[Fanfic] New Heisei Kamen Rid...

By All_Fanfic

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A ghostly liquid called Fusion was born with the sole purpose of finding and absorbing great sources of power... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4

Part 3

467 18 12
By All_Fanfic

(Edges of Minato Mirai)

Handing Lulun over to Mimino Kurumi, Riku along with Nozomi and the others ran to the edges of Minato Mirai, only to find a uninhabited city with a pitch-black sky and lightning bolts from it.

"The city was..." Rin said while looking at the current state of the city.

"We have to hurry." Nozomi mumbled.

As they were about to move on...


The ground suddenly trembled and cracked with the appearance of a swarm of Grongies, Zakennas, Uzainas, Kowainas and Hoshinas from the past, rushing towards them.

"Hoshiina!!!" A Hoshiina shouted as it suddenly appeared in front of them and slammed its hands down in an attempt to smack them.


Bright light shone from under Hoshiina's arms as Kuuga with Cure Dream and the others destroyed them and leapt into the air, they managed to transform before the arms were slammed down.

Passing punches from Zakena that looked like a golem, Dream landed and blocked the enemy's punches with her quick kicks. Dream continued Zakena and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying into the air before she moved forward to confront the two Kowaina and Uzaina approaching from her side.

Lemonade is seen in the air with golden flashes around her before she dives and confronts a Kowaina that looks like a puppet. Lemonade moved along Kowaina's body while blowing away the enemy's ropes that were trying to entangle her.

"HA!" Lemonade screamed as she flung a rope and darted forward to kick Kowaina in the face.

Back on the ground, Mint and Aqua were standing with their backs to each other facing a Zakena that looked like a water pipe. They parted as Mint darted towards Zakena while Aqua leapt into the air. Mint lunges towards Zakena as she jumps, extending her right leg while she's in the air to kick the enemy's face, causing it to back up a bit before Aqua swoops down from the air and kicks Zakena in the head. make it slide across the ground.

Rouge runs through enemy energy attacks before she leaps into the air and draws orange-red energy lines around her. In the air, Rouge spins up with fireballs created from the energy line she drew earlier.

"Take this!" Rouge screamed as she kicked down the fireballs in reverse hook fashion at the swarm of Zakenas, Uzainas, and Kowaina below.


An explosion occurs while Milky Rose is seen holding Lulun in her arms to protect her from enemies. As she was on the run, a Zakena that looked like a combination of isolation devices suddenly appeared and blocked her way.

"ZAKENA!" The enemy screams as it swings its arms and shoots a rail bar towards Milky Rose.

Just when Milky Rose and Lulun thought the attack would hit them, Grongi Spider suddenly flew over and stabbed Zakena's attack. Kuuga then darted up from behind Milky Rose before he spun twice in the air and raised his leg, where it joined the Spider Grongi, who was between Kuuga's leg and Zakena's arm.

Kuuga's mark is seen on Grongi's body before he jumps back and lands.


Zakena and Grongi Spider were engulfed in an explosion, when Dream ran to Milky Rose.

"Are you alright?" Dream inquired.

"Ukm." Milky Rose confirmed as the others gathered around her.

The ground shook again and the road surface cracked again with other enemies surrounding them again.





Not stopping at the monster swarm that was destroyed by PreCure before, this time there was a swarm of Lords, Fangires, Yummies and more Grongies, all of which appeared and surrounded them.

"Let's go, everyone!" Dream sounded.

"Yes!" They all said in unison.

The PreCures split apart to deal with their enemies while Kuuga stayed behind to confront the kaijin that were destroyed by the Kamen Riders.

In front of enemies like Grongies, Lords, Fangires and Yummies, Kuuga only saw his arms crossed in front of him with one hand around his waist and the other stretched out with his thumb, index finger and middle finger. Then he slowly moved both hands to their opposite sides and shouted his famous phrase.

"Chou Henshin!" As he spoke, the Amadam Stone turned blue and his form changed.

In Kuuga's new form, his shoulder pads were now gone as the chest armor had turned blue and slimmed down. The gauntlets has also turned blue, even the eye lenses were blue too. Kuuga has switched to his Dragon Form.

After switching to Dragon Form, Kuuga jumps towards the Grasshopper Grongi as he begins his fight.

Grasshopper Grongi attacks with a flying kick. Quickly, Kuuga jumps and flips over the attacker, landing behind the enemy before he turns and kicks Grasshopper Grongi in the back, causing Grongi to stagger back before he turns back towards him. The Grasshopper Grongi then performed a circle kick, but Kuuga rolled down and quickly returned.

Following that, Mantis Yummy jumped to attack Kuuga before Kuuga jumped up and responded with a punch to the chest that sent Yummy falling backwards. Without giving Kuuga time to rest, Horse Fangire charged in with his sword in hand. Kuuga quickly sped up, leaping to the top of a building at a speed that humans can't keep up with.

Looking to the side of the top of the building, Kuuga saw a satellite dish near him. Kuuga quickly went and kicked the antenna off the dish and caught it. While it wasn't that long, it quickly changed into a blue bow staff, both ends extending. Twirling the staff a bit, Kuuga jumped off the building and continued his battle.

The Grasshopper Grongi jumped and charged with an ax kick. Kuuga quickly dodged when Grongi's kick left a crack. With a twist, Kuuga struck Grongi through the ribs before slamming him in the face with the other end of the weapon known as the Dragon Rod. Grongi backed away clutching his face in pain before growling at Kuuga and continuing his attack.

Grongi threw a punch to Kuuga's face, but Kuuga quickly crouched down before turning and striking the enemy's back, causing Grongi to stumble forward. Swing the staff around, Kuuga swing upward, using all the physical power Dragon form had to send Grasshopper Grongi high up. He then knelt down before jumping up, going higher than Grongi before he turned, his staff in his right hand before he thrusted it forward, stabs it into Grongi's chest and sends enemies into the sky as the Dragon Rod leaves its mark on Grongi's chest.

"Splash Dragon!" Kuuga mumbled as he turned his back on the enemy.


The explosion occurred as Grongi's body exploded into pieces, but Kuuga never had a chance to relax as the Horse Fangire and Pantheras Rubeo charged at him again with their swords in hand. Fangire and Lord swung their swords at Kuuga, but he quickly jumped backwards to avoid them.

Just as Kuuga stepped back, the stone on Arcle changed color once more. This time, turn purple as Kuuga does his signature pose again and screams.

"Chou Henshin!"

Without giving Kuuga a chance to convert, a Shark Yummy suddenly shot up from the pavement and fired a large bowl at Kuuga. The bullet hit Kuuga's transforming armor and exploded.


When the other enemies thought they had defeated Kuuga, they felt something coming out from within the flames.

Indeed there was something standing in the flames. But it was not something, but someone. It was Kuuga in his new armor. His gauntlets had turned silver as the wrist bands were purple. His chest and shoulder armor had gotten bigger, colored mostly silver as the edges and center was colored purple. All in all, it looked like he was knight armor. Finally, the eye lenses of his helmet were purple. This was Kuuga's Titan Form.

Quickly, Kuuga pulled out the spare Try-Acceler Rod he always carried with him. Back to face the enemy, Kuuga held up the control handle before the whole thing turned into a purple claymore sword called the Titan Sword.

"Let's go!" Kuuga said before starting to walk towards the enemies at a calm pace.

Shark Yummy fires another big bowl at Kuuga.


When Kuuga was engulfed in smoke and the enemy thought he was annihilated. However, to their surprise, Kuuga stepped out of the smoke, perfectly fine. Not even a scratch on his armor.

Shark Yummy fires another great bowl and it attacks Kuuga, exploding, but Kuuga shows no sign of being affected and just keeps walking. Shark Yummy fired again and the result was the same. Then he started to get nervous, sweating as he shot out the other big bowls.


In a nervous mood, Fangire and Lord began to lose their breath as Kuuga drew closer. As Kuuga continued walking, Mantis Yuumy charged in again only to be hit in the stomach by Kuuga and flew back into the sky before exploding.


Once Yummy was blown up, Kuuga continued to be attacked by Shark Yuumy's great bowls that repeatedly caused explosions on his body. But Kuuga was completely unaffected. He just kept walking, sword in hand.


Fangire and Lord began to flinch even more as Kuuga approached them. He always hit in the explosions but he calmly walked away like nothing happened. Whether it was an illusion or not, no one knew, but right in front of the enemy's eyes, right behind Kuuga, a giant purple titan loomed over everyone. It walked right behind Kuuga, matching its speed as it looked down at everyone, sending chills down their spines. But the people affected the most were Fangire and Lord when their anxiety turned to fear and they could no longer stand still. They had reached their limit and decided to act.

While the distance between the enemy and Kuuga was not much, Horse Fangire and Pantheras Rubeo charged at Kuuga with their swords, wanting to destroy him. Kuuga continued walking with his sword clenched in his hand. Unfazed by the enemy, Kuuga calmly swung his sword to the left and slashed the Horse Fangire's body, then swung the sword to the right and slashed straight down on Pantheras Rubeo's body, causing them to explode afterwards.


Walking with the flames behind, Kuuga calmly approached Shark Yummy, who couldn't shoot the giant bowls anymore.

"Calamity Titan!" Kuuga said while he grabbed his sword with both hands and trusted the blade forward, through the enemy's stomach and a few seconds later he exploded.


Lowering the sword, Kuuga sensed another threat, this time coming from the sky.

"Hmm?" Kuuga looked up at the sky, where he saw Bee Grongi, Ageha Yummy and Kuro Ageha Yummy flying above.

Sensing the familiar attack from Grongi, Kuuga instinctively jumped to the other side before he saw small explosions appear on the pavement. As Kuuga stood up, Ageha Yummy and Kuro Ageha Yummy flew towards him, before Kuuga could react, he was grabbed by two Yummys by the waist and pushed backwards. Despite the weight of Titan Form, Kuuga still felt himself lifted off the ground after being pushed a long distance. The two Yummy pushed Kuuga a little further before they used all their strength and threw him into an abandoned police car nearby.


Kuuga stood up from the wreckage of the vehicle when he accidentally saw a pistol on the side of the destroyed vehicle. Kuuga guessed that the policeman accidentally dropped it when he was trying to get away from what was going on.

"Please allow me to use it." Kuuga said as he picked up the gun. The Amadam Stone on Acle turns green when Kuuga makes quick hand movements. "Chou Henshin!"

The vibrating sound of a belt resounded before Kuuga did another Form Changing. His chest armor was now green, his gauntlets were green as well as one shoulder guard appeared over his left shoulder and an arm band was wrapped around his right arm. Finally, his eyes turned green, completing the transformation.

The gun in Kuuga's hand also turned into a Pegasus Bowgun after that.

Raising the Pegasus Bowgun in his right hand to near eye level, Kuuga was ready for action.

Sincerely grateful that the city had been quiet, Kuuga gathered his heightened senses to listen to Grongi as he was no doubt ready to snipe.











* bzzzzzzzzz! *

"Blast Pegasus!" Kuuga shouted as he aimed the Pegasus Bowgun at Bee Grongi. Kuuga pulled the weapon's hammer back to its full length, pulled the trigger, and released the hammer as if he were launching an arrow from a bow. A blast of energy shoots out rapidly towards Bee Grongi before he can dodge and stabs him in the chest, leaving a trail as the enemy clutches his chest, painfully before collapsing, exploding.


An explosion occurred in the sky as Kuuga lowered the weapon in his hand, breathing a sigh of relief. But again, Kuuga didn't get a chance to relax. When Kuuga had just returned to Might Form, Ageha Yummy and Kuro Ageha Yummy suddenly jumped from the top and attacked Kuuga.

"Grahh!!!" Kuuga yelled as he fell to the ground.

Before Kuuga could figure out what was going on, the two Yummys jumped down again, grabbing Kuuga's arms and dragging him across the ground. Kuuga tries to break free from the enemy's hold, but he can't because the enemy is carrying him further and further away from the ground. Kuuga's vision changed as he found himself getting further and further away from the ground and everything getting smaller.

The moment Kuuga was pulled to a certain height, the two Yummys suddenly dropped him to the ground.

"Wahhhh!!!" Kuuga yelled as he was thrown to the ground.


He crashed into a truck before several other Shark Yuumys appeared again and fired a large bowl at it, exploding the truck and completely engulfing Kuuga in a massive explosion. The other enemies then drew near to him when they knew that was not enough to defeat him, and just as they thought, something was standing up from the explosion.


A snap was heard from the incident when Ageha Yummy and Kuro Ageha Yummy, who had just thrown Kuuga, suddenly caught fire and exploded.


Two consecutive explosions occurred while the enemy was still looking at the body of the burning truck. From the burning truck, a dark shadow was seen more clearly as it was coming out from there. And that shadow was Kuuga. 

Standing in front of the encircling enemy in front, only saw Kuuga cross his arms in front of his face before darkness began to surround him.

"Chou... Henshin!" Speaking heavily, Kuuga stretched his arms out to his sides as the Amadam Stone turned black and Arcle had an extra golden section on the belt face.

The darkness slowly swallowed Kuuga, and soon he found himself exploding. Literally.


Suddenly, there was an explosion of darkness, surprising some enemies as those standing close to Kuuga were sent flying back. The remnants looked towards the explosion and backed away bit by bit as they saw a shadow come out from the dark explosion.

That's Kuuga. But he was not in his Mighty form. Nor was he in his Dragon, Titan, or Pegasus form. He wears a black bodysuit with a pair of black and gold knee protectors and two gold anklets. His hands have black guards and two gold bracelets studded with black gems. He wears black armor with golden lines that simulate his breasts and upper body muscles, followed by a silver and gold tech belt with a golden gem. In addition, his body has black lines running all over it. On each side of Kuuga's leg there is a horn protruding like a blade and not only on the leg but also on the arm. Finally, a black helmet with a silver insect mouth, large red eyes and a badge resembling four golden horns in the center appeared on his head. This is Kuuga's Ultimate Form.

Standing in front of the enemy, Kuuga standing like heaven for a few seconds. That sight alone was enough to make anyone who saw it scared. Because Kuuga was in what Grongi called Ultimate Darkness when the hero's image crumbled.

But those glowing red eyes were proof that Kuuga's consciousness was still awake. 

Taking a stance, Kuuga stares at his enemies and dashes towards them, ready to destroy all enemies standing in his way.


(With Team Yes! Pretty Cure 5)

While Kuuga was busy with his own fight, Team Yes! Pretty Cure 5 are also having their own fight.


Dream escapes the attack of an Uzaina that looks like a giant rock while Lemonade is dealing with a Zakena shaped like a giant worm.

"Zakane!" The worm squealed as it chased after Lemonade, who was constantly jumping onto footpaths near bus stops and roads to avoid its pursuit.

Lemonade landed on the ground as she turned to face Zakena, but she suddenly made a complicated expression when she saw the length of the Zakena worm she was confronting.

"I'm bad with worms." Lemonade muttered.

At the same time, Rouge is trying to run away from a Hoshiina that resembles the Karakasa Kozoo, a Japanese youkai.

"That's why I hate youkai so much." Rouge shouted as she ran away.

In the other direction, Milky Rose is protecting Lulun while avoiding the huge legs of a dinosaur Zakena.

"Zakena!" The monster seemed angry at not being able to crush Milky Rose and Lulun.

At that moment, Aqua and Mint suddenly jumped down from two different directions and launched a double kick to the sides of the dinosaur's neck, causing it to roar in pain.

"ZAKE...NA!!!" Angered the dinosaur blew a breath at Aqua and Mint as they landed on the ground with Rose. Too surprised by the attack, Aqua, Mint, and Rose couldn't dodge, they were blown into the sky.


The sound of an explosion caught Dream's attention as she was confronting Uzaina. When she looked towards the rising smoke, she saw that her friends had been blown into the sky. But then, it was also Dream's turn and her other friends were kicked into the sky.

"Rose! Mint! Aqua!" Dream shouted as they were in the air.

"Everyone! That dark cloud is the source of everything!" Rose screamed before she, along with Mint and Aqua, were blown away in a different direction from Dream's group.

Right after Rose's group landed, a sudden strong current rushed over, causing them to almost fall, if they did not react and land again in time. The girls looked towards where the water was shot, there they saw an Uzaina that looked like a giant water jug ​​with palms with holes resembling a shower.


Uzaina raised her arms towards Aqua and fired two powerful streams of water from his palms, before she jumped in the other direction to dodge the blow. Aqua spins through the air until she comes close to the top of Uzaina's head, where she unleashes a spin kick that causes the faucet lock on Uzaina's head to spin.

"UZAINA!!!" The monster screamed as the water shot out with great pressure from its legs and arms sending its claws flying into the sky.

"We made it." Rose yelled as Aqua landed next to her and Mint.

At that moment, Lulun suddenly exclaimed as she sensed Pollun nearby.

"Pollun is nearby ~lulu."

Rose pays attention to Lulun when she hears that. However, her attention turned in another direction when she heard a strange sound.

"Hmm?!" They cried out in unison when they heard the strange sound that was getting louder and louder.

"What? What is this sound?" Mint said nervously as she looked around.

The sound grew louder and began to be heard clearly. The girls continued to look around in search of the source of the sound until Rose seemed to realize what the sound belonged to.

"This sound, could it be...?" Rose slowly turned her head back and she panicked when she saw the thing that made the sound. "EH?!"

Rose's scream caught Aqua and Mint's attention as they looked behind them. There, they see an object coming towards them... No! Is a Zakena plane.

"Wah?!" The girls screamed as they hurriedly turned around and ran away.


Zakena cried out as it headed straight for Rose, Aqua and Mint at a constant speed to destroy them. However, its plot was foiled.


A loud noise resounded, attracting the attention of Rose and the others. They stopped and looked up at the plane, where they saw its fuselage protruding as if something had hit it. When they looked closely again beneath Zakena, they saw Cure Black and Cure White below while they delivered a double kick to its body.

Zakena's body then emits purple light until it turns into grains of light sand and disappears to reveal Cure Black and Cure White.

"Could it be they're..." Rose doubted.

"Definitely them." Aqua happily said.

Black and White jumped down from the sky and landed in front of Rose's group, where they landed easily.

"Is everyone okay?" Black inquired while White smiled at them.

Suddenly, Luminous's scream resounded from behind, drawing Black and White's attention.

"Luminous!" They chorused as they looked back, where they saw Shiny Luminous frantically trying to dodge bullets from another Zakenna.


The monster fired a volley of rockets towards the girls causing them to rush away with Luminous following.

"Arienai!" Black screams her signature phrase as she frantically runs away.

While fleeing from Zakenna's bullets, Mint looked over at Black and White, who had chased after her and Aqua.

"Thank you for saving us." Mint said as he ran before smiling at them. "You two are Pretty Cure too, aren't you."

"Ukm." White smiled in confirmation as he ran, Black added later with a smile.

"Thank you for protecting Lulun."

"It's unbelievable that there are so many Pretty Cure." Rose said excitedly.

"There's something up ahead!" Luminous warned them.

Everyone looked ahead and saw a Kowaiina shaped like a roller moving towards them. Cure Black and Cure White sprint forward as they jump to deal with Kowaina while Cure Aqua and Cure Mint stop to deal with Zakena firing bullets at them.

"PreCure Emerald Saucer!" Mint shouted as she focused her energy on the butterfly symbol on her hands. Mint raised her arms and created an energy shield to block Zakena's missile.

At the same time, Black and White darted towards Kowaina, where they unleashed a double kick that sent Kowaina back a distance.


Black and White landed on the ground, both on stance, ready to fight Kowaina.

However, the Zakena in the sky suddenly stopped attacking Rose's group, it flew upwards and then flew in another direction before swooping down and darting over Rose's group's heads at a tremendous speed.

"Ah!" Aqua now realizes that Zakena's targets are Black and White.

Cure Black and Cure White sensed their enemy approaching, and they turned back before stepping back and shooting straight into the sky, where Zakena was also racing towards them.

"Zakena!" The monster roared before receiving a quick double kick from Black and White only to be turned into light and then vanished.


Rose's group saw Kowaina approaching Black and White as they were falling, and Aqua immediately leapt forward. She concentrated her strength on the butterfly symbol on her arm before swinging her arm to create a water bow with three arrows.

"Pretty Cure Sapphire Arow!" Aqua shouted as she stretched her bow and fired three arrows at Kowaiina at once.

The arrows flew past Black and White as they were falling and aimed directly at Kowaina causing it to explode.


The explosion occurred when Kowaina's stone mask was blown away and shattered into small pieces in the air.

"Thank!" Black and White said in unison as they landed on the ground.

"Your welcome." Aqua said as her water bow disappeared.

After that, Lulun jumped from Rose's arms to Luminous's arms, where Moop and Foop were also there. Lulun hugs Luminous and has a happy reunion with her.

"Luminous!" Lulun cried out in joy.

"Lulun!" Luminous said happily before asking. "Are you alright?"

"They protected me~lulu." Lulun said as Black and White ran towards them.

Cure Black and Cure White quickly signaled to the others to find the source of the swarm.

"Everyone! We should hurry." White said before she received nods of approval from the other PreCures.

However, when they were about to leave...


The ground watered again with the appearance of Kaijin that the Kamen Riders had defeated before and stood in their way.

"Grongi?!" Black, White and Luminous in unison, recognizing several monsters.

"Fangire?! Yummy?!" Rose, Aqua and Mint continued as they also noticed some monsters in it.

As the girls looked at the Kaijin in front of them and were getting ready for another battle, a voice suddenly rang out.


The voice that caught their attention made them look behind, where they saw Kamen Rider AgitΩ riding a Machine Tornador in Slider Mode.

Realizing that AgitΩ showed no sign of slowing down, the girls quickly dodged to the sides before AgitΩ passed them on the Machine Tornador.

Riding on the Machine Tornador, the horns on AgitΩ's head fold into six horns, three on each side. While crouching in a fighting stance, a brilliant golden emblem appeared directly above the Machine Tornador's head. He then spread his arms out, his left palm facing downward while the right palm faced upward. Pulling his left arm to the side and crossing his right arm in front of him, the glowing symbol underneath was absorbed into AgitΩ's leg. When that was all done, he jumped off the Machine Tornador before the machine braked as if to increase his speed.

AgitΩ was already in the air when he bent his left leg and spread his right in a flying kick as the kicking foot glowed brightly. An image of AgitΩ was seen before he suddenly accelerated, stabbing an unlucky Lord in the chest and sending it flying further back while AgitΩ landed on his feet, sliding a great distance on road scorched it before stopping.


An unlucky Lord groaned as it struggled to get back up. But then, from above its head appeared what looked to be a glowing circle almost as if it were a halo. Slowly turning away from the monster, by the time AgitΩ's back was turned, the monster proceeded to explode, surprising the Pretty Cure who had been watching everything from the side.

"That's..." Mint blurted out in doubt.

"... A..." Aqua continued.

"Kamen Rider." Rose finished as they looked at Kamen Rider standing in the middle of the enemy line.

AgitΩ then turned to the Pretty Cure, staring in amazement as the horns on AgitΩ's folded in, returning to its original two.

"Hurry to that dark cloud!" AgitΩ told them.

What had just been said surprised the PreCures. Leave him here?

"No way! Enemies too many!" Rose shouted but AgitΩ didn't mind it.

"Don't worry, I'll catch up with you in no time!" AgitΩ said when he somehow gestured to Machine Tornador.

The Machine Tornador immediately flew over to the girls, where it somehow hurled them all onto its torso, much to their amazement. Machine Tornador then moves to AgitΩ's side.

"I'll pave the way. You guys go to the dark clouds first." AgitΩ said as he pressed on the left part of the belt causing the stone on the Alter Ring to glow. A staff was summoned from within and AgitΩ quickly drew it.

A flash of light emitted from the Alter Ring as AgitΩ held the staff horizontally and raised it forward. A distorted air-like phenomenon appeared on AgitΩ's armor before his whole body glowed slightly and AgitΩ appeared in a completely new armor.

A chest armor with a golden front that simulated pectorals has been changed to blue and an abdomen with a rectangular black stone at the center of the chest remains the same. His sides were still silver while the rest of the armor was black steel. A golden collar wrapped around the neck and connected to the black stone by a golden line. His shoulder armor has also been transformed. While the right shoulder armor is left intact, the left shoulder armor has changed to blue, rounded with a golden border running around the center, his left arm guard has also change to blue. Other details remain intact. This is AgitΩ's Storm Form.


Immediately after AgitΩ transforms into Storm Form, Halberd's javelins open simultaneously to transform it into a specialized weapon of this form, known as the Storm Halberd.

The Pretty Cures are shocked by AgitΩ's Storm Form, before they can reconfigure AgitΩ rushes towards the enemy, swinging one end of the weapon to the left to slash at the enemy then swiping back to the second head as he slash at the enemy on the other side. Just like that, repeating that process over and over, AgitΩ successfully opened a path through the enemies to let the girls move forward.

"Go now!" AgitΩ screamed as the lights on the Machine Tornador flashed and the automaton carried the girls across the path its owner had created.

"AgitΩ, be careful~mupu/pupu!" Moop and Foop watched AgitΩ's back getting smaller and smaller, they continued to watch until they saw him extend his right hand with thumb raised, then they felt reassured.

Seeing the Machine Tornador and the Pretty Cures leaving, the enemy wanted to give chase, but they were stopped by AgitΩ. AgitΩ wields Storm Halberd in one hand as he lunges at the head with an enemy, swinging his staff at a Fangire before changing to the second and slashing at an approaching Yummy. AgitΩ stabs Storm Halberd straight into Yummy's stomach, he pulls Yummy over his head and throws it at some of the Grongi standing in a group causing them to do a domino swoop.

A Lord approached AgitΩ with a spear aiming to duel him. When the spearhead was pierced, AgitΩ quickly grabbed the lower part of the spear, he pulled the Lord over and kicked in the chest as the Lord retreated but he did not remove his hand from the spear. AgitΩ took the opportunity, lunging forward and slashing the cross, causing Lord pain and releasing the spear before falling.

AgitΩ walked over and stomped on Lord's stomach when he saw him trying to get up, AgitΩ used his weapon to knock Lord's spear to a distant position, he removed his foot from the enemy and quickly slash the Lord's hip with his Storm Halberd causing the enemy to roll across the pavement before exploding.


Enemies quickly surrounded AgitΩ as the explosion took place. Finding herself surrounded, AgitΩ calmly held Storm Halberd with both hands. He raised his weapon forward and swung it repeatedly causing the wind to rise whenever the tip of the weapon was a few centimeters off the ground. The more AgitΩ swung the Storm Halberd, the more the wind rose as if to obscure the enemy's vision.

Feeling the time was right, AgitΩ stopped swinging his weapon and charged forward, where he slashed across a Fangire causing it to explode.


Explosions occurred dragging several enemies to be destroyed along. But still the number of enemies is still very large.

"Hmm?" AgitΩ cried out as he crouched down from the sudden attack of a Lord in the form of a crow.

When AgitΩ stood up, he realized it was a lord he had defeated before.

"This case again?" AgitΩ said as he returned to Ground Form. AgitΩ then pressed his hand to Altering's right side causing the stone on the belt to glow with a sword hilt emerging from within.

Just like before, AgitΩ drew the sword from his Altering before he turned to face the enemy. A distorted air-like phenomenon appeared again on AgitΩ's armor before his whole body glowed slightly and AgitΩ appeared in a completely new armor.

A chest armor with a golden front that simulated pectorals has been changed to red and an abdomen with a rectangular black stone at the center of the chest remains the same. His sides were still silver while the rest of the armor was black steel. A golden collar wrapped around the neck and connected to the black stone by a golden line. His shoulder armor has also been transformed. This time, the left shoulder armor is still intact, the right shoulder armor has changed to red with a golden border running around the center to point to the sky, his right arm guard has also change to red. Other details remain intact. This is AgitΩ's Flame Form.

The sword known as the Flame Saber was firmly held in AgitΩ's right hand as he charged towards the enemy. He slashes at a Yummy before jumping onto the pedestrian crossing near a bus stop to face the Rat Fangire on it. AgitΩ slashes at one Rat Fangire before passing it and kicking another Rat Fangire sending it flying out of the way. AgitΩ continued to run forward while firmly grasping the Flame Saber with both hands, he slashed across the stomach of another Rat Fangire then turned around and slashed at it once more.

When he had just finished dealing with the Fangire there, the Lord who had attacked him earlier had returned. The moment Lord flew towards AgitΩ, he quickly dodged to the side before the Lord's claws could even reach his hand.

"I swear he's getting annoyed." AgitΩ mumbled before standing up.

Looking in the direction the enemy was flying before turning back, AgitΩ stopped in the direction the enemy was about to fly. AgitΩ holds the Flame Saber with both hands and waits for the enemy to come flying. As the enemy was drawing closer and closer, AgitΩ didn't flinch, he gripped the sword even more tightly as their distance closed.


The horns on the rim of AgitΩ's sword opened into the back of the horn, three on each side resembling the horns on his head. AgitΩ's blade glowed as an invisible heat was faintly seen surrounding the blade.

The moment Lord flew straight at AgitΩ, he quickly slashed down his sword, making the sound of sweet cutting clearly heard. Immediately afterwards, Lord flew over AgitΩ for a short distance and exploded in midair.


The horns on the sword also folded after that.

Immediately after that explosion, the next thing that awaited AgitΩ down the road were black creatures in large numbers. They have black bodies with some golden armor pieces on their bodies and a black belt is wrapped around their hips. The point of interest is their white evil face and the two beards on their forehead that look like the antennae of an ant.

"Ant Lords... The number is amazing." AgitΩ commented before he darted down from his current position.

As he darted down, Altering's sound reverberated and his armor transformed once more. This time his chest armor that simulated his breasts turned yellow again while his left shoulder was in Storm Form and his right shoulder was kept in Flame Form. This is AgitΩ's Trinity Form.

AgitΩ hurls towards the enemy while pulling the Storm Halberd out of Altering and the weapon's ends are also opened shortly afterwards.

AgitΩ slashes an Ant Lord with a Storm Halberd, he turns to kick another Ant Lord before turning again and slashing another Ant Lord with a Flame Saber. AgitΩ ran forward, leaping, stepping on the face of an Ant Lord in front as a fulcrum to jump even higher, AgitΩ swung a red energy slash with his sword. Upon returning to the ground, AgitΩ swung Storm Halberd in her left hand to deliver a slash of blue energy that cut through a swarm of Ant Lords and engulfed them in flames.


When the explosion occurred, AgitΩ raised the weapons in his hands in front of them causing them to disappear in preparation to perform the finishing blow of this form.


The horns on AgitΩ's head folded out into six horns, three on each side. Crouching down into a sort of combat stance, AgitΩ's symbol appeared right under his feet. He then spreads his arms out, his left palm facing downward while the right palm faced upward. Pulling his left arm to his side and crossing his right arm in him, the glowing symbol underneath was absorbed into AgitΩ's feet. Once that was all done, he jumped.

At the next moment, AgitΩ is seen already in the air as he bends his left leg and extends his right into a flying kick as the kicking foot glows brightly. An image of AgitΩ is seen before he suddenly accelerates, stabbing an Ant Lord in the chest, sending it flying backwards while AgitΩ still crashes into its chest and pulls some Ant Lords with it. a chain reaction.

AgitΩ landed on its feet in the previous position while the Ant Lords that had crashed into each other were completely unable to stand up and from above its head appeared what looked like a glowing circle almost is a halo. Slowly turning away from the monsters, the moment AgitΩ turned her back, the monsters continued to explode.


Three consecutive explosions occurred dragging many more enemies that were destroyed along. Just when AgitΩ thought that the battlefield had cleared up a bit, a ball of blue light came down from the sky and shot towards him. AgitΩ quickly jumped in another direction to dodge, he turned to look at the orb as it landed on the ground.

There AgitΩ saw El of the Water in Strengthen Form, his old enemy.

"El of the Water..." As he spoke AgitΩ folded his arms into an X before he quickly moved his hands and pressed on either side of Altering causing it to transform with an added detail on the belt. like the claws of a dragon.

AgitΩ's body is then engulfed in a hot red flame for several seconds before he emerges in a new form. 

AgitΩ wears a black jumpsuit with the new Altering still hanging around his waist. On his legs, he has black circular knee pads with silver accents and a black band just above the ankle. He has a dark red shin guard and wears matching boots. He wears a black forearm protector on both hands with three different sized blades on them. The upper body is a chest armor with a dark red front that simulates breasts and the abdomen has a rectangular gray stone in the center of the chest. AgitΩ's flanks are silver while the rest of his armor is red steel. A dark gray necklace is wrapped around the neck and connected to the gray stone by a dark gray line. Over the shoulder is a red shoulder pad with a silver border running around the center and simulating the shoulder muscles. On top is a mostly black helmet with large yellow lenses that act as eyes. Over the mouth area is a layered red mouth piece, which looks like an insect. The pair of horns on AgitΩ's head are opened into six horns, three on each side and red in color.

This is AgitΩ's Burning Form.

Purple rays were emitted from Altering as they created the mold of a new weapon for AgitΩ. When the rays stopped shining, Shining Caliber Emerge Mode was summoned and was floating in front before AgitΩ grabbed its handle.

As AgitΩ grabs it, the two ends of the Shing Caliber open, transforming it into Single Mode.

On the other side, El of the Water had also summoned his staff and pointed it at AgitΩ.

Both of them took a stance while pointing their weapons at each other, they moved slowly while not leaving each other's eyes. After a few seconds, the two rushed at each other with weapons firmly in hand, ready to destroy each other.



An explosion occurs when Cure Dream, Cure Rouge, and Cure Lemonade are seen running out from the smoke caused by the explosion.

"We keep fighting, but we can't destroy them!" Lemonade shouted as she was running.

The reason they ran away was because the enemies were chasing after them. A giant Hoshiina looks like a plaster statue and a giant Zakenna looks like a walking treehouse.



The two monsters roared as they chased after them.

While they were running away from the two monsters, Dream seemed to see something in the sky.

There was indeed something up there as Dream and her friends could hear the sound that followed. When they narrowed their eyes to take a closer look they saw an Uzaina shaped like a water jug ​​flying towards them.

"Ehhhhhh!!!!" The girls screamed as they were forced to stop because there was no way out.

The moment Uzanai was about to crash into them, a colored energy dome suddenly appeared and enveloped the girls, sending the monsters and Uzanai flying back.


Dream slowly opened her eyes and she realized she wasn't crushed yet. She looked ahead when she noticed someone ahead. Looking at it, she was glad to see that the people who saved her were Cure Bloom and Cure Egret.

With spirits enveloping their bodies, Bloom and Egret raised their hands to create an energy shield and protect Dream's party from enemies.

"You're..." Dream said happily while Lemonade and Rouge both seemed excited to see the new Pretty Cure.

"Dream! Is everyone okay?"

Coco's voice caught the attention of Dream and the others. They looked down a bit, where they saw Coco, Nuts and Syrup running towards them.

"Coco! Nuts! Syrup!" Dream is happy to see fairies. She then smiled as she looked towards Bloom and Egret. "Thank you for protecting Coco and everyone!"

Bloom and Egret both smiled at Dream and the others.

"Your welcome!" Bloom smiled as she gave her thumbs up.

"When we're in trouble, we have to help each other, right?" Egret spoke plainly before smiling at them.

Dream's group and the fairies were overjoyed to hear that, but their joy didn't last long when they heard heavy footsteps coming from ahead.


They all looked ahead when they saw the Uzaina from earlier standing in front of them.

Bloom and Egret looked at each other, before they nodded at each other. Suddenly, light gathered around them, the girls jumped and high-fived in the air before they all hit Uzaina in unison, effectively repelling the monster.

"Syrup!" Dream called.

"Ropu?" Syrup looked at Dream.

"Let's get Coco and Nuts out of here." Dream ordered.

"Ropu! I know~ropu!" Just as he said, Syrup transformed into his giant bird form and carried Coco and Nuts on his back to leave the battlefield.


Suddenly from behind, an Uzaina that looked like a furnace rose from the ground. It swung its outstretched, rubber-like arms towards Dream, Rouge, and Lemonade, but the girls were able to jump in different directions in time to dodge the attack.

Light gathered around Bloom's body, she jumped up and punched Uzanai in the face causing it to bounce off the ground and fly to a river not far away.

"She did it!" Cure Dream shouted with joy after seeing what just happened.

However, she did not rejoice for long when the ground suddenly sprouted huge tree roots and destroyed the place where she was standing. Dream quickly jumped up and saw a Kowaina emerging from below the pavement.


The scene changes to Cure Lemonade as she relentlessly runs backwards while looking at the roots growing up seemingly just to chase her. She continued to run in that position for a few more minutes until she tripped and slid for some distance on the ground before falling down.

"Wah!!!" Lemonade screams as the roots are about to pierce her... if Cure Egret doesn't block the roots by creating a bright blue energy barrier to protect Lemonade.

"Are you alright?" Egret asked.

"Yes!" Lemonade replied.

Egret's barrier remained for a few more minutes and then cracks began to appear, when she saw the cracks growing more and more, she quickly released her hand and jumped with Lemonade in another direction to dodge the attacks. that tree root.

Like an arrow, Rouge ran through the roots of trees that were constantly growing from the pavement. She wriggled her way through the giant tree roots until she reached just the right amount of space. Rouge leapt into the air before she darted down and punched Kowaina emerging from the ground causing it to sink slightly. After punching, Rouge quickly jumped off Kowaina's body.

Things did not stop there when Cure Dream and Cure Bloom launched from the air. The two turned around, punching Kowai hard at the same time causing it to sink deep into the ground and explode.


The Kowaina mask is seen as it flies through the air and crumbles.

Dream and Bloom smiled before they landed on the ground.

"We did it!" Lemonade cheered as she ran to Dream and Bloom with Egret. Rouge also ran over and regrouped with them afterwards.

The girls were just cheering for a few seconds when suddenly, the ground cracked again with the appearance of a swarm of Yuumy and Fangire.

"Another enemy?" Rouge asked as she and the others took a stance.

Just as the girls were about to face their enemy, they suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle engine approaching in their direction.


Two motorcycles sped through the Fangire and Yummy swarms to open a path between enemy lanes. From those two motorbikes, Kiva and OOO got off.

"Sorry, we're late!" Kiva said as she went to Dream and the others.

"Hurry to the place of that dark cloud!" OOO says as he dodges revealing Machine Kivaa and Ridevendor Machine in Bike Mode. "Use these to get there."

"My motorbike can carry up to 3 people so Dream, Rouge and Lemonade use it." Kiva said before she looked over to Bloom and Rouge. "I believe you guys also know how to use a motorbike."

"Kakeru has shown us before." Bloom let them know while Egret nodded in confirmation. They were really glad that Kakeru had secretly taught them how to ride a motorbike and control his Machine Tornador before.

"Then let's go there quickly." OOO told them before turning around and facing the enemy.

"We'll deal with them." Kiva said before she took a stance.

"Are you going to be okay?" Dream asked.

"Do not worry!" Kiva said. "Me and Eiji will be chasing after you soon!"

"We got it!" Dream said before she looked at the others and received nods of approval from them.

"Take care, Kiva-san, OOO-san." Egret said as she and Bloom received a nod from the Riders.

The Pretty Cures then climbed onto the motorcycle they had been assigned to, Dream with Rouge and Lemonade climbed onto Machine Kivaa and Bloom and Egret climbed Ridevendor.

*Vrom! Vrom!*

The sound of the engine sounded when Cure Dream and Cure Bloom stepped on the motorcycle.

Kiva and OOO then stand in front of the girls.

"We will pave the way." Kiva said.

"Give it over when you get the chance!" OOO added.

"YES!" The girls in unison.

Kiva and OOO took a stance, both of them looked at each other before Kiva asked.

"Ready, Kouhai?"

"Of course, Senpai!" OOO confirmed and they charged towards the enemy.


(With OOO)

OOO gets into a fight with some Yummy before he pulls the OOO-Scanner out of his belt and sweeps over it.


"Tatoba Kick!" OOO shouted as he jumped.

After jumping high up through the Batta Legs, OOO descends with a drop kick through the three rings that are formed, which are in the primary colors of the Taka, Tora, and Batta Medals which surround him in auras on the Core Medals. When passing through the red ring representing the Taka Medal, he is surrounded in a red veil with wings, the yellow ring representing the Tora Medal gives an aura with claws, while the green ring representing the Batta Medal gives an aura with legs.


An explosion created a gap that allowed the Pretty Cures to ride their motorbikes through it.

After the Pretty Cures left, OOO quickly reset the OOO Driver to its original position and replaced the Taka Medal with the Kuwagata Medal while replacing the Tora Medal with the Kamakiri Medal.

OOO tilts the buckle, grabs the O-Scanner, and uses it to scan the the belt again.

[Kuwagata! Kamakiri! Batta! Ga~ta Gata-gata-kiriba! Gatakiriba!]

Right after that song plays, except for OOO's footer, a new armor is formed around OOO as he now wears a black helmet, save for the green visor that looks like a beetle. On the forehead and like the horns of the beetle is a green crystal. The eyes on his mask have been turned orange. Running from OOO's neck and down his neck is a green line that connects to the top of the image on his chest. His body armor has rounded shoulders with green lines on them, but the color is lighter than his head. The green lines that ran down his arm into the green swords he wore were decorated with what looked like locust javelins on his forearms. Finally, mantis-like blades sprouted and moved into his hand.

This is Kamen Rider OOO, Gatakiriba Combo.

OOO first uses the grasshopper's ability to jump into the air, he spins in the air and sends out green sparks with his horns causing one to fall to the ground paralyzed. With the power of Combo, OOO splits into multiple beings and continues his fight after he landed on the ground. The OOOs slashed their enemies with their kamakiri swords, some OOO jumped up, kicking their enemies in the head before landing on the ground and continuing to slash. Then all at once, all of the OOOs took out their OOO-Scanners and scanned their belts.


"Gatakiriba Kick!" All of the OOO said in unision.

All of the OOO duplicateas well as the original jumped into the sky at the same time, they were seen in the air as they raised their right leg and retracted the left leg. All of them simultaneously dashed down and unleashed kicks at the enemies below, exploding them.


Jumping out of the explosion, OOO quickly replaced his green Core Medals with yellow Core Medals. OOO flip the belt over, take the O-Scanner and use it to rescan the belt.

[Lion! Tora! Cheetah! La-ta La-ta, La-tora~~tar!]

The circle of coins formed around OOO again before three coins, all yellow, coalesced and hit his chest as OOO's form changed again. He wears a black helmet, save for the yellow visor that looks like a lion. Above and like the combination of the sun and the lion is a bright yellow crystal. The eyes on his mask have been changed to blue. Running from OOO's neck and down his neck is a yellow line that connects to the top of the image on his chest. His body armor has rounded shoulders with yellow lines on them, but the color is lighter than his head. Yellow lines ran down his arm into the yellow glove he wore decorated with what looked like folded claws on his forearms. Finally, his legs are minimally covered with segmented yellow armor that resembles the cheetah's legs, connected by yellow lines to the colored underparts he wears.

Now, OOO in his Latorartar Combo.

The bright light emanating from OOO's hood around his mask made his enemies forced to cover their eyes and move with difficulty. OOO moves like a shadow towards his enemies who try to attack but OOO easily moves around them like a fugitive before slashing at them with his tiger claws. Ignoring movement like a fugitive, OOO charges forward like an arrow with successive explosions that occur as he sweeps through enemies.


"Gouache Cross!" OOO shouted.

Three yellow rings appear in front of OOO before charging through them with the Cheetah Medal's speed before delievering a cross slash on the target with the Toraclaws infused with the Lion Medal's energy projection.


As the explosion unfolds, OOO faces other enemies as he has replaced all the gold Core Medals in the OOO Driver with silver ones. OOO flips the belt down, unfastens the O-Scanner, and sweeps over the waist.

[Sai! Gorilla! Zou! Sagohzo... Sagohzo!]

The circle of coins formed around OOO again before three coins, all gray, coalesced and hit his chest as OOO's form changed again.

Drums of the forest resound as OOO steps forward and strikes with arms equipped in a pair of large hands.

He still has a safety guard that is black and a colored visor looks like a rhinoceros. Top on and same as the one of a rhinoceros is a red crystal. The eyes on his mask are now bright red. Running from OOO's neck and down his neck is a white line that connects to the top parts of the image on his chest. His torso has silver pentagonal shoulders with colored markings on them. The faded ones that ran down his arms into the silver shirt he defaulted to were designed to expand with what looked like an addict's arms. Finally, his legs are minimally covered with a segmented gray coat that resembles the mirror of an elephant's face, connected by gray lines to the lower part of the crest he wears.

This is Kamen Rider OOO, Sagohzo Combo.

OOO walks towards his enemies heavily due to the weight of this form. However, in return for that shortcoming is its ability to attack physically stronger. OOO swings his arm as he punches a Yummy flying back, a Fangire lunges at him only for OOO to land a reverse hook that sends the Fangire flying straight into the sky before falling to the ground. OOO stomped his foot down before he raised his arms and smacked the faces of the two approaching enemies with his forearms.

Doesn't stop there, OOO screams as he hits his chest armor with his gauntlet to create white and silver energy rings. Enemies are stunned in turn before OOO stomps again, causing an earthquake. When the two attacks are combined, only the enemy will fall and explode in turn.


The other enemies started pulling back and surrounding OOO to corner him. But they don't know that OOO is smiling under the mask because that's what he's been waiting for.

OOO pulls the O-Scanner out of the belt and scans it across the waistband.


"Sagohzo Impact!" OOO shouted.

OOO stands in a serious posture while spreading his arms and slightly catching them in the air. OOO's body was raised in the air for a while before being lowered to the ground with a powerful stomp. The energy waves emanating from OOO caused the pavement to crack while surrounding enemies were trapped to the ground and dragged into his place. When an enemy gets close to OOO, he unleashes a powerful duel punch and headbutt at the same time. The surrounding enemies were engulfed in the ensuing explosion.


The damaged pavement was repaired later when the blast ended.

OOO flips the OOO-Driver horizontally and changes the Core Medals inside to the blue Core Medals. He flipped his belt over, grabbed the O-Scanner, and used it to rescan the belt.

[Shachi! Unagi! Tako! Sha-Sha-Shauta, Sha-Sha-Shauta!]

The circle of coins formed around OOO again before three coins, all blue, coalesced and hit his chest as OOO's form changed again.

The splash is heard as a new armor is formed around OOO as he now wears a black helmet save for the blue visor which looks like a shark with white lines on the two right. On the forehead and like the fin of a shark is a yellow crystal. The eyes on his mask have been turned yellow. Running from OOO's neck and down his neck is a blue line that connects to the top of the image on his chest. His body armor has teardrop shaped shoulders with blue lines on them, the back of which has a side protrusion and has a light blue whip attached there. Serrated white lines ran down his arm into the blue gloves he was wearing. Finally, his legs are fully covered with blue armor that has several small holes resembling octopus tentacles, connected by a blue line to the underside of the crest he wears.

Now, OOO is in his Shauta Combo.

Stepping toward the enemy as the jellyfish's proboscis-like whips are pulled from his shoulders, OOO swings them lightly to the ground, ready to take on the enemy again. OOO swings the left whip forward, wrapping around a Fangire's neck and electrocuting it before releasing and lashing the right whip at its body. Release that Fangire, OOO swings his whip to glare at a Yummy in the front, he uses all of his power in this form to knock enemies over his head and toss other enemies behind. OOO jumps onto a nearby building and uses the ability of his octopus legs to cling to it like an octopus's suction cup. Standing on it, OOO repeatedly swung the electric whip, causing those who tried to climb up to fall to the ground. He continues to do so until he jumps down, extending his legs to let the octopus's protrusions strike multiple targets below.

Upon landing, OOO quickly took the O-Scanner to perform the finisher.


"Oct Vanish!" OOO shouted.

As soon as that sound resounded, OOO liquefied his lower body to propel himself upwards. He then uses his pair of whips to pull an ill-fated Fangire upwards while OOO swings back using his legs to perform a cork kick through the Fangire. Not stopping there, OOO pierces the enemies below with a cork kick.


"Let's raise the temperature." OOO declared as he stood with his back to the explosion.

True to his claim, OOO changes all blue Core Medals to red Core Meda. He quickly flipped his belt over, grabbed the O-Scanner, and used it to rescan the belt.

[Taka! Kujaku! Condors! Ta~ja~dol!]

Deep red flames burned around OOO's body along with an eagle's cry. The circle of coins formed around OOO again before three coins, all red, coalesced and hit his chest as OOO's form changed again.

In this form, OOO's visor turns red to look like a hawk with its wings spread out in flight. But he does have a bright red visor on the outside of his mask. On his forehead and acting as the hawk's beak was a red crystal. His eyes became bright red instead of the usual green. Running from his neck and down his neck is a red line that connects to the top of the image on his chest. His body armor has red shoulders stacked up and out to the sides like wings. Red lines ran down his arm and into the red gauntlet he wore decorated with what looked like his shoulder armor. On the left hand of OOO also wears a specialized device of this type called the Tajaspiner. His legs are minimally covered with segmented red armor resembling that of a giant's, connected by red lines to the lower part of the crest he wears. Finally, his toes and the back of his ankles have raised yellow details resembling the claws of a giant.

This is Kamen Rider OOO, Tajadol Combo.

OOO raised his arms out to the sides like a dance that caused brilliant tail feathers like a peacock in bloom, to appear behind him. Gently swinging his arms forward, the tail feathers simultaneously fire energy bullets like Cell Medals that cause enemies to fall endlessly and explode.


Swinging his arms once more, a six red spikes opened behind OOO's back, three on each side. Getting ready, OOO gently rose into the air. Once at a certain height, OOO swipes down while raising his left hand towards the enemy. The red energy circles fired from the Tajaspiner caused many enemies to continuously rise from the ground as everything around them exploded due to the shots.

As some of the surviving enemies tried to get back on their feet, they saw OOO flying towards them before he flew over their heads. OOO flew straight into the air as his right leg straightened and flexed his left leg before he flipped through the air to return. OOO's leg claws open after he raises his paw towards the enemy. OOO catches a random enemy and then carries him up into the sky before releasing him to drop him into enemies below. Once his legs were back to normal, OOO continued to fly until he reached a perfect altitude, he quickly scanned the O-Scanner over his waist.


The familiar sound reverberated as OOO swooped down on the enemy before he spun in the air and raised his leg. Raptor Edges is the name of the state when the bird claw on OOO's leg opens, once again being cast. The yellow bird's claws gradually lit up and ignited a bright red flame that increased OOO's speed.

"Prominence Drop!" OOO shouted.

A fiery flying kick with great power was released engulfing the remnants inside in an explosion as OOO flew past it.


The moment the explosion stopped, OOO landed on the ground with the Raptor Edges closed and his red wings gone. Seeing that the battlefield around him has been cleared, OOO intends to help Kiva and they will be able to chase after Dream's group very soon.

However, when he was about to leave...


An unfriendly roar resounded from the sky, drawing OOO's attention. When he looked up, there he saw a creature flying towards him. Its entire body is purplish-black as its feet are claws on three reptile-like toes. Its wings are wide, striking black with some small lacerations and have sharp claws on them. It let out a roar as its head resembled a dragon with bright yellow horns. On the creature's forehead, OOO saw what looked like a green concoction. It has three long tail-like tails of color and each tail is a combination of green, blue and purple colors.

"Are you kidding me..." OOO mumbled as he made a complicated expression under the mask. He recognized the creature, it was something he had heard from his mother through bedtime stories about OOO. Among them, this creature was the one he liked the most because it was the creature that his predecessor OOO had cloned to use multiple Combos at the same time to defeat it.

That's right, that creature was Gara Dragon.

"Why did I like this one back then?" OOO wondered, there was regret in it.

Gara Dragon let out a loud scream, flew towards OOO and landed in front of him. The winds blew, forcing OOO to cover his face from the broken glass from the buildings. When the wind cleared, he saw the Gara Dragon roaring at him.

"I'll send you back to where you came from!" OOO mumbled. The purple Core Medals are seen flying out and being dynamically replaced on OOO's belt.

He placed the O-Scanner on his belt and pushed down, scanning all three medals on his belt.

[Ptera! Tricera! Tyranno! Pu-To-Tyrannosaurus!]

A ring of energy suddenly formed around OOO while floating in the rings which were purple coins. Three purple coins depicting the animals in question appeared in front of OOO, arranged from top to bottom, before brushing his head and hitting his chest. As soon as it appeared, OOO's form was immediately covered with new armor.

OOO is now wearing a white jumpsuit with purple outlines. The helmet is mostly black with a mask that looks like a Ptera spreading its wings. On the forehead and sticking out like a Ptera's beak was a yellow crystal. He could see through his large eye-hole, but everything was tinged with green. Running from his neck and down his neck is a purple line that connects to the top of the image on his chest. His body armor has rounded shoulders with purple octagon pieces and Tricera horns on them. Purple lines run down his arm and into the purple gauntlet he wears decorated with what looks like Tricera's head on his forearm. Finally, his legs are minimally covered with segmented purple and black armor similar to Tyranno's, connected by purple lines to the lower part of the crest he wears.

This is Kamen Rider OOO, PuToTyra Combo.

OOO stabbed his arm straight out and pulled out his fist causing it to appear purple cracks around it. Seconds later, OOO pulls out a weapon specifically for this form, a hand ax known as the Medagabryu.

"Ha..." OOO roared as he took Medagabryu and charged towards Gara Dragon, the beast roaring at him.


(With Kiva)

Blood chains were swung repeatedly and knocked down the Fangire who were trying to attack Kiva. She gathered the chains before jumping onto a nearby tree. Kiva hung her body upside down from a tree like a bat and punched the faces of Fangires and Yummies that approached her. The Mosquito Fangrie approached her with its sword, stabbing Kiva, but she jumped off the tree and kicked Fangire's hand causing it to release the sword.

Kiva continued to kick the Fangire Mosquito's stomach again, causing it to fall back allowing Kiva to retrieve her Garulu Fuestle.


The sound of the whistle sounded as the Garulu Statue descended from the sky like a shooting star. Kiva raised her left hand to catch the Garulu Statue with ease.

Once in Kiva's left hand, the Garulu Statue transforms into a sword with a wavy blade and a wolf's head on the hilt. The chains wrapped around Kiva's left arm and broke, revealing blue armor and the shoulder now shaped like a wolf's leg. The chains wrapped around her bra and also broke, revealing a blue bra with silver claw marks on the side. The yellow visor turns blue along with Kivat's eyes. This is Kiva's Garulu Form.

Kiva crouched to the ground, new weapon resting on her shoulder as all enemies felt the sudden chill of chili peppers running down their spines. Kiva then stood up and threw her head back, letting out a howl before charging towards her foe. Kiva slashed Moth Fangire with her sword and the enemy couldn't dodge near. Kiva lowered her body to the ground again, Garulu Saber's weapon resting on her shoulder as she began to act like a beast. With agile wolf-like speed, Kiva is only seen running forward a short distance before jumping up, moving like a shadow, repeatedly slashing at enemy after enemy causing them to fall like straw. 

Kiva landed on the ground as she slid a long way across the pavement, kicking a Fangire that was trying to approach her in the chest. And then she used her free hand to push that ill-fated Fangire into the sky with a single palm strike.

"Rebellion, Kiva!" Kivat shouted.

Kiva nodded and held his blade horizontally in front of her before bringing it down for Kivat to bite.


The sound of the wind was like howling wolves when the full moon rose high above Kiva. Rider's mouth opened and then she placed the hilt of her sword between the 'fangs'. Leaning down slightly with her arms outstretched to her sides, she then looked up at the unfortunate Fangire's descending form before jumping up.

"Garulu Howling Slash!" Kiva growled.

Kiva made a downward slash right after she reached Fangire. The enemy was cut in half before it plummeted to the roof with a loud crash and an explosion.


Kiva landed seconds later and returned to her basic form before she pulled Basshaa Fuestle from her belt and place Fuestle in Kivat's mouth.


Under Fuestle's sound, a green shooting star flew towards Kiva. After that, Kiva jumped into the air, where she caught what was inside the shooting star with ease. When Kiva lands on the ground, it is revealed that what is in her right hand is the Bassha Statue.

Once held in Kiva's right hand, it turned into a gun with a barrel similar to a clubhead and surrounded by three fish fins. Chains wrapped around her right arm and broke, revealing green armor and shoulders now shaped like the fins of a fish. Chains of chains wrapped around her bra and also broke, revealing a green bra with green fin markings on the side. The yellow visor turns green along with Kivat's eyes.

Now Kiva is in her Bassha Form.

The ground where Kiva was standing suddenly became precarious like water, Kiva raised her right leg a little before she glided across the ground like she was surfing. Moving as gracefully as standing water, Kiva aimed at the nearest enemy and pulled the trigger of his weapon. An explosion echoed through the air as a jet of high-pressure water shot out from the barrel. It easily collides with the nearest enemy's chest. The monster in question screamed in pain as the force of the bullet pushed it out of the way.

More and more enemies met the same fate as Kiva fired more and more at her enemies. Kiva continued to gracefully glide past enemies, aiming at them one by one and squeezing their weapons until an increasing number of enemies lay on the ground in a state of groaning and pain.

All of a sudden, the Shark Yummies jumped as they shot Kiva with their giant bowls, but Kiva was able to easily dodge them all with her graceful movements. She aimed for the nearest Shark Yummy and pulled the weapon's trigger. An explosion echoed through the air as a shark emerged from the road. And the same goes for the other Shark Yummies every time Kiva pulls the trigger on her weapon.

Several other Shark Yummies were swimming towards Kiva.

"Now I understand why Eiji hates fish. They are so annoying." Kivat smirked. "Finish them off."

Nodding, Kiva brought the Bashaa Magnum down to Kivat's mouth. Opening his mouth, Kivat bit down on the hammer of the gun, sending a stream of green energy through it with a clang.


Moving her arms clockwise (left) and counterclockwise (right), Kiva raised the Bashaa Magnum so it was facing the sky. When she stopped, the red moon turned into a bright emerald half-moon. Then, Kiva spread her arms wide as the energy of both Kiva and Bashaa, flowed through her body. Looking at the approaching Shark Yummies, Kiva's emerald visor flashed. She then lifted the Bashaa Magnum into the air as the turbine began to spin at a rapid rate. Around Kiva, the surface of the water began to swirl in the air, making it impossible for her enemies to see.

"Basshaa Aqua Tornado!" Kivat called out the technique's name.

In the water funnel, Kiva gripped the Bashaa Magnum with both hands and aimed directly at the leader Shark Yummy. As the turbine continued to spin, a dark blue sphere of water began to gather in the barrel. When it was the size of a basketball, she finally pulled the trigger. The water power orb instantly flies through the water funnel and reaches the enemy.


An explosion of water occurred like a tidal wave when the Shark Yummies were hit by Kiva's water-powered orb. For a brief moment, Kiva's enemies are seen in the air before falling backwards and sliding across the ground, dragging many others along until they collide with a nearby building and explode.

When Kiva was just finishing up, several other enemies surrounded her. They simultaneously fired beams of energy and engulfed Kiva in an explosion.


The sound of an explosion is heard before another sound is heard.


Suddenly, purple energy emitted inside the explosion and then heavy footsteps were heard. At the same time, a figure gradually emerged from the crash with the sound of a heavy object being dragged across the ground.

When the blast dissipates, all enemies can see Kiva standing tall and strong. They trying to focus they gasp and step back a bit at her new appearance. Kiva now wears thick purple gloves that cover her arms with reinforced heavy armor replacing her chest and shoulder plates. The armor seems to be tightly tied together. It was purple with silver trim and her chest was like two fists connected at the knuckles. Her visor also changes from yellow to purple when she holds the purple fist-shaped battle hammer in her hand.

This is Kiva's Dogga Form.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kiva gripped the Dogga Hummer tightly. She then holds the shaft horizontally in front of her before bringing it down to Kivat's mouth, allowing her partner to bite down and channel energy into it.


Day turned into night again with lightning from the sky. An ape moon appeared in the sky, called out by Kiva's power. The enemy involuntarily backed away when they sensed the danger coming from Kiva.

Kiva held the hammer in front of her and pulled a switch hidden behind it. The fist-like palm of the hammer opens to reveal a red eye in the center. The eye released purple energy waves around Kiva.

Enemies surrounding Kiva suddenly became motionless like statues as waves of energy shot forth, one of them trying to retreat as if suffering the same fate. Kiva then closed up her hammer and raised it above her head, energy surrounding the weapon before a phantom-like representation of it floated above her. The Phantom Hand was gigantic and as big as Kiva in size.

"Dogga Thunder Slap!"

Kiva swings the hammer around, the Phantom Hand following her motions as it smashed through the enemies, shattering them to pieces. Kiva then takes out the Phantom Hand in front of the motionless enemies. The ground imprinted on Kiva's emblem before her enemy was sent flying by the force. Exploding afterwards.


"I should go after Nozomi's group." Kiva said as she started running in the direction Nozomi's group had gone earlier.

When she had barely run since returning to her normal state, Kiva had to stop because her path ahead was cut off by several old enemies, including Lion. Fangire, Swallowtail Fangire and Blue Pearlshell Fangire. Also known as Rook, Bisshop and Queen of the Checkmate Four.

"Grah... Checkmate Four?" Kivat exclaimed with a bit of boredom. "How can our enemies recreate them?"

"Do not ask me." Kiva mumbled as she made a complicated expression under her helmet. She guessed that she would have to chase after Dream's group after dealing with these guys.

Kiva pulled out all three Fuestles of the Arms Monsters and put them in Kivat's mouth one by one.


Kiva put Bassha Fuestle in Kivat's mouth.


Finally, Kiva put the Dogga Fuestle she just used into Kivat's mouth.


Under Fuestle's voice, the Arms Monster weapons flew towards Kiva and surrounded her. They spun around and around, then released a bright flash of light.

In the light, Kiva began to change. Chains wrapped around her left arm and shoulder, shattering to become the Garulu Cobalt Arm. The chains then wrapped around her right arm and shoulder then shattering to reveal her Bashaa Emerald Arm. Finally, the chains wrapped around her chest before shattering, revealing her Dogga Violet Chest.

Kiva just turned into... DoGaBaki form.

Taking a stance, Kamen Rider Kiva in DoGaBaki Form rushes towards the Checkmate Four, ready to destroy them one more time.

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