Starry, Starry Night (Stardus...

By under_a_bus

21.5K 726 218

Y/N didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to finish this school year, pass his classes and maybe build up e... More

Who Will Be The Judge!?
DIO's Curse
Tower of Grey
Silver Chariot
Dark Blue Moon
Yellow Temperance
Emperor and Hanged Man
Wheel of Fortune
update :)
Bonus~ (Y/N) meets the other Joestars
The Lovers
The Sun


1.1K 50 17
By under_a_bus

They took the bus towards the Ganges, one of the only mode of transport that Joseph hadn't manage to completely fuck up yet. (Y/N) sat behind Jotaro and next to Kakyoin, his hand shoved in his pocket, holding Avdol's bandana for comfort as he stared out of the window at the river. India wasn't the same without Avdol, but they didn't have much time to mourn as they continued on forwards. 

"What's wrong. Grandpa, you're not looking too good."

"The infection on my arm looks like it's getting worse.."

"It's swollen," Kakyoin leaned over the seat, "You should see a doctor before it worsens."

"It looks like it's got a face!"

"Be quiet, Polnareff! This is serious!"

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.

The hotel wasn't too bad compared to what they had previously stayed in. No murderous stand users so far, not a single creepy doll in sight, and to (Y/N) relief, a whole double bed to himself. He was curled up on the bed, getting some rest while Mr. Joestar got his infection checked out and Polnareff took Nena to get something to eat. 

It had been a while since he had the chance to rest so well, he was even able to have a shower without being interrupted by some stand attack. Fresh, clean and laying on top of a comfortable duvet was like heaven compared to the last two weeks. Times like these, he was glad Mr. Joestar was a rich fuck and could afford luxuries such as being able to drink from the minifridge in hotel rooms and order room service. The real fancy stuff.

He flicked the TV on, watching whatever was on from his bed, not really minding that he couldn't understand what they were saying, it was just nice to have something else to do with his time. Pulling a small stack of plasters from the draw of the bedside table, he lifted his shirt and examined the small cuts that still littered his chest. He placed each plaster carefully, smoothing out the sticky fabric and poking his wounds curiously. They didn't hurt as much as they did but there was still a dull sting present whenever he lightly touched them.  

Sighing, he pulled his shirt back down, fiddling with the hem as he stared off out into the street below, people rushing around and vendors selling wares to passers-by. He wondered what Polnareff was up to, probably trying to charm the pants off Nena like he did with any pretty woman he saw. Eyes rolled to the back of his head, (Y/N) exhaled loudly and leaned over the side of the bed in defeat. Polnareff probably didn't even like him that much, just thought he was kinda pretty and flirted before he moved on.

"What was that loud sigh for," he felt the bed dip slightly and looked up to see Kakyoin, "Honestly (Y/N), I'm not going to lie, you look like shit."

"I feel like shit too," he rolled round onto his back.

"And what are you going to do about it?" 

"What can I do about it?" he said, a little too much aggression present in his voice.

"Get off your ass and stop mopping about. Jotaro and I are going to find something to eat and you're coming with us."

"No, I'm comfy, I'll just order room service."

"That wasn't a question (Y/N)."

"No, just leave me alone."

"Stop being so pathetic, you can't wallow in your self pity forever."

"Jotaro! You dick!"

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.

"I still can't believe you dragged me all the way here," (Y/N) grumbled, resting his chin on his palm.

"Well, I wouldn't of had to if you weren't being so stubborn. Anyway just eat your food," Jotaro took a long drag on his cigarette, looking over the balcony at the view below.

They had decided on a pretty little café overlooking the Ganges, brightly coloured flowers blooming over the railings and trailing up onto the walls of the building. The view was beautiful, especially since both Kakyoin and Jotaro had decided to sit on the opposite side to (Y/N) so he could ogle as much as he wanted at them and pretend he was just looking at the sky. Pink hair set against the bluest of blues, peachy plants framing his face as he sipped his tea in an effortlessly elegant way.

And of course there was Jotaro, somehow still as pretty as the day they left for Egypt, despite the small cuts and scraps over his body. He had such deep blue eyes that seemed to hold all the secrets of the universe and what (Y/N) wouldn't give to hear just a tiny bit of what he had to stay. Staring wistfully at the two boys he wondered what it would be like if this was his life, beautiful cafes, even more beautiful people, and a sense of calmness. Maybe after they were done saving Ms Kujo he could have this, but even this was enough for him.

"What you staring at there (Y/N)," Kakyoin laughed at the shade of red the boy had just turned, "Sorry to snap you out of your daydream but your tea seems to be getting cold."

"Thanks," he muttered quietly, trying to desperation hide his face behind the small teacup as he took a sip.

"I do agree, Jotaro is quite handsome, I can see why so many girls seem to love him," now it was the taller boy's turn to flush.


"What! Am I not allowed to compliment my friend? And while I'm at it (Y/N) you've been practically glowing lately, it's a good look," he smiled.

"I think you killed him."

"Too bad, there was more where that came from, he didn't even get to here about how lovely I think his laugh is or how I do often find myself staring at his bu-


"It's not like anyone here can speak Japanese, but I will let up for now."

"You're really pretty Kakyoin, jus' wanted to say that," (Y/N) practically whispered.

"Why thank you," he sipped on his tea again, very much proud of what he had succeeded at.

Jotaro cleared his throat, "Anyway, you think the old man's good, it's been a while since he left for the doctors."

"He's probably fine, most likely still getting treated, it was a pretty gross infection."

"I hope he doesn't end up loosing another arm while we're gone, I wouldn't put it past him though."

"You need to have a little more faith in Mr. Joestar, Ponareff on the other hand, I don't exactly trust him running around the streets of India by himself."

"At least he's with Nena," he mentioned, looking up from his chai.

"If Nena hasn't suddenly got some common sense and run off," Jotaro muttered, shaking his head slightly, "We'd probably hear any commotion from a mile away anyway so I assume they are both fine."

"Speaking of being fine, is their anything you want to talk about (Y/N)?"

"What do mean? I'm totally fine," he lied through his teeth, not wanting to resurface those feeling he had already shoved down.

"Kakyoin we should tell him."

"I don't know if now is the best time Jojo."

"Wait? Tell me what!? You can't just say that and then not tell me!" he glanced from one boy to the other a confused look on his face.

"Not here, we can't tell you here."

"What do you mean you can't tell me here?" the boys looked from one another and then to the pocket (Y/N) carried Avdol's headband in, "It's got to do with him doesn't it? What about Avdol's death haven't you told me?"

"Look (Y/N) this is really not the time-

"Not the time! Just tell me already!"

"Avdol he's not dead..."

"What..." he clenched the sides of his chair, laughing slightly at the absurdity of it all.

"He didn't die," Jotaro put bluntly.

"Hah, are you kidding me?" he stood up suddenly, making the table shake slightly, "So you let me MOURN him, let me cry over his grave when he was alive this whole time!! I thought it was my fault! My fault that Hol Horse killed because I failed to do anything when he came across me."

"Please (Y/N) it wasn't like that, we didn't want t-"

"I don't care Kakyoin, you lied to me! You had so many chances to tell me this, save me from the amount of fucking pain this has caused me but you waited until now!" he pushed off the table and stormed out of the café.

He didn't know where he was going, all the streets looked the same through his blurry eyes, just endless expansive of crowded pavements and bustling shops. He was also very aware of the two men shoving through the crowd behind him, but he didn't want to think about that at the moment, just get somewhere he could be alone for a bit and process everything.

So... Avdol wasn't dead. And that grave he stood and cried over was no more than a patch of dirt. 

He felt stupid, the weakest link in the group, the one who was just dumb and emotional and not helpful in any other way. He pouted, realising how stupid he was starting to sound. He should be happy that his friend was alive not crying to himself that people didn't tell him sooner without letting them explain. 

He stopped suddenly and let the two catch up, he was done being self pitying he was going to sort this out properly and have a calm conversation with his two friends.

"What the fuck (Y/N)??? you really have a problem with running off and getting other people to pay the bill!" Jotaro shook the boy aggressively.

"I didn't bring a wallet! This whole thing was very spur-of-the-moment and I didn't get much time to prepare!"

"Avdol and the old man are too nice to you sometimes," he sighed softening up a little, "We haven't told Polnareff."


"We haven't told Polnareff about you know what, cause we need to keep this a secret. The enemy can't know so we can still keep an advantage over them and let him recover."

(Y/N) let out a short 'o' as he realised his misinterpretation of this whole situation. He face palmed, sighing loudly before letting himself flop into the pink haired boy who surprisingly didn't just let him fall to the fall. 

"I'm a fucking dumbass."

"Yeah, yeah you are," Kakyoin patted him softly on the head.

"You weren't supposed to agree with that," he muttered, face still smooshed in the boys chest.

"Stop getting comfy, we still need to talk, but this time at the hotel where I can at least stop you from bolting."


"Walk. Now."


.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.

"So you said Hol Horse spoke to you," Jotaro furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yep, he was all like," he put on his best cowboyish accent, "'I'm going to take you to DIO' or something like that."

"Take you to DIO? Why does he want you?"

"Honestly no idea, I wasn't really paying attention, more trying not to piss my pants while he pointed a gun at me. But... It might have been about my stand power," he tried to recall.

"Your stand power? What about it?"

The boy shrugged, not exactly remembering that part of the conversation, that whole day was a little blurry to him.

"You're being so unhelpful right now."

"(Y/N)!!!!!!" the door burst open, "You're the ONLY one who truly loves me!"

A babbling Polnareff launched himself through the door, Joseph Joestar right behind him saying something about a stand attack and being wanted to murder or something while the other man cried about women not being what they say they are. The rest just stood with their mouths open, trying to decipher what they meant before Jotaro snapped out of it and pushed them both back into the hallway saying they'll talk later.

"Jotaro, we probably should listen to what they have to say," Kakyoin said.

"Not in the mood, need a breather," he flicked open his box of cigarettes and lit one up between his lips. 

(Y/N) flopped onto the bed, getting comfy on top of the soft sheets, squishing his face into the fluffy pillows, "Those are gonna kill you one day."

"Well, they better hurry up before DIO gets their first."

"Not funny JoJo," the other student lay onto the bed as well, kicking off his shoes and moving to beside the (H/C).

Carefully picking up the older boy's limbs, Kakyoin tucked him into his side kissing him lightly on the forehead causing the boy next to him to flush deeply. FUck fuck fuck, he was a good cuddler, a lot more gentle than Jotaro but slightly less comfortable than Polnareff, but definitely the softest in more than one sense of the word. 

"You've broken him again," JoJo said, exhaling a large cloud of smoke.

"I thought I should have a turn, not that I don't love cuddling you Jotaro."

"Give me a break it wasn't that good."

"Really? I think your just embarrassed to admit you like being little spoon," he laughed lightly making both boys' stomachs flutter. Too cute.

Jotaro just pretended to shrug it off, going back to steadily smoking and staring out of the small hotel window, glancing back every so often to see Kakyoin smirking knowingly. 

"C'mon, we've been sharing rooms for more than two weeks now, you don't need to be so embarrassed."

"I'm not emba-

"Don't lie."

"Okay fine," he extinguished the cigarette stub before throwing it out of the window.

He shrugged his coat off and removed his shoes, sighing at Kakyoin as he laid down next to the two, swinging his arm over (Y/N) to lightly smack the other in the face. 

"So.. I see you two have been busy- OW! That's my fucking ribs."

"Stop speculating and don't phrase it like that."

"Like what, that I'm implying you two fu- STOP HITTING ME!"

"Yes Jotaro please calm down, we're trying to have a nice relaxing time here. And what if we did, (Y/N)'s not going to judge us on that basis."

"Give me a break."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.

(a/n) so.... i almost got carbon monoxide poisoning and my phone practically exploded so thats why this chapter was so long in the making. I also have covid :3 but that just means i have more time to right. sorry for the short chapter, it's kinda shit but i wanted to get something out

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