Divinity in mortal | Childe x...

By zesanako

4.9K 117 27

Zhongli decides to plan the demise of Rex Lapis in order to pass the command of the national order to the hum... More

The contract to end all contracts
Mission from Snezhnaya
Gathering information
Locating the Adepti
Sigil of Permission
Pending debt
Opera Night
Impoundment at Yungsheng Teahouse
Liyue's calligraphy classes
A New Star Approaches
Rite of Descent
Farewell Rite for Rex Lapis

Souvenirs for Snezhnaya

270 7 3
By zesanako

On the way back to the Funeral Parlor Zhongli took the opportunity to stop by the Northland Bank. Since it was a quiet day he would take the occasion to see his friend Childe, if he was available. So he made his way up the red stairs to the building.

"Mr. Zhongli", greeted Ekaterina as soon as he walked through the door.

"Hello Ekaterina", Zhongli greeted back. "I was wondering if Childe is here."

"I have not seen him leave today. Give me a moment and I'll check." Ekaterina left the reception area and walked up the stairs on the side of the bank. Zhongli waited in the Bank's grand hall, admiring the intricate architecture and gold-plated details. It was fascinating how they had blended tints of Liyue and Snezhnaya with the different colors and shapes.

When Ekaterina returned, he turned to her and saw that she was accompanied. Childe was walking beside her carrying an envelope in his hand, which he deposited in the mailbox located near the reception desk when he passed by. He had a gentle, smiling expression - he was still Ajax, without any mask -. Zhongli felt warmth at seeing his friend like this. Childe waved to the consultant from halfway up the stairs.


"Childe", he smiled back.

When Childe finished walking down the stairs he approached Zhongli and greeted him with a hug. Zhongli didn't know how to react, he had never been greeted like that before so he figured he should return the gesture. Childe laughed happily. When he pulled away he was still smiling.

"How are you doing?", asked Childe. Amber eyes looked at him carefully.

"I was wondering if you would be interested in accompanying me to the opera."

"Oh. Of course! When is it?" It was just the answer Zhongli had expected, they had been going to local shows together for a while now, though knowing what Childe was up to Zhongli wasn't sure it would be possible for him. "A merchant was talking in the street that tonight is the grand premiere of an opera about Rex Lapis. The renowned opera singer Yun Jin will be participating. However if you are busy they will have more dates available soon."

Zhongli was always interested in the operas of famous singers, especially if they were local. What piqued Childe's interest, however, was the mention of Rex Lapis. Apart from the spectacle, which he always appreciated, it could provide relevant information for the mission.

" Well tonight I'm free, let's go to the grand premiere", Childe replied with another smile. Zhongli smiled back at him. "I have some business to take care of first", at the subtle change in his friend's expression, he made sure there was no one from the Fatui that he considered a threat to his family and explained, "Oh, it's nothing. I want to prepare some gifts of local Liyue food for my brothers. Shall I pick you up at the Funeral Home later? Unless you want to accompany me."

"Sure, with pleasure."

Childe had left the food gifts for the last moment to prevent them from deteriorating before shipment. He had an idea of what he could buy but Zhongli was always a great help when it came to local products. Besides he had a very precise palate, he could distinguish any kind of flavor just by tasting it. Childe still remembered the time when after tasting a Fullmoon Egg, he looked for the chef to tell him the right amount of fish and prawns. Childe enjoyed cooking, but he couldn't reach that level of precision even with his mother's food, who had the advantage of knowing the recipes.

He waved his friend out of the Bank and the two headed out into the crowded streets of Liyue.

"I was not aware that you had siblings", Zhongli commented once outside the building.

"I have five siblings", Childe replied. Joy could be discerned in his dull blue eyes. "I don't usually talk about them, especially in Fatui stays, to avoid putting them in danger. Imagine someone being so cowardly as to attack my family as revenge. I could not forgive myself", he said in a more solemn tone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you on a tight spot."

"It is nothing", Childe waved his hand to downplay the importance of it. "Ekaterina knows, she's the one who sends the letters and boxes home after all. And you can know it too, I trust you, Zhongli", he smiled at him.

"Thank you", Zhongli simply replied thoughtfully. He trusted Childe too but since the contract with the Tsaritsa he was more measured in his words with him. He supposed on his friend's side it was the same situation even if he was being so open now. Not that he was complaining, he liked to meet this side of Childe.

"You know, my brother Anthon says that the citizens of Liyue are stone because they eat stones." Childe laughed. "That doesn't make any sense."

Zhongli joined in and laughed with him. " He may be partly right", he remarked.

"Are you made of rock?! But I've seen you eat normal food."

Zhongli laughed again at the thought that he could indeed consider himself to be made of stone. As he closed his eyes his red eyeliner stood out against his skin tone and the strands of hair that danced in the air. Childe's heart skipped a beat. Behind the chestnut lashes slowly the amber hue of Zhongli's eyes reappeared, which in the evening light reflected more golden glints. The cheeks of Childe felt warm and he could not wipe the smile off his face. It was then that the diamond-shaped yellow pupils moved to meet his friend's blue ones and boom, another heart flip.

"Childe...", Zhongli said.

Childe's heart was beating like a drum and he felt so hot in the face that he thought he was going to faint. He smiled at his friend and grabbed the railing awkwardly. He wasn't sure if his legs were going to give out at any moment. What was his mind playing at?

"You are hopeless", Zhongli added with a smile. Still it reminded him of the old days, long before the Archon War, which made him feel at ease and even, in a way safe. His friend's personality reminded him of his old friend Guizhong, the Dust Goddess, who had been a great support to him. She also used to joke with him quite often and her laughter was music to his ears. He did not miss those times, he had learned to live in the present, although he occasionally allowed himself to long for the past.

Childe had not spoken again. His mind no longer remembered the topic of conversation, he was finding it hard to concentrate. Zhongli looked at his friend, he had a crimson color on his cheeks and ears that matched his hair. Or rather with his scarf. His laughter flooded the atmosphere and he felt very fortunate to be able to share these moments with him.

"What had you planned to ship to your family?", asked Zhongli. His family. Childe - or rather Ajax - felt he came back to his self. "Other than tea, dehydrated foods like dried bamboo shoots, Sichuan corn peppers... the red dates with walnut and soybeans. I think that's what can withstand the two-day trip to Snezhnaya the best although I don't think the little ones will like it. Do you think the sweets will make it okay?"

"Hmm... I know a store that prepares all kinds of sweets at any season of the year. There are some Tikoy which are vacuum packed, they might even last for the New Year's celebration if you wish. They are also known as Rice Cake because it is made with glutinous rice. Children also tend to like Moon Cakes, there are different fillings for all tastes. Formerly they used to be filled with lotus or bean paste but now there are fruit and even ice cream fillings. In small quantities it is a good accompaniment to tea." Childe listened attentively, making a great effort to keep his mind focused. He was fascinated that Zhongli knew about everything, he would not be able to list the most typical Snezhnaya sweets so easily, much less the entire menu of flavors.

"Tonia loves chocolate. The others don't complain about anything, especially mom and dad. I doubt Teucer will try any of them, he's still very young and he's more interested in toys...", Childe explained.

Zhongli thought it was really cute that he spoke so lovingly of his family and was going to help them enjoy some of Liyue's best local gastronomy. "There are entire Moon Cakes made of chocolate. Traditionally they are usually made from a specific type of pastry crust but nowadays there are even chocolate masses on offer. I am sure your sister Tonia will like it."

"Well let's go get those!", exclaimed Childe excitedly. He would love to see Tonia's face when she tasted the chocolate Moon Cake.

The bakery Zhongli had recommended was one of the best in Liyue. He expected nothing less from his friend. They had promised to make the sweets overnight and in the morning they would give the box to Ekaterina so that they would arrive almost freshly baked at his house. He would rather not talk about the bill. Not only did it include the order for his family, he also bought two more boxes: one for Zhongli, at the pastry chef's insistence, and one to share with his colleagues at the Bank, at Zhongli's insistence.

These boxes were given to them on the spot, so they had to go back through the Bank and the Funeral Parlor to drop them off before the opera. They used the ride to stop by other stores in Liyue, increasing the souvenirs that Childe had initially planned. Now he would even send several bottles of cologne and a porcelain tea set, on Zhongli's recommendation. He hoped it would all fit in the box he had already prepared with the toys.

In addition, he bought a piece of Cor Lapis that caught Zhongli's attention. Somehow it was hard for him to stop his friend and he always ended up paying for him. He had picked it up as a thank-you gift. "Thank you so much for accompanying me, Zhongli", Childe thanked him with a smile.

"With pleasure, Childe", Zhongli replied with a slight nod of his head. "See you in a bit."

"See you!", waved goodbye Childe, heading for the Bank's stairs.

Hu Tao did not manage to avoid peeking out of the window when she heard voices, to check if she had potential customers to stalk. "Uuuuuh, Zhongli and the Harbinger", the Director whispered. "They bought gifts!" she exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands to avoid being overheard behind the glass. She heard them say goodbye and moved back to the table, opening the book there to disguise herself when Zhongli entered. It was not even a book of hers.

The front door opened and she could hear the footsteps of Zhongli heading towards his room. The exotic birds the consultant had started singing as soon as they recognized his steps. Zhongli put the things down and went back downstairs to grab some Mora from the boxes.

"Hello, Director Hu", Zhongli greeted.

Hu Tao stood up pretending to be surprised. "Hello, Zhongli." She walked over to the consultant and grabbed both of his hands. Zhongli didn't move or pull away, as she expected. She had to teach this Adeptus. "Consultant, I want you to know that you can count on me if you ever need to talk or unburden yourself." She gave him a brief squeeze on both hands to express trust. "Or if you need advice."

"Advice?" asked Zhongli hesitantly.

"Advice on showing affection, for example." She gave him another light squeeze with her fingers. Hu Tao's crimson eyes studied any change in Zhongli's expression. "Consultant, there are things that cannot be learned from books."

This time it was Zhongli who gave both of Hu Tao's hands a gentle squeeze with his fingers. "Thank you, Director Hu." The girl smiled at him from ear to ear. Zhongli let go of the hands of the Director, went to the boxes to put some Mora in his purse and walked out the door.


Author notes

I commented on it a couple of chapters ago but my headcanon is that Childe still maintains his shy personality behind his Harbinger facade. He knows how to hide it depending on what shoes he's in.

I have this theory since the chapter in the Honkai manga where Childe and Zhongli are featured, in which Childe brings him a souvenir and you can see how he has crimson cheeks. So cuuuute and shy. Even his laughter seems like nervous laughter while Zhongli is there, so calm as always. 💖 https://twitter.com/houkai3rd/status/1427960970438004739

I do hope you are enjoying the fanfic!

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