Undercover (Jelsa)

By Mintyhippo95

102K 3.1K 2.2K

Jack and Elsa have a long complicated past, one that both of them tried for many years to forget. Elsa lives... More

The Very Begining
Reality Check
Seven Years Later
The Snow Queen
People Can Change? Sure
The Wedding and Old Friends
The Great Guardians, is this a joke?
First Day in France
I'm Jealous? Please
The Day Off
Last Night In France
Contest, Kidnapping, and Rescue
The First Time in Forever
Decorating and Future Plans
Prom Night and Gone
The Poison Apple
Trust and Interrogation
The Healing Effect of Laughter
First Family Christmas
The Unexpected
Finally! Way into Wonderland!
The Salmon Sapphire
Wonderlandian Friends
Storming the Queens Castle
No Regrets
After the Nightmares
My Perfect Family
Tying Things Up

One Big Happy Family

2.7K 75 96
By Mintyhippo95

Jack's P.O.V

I was slightly startled when I felt a slight push on my chest.

Only once I opened my eyes did I realize it was my Snowflake, her face was snuggled in my chest. Her legs were on top of me.

I brushed aside stray hairs coving her beautiful face, and looked at her. She was still fast asleep.

I smile, and kiss her forehead. It made her adorable nose scrunch up a little, and I chuckled.

Her eyelids slowly fluttered open, she started blushing when she looked at me.

She tried to crawl out of the bed, but I grabbed her and held her close.

"Jack let go, we need to get ready to leave."

"Five more minutes." I whined. "Besides we already have everything packed and in the cars."

"Jack seriously, this is embarrassing."

I grinned at her and said, "No it is not, I find you rather cute with nothing on."

She smiled at me, and blushed even more if that were possible.

"Seriously Jack, we have to leave in an three hours."

"Three hours huh, well that's enough time."

"Enough time for what?"

"Showering together." I grinned.

~After Shower~

Elsa was now fully dresses in black leggings, a white blouse, black blazer, and black wedge boots.

I just was wearing jeans, a white shirt, a black leather jacket, and converse.

She was doing her make-up on the vanity, and smiled at herself.

I walked up to her, and wrapped my arms around her smiling.

She smiled back and giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing. You just know it was a good shower if you feel dirtier coming out than you did coming in."

My mouth popped open, then immediately changed into a classic smirk.

"Elsa Winters, I must say I never thought I would hear something like that come out of your perfectly proper mouth."

"Well what can I say, I'm full of surprises." she shrugged

"That you are." I chuckled, "Hand me your hairbrush, I'm doing your hair."

She handed me it, and I started working on it. I was humming to her while I was gently combing through it.

I decided to let it down, because it was perfect the way it was.

"There, done" I said smiling at her. "You look perfect!"

She kissed me on the cheek, and dragged me to our Ferrari.

She drove towards the airport.

Bunny's car that I ditched there last night came into view.

"Hey Jack, you did say that car was Bunny's right?"




"Watch" she said smirking.

She honked her horn for no reason, and the entire car blew up!

I could not stop laughing! Man Bunny was going to be so mad!

"How did you do that?"

"I may or may not have had Merida attach a few blocks of c-4 inside the vehicle this morning."

"God I love you!"

She chuckled, "I love you to."

"I always knew you did." I chuckled.

We reached the airport, and met everyone was already on the jet. We walked in, and everyone was already asleep.

"We should probably sleep to, we have a long flight."

"Jack, this is a jet. It is much faster than an air plane."


"I'm fine."

"Come on, just rest your head on my shoulder. If you don't fall asleep then fine, if you do, at least you have a pillow."

"Ugh, fine." she laid her head on my shoulder. "Happy now?"

"Very!" I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes at me, causing me to chuckle again.

She is too adorable sometimes.

Soon I heard to sounds of gentle breathing, I turned around to see Elsa fast asleep.

I smiled, and gently rested my head against her soft head of hair, and shut my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes we were just landing in Elsa's privet air field.

I glanced at my shoulder, where my world laid her head. I didn't want to wake her up, but I had to.

I gently caressed her head, and she unconsciously snuggled closer to me.

Damn it Elsa! This is not the time to snuggle.

I started shaking her leg and she moaned, "Mom, five more minutes."

I chuckled then got an idea.

"Elsa, did you hear the news. They are making chocolate illegal."

"WHAT!!!!!!!!" she head popped up screaming in horror.

"Just kidding."

"Jack, don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, but you slept like the dead. Were back in California."

She groaned but stood up, and walked out of the jet. I of course was right by her side.

"MOMMY!!!" I heard someone squeal, then Elsa was tackled to the ground.

I looked and saw Peri on top of Elsa. They were both giggling.

Anna and Kristoff walked over to her, helped her off the ground, then each hugged her.

"Hey guys, I hope Peri wasn't too much trouble."

"Me trouble, please. I practically had to babysit them." Peri giggled

"Really?" Elsa raised an eyebrow, "What were they doing?"

Anna and Kristoff turned bright red, and covered Peri's mouth.

"Nothing!" they both said in unison.

"Okay." Elsa winked at them, causing them to turn even redder.

"You guys all go to my safe house. Peri, Jack, and I are going to a park."

"Okay." They all nodded.

We hopped into the ice blue Lamborghini that was waiting for Elsa, and drove off to a huge park.

We stepped out of my car, and started walking.

"I'm so glad I get to see you guys! I thought you wouldn't be here for Christmas!" Peri squealed.

"I know, I got you an early presents waiting for you at home." Elsa chuckled at her excitement. Then got really serious.

"Peri I want to tell you something, but I want you to listen to all that I have to say then ask questions. Okay?"

Peri nodded.

"A couple months ago I ran into your father. The reason I didn't tell you was because I still thought he was the monster that attacked me, and thought that people couldn't change. I got to know him though, and now I see that he has changed back into the man that I fell in love with. I wanted to know did you want to know who he is, and meet him for the first time officially as your father?"

"So you mean that he is good again, and he won't attack us?"

"Yes Peri. If you don't want to meet him, then you don't have to. No one is forcing you." Elsa said gently.

Peri though for a while, then nodded her head.

Mentally breaking into my happy dance right now!

Elsa smiled at her, then picked Peri up in her arms.

"Periwinkle Crystal Winters, I would like you to meet your father, Jackson Overland Frost."

"J-Jack! Are really my father?" she said with wide eyes.

"Yes sweetie. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before..." I was fumbling around for the right words, but my thoughts were cut off when Peri jumped into my arms and hugged me.

I was shocked at first, then I wrapped my arms tightly around her. Tears were falling from my eyes, and I was smiling like crazy.

I opened my eyes, and saw Elsa smiling at us. I grabbed her arm, and dragged her into this. We broke apart, and I looked into Peri's big eyes that mirrored mine.

I kissed her forehead, and smiled at her. She smiled back her irresistibly sweet smile.

"Are you going to stay with us?!"

"Yes Peri, I'm not going to leave you two ever again. Were going to be one big happy family, I promise."

Elsa's P.O.V

I watched as Jack played with Peri on the swing set, both of them looked so happy. I have dreamed of this moment for such a long time!

I am a little concerned though, Jack said he was never going to leave us again. What will he do when this mission is over? Anna, Peri, and I live in New York, that is where our life is. Jack's life is here in California.

What is going to happen when we have to part ways? Will he come with us, or will he say goodbye?

I sigh, and just need to stop thinking about this topic. I mean no matter what, I can't control his decisions, and I need to enjoy this time while I can.

I walk over to an ice cream truck and get two chocolate ice creams, and one strawberry.

One perk about California, it's hot year around, so there is always ice cream trucks.

"Guys! Ice cream!" I yelled. They both came running at me like little kids, nearly tackling me to the ground.

Jack took the strawberry, and Peri one of the chocolate.

I chuckled, and we all ate our ice cream. Then once we were all done, we walked back to my car, and drove to the safe house.

Everyone was already in bed, even though it was only 8:00 p.m.

Must have jet lag, or something.

I decided that we better go to bed too, because we did have an early meeting tomorrow at the stupid agency. No rest for the wicked I suppose.

I tucked Peri into bed and kissed her goodnight. Then I put on my traditional pj's and snuggled up in my bed. My room was kept cool and my bed, walls, furniture, everything was made of ice or snow. Perfect for me!

I took a deep breath of cool air in, then turned on my side all curled up in a ball. Someone then joined me under the covers, and I quickly turned over, put my hand on their throat, and started squeezing .

I released my grip when I saw it was Jack.

"Jack, don't scare me like that! What are you doing in my room?!"


"Is there something wrong with your room?" I asked.

"Yes, your not in it."

"Jack, were not even in a relationship yet."

"So? I love you, you love me. That is basically the criteria needed to be met for a relationship."


"Shh, I'm trying to sleep." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, then curled back up.

He put his arm around my waist, and pulled me close. I tried to escape, but he would just keep pulling me closer. Eventually I gave up, and closed my eyes.

He kissed my head and said, "I love you"

When I didn't say anything he gave me a look.

"Aren't you going to say 'I love you too'?"

"Jack I would, but I don't want it going to your over gelled head."

"Hey! This hair is all natural."

"Sure it is." I chuckled.

"Your so lucky I love you." he growled.

"I know" I giggled.

He kissed my head one last time, then went to sleep.

It wasn't long, before I joined him in dreamland.

Jack's P.O.V

I woke up in Elsa's bed with her in my arms. A couldn't help but smile.

She is mine, only mine!

I slowly got out of bed, not wanting to wake her up, and called the North.

"Hey North, just letting you know I'm bringing Periwinkle into work with me."

"That is fine with me Jack. Is she entering the Jr. Spy contest?"

"Is that today?" I asked. I had seriously forgotten about it.


"Yeah, she'll be there! See you in a few hours!"

I walked to Peri's room, and gently shook her.

"Peri, time to wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me.

"Dad? Why are you waking me up this early for?"

I smiled when she called me Dad! I have waited so long to hear those words!

"Well, I wanted to know did you want to come into work with us?"


She jumped up, and took a five minute shower. Then ran to her closet and put on her spy suit, boots, fingerless gloves, and utility belt. She started combing through her hair, when I stopped her.

"No, I will do your hair."

She smiled, and handed me her hairbrush.

I gently combed through her snow white hair, then I decided on the style. I decided to go with curls.

I took my frosty fingers, and ran them through her hair like I saw Elsa do. Her hair instantly snapped up into beautiful curls.

"Daddy, it's beautiful." she flew up into my arms, and hugged me.

I carried her down the stairs, where everyone else was waiting for us.

I saw Elsa down there, and smiled. Her and Peri looked like twins again, it was so cute!

"Jack? Why is Periwinkle up so early, and dressed like that?"

"I'm bringing her into work today!"

"Are you sure that is a good idea?"

"Yeah! I want to show off my little assassin to everyone at the office! Also I thought she might want to enter the Jr. Spy Contest."

"What is that?"

"All of the kids of the different spy agencies coming together fighting each other in a series of rounds. They do this until there is a winner. The winner gets to take three people on a weekend trip to where ever they want."

"Peri, do you want to do it?" Elsa asked.

"Lets kick some ass!" Peri said while cracking her knuckles and smiled.

"Oh Elsa there is also an adult one going on today. Do you want to enter?"

"Will you be in it?"

"No, Guardians aren't allowed. Merida will be though."

She nodded, and picked Peri up.

"I'm going to show those cunts whose the real man!" she said smiling.

Elsa kissed one of her cheeks, then handed her a protein shake.

She ran upstairs, and grabbed a tiny box and put it on her belt. She wouldn't ell me what it was, only said that it was a last resort. 

Then we rode off to the agency.

We walked into the building, and everyone stared at us again. But they mainly stared at Peri.

I was infuriated, they were staring at her like she was some freak.

"Elsa, hold on." I picked up Peri in my arms, and glared at everyone in the agency.

"Hey, if you have a problem with my daughter, then you have a problem with me!"

Everyone was shocked when I said daughter. No one but the Guardians knew about that part.

"If you keep looking at her like she is a freak instead of a normal seven year old girl, then I will make your life a living hell! Do you all understand!" I shouted.

"I will to" Elsa said grabbing my hand smiling at me. Then she glared out at all of the people starring at us. "Only I'm not that kind. If you look at her like that one more time, I will rip your eyeballs out, and force you to eat them. Then I will yank out your teeth, and skin you alive with them. Finally while you are still alive before you die of blood loss, I will pour hot burning acid on you and watch as your remains are being turned into a puddle on the floor." she hissed.


Everyone nodded, and looked away. We walked to the elevator still glaring at everyone. Then when the door shut, we busted out laughing.

"If I didn't scare them, then you sure did."

"Hey, I may be pretty, but I can still be a bad-ass." she shrugged.

"Well, you are by far the best bad-ass beauty that I know!"

"Hey!" Peri squealed.

"Sorry sweetie. You are the tiniest bad-ass I know."

"Well, I'll be the best tiny bad-ass once the contest is over."

"I wouldn't doubt it for a second." I chuckled, "But first thing first, we have a meeting to attend."

She nodded, but pouted just like Elsa.

We walked into the meeting room, where Elsa was immediately was tackled by Bunny.


"Technically it belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Overland." she smirked.

He raised his hand to punch her, but Peri blocked it, then kicked his nut sack.

"Don't you ever touch my mommy again!" she yelled at him while glaring daggers.

"What it a little twerp like you going to do?"

She lifted her hand, and froze his whole body except his head.

"I will turn you into a Blue-Bunny popsicle, that's what!"

She tipped him over, making all of the ice surrounding him shatter. Then she punched him really hard in the face knocking him out.

"That's my girl!" I said picking her up, and setting her in my lap.

Elsa sat by me, and listened to North.

"Okay. Using the intel that you were able to get from the Nightmares in Paris, we were able to determine what they were after."

"It is people like us, with ice magic." Elsa piped up.

"In a way. They need people with ice magic to get what they want. They need the person to be able to extract the powers from."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"They found a way to take away the persons powers, and transfer them to another person."

"That would kill the person, there body wouldn't be able function without their ability." Elsa said.

"We know. We believe they are after the strongest person." North said turning to Elsa.

No! They can't take my Snowflake or Peri away from me now!

"Maybe not." Elsa said with an expression deep in thought.

"Els, what do you mean?" Merida asked.

"Based off of what I know, they don't need a lot of ice magic to complete their plan. So why would they waist their time going after the strongest person, why not just go for the weakest?"

"So are you saying they are after Peri?" Tooth said.

"No, Peri's power is still developing. They would need a person who's power is fully developed. Someone like Jack."

Everyone turned and looked at me.

"Elsa, are you sure?" North asked.

"Sure, no. Pitch's brain is a bag full of cats, you can smell crazy on him. I just know if I was him, that is what I would do."

They nodded.

"Okay, but either way all of you need to be careful."

"So how do you suggest we stop them?"

"We need someone to go as bait."

"NO! It will not be Elsa or Peri! Leave them out of this!" I growled.

"Well then what do you suggest?"

Hiccup spoke up for this part, "You have morphing powder here, why not use it, and disguise them as Elsa or Jack. Then have them get captured, because if we give them the real Elsa or Jack, we are just giving them what they want."

"Then who is going to do it?"

"I will!" Merida said. "I'm not afraid of those cunts."

"Mer, are you sure?" Elsa said.

"Yeah, it will be fun."

Elsa nodded, then looked back at North.

"Okay then. Hiccup, you need to get a tracking device for Merida. It has to be undetectable, as well as unnoticeable."

He nodded.

"Okay, then this meeting is over for today. I am assuming that we will see you all at the contests today."

Everyone but me nodded and gave each other evil smiles.

This was going to be so entertaining to watch!

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