Doom Slayer x GATE:Thus the J...

By Jp36346

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Let's see where this goes. More

New World
Rip and Tear
The Reaper
Fire and Fury

First Encounter

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By Jp36346

Vega:"A strong energy presence has been detected nearby. Its energy presence is similar to that of the Dark Lord. Shall I pin it on your hud?" The Slayer hummed giving Vega his answer.

Vega:"Very well then, marking the location on your map."

The Slayer looked behind him to look at the Bunny Village one more time. Feeling content with the safety of the village and it's people, he grabbed his combat shotgun and set off.


Tyuule:"Does the room satisfy you, Your Holiness?"

Rory:"It's not the best nor the worst but I'm fine with either."

Tyuule:"I'm terribly sorry, but due to the recent attacks on our village we haven't had the proper time to recover." She bowed in apology.

Rory:"Raise your head, I'm not angry. I understand fully what your people had to go through. The Doom Slayer provided aid to you, did he not? If I had known, I would've stopped the attacks myself."

Tyuule:"Your Holiness...your presence here is more than enough already!"

Rory:"You're a great leader, you treasure the lives of your people a lot. I'm sure they appreciate all you do for them."

Tyuule:"Thank you."

Rory:"Now then, let's chat about the Slayer, shall we?" She asked. Tyuule looked at her in confusion.


Rory:"Aren't you curious about a man such as him?"

Tyuule:"Y-yes! Do you know anything about him!?"

Rory:"Oh my~, very eager to know aren't you? Where should I begin?"


Vega:"Demon threat imminent. I suggest eliminating the threat before they can come through that portal in large numbers and scatter. It will become a problem should they attack this world and start a Super Gore Nest."

"On it."


Tyuule:"You know of him?"

Rory:"Not really but his soul reeks of Hellfire and brimstone. He is tainted by blood of countless enemies he has slained."


Vega:"More are coming through the portal, I believe the Dark Lord is behind this. Hold off the Demon invasion until the portal has closed. It's energy reading is decreasing by 10%."



Tyuule:"What? How do you know of this?"

Rory:"As an apostle to the God of Death, I can tell what a person has gone through or even experienced. I'm sure he has been through the depths of Hell locked in an eternal battle."


Vega:"Portal is closing, I suggest using the BFG 9000 to quickly dispatch the remaining Demons."

Per Vega's advice, the Slayer pulled out his BFG 9000 and fired off a large burst of energy. The blast vaporized any Demon that tried to flee from the Slayer's wrath.


Tyuule:"...he's been through so much..." she looked down with her ears drooping.

Rory:"He still is, he's on a dark path that none of us ever hope to understand or live to see."

Tyuule:"How do know so much?" She looked up and asked. Rory sighed and told her.

Rory:"It's because of Emroy, he's telling me all about the Slayer. Apparently, his sudden arrival has disturbed the balance of things in our world. Soon, there will be a force much larger and evil than anything this world has ever seen. Our only hope will be him."


Vega:"The Dark Lord..."

Davoth appeared through the portal staring back at the Doom Slayer and he in return.

Davoth:"I have finally found you, Slayer. Our awaited duel will happen soon enough and when it does, you shall fall. And the world will fall with you as will the entire universe."

The portal between them both closed before either party could do anything. Davoth, barely holding back and the Slayer already wanting to rip his head off for mentioning the world he is at. Like Hell will he let the only being that reminds him of his Daisy fall to that bastard. Doom Slayer walked back to the village to gain some peace of mind before he starts to go berserk.


Tyuule:"Will they come through the 'Gate'?"

Rory:"That, we're not sure of. The Slayer must've appeared from somewhere else other than the Gate. If he did come through, then the news about it would have spread around already."

Tyuule:"I see..."

Rory:"Well, enough of that. We shall see what the world has to offer tomorrow. I'm sure you can ask him whatever questions you have. His companion Vega should be able to answer them for you."

Tyuule:"Yes, thank you Your Holiness."

Tyuule stepped out of the provided room and left Rory to rest. She looked around her village, already noticing everyone had gone to rest as night had set in long ago. She decided to walk around for a breather under the beautiful moon.

Tyuule:"To walk the path of perpetual torment...I remember Vega telling us that. I wish to repay the Slayer but I don't think I'll ever be able to."

Vega:"Your mere presence is more than enough to calm him down." He said. She quickly looked behind her and found the tall armored man covered in blood.

Tyuule:"Are you alright!?"

Vega:"He will be fine. A small band of rebels seemed to have come close to the village so the Slayer made quick work of them." An obvious lie that the Doom Slayer took note of.

Tyuule:"Well then I must thank you, but you said that my presence calms him down. How so if I may ask?"

He slowly walked up to her and pat her head.


His deep booming voice startled her since it was the second time she heard it. But this 'Daisy' person was someone she hasn't heard of.

Tyuule:"Who is Daisy?"

Vega:"The Doom Slayer's most precious friend from a time way before. She was his pet bunny but bear in mind, she wasn't a slave or anything of the sorts. In fact, she was a small mammal creature that you all highly resemble. Small tails, very long ears, and fur on some parts of your body. I might even go as far as to say that you could have evolved but that's merely coming to conclusions without proper evidence."

Tyuule:"W-what?" Her brain overloaded from the amount of information that was practically thrown at her. Vega forgot that they were basically in medieval times.

Vega:"I apologize, but you and your people highly resemble his friend. That's why he goes so far to protect you all, to make sure he doesn't lose the closest thing that resembles 'Daisy."

Tyuule:"I-I see..."

The Slayer removed his hand from her head and went to go sit down around a small bonfire. Letting out a sigh, he dropped like a log and caused a small thud. Tyuule slowly moved up to him and sat down beside him. A moment of silence lasted for a bit until he reached for his helmet. A small hiss was heard as he started to remove it.

Tyuule:"!" She was surprised to see his face after hiding it behind the glowing visor.

(Sheesh, my boi Doom Slayer looking good 🔥.)

After setting his helmet down, he turned and looked at her. She quickly blushed and looked away from the man, ears drooping from shear embarrassment.

"Go rest..." He said. She turned back and found him staring at the campfire.

Tyuule:"Won't you rest?" She asked. He looked at her and simply shook his head no.

Tyuule:"Very well, I'll take you up on that offer. Thank you, Mighty Slayer..." She got up and turned to her quarters but stopped. She quickly planted a kiss on his cheek and left in a hurry.

The Scourge of Hell, Unchained Predator, the Marine, felt confused for the first time in his lifetime. What was the purpose of that? Was it meant to help him? He reached up with his left arm and touched his cheek.

"Weird girl." He chuckled to himself ever so quietly.


Captain Luna:"But Sire, I bring you what I've seen straight from the battlefield!"

Senator:"I refuse to believe it! A lone knight couldn't possibly have the man power to bring down an entire army!"

Senator 2:"I agree! We've mustered a large amount of troops for this one expedition to clean up the Prince's failure! We've lost a valuable general as well!"

Senator 3:"I say we execute this deserter! He must've ran from the front and left his men to fend for themselves!"

All senators and citizens in the room cheered on for this idea. Several guards went up to the Captain and grabbed him, ready for execution. Before anything could take place, Emperor Molt stuck his hand out ordering them to stop. Everyone had quiet down and looked at the Emperor for his opinion.

Emperor Molt:"I believe him. We've already sent out three armies to deal with the Warrior Bunnies but they were all but annihilated. Survivors from the first attack all reported seeing monsters and a man of similar description that the captain brings. Even now, he comes back bloody and tattered reporting the very same thing that the original five hundred survivors told us. There's no reason to not believe him gentlemen."

Everyone in the room dared not to speak against the Emperor's opinion. Holding their breath meant living to see another day, another reason happened to be because he was right. They just didn't want to believe what the reports entailed, believing their military prowess to still be strong. A lone man able to destroy their armies presents a problem that none of them could ever overcome.

Emperor Molt:"Captain, have you seen this green knight?"

Captain:"I-I have, Your Highness!"

Emperor Molt:"Very well then, you will be the first to go and make contact with this person. You and you alone will go back to the lands and see what his intentions are and what he is capable of. I understand that you've seen firsthand his destructive capability but see what more he may be hiding." He ordered. Luna's heart sank having to hear what his king just told him to do. Resolving himself, he took on this order as an officer of the Empire.

Captain:"Understood, Your Highness!"

Short chapter but I hope y'all enjoy! I might introduce the JSDF soon but let me know what y'all think! Peace!

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