Marvel Women One Shots

By artistic_bagel

218K 3.2K 403

Welcome to my Marvel Women One Shots! This is my first time writing one shots so stand by while I figure out... More

Author's Note
Bike Ride - Mama Nat
Feelings Part 1 - Kate Bishop
Feelings Part 2 - Kate Bishop
Secrets - Wanda Maximoff
Fighting - Mama Nat
Our Future - Wanda Maximoff
Sick - Yelena Belova
Guilt - Natasha Romanoff
Helping - Kate Bishop
Is it ever enough? - Mama Nat
Learning - Wanda Maximoff
Scars - Yelena Belova
Taking Care - Natasha Romanoff
Nighttime Dances - Yelena Belova
Not What I Had Planned - Mama Nat
Why Do You Care - Wanda Maximoff
It's Always Been You - Kate Bishop
You Did What Now? - Natasha Romanoff
We Need to Get Out - Yelena Belova
Doodles and Fire - Wanda Maximoff
At Least There's a Dog - Kate Bishop
You're just different now Pt 1 - Natasha Romanoff
I will always love you - Wanda Maximoff
Just a little update/question
Meeting the family - Yelena Belova
Tired - Wanda Maximoff
Visiting - Kate Bishop
You're just different now Pt 2 - Natasha Romanoff
I love you - Yelena Belova
Happy Pride Month
Lock your door next time - Mama Nat
You're no monster - Wanda Maximoff
A breath of fresh air - Kate Bishop
You're still my love - Yelena Belova
I need to get home - Natasha Romanoff
I'll protect you - Wanda Maximoff
The next chapter - Kate Bishop
I have Covid
Felt to real - S.J, F.P, H.S, E.O
Bad day - Mama Nat
Little Sister Part 1 - Kate Bishop
Little Sister Part 2 - Kate Bishop
Little Sister Part 3 - Kate Bishop
Nightmares aren't real - Wanda Maximoff
Rain - Yelena Belova
Dealing with it - Natasha Romanoff
Important Update
New Story!!
Just Being Yourself - Natasha Romanoff
A deep breath...of water - Yelena Belova
Painful - Wanda Maximoff
A deep breath...of water part 2 - Yelena Belova
Love me, love me not - Wanda Maximoff
Old habits will haunt - Kate Bishop
First Family Christmas - Natasha Romanoff
Stomach Bug - Yelena Belova

Headaches - Yelena Belova

2.3K 45 9
By artistic_bagel

Warnings: None, just really fluffy

I got inspired to write this because I had a really bad headache and I was wishing for some comfort.

I rolled over in bed, a groan escaping my throat as pain shot through my head. The curtains were drawn in the bedroom and the lights were off, with the ceiling fan whirring away to add some air flow. I pulled the blankets up, drawing them to my chin and let out a tired sigh.

I had woken up that morning with a headache. At that moment, it wasn't to painful, just a dull ache. But as the day progressed, my headache got worse, pain spiking every time the room got too bright or I made too sudden of a movement. It eventually it got to the point where it was too painful to exist somewhere that wasn't in complete darkness or if I was required to move.

Yelena was off in a meeting with her sister and Stark, in the middle of a debrief from their recent mission. She had been gone for a few hours because apparently there was a lot to talk about. I never really understood to point to debriefs, but apparently the Avengers saw them as important.

The television was on, showing some cooking show that Yelena liked, giving off a soft glow as the sound was turned to a low volume to not agitate my headache. However, the light was growing to be to much. I raised my head, looking for where I had placed the remote, brain fog beginning to settle and confusion set in. My memory was beginning to blur as I just sat there, propped up on my elbows, looking for the TV remote. Soon I spotted it on the night stand and grabbed it, switching off the TV and tossing the remote somewhere.

My head landed on the pillow once again, pain shooting through me at the movement, making me release another groan.

That's when my body decided it needed to use the restroom. I had drunken to much water, thinking maybe I was just dehydrated and that's why my head was hurting so much. But several bottles of water later, the headache only got worse. I had resorted to pain meds, but that only made the pain die down for a little while, not permanently fixing the problem.

I threw off the covers and slowly swung my legs around the edge of the bed, pushing myself up with arms. My head protested violently the whole way like a complaining child, and I wasn't even standing up right yet.

Part of my wanted to call Yelena, tell her I wasn't feeling well, and ask her to come help me. But she was in an important meeting that couldn't be disturbed. I could survive on my own until she got back.

Slowly, I stood, using the nightstand to support myself as my head screamed. I hobbled across the room, stumbling slightly as I held onto to the wall. Entering the bathroom, brain fog took over as I subconsciously reached for the lights, switching them on and instantly regretting my decisions. The ache only got sharper, causing my eyes to scrunch up as I frantically switched off the lights. Everything seemed so painfully bright.

So I settled with peeing in the dark.

Once I was successful in that escapade, I made my way back to the bed, face planting into my pillow while sprawling out across the covers. I was to delirious and overcome with brain fog to really care or register the fact that I was laying on top of the blankets. All I wanted was for the pain to stop.

Frustrated tears gathered in my eyes as I just laid there. I wanted to sleep, I wanted to get comfortable, I wanted everything to just stop. I wanted the pain to go away.

Bright light seemed to glow behind my eyelids, causing me to open them in confusion. The doorway was open, letting the hallway light seep into my dark hideout. A silhouette stood framed in the doorway, a hand still perched on the doorknob.

"Y/n? Are you in here?" Yelena called out.

"Can you close the door?" I croaked out, my voice raspy from my tired state.

Yelena obliged, closing the door behind her as she stepped into the bedroom.

"Why are you laying here in the dark? It's only three in the afternoon" She questioned, moving to turn on her desk lamp.

I flinched when the light came on, flooding the room with its warm yellow glow. The dull ache grew more violent through my head at the intrusion of the unwelcome light.

"I have a headache, and the light and the noise hurts." my voice was just above a whisper, not wanting to upset my demon of a headache anymore.

"Oh, that makes sense." Yelena murmured, turning off the light.

I heard her make her way through the room, shuffling over to my general area. I felt the bed dip as Yelena slid in next to me.

"How about some water? Or some Advil?" she suggested, finding my forehead and beginning to gently stroke it.

"I already tried that and it didn't do much." I mumbled.

Yelena just hummed in response, beginning to shuffle around on the bed once again.

"Let's get you under the covers." she suggested, removing the covers from underneath me.

I just whined in protest, the movements from my body rolling onto its back aggravating my head.

"There we go." she sighed, pulling the covers up to my chin.

She rummaged around again, this time settling in gently right next to me with her back against the headboard.

"Come here, дорогой." she gently ordered, helping to guide my head to her chest as I layer across her front. My arms instantly snaked around her waist as she rested a hand on my back and another on the back of my head.

I sighed in contentment, feeling her fingers begin to thread through my hair, gently rubbing my scalp in a soothing manner. The pain didn't go away at her touch, but she did make me feel more calm and relaxed.

The steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, the relaxing beat of her heart, both tried their best to lull me to sleep. It was beginning to work as my body and brain started to relax, some of the tension that had built up through the painful day dissipating.

However the bliss didn't last long.

The ache grew worse suddenly, causing my grip to tighten on Yelena as a whimper escaped me. More tears gathered and fell as I was beginning to grow overwhelmed with the whole situation. I nuzzled my face deeper into Yelena's chest as a wet spot slowly grew on her shirt from my silent crying.

"Shhh, it's ok. You're ok." she cooed, rubbing my back in an attempt to calm me down.

"I'm so tired 'Lena. I want it to stop." I cried, gripping onto her tighter. The pain was beginning to become too much.

"I know it does, детка. Just try to relax, I'm here." she said gently, her hand in my hair still massaging my scalp to try and lessen the pain.

However when I couldn't get myself to calm down, Yelena started humming quietly. It was a simple melody, one probably used on small children but for some reason, always calmed me down. Yelena had told me that her mother would often hum it to her when she was little and growing fussy. It had seemed to work for child Yelena back then, and now worked for me when I needed it.

I could feel my body and muscles relax as my brain began to calm down. Exhaustion soon came over me, my tears slowing to a stop as my body tried to give into sleep, fighting against my headache.

Yelena continued to hum, craning her neck to kiss me gently on the forehead.

Soon, I gave into sleep, the last thing I remember was the hum of her lullaby and the quiet whisper of Yelena's 'I love you.'

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