De La Reine Vengeance

By shree123gill

100K 1.1K 139

Previously known as ' Always & Forever ' _____________________ "Why is it that everyone perceives you as a my... More



3.2K 66 7
By shree123gill

Are you prepared, Aurora?"

I turned slowly, my eyes narrowing as they met Angel's figure leaning ominously against the darkened doorframe. He, too, was clad entirely in black, mirroring my own attire. With a silent nod, I secured the final dagger within the concealed sheaths strapped to my thighs. Adjusting my mask one last time, I took a deep breath, mustering my composure before venturing out of the room.

Following a brief exchange with Killiam, I returned to my quarters, steeling myself for the forthcoming funeral. The entirety of the underworld trembled with shock at the news of my attendance as the Queen. The event would undoubtedly draw a multitude of individuals, some with murderous intent, others simply seeking the opportunity to witness my presence. Aware of the immense risk, my mafia and I stood ready, prepared to face any threat at any moment.

Angel guided me to the waiting car outside, and we climbed in. As the vehicle set in motion, I struggled to steady my nerves. The anticipation of the impending funeral only heightened the tension coursing through my veins. I understood that upon my arrival, all eyes would fixate upon me, and I needed to be prepared for any eventuality. The closer we approached the venue, the more evident the mounting crowd became. Dressed in a variety of attire, some donning mourning black while others displayed the colors of their respective gangs and factions, they congregated around the funeral home. The atmosphere crackled with an electric intensity, pregnant with the potential for chaos.

As we stepped out of the car, a heavy silence descended, burdened by the weight of countless gazes fixed upon me. Adjusting my mask once more, I pressed forward with purpose. Angel remained at my side, and the formidable members of my mafia dispersed strategically throughout the vicinity. A collective bow ensued from those in attendance as I passed, reciprocating with a curt nod before proceeding. Murmurs and whispers erupted in my wake.

"The Queen is here."
"I thought they were lying about her arrival."
"God, she looks even more lethal in person."
"Bloodshed is inevitable today; Death herself has graced us with her presence."
"I wouldn't be surprised if she herself orchestrated this demise. We all know her unparalleled prowess in deception."

Suppressing a smirk at the last utterance, I absorbed the mix of awe, hatred, and fear directed toward me. Nevertheless, I maintained an unyielding posture, measured steps, and an expression devoid of emotion. Despite the protective encirclement of my trusted and proficient mafia members, I remained acutely aware of the treacherous terrain that lay before us. Rival gangs and enemies lurked amidst the gathering, viewing my presence at the funeral as an opportune moment to strike. I was the Queen, a paragon of power and terror within the criminal underworld. In the face of danger, I exuded unwavering strength and resilience.

At long last, we reached the entrance of the Russian's abode. The doors swung open, granting us passage into the dimly lit interior. The room overflowed with people, shrouded in the attire of mourning. A palpable tension hung heavy in the air, woven with threads of animosity and suspicion directed squarely at me. Yet, I refused to be swayed. My head held high, I strode forward with an unyielding confidence, my eyes methodically surveying the crowd for potential threats. The Russian Don sat at the forefront, flanked by his most trusted associates.

Among the sea of faces, I detected several familiar countenances, including Killiam and his loyal right-hand man, Alex. A sly smirk graced my lips as I observed Killiam obediently donning the shirt I had specifically instructed him to wear. Our eyes locked momentarily, and a strange sensation stirred deep within me, unsettling my stomach. I quickly dismissed such thoughts—this was not the time for distractions. I couldn't afford to entertain emotions; they were not a part of who I was.

Descending the aisle, tension mounted with every step. Nevertheless, I remained composed, my singular focus fixed on paying my respects to the deceased. The eyes of the Don and his associates bore into me, but I maintained an unwavering gaze ahead.

Finally, we reached the casket, and I bowed my head in a show of reverence. Amidst the hushed whispers, the Don's voice drifted to my ears, engaging his men in conversation. Resolute, I refrained from turning around, my unwavering attention trained solely on the lifeless body before me. A surge of satisfaction and pride surged within me as I surveyed my handiwork—the face of the fallen now distorted beyond recognition, a testament to my formidable artistry. However, before I could revel in the moment,

"What the fuck is she doing here? She's the one who killed my boyfriend!"

An angry voice pierced the air, its venomous barbs aimed directly at me. I pivoted my head slightly, glimpsing a woman standing a few paces away, her eyes ablaze with a potent mixture of loathing and anguish. She, undoubtedly, was the grieving girlfriend. And she was not alone in her sentiments. Numerous others in the room regarded me with suspicion and hostility.

Yet, I refused to be daunted. My demeanor remained respectful and composed, focused on paying my final respects. After a brief moment, I straightened, turning to face the assembled throng. Scanning the room, my gaze swept across a myriad of countenances—fear and reverence present in some, while others bore outright hostility.

"Our Queen is present solely to pay her respects to the Don's brother," Angel interjected calmly, his tone measured and controlled.

"Respects?" the woman scoffed, her voice dripping with contempt. "She's the reason he's dead! She and her damn mafia!"

A surge of fury surged within me, my hand instinctively reaching for the concealed dagger strapped to my thigh. Yet, Angel, ever vigilant, acted swiftly, interposing himself between me and the woman.

"That's enough," he declared sternly, his voice laden with authority. "Show some respect, or we'll be forced to take action."

The woman glared at Angel, but her words ceased. The atmosphere bristled with tension, teetering on the precipice of chaos. However, I remained resolute and composed, my vigilant gaze scanning the room for any potential threats.

Suddenly, the room erupted as the doors burst open, a contingent of armed men flooding the space. Their weapons immediately trained upon us, my heart pounded within my chest, and adrenaline surged through my veins. Swiftly assessing the situation, I cataloged the number of assailants and their respective positions.

"It seems we have uninvited guests," I remarked calmly, extracting my own gun from the concealed holster at my waist. In unison, Angel and the other members of my mafia assumed their designated posts, their weapons poised for action. The room crackled with palpable tension, and I sensed the weight of everyone's gaze upon us.

"Remain calm," I commanded my team through the discreet earpiece, my voice firm and unwavering. "We are capable of handling this." The armed men erupted in a chorus of shouts, demanding our immediate departure. However, I stood unwavering, my gun leveled at the nearest assailant.

"It seems we have some unfinished business to attend to," I declared with a sly smirk. "Let's demonstrate our mettle."

Chaos engulfed the room as the attackers opened fire. Bullets whizzed past, and I instinctively sought refuge behind a nearby casket. My mind raced, concocting a plan amidst the pandemonium. Gunfire reverberated through the confined space, intermingled with the sharp retorts of my team's return fire.

Peering out from behind my temporary shelter, I carefully aimed at one of the assailants. My finger tightened around the trigger, and a single shot rang out. The man crumpled to the ground, prompting me to quickly seek cover once more. The symphony of gunfire persisted, accompanied by the acrid scent of gunpowder and the fervent heat of bullets grazing past.

"Angel, on my mark," I uttered through the concealed earpiece, my voice calculated and precise. "Three, two, one, go!"

Emerging from behind the casket, I unleashed a flurry of bullets toward the nearest attacker. Simultaneously, Angel and my team materialized from their strategic positions, unleashing a synchronized barrage. The assailants, caught off-guard, retreated hastily.

Angel, a steadfast presence by my side, fought with a ferocity that matched my own. His movements were fluid, his aim unwavering as he dispatched enemies with ruthless efficiency. The synchronized barrage of my team reverberated through the room, drowning out all other sound save for the screams of the wounded and the occasional thunderous crash of furniture overturning.

Amidst the chaos, Killiam's voice rang out, slicing through the pandemonium. "Kali, on your left!" His warning jolted me into action, my instincts taking over. I pivoted with lethal grace, my gun finding its mark as I swiftly eliminated the threat. The assailant crumpled to the ground, his life extinguished in an instant.

Time seemed to warp as we pushed forward, inch by inch, gaining ground with each calculated advance. Shadows danced along the walls, elongating and distorting, mirroring the ethereal nature of our existence. The air crackled with electricity, charged with the anticipation of further violence and the taste of impending victory.

The assailants, now disoriented and overwhelmed, began to falter. Fear etched deep lines upon their faces as they retreated, their once-confident facade shattered by the unyielding force that stood before them. We pursued them relentlessly, unrelenting in our pursuit of justice and retribution.

In the dim light, I caught glimpses of my team, their faces twisted in grim determination. Their loyalty to me and the cause we fought for was unwavering, their trust in my leadership unshakable. Each one, a soldier in this clandestine war, embodied the spirit of resilience and strength that defined our mafia.

As the last of the assailants fled into the night, vanquished by our unwavering resolve, a silence settled upon the room. The battle had subsided, but the lingering tension remained, a palpable reminder of the danger that always lurked in the shadows.

With measured steps, I surveyed the aftermath, taking in the scattered bodies and the carnage left in our wake. Blood stained the once-elegant carpet, a stark reminder of the cost of our existence. Yet, in the midst of the darkness, a flicker of satisfaction ignited within me—the satisfaction of knowing that we had prevailed, that our power and prowess had triumphed over adversity.

I turned to my team, their eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and accomplishment. We had emerged from the crucible of battle stronger than before, our bonds forged in the fires of adversity. The weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders once more, a reminder of the path I had chosen, the path of a mafia queen.

As we regrouped and prepared to leave the scene, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Killiam. There was a newfound respect in his eyes, a recognition of the darkness that dwelled within both of us. In that moment, we shared an unspoken understanding, a silent agreement to protect and uphold the empire we had sworn allegiance to.

The room fell into an eerie silence, the haunting echoes of gunfire fading into the abyss. Heavy breaths mingled with the stale air as my team and I stood in a tight circle, our weapons still poised, vigilant against any lingering threat.

A wry smirk danced upon my lips as I lowered my weapon, the weight of victory settling upon my shoulders. But I knew better than to let complacency seep into our veins. The shadows still whispered secrets, and danger lurked in the darkest corners.

"Good shooting," I rasped, my voice carrying a potent mixture of pride and caution. "But this is far from over. We need to clear this place, ensure that it's truly secure." The words hung in the air, a solemn reminder that our enemies were cunning, and their plans insidious.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as we methodically combed through the room, a tapestry of caution and calculated movements. The tension coiled within us, an invisible predator ready to strike at the slightest provocation. The silence that engulfed the space felt suffocating, each breath a delicate symphony of anticipation. My gaze shifted toward the Don, seated calmly in his chair, a facade of false concern etched upon his features.

" I apologise this attack happened on you and your mafia in my house " don said in fake worried tone " He said in fake sympathy.  His face bore a mask of feigned concern, a masquerade I saw right through. It stoked a bitter chuckle within me, a mirthless acknowledgement of his pathetic attempt to deceive. But before I could voice my disdain, Angel, consumed by a tidal wave of fury, surged forward, his grip seizing the Don's collar in a vise-like grip. The atmosphere crystallized, every eye fixated on the dramatic tableau before them.

The Don's head bowed under the weight of Angel's forceful command, compelled to kneel before me. It was a visual testament to the defiance burning in the hearts of my loyal comrades, a stark reminder of the shifting tides of power.

"You dare speak of this as your house?" I hissed, my words dripping with a lethal venom that sliced through the stagnant air. "Never forget the true force that holds dominion in this wretched town. Ten years may have elapsed, Don, but my return heralds the reclamation of what is rightfully mine. Those who oppose me shall writhe in the depths of their remorse."

Pallor drained from the Don's face, the sheen of perspiration glistening upon his brow, testament to the weight of my unwavering authority pressing down upon him. Tremors coursed through his trembling form, a feeble testament to the fear that coursed through his veins. Towering over him, a tempest incarnate, I radiated an unyielding aura of dominance, my eyes piercing into the depths of his quivering soul.

"Consider this your only respite," I growled, my voice a serrated blade of menace. "The next transgression will be met with an unyielding wrath, the tempest of my vengeance unleashed upon you. Let this warning echo through the corridors of your treachery."

A swift nod from the Don betrayed his fear, his gaze darting frantically, desperate for an escape from the web of consequences he had woven. The boundaries of his power had been redrawn, his place in the grand tapestry of this criminal underworld forever altered. Yet, I allowed him no further satisfaction. Turning on my heel with the grace of a lethal whirlwind, I summoned my loyal team to follow, their steps a thunderous echo of our shared purpose.

As we departed, triumphant echoes fading into the shadows, the weight of Killiam's gaze bore into me, penetrating to the very core of my being. Strange sensations stirred within, the embers of an emotion I dared not entertain, threatening to breach the walls of my fortified fortress. I shook my head, a resolute gesture to quell the rising tide of vulnerability. In this world of shadows and bloodshed, such distractions were luxuries I could not afford.


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