Arranged (Neji Hyuga)

By Tearsonlyknow

44.6K 2.1K 184

"Safe and sound that's where I'll be." More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Thirteen

1.1K 74 4
By Tearsonlyknow

Yuzuki's Pov
With my new found training with Lee I found myself finally able to do something I enjoyed once again. I wasn't allowed to work back at the shop to sew even though that would be the most easiest thing to do right now. When Neji or any of them were away I would use my charka control again, slowly with time it grew strong again, and I could use it to sense when someone was around me, and when I needed it.

So like I had promised Lee I wouldn't use it too much. Hinata seemed to always keep her watchful eye on, taking me to get my checkups and making sure I was resting.

It was when a few more months had gone by when I was positive or was getting closer for the triplets to be here. They would be coming a month early like Lady Tsunade had sternly explained to me on my last visit with Hinata.

"Yuzuki! You are glowing as ever I see." I beamed out a soft expression squeezing Guy Sensei into a gentle side hug.

"It's so wonderful to see you Guy Sensei, I always love seeing you around." I beamed at him with a soft little giggle he proudly looked down at me some more.

"Likewise Yuzuki, you look like you are gonna pop soon, come sit." His hand pressed on my lower back urging me over to the bench to sit next to him with a rough little motion. I exhaled placing my hand over the large bump rubbing at it.

"Are you stressed out what's going on?" He asked me gently, fluttering my eyes open once again, I took a shaky exhale in speaking in a low tone.

"I think it's just hormones you know.. But I miss Neji so much I know how much being a jonin means to him and I know its him worrying about me but I miss him so much Guy Sensei." A soft little coo left his mouth quickly his arms sliding over my shoulder to urge me closer to him my head resting on his shoulder.

"Don't cry young one, I know deep down in my heart Neji is missing you as well. All this running around is stressing him out as well. But you gotta stay strong not just for you but your little ones as well. And soon he'll get time off to be with you all." My hand lifted up quickly to rub the warmth of the tears away from my cheeks whispering quietly.

"Thank you Guy Sensei." He smiled down at me gently rubbing at my shoulders even more.

"Always, now do you want some ice cream? That always makes Tenten feel better." I stifled my laughter about to agree to it right away, when a sharp pain across my abdomen had me hitching my breath almost leaning over for a moment.

"I think ice cream is gonna have to wait Guy Sensei."

"To the hospital! Hang on."

"Alright Yuzuki I want this to be as safe and quick as it possible can get. You've been in labor for almost six hours now. And my chakra can only do so much." A bead of sweat went down my face quickly lifting my palm to press into my face I shook my head quickly.

"I can't.. I promised Lady Tsunade that he wouldn't miss this. I know I can hold out longer." The pain expression that flashed across her blue eyes was enough for anyone to give in, her green chakra flowing over my entire body.

"Yuzuki you are strong but if you keep prolonging it, something could happen to you or the triplets and Neji wouldn't want that." The pain was flames over my entire body, I tilted my head to one side. Hinata  Hanabi and Hiashi had rushed off to the hospital as soon as Guy Sensei had rushed me off to the hospital, this was one thing I refused to do without Neji, but the pain was growing unbearable.

"Yuzuki! What did I say about your health coming first I'm here!" A huge rush of relief went over my body suddenly moving my hand away from my face to feel larger hands moving all my hair from my view concerned eyes peering down at me gently.

"Neji." I whimpered softly quickly tossing one of my arms over his upper back, feeling him sigh relief dropping his head down to rest on my neck.

"I'm here, I'm here I'm sorry the long wait my love. I dropped the mission as soon as I was notify back. Remember you are my strong girl and you can do this. Not just for me but for us, I'm right here besides you okay." Weakly nodding my head I tilted my head back up to stare at Tsunade who flashed me a smile of encouragement, she shot the chakra through me even more allowing for the pain not to be too forceful. All I focused on in that moment was Neil's reassuring words and his warm palm gliding over my temple.

"Baby a is out. Now... Baby b and baby c." Neji had lifted his head up for a moment his eyes growing wide for a moment before Tsunade was speaking in a soft tone.

"Baby a is a baby girl and she's health, leaving the other two boys, congratulations you two." I looked back over at Neji noticing a rush of tears left his face.

"We have a girl.. And two boys."

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