelf, her breathing becoming more rapid. This little piece of metal was now making sounds that terrified her. Rory sinks down to the floor, wondering what was happening to her.

"Sweetheart? Are you here?"

The sweetest voice calls for her. Rory stood up and peek her head around the shelf. "Hi."

"Rory? What's the matter?" Andy can see her body is tense, her eyes round with fear. She shakes her head, knowing she was being ridiculous.  She headed to her office, but Andy stops her.  "Talk to me." 

"The bell." Rory looked down.  "I don't like the bell anymore. It scares me," she says in a small voice, ashamed that the offensive, non-descript piece of metal is messing with her psyche.

Andy gathered her in his arms, holding her tights. "Won't let anything happen to you.  Promise."  He let go and followed her into the office.  Rory grabbed her bag and keys and walked out with Andy and Nick.  Nick cleared his throat.

"So Rory, I have a friend who is looking for work.  Good kid, hard worker.  Maybe you should hire him to help you out?"

Andy hid his smile, knowing what Nick was doing. Planting Parker as a worker would be perfect.

Rory smiled.  "I could use the extra help.  Send him my way."

Andy took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm, and he walked to the car. Nick opened the door and Andy helped her in.  "Where to?"

"I'm about ten blocks away but I can walk, really."

Andy cocked an eyebrow towards her, and she stopped.  Nick pulled into traffic and a few minutes later they were parked in front of her building. Andy stopped her as she climbed out of the car.  "Have dinner with me."

There was no point in trying to refuse.  This was Andy Barber and he always got what he wanted.  Rory nodded. "Ok."

"Tomorrow night.  I'll be by."  He kissed her hand and let her go.

When Rory woke up the next morning, she could have sworn that last night was a dream.  Andy Barber did not ask her out on a date, that Rumlow guy hadn't attacked her.  She got up and got ready for the day.  She saw a dress that she had purchased on a whim.  It was white with blue flowers, empire waisted, boat neck, sleeveless.  The dress fell to her knees.  Maybe it wasn't a dream.  She pulled the dress out along with some blue heels, just in case. Rory grabbed her bag and headed out into the crisp morning.  She missed the sedan that was following her.

Rory got to the shop and there was a young man sitting on the stoop.  She froze and he jumped up.  "Hi, are you Miss Thatcher?"

"Yes?" She looked at him warily.

"My name is Peter.  Peter Parker. Mr. Barber and Mr. Fowler said I should come by about a job."

Rory swallowed hard.  Yesterday was not a dream.  She remembered everything.  Nick and Andy promised to take care of her.  Peter could see the hesitation.  "Oh sorry.  Here."  He handed her a note.


This is the guy I asked you about.  He's a good kid and a hard worker.  Call me if you have any questions.  He's also there to protect you if you need it.

In your service,


She looked at Peter.  She offered him a smile.  "Hi Peter.  It says here that you are a hard worker."

Peter smiled, his face nothing but positive. "Yes ma'am, ready to learn and help where I can."

"Ew, don't call me ma'am." Peter let out a chuckle. "Its Rory. Let me show you inside."  She got him an apron and walked him through the store.   He was a quick learner, and his strength helped a lot.  He got all the tables set up and straightened, the heavy coffee pots moved and set without a sweat. Nick was right. Peter was strong and it helped calmer her nerves, you know, just in case someone unsavory showed back up to the shop.

About an hour before closing, Nick strode in with a box.  "Hey cupcake!"

"I see we are sticking with the nickname."  She rolled her eyes but smiled.  "Hi Nick.  What's with the box?"

"Boss asked me to install a new security system for you and close the shop. But don't worry, the only thing I'll take are any leftovers."  He winked at her.


"No buts. He said, and I quote, 'I need my sweetheart to have time to get ready.' So out with you. Parker and I can handle this.  You're closed tomorrow anyways so no prep." Nick took her keys from her.  "Wilson will take you home."


A kind looking man was outside. He turned at the sound of his name and nodded at her. Nick handed Rory her bag and guided her outside.  "Wilson, this is Miss Rory Thatcher. Take care of her."  He turned to you.  "Have fun cupcake."  Sam led her to the car and started to drive.

"How do you know where I live?"

"Mr. Barber told me."  He pulled in front of the building just a few minutes later.  "I'll be outside, on watch."

"Ok."  The thought of someone watching her building was enough to send her in a panic. Rory locked the door after rushing in and sank to the floor.  How was this your life?  Was it wise to go on a date with Andy Barber? Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. She smiled as she read the caller ID.  "Hi Nana."

"Hello my darling! How are you?"

"I'm good Nana.  Business is booming."

"That's wonderful my darling. Any plans this evening."

Rory hesitated.  She might as well come clean since it would probably get out sooner than later.  "I'm going to dinner with Andrew Barber."  The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. "Nana?"

"Did he threaten you?"

"No! He helped me with a difficult... umm... customer and then he asked me to dinner.  He was a perfect gentleman."

Her grandmother was in a peculiar state: quiet.  She was concerned at Rory's defense of the man. "Rory, just, make sure the man is respectful."

"I will Nana. I have to get ready.  I'll call you tomorrow."

"Have fun my darling."

Rory hung up and got ready.  A shower, hair done, makeup on, she pulled on her dress, stockings and heels.  As she was sliding earrings on, the doorbell rang.

Andy has always been a confident man.  Nothing has ever made him nervous or scared. Until he looked into her eyes.  Her big, innocent, doe eyes, the beautiful color enrapturing him to his very soul.  They were eyes that could see right through him, haunting him as he tried to sleep.  How had he not made the effort before to come and see her? No matter.  Now he was standing on Rory's stoop, a bouquet of pink roses in his hands, waiting for her to open the door.  Andy never felt the need to have a partner in life after Laurie, a wife to make his queen. Until he saw her.

When she opened the door, Andy was at a loss for words.  Her innocence shined through in her appearance and yet his thoughts were of nothing but how to get her naked as fast as humanly possible. "Sweetheart, wow," he said.  Then he heard the sweetest sound...

Her giggle.

"Thank you, Mr. Barber," Rory's cheeks faintly pink, eyes cast down.

"Andy, sweetheart. Call me Andy." He offered the flowers to her. I" thought these would match your beauty, but I can see now that only you are that beautiful."

Rory blushed again.  "I'm sure that's not true but thank you."  She kept her eyes downcast.

Andy grasped her chin and tilted her head to force her to look at him. "If I say something, I mean it. You are gorgeous Miss Thatcher.  Do you understand?" 

"Yes," she whispered.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, sir."  Her submission was surprising.  She moved to put the flowers in a vase, her mind racing.   She always considered herself independent, self-sufficient, in need of no man.  But here she was, submitting to Andy Barber without thinking twice.  How did he have a hold of her so quickly. His deep commanding voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"I thought dinner and then a stroll, my dear.  Is Chinese ok?"

"Yes, I love Chinese."  She gave him a genuine smile and it warmed Andy's heart.  He offered his arm after she closed her door.  He guided her to the car and once in, his driver pulled away.

Once at the restaurant, she waited for her door to be opened as Andy had gripped her hand when she went to open it. She saw Nick approach the door and open it, "Hi Rory."

"Hi Nick," as she climbed out with Andy's helps. It was dawning on Rory that this was how Andy was treated when he was out and about in his city.  He was treated like the King he is.  As he climbed out, Nick gave him a subtle nod, as if answering an unasked question.  Andy placed a hand on her back and guided her onto the restaurant.  When she looked around, the place was deserted save a man holding a bottle of wine. "Andy?"

"I don't want people to know my business until I am ready for them to know. So I bought out the restaurant for the evening." He had the hostess lead them to a table. It had fresh roses and little tea candles.  Rory looked around and saw that the entire restaurant was glowing from candles.  Andy pulled out a chair for her to sit.

The waiter didn't ask but immediately poured wine into the glasses. "Plum wine to start miss, sir. Pairs well with the moo-shi appetizer." Another waiter brought out a plate of food.

Rory picked up the chop stick to start eating and she notice Andy was struggling, frowning and frustrated.  "May I show you?"

Andy snapped his head up as she rose from her seat.  Rory stood behind him and placed her hand over his, her face close to his.  He was enthralled. He could smell her perfume, the scent of her shampoo. He could almost taste her skin, the creaminess entrancing him.  Her small delicate hand was soft but firm from years of kneading dough.  She softly formed his fingers into the right position.  As she withdrew, her hand grazed his knuckles ever so gently that it raised goosebumps.  "There," she pronounced, "try it."

Andy tried and succeeded grasping the food.  Rory smiled and moved to sit when Andy grabbed her hand.  She gasped at the sudden movement, a tremble moving through her body, Andy could feel the fear racing through her.  He gently pulled her hand and brought it to his lips.  He placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles.  "Thank you, sweetheart."

She blushed at the gesture.  "You're welcome."  She sat back down.

"Tell me about yourself." Andy wanted to know everything about her.

"Well, I grew up a few blocks from the bakery.  My grandparents took me in after my parents died."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's ok. I was ten when that happened.  I started baking as a way to meet friends and it just grew from there."

"I do have to complement your bakery.  That red velvet cupcake is divine."

Rory giggled.  "That's my specialty.  It's my favorite flavor."

Andy looks at her with adoration.  "Mine too."

The conversation flowed for the rest of the mean with Andy asking question after question, absorbing everything he could.  Turns out, pink roses were Rory's favorite.  She toys with her wine glass.  "So, will I get to learn more about you Mr. Barber?"  Her tone is flirty.

The question took him back.  He signaled the waiter and paid before leading her out.  "Let's take a stroll."  He walked next to Rory, contemplating what to say.  He cleared his throat. "I built my standing from the ground up.  The people in this town needed protection from a devil of a man.  I did everything in my power to first, protect my neighborhood and then eventually the town.  I did have a woman, Laurie and she had my child, Jacob." His eyes had sorrow at the mention of his son.  "But they both died in an accident many years ago when he was just a baby.  Since then, I focused on my business.  I made it strong, brutal even.  I had no reason to look at life differently.  Until I saw you.


"You.  You were like a breath of fresh air. So beautiful, so innocent. I just... I just wanted to know you."

"I'm no one special Mr. Barber. Just a girl trying to make her way in the world."  Rory stopped to look at the sky.  "It's so pretty here."

Andy stood behind her, running his nose by her neck, hearing her breath hitch in surprise but noting how she closed her eyes, as if she was holding back her desire. "It's because you are trying to make your way in the world that draws me to you."  She looked back at him. "May I kiss you Miss. Thatcher?" She nodded and he pressed his lips to her.

His lips are full, soft and sweet.  One would think that his beard would be harsh but it's not.  It's soft, brushing against her face.  He pulls back and sees her slightly swollen lips, her eyes still closed.  He smiles but kisses her again, a little harder this time but not forceful.  Her lips meld to his, heating her very core.

Kissing Andy Barber has to be her new favorite thing in the whole wide world.

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