The Emerald Viscountess

By supremexx381

100K 2K 175

Eleanora Fitzwilliam had known Anthony Bridgerton since they were both merely three and ten years of age. Ele... More

(S2) ~10~


2.7K 67 1
By supremexx381

Eleanora sighed frustratingly. She continued to toss and turn in her bed. A knock came from the other side of her bedroom door, startling her into letting out a gasp. Who could still be up at this hour of the night? She quickly put on her night robe and answered the door, shocked to find who was on the other side. "Anthony?" she said groggily.

Without saying a word, the viscount let himself in and started pacing around her bedroom, breathing heavily.

"You seem troubled, is something the matter?" she asked, sitting down on her bed. Anthony's frantic manner and unexpected visit aroused her senses and she felt more awake. He stayed silent and continued pacing. "Anthony!"

He looked at her in distress. "I am to duel at dawn." Anthony didn't think to bring a candle so he had no way of seeing Eleanora's reaction in her dark room. He said quietly after a moment, "Nora?"

A pillow hit his stomach, and then a second one made impact at his face.

"You're participating in a duel?!" she hissed, standing up and walking towards him. "Is Berbrooke back in town, is that why you feel so compelled to complete a duel?!"

"I caught Hastings and Daphne in a compromising position tonight at the Trowbridge ball. He refused to marry her, and this ruins the family name if not handled correctly."

"Oh please, forget the family name," Eleanora scoffed. In a normal situation Anthony would be offended at Eleanora's comment but given the circumstances and what he just confessed to her, he felt she had the right to react that way. "What about the fact that duels are illegal? That you will have the duke's blood on your hands? Or that . . ." Eleanora's voice broke. "Oh dear god." She collapsed on her bed, her posture quivering as she struggled to sit up. Anthony sat next to her, embracing her. "Or that you could die, Anthony."

"I'm sorry," he whispered, finding no other words to comfort her. He regretted informing Eleanora of the duel because he hated to see her emotional, but she had to know.

"God forbid if you die," Eleanora said in between sniffles. "I want to at least be there for the duel." Before Anthony could interject, she continued, "Anthony, please, I could not live with myself if I was not there for you if you died."

Anthony separated himself from the embrace, looking at and appreciating Eleanora with the help of the moonlight through her bedroom windows. He wiped away her tears with his thumb whilst resisting his own tears. He proceeded to tuck a strand of curly hair behind her ear, holding her face in his hands. She put her hands over his and leaned into his touch.

He looked at her one last time, admiring her beauty that he was so grateful for and had missed for the ten years he hadn't seen her, and whispered, "You may be there at the duel, if that is what you wish. I vow to find you in the next life, Eleanora Fitzwilliam, if it'll come to that."

With that, he kissed her forehead, letting his lips remain there for a few seconds, before parting ways with her until the morning of the duel.


The only time Eleanora ever felt sick to her stomach riding her horse was when she rode with Benedict and Anthony on their way to the dueling spot; a foggy field with two large trees in the middle. Every fiber of her being despised what she was getting herself into; what Anthony was getting himself into.

"Doctor, I appreciate your attendance and discretion," Anthony said to the doctor that was already there as he got off his horse. Eleanora could not fathom how collected Anthony seemed during the circumstances.

"You have my blunt?" asked the doctor, getting straight to the point. Anthony handed him the sack of money, and the doctor examined it. "Very well. Try not to go dying while I am present."

"If the goal is merely to wound, where should my brother aim?" Benedict asked, the case of pistols under his arm. Eleanora followed behind him, tightening her hood over her face.

The doctor scoffed. "You think you have the skill to guide the path of a moving bullet? Then you are either a fool or the king's finest marksman. Which is it?" He turned to Eleanora. "And you, child, whatever do you think you are doing at a duel? This is no such place for a lady."

Before Eleanora could answer, Anthony said, "The young lady insisted. Miss Fitzwilliam is a very stubborn woman with great reason."

It hadn't even occurred to Eleanora as to what Benedict must be thinking of her accompanying the brothers at the duel.

Just then, Simon and Mondrich arrived on their horses. Eleanora's breathing became more unstable at the thought of how it all felt real at that very moment, as both participants were finally meeting - only one would walk away to live to tell the tale.

Anthony pulled Benedict aside to hand his brother their father's pocketwatch, closing Benedict's fingers over it.

"If anything happens to me," Anthony stammered, blinking back tears as he forced eye contact with Benedict. "You'll watch over Nora, yes?"

"Of course, Brother," Benedict promised. He glanced to Eleanora, who was observing Simon and his second man get off their horses, unaware of the responsibility promised involving her.

Simon and Anthony took position in front of each other with blank faces, neither knowing what was racing through the other's mind. Benedict opened the case holding the pistols, and Mondrich inspected one of them, giving a nod of approval to Benedict.

"For what it is worth," Simon prompted after what felt like forever. "I am sorry."

"Your apology is worth nothing to me," Anthony said flatly.

They were each handed their respected pistols, facing opposite ways so their backs were touching.

"Ready!" Anthony announced.

"Ready!" Simon announced.

Mondrich, Benedict, and Eleanora backed away to a safe distance, and the two began counting their twenty paces.

"Benedict, I cannot watch," Eleanora whispered. He put his arm around her and rubbed her arm reassuringly as her eyes watered. The two figures pacing became awfully blurry.

When they finished their twenty paces, Anthony aimed his pistol at Simon - but the duke's was aimed at the sky. Anthony's hand shook as he held the pistol, finally realizing that his dear friend's blood would be on his hands in less than a second.

Just then, a hooded figure rode in on their horse between the two men, and Anthony shot, with no reaction time to realize that it was his sister who was in his firing range. Her horse panicked, throwing Daphne off and hitting the grass with a painful thud.

Everyone ran to her to make sure she was alive.

"Stand aside," Anthony said as he checked on Daphne, who was still and not responding. Finally, she started moving and Anthony sighed, "Oh, good god."

"Are you hurt? Tell me!" Simon demanded.

"I am perfectly well," she snapped, standing up and fixing her hood bitterly. "No thanks to you idiots."

"What do you think you're playing at?" Anthony asked, on the border of hysteria that he could have possibly killed his sister.

"Says the man who just shot at me!"

"You just rode into the middle of a duel!"

"I require a moment with the duke," Daphne said.

Anthony stepped forward to protest and Benedict and Eleanora had to restrict him.

"Make it brief," Benedict advised. Eleanora had to step aside, still experiencing the shock of the whole experience. Her hands were shaking and her breath was shallow from the adrenaline.

After a few minutes, Anthony approached the two, "We must resume before someone should find us."

"Resume?" Eleanora repeated incredulously.

Without a word, Simon walked back to the others, and Daphne stayed in her position. "There will be no need to resume." Everyon turned to her in confusion as they were preparing for a second attempt at the duel. "The duke and I are to be married."

Anthony turned to Simon to see if he would confirm. Eleanora looked amongst everyone, suddenly feeling nauseous at the unexpected news and the series of events that had transpired.


"How does it feel, Sister, to be in love?" Hyacinth asked, as she, Daphne, Eloise, Violet and Eleanora descended down the stairs as a group.

"Imagine leaping off a cliff and shattering on the ground," Eloise said dryly, making Eleanora glare her eyes at her. Eloise turned to Daphne. "A fair analogy?"

Eleanora now had to continue her life as if nothing had happened. As if she did not share an intimate moment with Anthony in her room hidden in the darkness, as if she had not witnessed a duel take place, as if she had not seen Daphne almost get shot and then proceed to announce she will marry the duke of Hastings.

"I'm afraid I cannot find the words, dear Hyacinth," Daphne said dismissively. "Though Eloise, I believe you will know what love feels like soon enough next season."

"You think I have to follow in your footsteps, Sister?" Eloise scoffed. "Can there be a more dreadful fate?"

"You do know that I am setting the standard for you future matches, yes?" Daphne reminded. "You should be grateful."

"The only thing I am grateful for, is that I am not you, nor will I ever be."

With that, Eleanora decided to reside in the drawing room and focus on her reading to get her mind off the recent events.

"Eleanora, dearest."

Eleanora lifted her head from her book to find Violet walking in and sitting next to her. She was eternally grateful of Violet acting as a mother figure towards her, still having the endurance of acting maternally towards a non biological daughter after already watching over so many of her own children.

"Yes?" she answered, sitting up.

"You have been awfully quiet this morning, is it still the loss of voice from the boxing exhibition?" Violet asked, voice filled with concern.

Eleanora froze for a second. Her voice was much better but the tension from the duel was still hanging over her, making her more reserved to herself and less talkative.

"It seems so," Eleanora lied, forcing a small smile. "Rest assured, I am feeling all the better."


Anthony stood by a pew, checking his pocket watch habitually. He had to admit, if it wasn't for Simon aiming his pistol in the sky and for Daphne interjecting, he would have lost everything and everyone. His family. His father's pocket watch. Eleanora.

"Apologies for my tardiness," Simon said, snapping Anthony out of his thoughts. The duke strode through the double doors of the chapel and down the aisle.

"Not at all," Anthony said. "The archbishop is yet to arrive." Simon stood next to a pew by Anthony and he made eye contact with the duke somewhat awkwardly. "We should discuss the matter of Daphne's dowry," he said, attempting to make conversation.

"There is nothing to discuss, I will not accept one," Simon stated.

Anthony narrowed his eyes. He was practically offended by that statement. "I beg your pardon?"

"I need not be paid to marry Daphne. It is frankly an insulting custom in my judgement. You may place the money in trust for her, if you'd like. But you need not harbor any doubts of my intention to support your sister. Her well-being is my responsibility now. I take that duty with the utmost seriousness," the duke assured, fidgeting with his gloves.

"I must apologize, for, uh . . ." Anthony struggled, taking a step closer to Simon.

"Shooting at me?"


"I would've thought you dishonorable had you not." Simon added with a chuckle, "Besides, you have always been a terrible shot. You'd have stood a greater chance of wounding me if you had simply fired straight up in the air."

Anthony laughed heartily, before noticing the archbishop walk in. "Your grace," he greeted. "May I express my gratitude for your granting of this special license?"

"Perhaps, my lord, you should not," said the archbishop, walking up to Simon and Anthony with a straight line over his mouth. Simon and Anthony exchanged looks of confusion.


"Denied?" Daphne and Eleanora said simultaneously. Eleanora rubbed the bridge of her nose in utter disbelief.

"What on Earth for?" Daphne asked.

"The archbishop of Cantebury did not think he owed me an explanation," Anthony explained, fidgeting with the ring on his finger as Simon stood beside him.

"Those blasted archbishops with a chip on their shoulder," Eleanora said, crinkling her nose. "You give them an inch, they will take a mile; give them one small title of archbishop and they think themselves to be the pope!"

"If we are to wait weeks for this wedding, it gives Cressida Cowper - not to mention Lady Whistledown and anyone else - far too much time to uncover the truth of what happened in that garden," Daphne said shakily. She walked towards the duke. "Simon-"

"Lady Danbury," announced Humboldt, walking up to the group.
"Welcome!" Violet said, walking into the foyer, opening her arms to Lady Danbury as she walked in. "Is everyone as famished as I?"

"I was not aware of this visit, were you?" Eleanora whispered, taking small steps to Anthony.

Lady Danbury took note of everyone's expressions. "Now, this is far too grim a mood for the celebration I was counting on. What on Earth is the matter?"

"Anthony?" Violet asked.

"We have been denied our request for a special license," he confessed.


"The archbishop did not see a need," Simon added, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It is not the archbishop," Lady Danbury explained amidst the tense silence. "It is the queen. Perhaps she has taken your rejection of her nephew to heart - or perhaps she is simply bored." She turned to Violet. "Either way, it does not bode well for your daughter's social future; nor any of the Bridgertons for that matter."

"Surely we must be able to do something," Violet said, on the verge of desperation.

Lady Danbury gave a small smirk. "Give her what she wants: attention. Appear before her yourselves and make a personal appeal. But she will not response to begging, and she can sniff out the faintest whiff of insincerity. So do not lay it on thick. Tell her you are in love. Plain, and simple, and true."

Even Eleanora took note of how Simon and Daphne looked at each other, and it did not appear as love.

"You can do that, can you not?" Lady Danbury asked skeptically. Daphne gave a small nod. "Good." Lady Danbury turned to Violet. "Now, where is the dinner
I was promised?"


"Well," Eleanora said with a small smile, finding Anthony in the drawing room by the fire. Usually she was up first from trouble sleeping, and Anthony would find her in the drawing room, not the other way around. He looked up from his paper to her.

"This is a first. I find you unrestful before myself." She gathered her needlework supplies and sat down across from him.

"I was hoping you would come. It'd be a shame if you finally got a wink of sleep," Anthony said with a small smirk, making her chuckle.

Eleanora's smile turned to a thin line, wanting to change the topic matter to something more serious she wanted to address. "Usually I'm infamous for despising you and making ruthless comments towards you . . ."

"As the whole ton is aware of," he joked.

"Anthony, let me finish!" she laughed, before remembering to keep her voice down since the rest of the house was asleep, and to maintain her serious tone. "But . . . I just wanted to say I am very grateful that you are still alive. It would've felt like my whole being was shredded to pieces if you were gone."

She focused on her needlework, avoiding eye contact with Anthony after being so vulnerable with him. He looked up from his newspaper and smiled at her.
Eleanora decided to continue her confession after ten minutes or so. "I had never recovered from my parents' passing; I thought I could never function the same. Then with Lord Russell's suicide, I just felt numb. If you died, nothing would ever be the same again."

Anthony felt the exact same way after his father died.


Eleanora was forever grateful that the queen had approved of Simon and Daphne's wedding. Because now, she was sitting in the pew along with all the other Bridgertons in the chapel. Lady Danbury, Mondrich and his wife were sitting on the other side and Violet was conversing with them while Eleanora was conversing with Colin, Benedict, and Eloise. It was a small and quaint wedding, but Eleanora was able to appreciate the effort that went into preparing it in so little time. It was almost impressive.

The double doors opened to reveal Anthony walking Daphne out in her gorgeous bridal gown. Her hair was up and a sparkling hair piece with the veil trailed down behind her like a waterfall. Everyone in the pews stood up. Eleanora couldn't help but tear up at the sight of Daphne walking down the aisle looking like an angel towards her future husband; she couldn't help either the fact that she looked this happy on her wedding day.

Anthony gave his sister away to Simon before sitting down next to his mother, who tightly gripped his hand in excitement and anticipation.

"Dearly beloved," said the archbishop. "We are gathered to join together this man, and this woman in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety than the single life . . ."

The priest continued, and then it was time for the exchanging of rings. Anthony could hear Eleanora quietly sniffling in the pew behind him. He turned around, giving her a reassuring smile and held her hand tightly.

"In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen," said the archbishop. "I now pronounce you man and wife."


"Let me have a good look at you," Eleanora said, taking a step back to gaze at Anthony's outfit during the reception in the Bridgerton foyer.

She wanted to call him dashing, and handsome. But she decided she mustn't give any more genuine feedback since last night, lest it gets to his head.

"Just like a schoolboy," she finally said with a laugh.
He couldn't help but smile.

"I very much appreciate the compliment," he said dryly. He offered his arm. "Would you accompany me in speaking to the bride?"

"I would not protest against it."

The two finally found Daphne, standing anxiously and looking at Simon, who was across the room. "I spoke to the duke," Anthony said to her, startling her.

"That makes one of us," she said sadly.

"Have you not spoken to the duke since the ceremony?" Eleanora asked, furrowing her eyebrows in concern.

"He refused your dowry," Anthony continued.

His sister looked back at him in somewhat shock. "Is this your attempt to raise my spirits?"

"He refused for your benefit, Sister," he explained. "I shall put the money in trust, so you may use it how you see fit - for your children, perhaps. Certainly, you two will have a brood large enough to put Mother's to shame."

Eleanora took note of Daphne's quickened hyperventilating and looking around to avoid eye contact with the two. "Anthony, I think you spoke of too much. Only their wedding day, yet you're already talking of offspring-"

"I must take a moment," Daphne said shakily. "Excuse me." With that, she ran up the main stairs to the second floor.

"I didn't mean to," Anthony said quietly, his eyes following Daphne's path.

"I know, my lord," Eleanora said, reassuringly squeezing his arm.


It was now time to bid Simon and Daphne farewell before they left for their honeymoon.

"Perhaps I can come with you," Gregory said, holding onto Daphne's hand as he, Hyacinth, and Eleanora walked down the stairs outside their home. "I've always wanted to live in a castle."

"If Daphne is going to take anyone, Gregory, it will be me," Hyacinth said.

Eleanora followed behind with Benedict, Anthony, Colin, Eloise, and Violet.

"The two of you are staying here until our dear sister allows us a visit," Colin said matter-of-factly. He embraced Daphne.

"You mean if she allows us a visit," Benedict pointed out. "I'm quite sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet.

The newlywed hugged him too, then hugged Eleanora.

Eleanora embraced Daphne tightly with her eyes closed, savoring the moment. She then let the new duchess go, holding her at arm's length.

"Look at you," Eleanora said with a bright smile. "As a bride, you're already glowing."

"Thank you, Nora," Daphne said, in effect of Eleanora's contagious smile. She turned to her siblings. "I'm going to miss all of you terribly."

"Even me?" Anthony asked with a smirk.

Daphne turned to look at him. "Even you."

Anthony kissed his sister's cheek and resided by Eleanora's side as Daphne said her goodbyes to Eloise and Violet. All the Bridgertons stood by each other as they watched their bird leave the nest. Daphne took one last long look at what used to be her home, and at the people that were still her brothers, sisters, close friend, and mother. With a small nod of certainty, she turned towards the carriage and Simon offered his hand to help her in, before following her inside.

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