Snagged by the Rogue [COMPLET...

By TheWordNerd_

927K 27.4K 1.4K

#1 werewolf 18/08/2023 #1 Rogue 12/08/2023 #1 Luna 14/08/2023 #5 Paranormalromance 12/08/2023 Anaya is a Ro... More



14.8K 485 16
By TheWordNerd_


It all happened in slow motion. Movie-like. We finally arrived at the cabin, Anaya just happened to be running out at that time. She was almost able to reach us before a man grabbed her and sliced her.

The infamous Bolik.

He was much younger than I had expected him to be, made me wonder just how old Anaya’s father was when he died. The man in front of me was maybe in his late forties although with all his facial hair and his general untidiness, he looked a decade older. 

“Bolik,” Tim called out, “This doesn’t have to be difficult. Just let her go.”

Bolik focused his attention on Tim, “You’re still alive? I thought you went off and killed yourself or something to avoid raiding the last raid. You were always such a coward.”

He then turned back to Anaya, “You knew he was alive. You’ve been keeping secrets from me. That’s not good, Anaya. We don’t keep secrets.”

Anaya was trembling in his arms, tears streaming down her face. 

I was practically vibrating with anger but I knew I needed to keep a clear head in order to get Anaya safely. 

“You’re outnumbered,” I called out to Bolik, “Just surrender now and you might not have to lose your life.”

Lies. This sociopath was not living to see the sun set. 

He looked at me, “You’re the Alpha. You’re all alike. Cocky, arrogant, proud. And you know what they say about pride.”

“That it comes before a fall. But I assure you, I’m not the one falling today.”

He laughed, “Optimistic. Foolishly so. See, let me tell you what’s going to happen. Anaya here and I are going to leave and you’re going to let us leave.”

“And why would I do that?”

“Good question,” he held up the blade in his hands, “You see, this is pure silver and I already cut the girl once with it. If any of you move even an inch, I will not hesitate to decorate her body a bit more. You’re smart right? Want to guess what will happen with all that poison in her blood?”

I swallowed. Anaya would be dead within seconds.

Kyan stepped forward, “You might be able to leave now, but we will just find you again. You can run but you can’t hide, Bolik. Give up now. It will save us all a lot of time because there’s only one way this is going to end.”

“But you see, I don’t have to ‘run’ for much longer. Things are coming to an end soon. A very pretty end. Right, Anaya?”

But Anaya didn’t respond. The little bit of silver that had entered her blood was already weakening her. But she looked up and made eye contact with me. Her eyes were fierce, she wasn’t giving up. She stared intently at me like she was trying to communicate something and I thought I understood, but I wasn’t sure. 

“Get ready,” I mind-linked my pack.

“Anyway, we’ll be on our way now. I w-”

One minute, Bolik was speaking, the next, Anaya was knocking him back and running towards us. 

We were ready. As soon as she was out of his grasp, we charged forward, shifting as we were moving. Bolik, his reaction time remarkably fast, also shifted.

We collided in a clash of claws and teeth. Bolik although old, was a strong fighter. All of us against him should have been easy game but the fight took a bit longer than expected. It was obvious he had some beta blood in him, maybe Alpha, but he wasn’t a Lycan. 

When I finally pinned him down, three of my men lay on the ground, although not seriously injured. He shifted back to human and so did I. 

“I warned you that you would die today,” I said. 

He smiled, “But I’m not dead yet. Tim, why don’t you tell this Alpha to get off me?”

Tim had come closer without me noticing. 

He bent next to me and looked Bolik in the eye, “I hope you rot in hell.”

Then with the silver blade Bolik had been brandishing earlier, he slit his throat in one swift motion.

Bolik’s eyes bulged as he choked on his own, now poisoned, blood. 

We were all silent as we watched him die. Then the sound of him choking stopped and he went still. 

Tim was in shock next to me. I understood, he had known this man his whole life. I, on the other hand, could not be happier. 

I rushed to Anaya where she was leaning against a tree for support. 

“Water!” I yelled, “Somebody get me some water!”

Somebody handed me a bottle and I held it up to her lips. Water would help wash the poison out of her blood since she hadn’t been infected with a lot. 

She drank the liquid greedily until the bottle was empty. The effect was almost immediate. Her pale face got some colour and she was soon able to stand on her own. 

“You came,” she said, staring at me in awe.

I frowned, “Of course, I did. Why wouldn’t I?”

“But Selene. You’re married.”

“I’m not married, Anaya. Why would you believe my mother?”

She blushed and looked away. 

Our moment was interrupted by Tim coming and throwing his arms around Anaya.

“I’m glad you’re okay. I was so scared,” his voice was shaky.

I stepped away to give them some privacy and checked on the guards who had been injured.

They were all fine, just minor scrapes that wouldn’t prevent them from travelling. Kyan was also fine and I was grateful to him for all his help and for putting up with me this entire time. I knew I wasn’t the easiest to deal with while Anaya was missing.

When Tim and Anaya were done, she came to meet me.

“Shall we head home?”

My heart fluttered hearing her call my pack home. 

“Definitely,” I smiled, “Do you want to ride on my back?”

She laughed, “You realise I’m a werewolf as well right?”

When we were all ready, we shifted and headed home. I couldn’t stop staring at Anaya’s wolf. She was beautiful. Her fur was pure white and she walked with such elegance. Even if I didn’t know, I would have guessed she was royalty.

The journey back to the pack was a lot shorter than when we were coming. I knew it was only because the anxiety and fear I had felt before had dissipated. 

When we got back to the pack, we stopped at the clinic to make sure the injured guards got the attention they needed and then Tim, Anaya, and I headed to my house.

I was at peace. Everything was as it should be. Everyone was where they were supposed to be. I looked at Anaya, smiling and chatting with Tim, this was definitely where she belonged. 

We got to my house to find a man waiting in front of it. 

“Counsellor James,” I greet, my voice hard. Our last encounter with him hadn’t ended nicely, “We weren’t expecting you.”

What I wasn’t saying was, ‘What the hell are you doing in front of my house?’

His smile was tight and didn’t reach his eyes, “I wasn’t expecting to be here myself. The king would like to see you.”

“Me?” asked Anaya, since he seemed to be looking at her. 

“No,” he pointed at Tim, “Him.”

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