When Love Calls (An Urban Hoo...

By LuMorris90s

4.5K 59 2


Let Me Introduce Myself
New Beginnings
New Beginnings Part II
O Shit
The Truth
Who's To Blame
Who's To Blame Part II
Two Years And Counting
Come On Now
First Strike

The Past

268 5 0
By LuMorris90s

Meech POV

I looked up, from devouring my food, at a cheesy Trayveon sitting across from me. I looked behind me and seen a cute lil young shawty,makin her way to us. She tried to come but her friend pulled her because they had to get seated. We looked at the path they were goin and she signaled Trayveon to wait.

"Who is that?"

"My future girlfriend."

"Shut up. *laughs She too bad for you she need a nigga like me." Said CNote

Everybody (Shut up nigga )

"Man y'all some mean mfs y'all need some pussy in y'all life." Said CNote before putting his piece of steak in his mouth.

Everybody (laughs)

Man lil shawty look so familiar, as she was gettin close to us.

"Hey "bae"." She said

"Awe now you know who I am." Said Tray pulling in for a hug and trying to get a kiss, but failed and got one on the cheek.

"Shut up." She said play hitting him.

"Awe damn, Y'all this Trinity my baby,soon to be girlfriend, Trinity this Meech, CNote, and Pat. "

When he said her name I looked at her and thought that she was my....NAH that ain't..Im Coo..

"Hey y'all! Yall can call me Tri, as in tree. " (smiles)

Damn I swear she remind me of someone, somewhere. But im not going to say anything, but imma play wit her and ask some questions.

"Aye we got room, bring yo friend over and come sit with us."

"Ok I guess." Trinity said, she walked off smiling.

After she left, Trayveon ass still smiling with goo goo eyes, you know them one eyes like the heart shaped eyes emoji type shit, yo know....yea yall asses know *laughs...This nigga watched her ass all the way Back to her seat. He all in love and shit, this my nigga and I support anything he do or want to do in life, been that way since we met, and that goes for all my brothers. I just want the friend, man Damn she bad she was light skinned with hazel eyes and a lil apple booty and a small waist.They came back and pulled up their seats, now its game time *laughs rubs hands.

"Hey this is my best friend Erica. Erica this is CNote, Pat, Meech, and you know Tray my "bae"."

Tray, CNote, Pat (Hey)

"Hey lil ma." I said while licking my lips, lookin her up and down slowly.

I look up, her eyes met mines, and she looked away laughing and cheesing.

"Hey." (Shakes every one hand except mines)

I get up and look at her, she look confused as hell and scared cus I'm taller than her. I opened my arms, and she flinched.

(Laughs really hard) "Can I get a hug lil ma? "

She looked all shocked and shit and still frightened.

"Yea you can." *big ass kool-aid smile

When i hugged her, I inhaled and got a whiff of Caress Soap and Bath and Body Works perfume. Damn mama hygiene on point and I liked how her body molded into mines. We pulled away and looked over, Every one at the table lookin lost and shit at us. We looked at each other and laughed.

"How old is y'all?"

"17 ayyye couple more months and imma be that 1-8" Erica said doing a little dance with her tongue out.

I laughed because ma looked cute doin her lil dance...fine ass.

"17, how old are you?"

"I'm 19."

"Ight anyways where you from Tri?"


"Awe where you live?"

"Why ?" She said while rolling her eyes, but as soon as she did that Tray playfully snatch her up and said something in her ear that made her a smile so hard and then they started playing.

"Because my nigga like you and if something happen and he over there, I know where I'm destined to go."

"O, ok I live at 1275 N. AppleCreek Way Dr."

When she said that my heart dropped and I didn't feel a little to well, but I swear imma be coo.

"How long you been living there."

"I dont really know.I guess since I was born. Yea, because my big brother was 2 and we was still there."

"What's your brother name?"

"His name is Calvin."

When Trinity said that I got sick and ran to the bathroom.I didnt throw up jus a nigga mind, body, and spirit hopped out his body. So many thoughts ran threw my head, I dont know what came on to me.Shortly after I ran into the family bathroom Erica came in.

"You ok?"

"Yea I didn't throw up or nothin, I felt a little woozy."

"O...ok U wanna go back out there, I mean we can stay in here." She said while laughin.

I laughed too, because I thought it was nice that she cared and I knew damn well she ain't wanna be in this Nasty ass bathroom.

"I'm fine ma, can I jus get a hug, so I can feel better?" *puppy dog eyes

"Ok jus so you can feel better ok."

She gave me a hug and all my pain really went away.Her smell the way her body feels, made me relaxed. I noticed how she was smiling and she snuggled into a nigga chest as if she was stressing too . We was still hugging and she looked up and our eyes met, man they were so beautiful,but I ain't sayin nothin. She smiled up at me, I smiled back and she put her arms around my neck, I was so tall she had to get on the tip of her toes to do it. When she finally did she exhaled a deep breath, then I went for it and grabbed her ass I heard her softly moan in my ear. She looked up again and she had a big kool-aid smiled, we both laughed.

"Ma, I mean Erica, im really feelin you."

"Im feelin you too Meech."

"Let me get them 1. 0. 0. 1 boys."

"What in the fuck is that?" *laughing hard as hell...

"Yo number."

"Thats all you had to say, silly. Here." *laughs hard

*stail face "Thanks ma Imma put you under lil baby. "

"Ok thats what you are saved in my phone. Um...Meech, why did you really leave what's wrong."

"Im Calvin, Tri's runaway brother."

A/C o shit


Sorry its a lil short

Updating Tomorrow Promise

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