Fools in Love

By bert3005

118K 5.4K 3.7K

[Third book in the Fools series] *Read Fools then Fools Fall before reading this book* Noah Wright is going i... More

Author's Note/Recap
1- Sam
2- Noah
3- Sam
4- Noah
5- Sam
6- Noah
7- Sam
8- Noah
9- Sam
10- Noah
11- Sam
13- Sam
14- Noah
15- Sam
17- Sam
18- Noah
20- Noah
21- Sam
22- Noah
23- Sam
24- Noah
25- Sam
26- Noah
27- Sam
28- Noah
29- Sam
Author's Note
30- Noah
31. Sam

16- Noah

3.2K 174 129
By bert3005


This was stupid. Why the fuck did I think it was a good idea to be in a confined space with my ex who I still had feelings for?

As soon as I put my car in park and faced Sam, I was done for. Everything I wanted to say to him was tossed into a shredder. Ripped apart the moment my body registered the proximity between Sam and I.

And fuck me, did he really have to look like that? Like a fucking Greek god or an angel sent down from a Heaven I didn't even believe in. Sam's whole being was a delicacy; his smooth skin, vibrant green eyes, the way his brown hair laid so annoyingly perfect around his face. The baby blue crew neck he was wearing with a white collar poking out gave him an innocent look that I wanted to ruin so badly.

What the fuck was I supposed to do with that?

Sam looked at me expectingly, making me realize I was admiring him for too long. Fuck, I still didn't know how to start this and the only think on my mind was kissing him, so to compensate and to give my brain a wake up call, I said "How's things with Ben?" And that did exactly what I needed it to do; kill my horniness for Sam.

Sam looked surprised at first which was fair; his ex asking him about is current boyfriend was an oxymoron. "How's things with Ben?" I nodded, but internally cringed and Sam seemed like that questioned threw him for a loop. "Uh, we're... we're good. Ben's actually in-"

I couldn't do it. "I'm sorry," I cut Sam off, "I know I asked, but I don't want to hear about him."

"Noah, why'd you ask to talk when-"

"I know, I know." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "This is just weirder than I thought it be."

"Just talk to me how you would," Sam offered as if it was that simple.

"That's the problem; I don't even know how to talk to you anymore. Everything's different now that you're with Ben."

"I'm with Ben because you broke up with me," Sam said, his voice rising a tad before he lowered it back down and added, "and obviously because I like him. But everything's different because you walked away."

"I know, I shouldn't have done that, it was impulsive and childish the way I acted, but we both know that's not the only reason we're not together. You sleeping with Carter, you don't understand how badly that fucked with my head. I know I have fucked up plenty in our relationship, but you not telling me about my mom and then sleeping with Carter? You- you really fucked up."

"Don't you think I know that? I'm paying for my mistake everyday that you walk away from me. Every time I see you with someone other than me. So I know I fucked up and I regret it so much. Why can't you forgive me?"

"It's not about me not forgiving you. Do you even know how my summer went? Every God damn time I closed my eyes, Sam, I pictured Carter on top of you. And then you start dating Ben, being stupidly happy as if I meant nothing to you."

"Are you kidding? I was a complete wreck after everything. I- I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. It was like I couldn't remember how to even get up each morning. And Ben was there for me through all of that. He helped a lot, and I'm sorry if that's shitty for you to hear, but our break up wasn't any easier for me."

I scoffed, "I'm sure it wasn't easy in Punta Cana," I spoke with sarcasm dripping off each word.

Sam stilled and looked a bit guilty, "How'd you know about that?"

Fuck. He's gonna know I stalked his social media. "How do you think I know?" I muttered, avoiding his eyes because then I felt pathetic.

"Not like us two were gonna go," was Sam's excuse.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, "that's not the point and you know it."

That's when shit hit the fan, "Okay! I get it, I'm a shitty person and I shouldn't have gone to Punta Cuna, I know how shitty that is! What do you want me to do?!" Sam yelled.

Instead of trying to calm him down which is what I should've done, I yelled back, "I don't want you to do anything! And I didn't fucking say that you're shitty, you're not, but you did a shitty thing!"

"Like you did nothing wrong in our relationship?!" Sam exclaimed. "We both did things that we shouldn't have!"

Through the heat of our yelling match, we both grew closer and my heart was racing. "Yeah, that's why we fucking broke up!"

"And thank God for that!"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh right because Boring Ben keeps you so fucking pleased."

"If you're so concerned about me being pleased, then do something about it!"

So I grabbed Sam's face and kissed him.

And fuck, it was like finally taking a breath after holding it for so long. Or jumping into a pool on a hot summer day. Or finally releasing after edging, and I swear I've never gotten harder faster.

Especially when Sam's hands grasped my shirt and tugged me closer. And when I slipped my tongue in his mouth and he moaned, fuck me, I lost it. I couldn't keep my hands off of him.

My hand slid from the back of his ear down slowly to his neck, "Mmm," Sam whimpered. I tilted his head up and my lips attacked his neck. "Oh God," Sam breathed out, "I've missed this."

My hand moved to his groin and I rubbed while I whispered, "We both know I can please you better than Boring Ben."

"Ahh," he moaned. Then I heard a gasp from Sam and I was being shoved away.


So close.

New chapter out on Sunday! Thank you for reading <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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