The Emerald Viscountess


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Eleanora Fitzwilliam had known Anthony Bridgerton since they were both merely three and ten years of age. Ele... Еще

(S2) ~10~


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All the Bridgertons entered the new wing of Somerset House, which was being opened to the public because of its new addition to the house, pertaining to an art gallery. And a large one, at that. The youngest siblings looked in awe at their surroundings before running off, leaving a trail of giggling behind.

"Miss Anna Vaughn," Violet said, making her way to Anthony, referring to a young woman in the distance. "Speaks several languages, I hear." She nodded her head towards another lady. "Miss Mary Egglesfield: she's meant to be quite the reader."

So is Eleanora.

Anthony paid no heed to what his mother continued to say, as she attempted to arrange a courting for her eldest.

"Were I looking for a list of debutantes and their dubious accomplishments, I could have stayed home and read Lady Whistledown." With that, Anthony walked off and proceeded to scan the room to find Eleanora. "Thank heavens I found you," he said as he approached her. He found her gazing in front of a large painting of what looked like two forbidden lovers grazing hands.

"Hm?" she said, startled from Anthony appearing out of no where.

"My mother was just listing me the dubious accomplishments of women I have no interest in making acquaintance with," said Anthony, standing beside Eleanora as she continuing gazing at the painting in front of her.

"This piece is extraordinary," she said, refusing to take her eyes off it as she shook her head in amusement. "I will forever ponder how these artists manage to make the people look so realistic. The dedication it must take. The emotion they showcase."

Anthony was never one for art - it was always Benedict's forte - but Eleanora praising in awe about a masterpiece she was fond of would never bore him; something he had just learned about himself.

Eleanora took her eyes off the painting, turning to Anthony; she was still gazing at a masterpiece before herself. "Does art make you feel, Anthony?"

Anthony furrowed his eyes in response to the question. "Not that I can say, no."

"Then, I shall make it my challenge for you to find a painting that makes you feel."

Anthony offered his arm, and Eleanora took it as they began walking around the perimeter of the main room. "And what is it I should be feeling when I know what I'm looking at?"

Before Eleanora could answer the viscount's question, the crowd around them gasped, and the two went to the source of the sound. Everyone was crowding around Cressida Cowper, who was laying on the floor and the prince of Prussia was helping her up.

"What happened?" Eleanora asked a nearby lady.

"Cressida swooned," she answered.

"And Prince Freidrich caught her," the woman next to the first added, almost envious of Cressida's position.

The prince was holding Cressida (who was posing theatrically with her hand on her head) as he took Mrs. Cowper's fan and began fanning her with it.

Eleanora quietly scoffed, and Anthony was the only one who heard it. "Is the 'swoon' too predictable, Nora?" he smirked.


"You finished! How lovely!" Violet said with a smile after Daphne finished her song on the pianoforte.

Eleanora listened to the piece as she read, which almost gave her a euphoric feeling. For the past few days, Daphne had only been playing the same few notes over and over, irritating Eloise and causing a few disputes between the two sisters, but Eleanora was thankful that that was finally resolved.

"I do hope you have finally given it a name," Eloise said.

"Give it one of those fancy names, like Piano Concerto number 71 in G minor, or something in that fashion," Eleanora joked.

"I thought you played harp," Eloise pointed out. "Did you not have to play songs with similar names?"

"The layout of harp song titles are different to those of a pianoforte," Eleanora said before adding, "Well quite frankly, I never paid attention to the names."

Before marrying to Jerome, Eleanora was essentially talentless in musical instruments. When she was finally Russell's wife, he forced her into learning the harp, believing that every good wife of a lord should practice at least one musical instrument. He would make her learn day and night until her fingers blistered and bled.


Anthony stepped into Siena's dressing room, his gloves and hat in hand.
Siena spotted him in the reflection of her vanity mirror. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"
"I wanted to see you," he confessed.
"What is it this time?" sighed the opera singer. "A ball you wish not to attend? A family obligation you prefer to avoid? What, perchance, is the Viscount Bridgerton seeking to escape tonight?" She waited for a response but Anthony stayed silent. "Surprising as it may be to you, I do not sit here merely waiting for your visits. I have plans of my own to attend."

With that, she proceeded to leave the room, before Anthony's question stopped her.

"With the duke?"

"My affairs are no longer your concern, sir," she snapped. "As you have already made abundantly clear."

Anthony's frustration became more prominent. "If you are using Hastings in some scheme to vex me, Siena . . ."

Siena scoffed at the idea. "Well, he is certainly a handsome man of great wealth and high rank, and everything a woman in my position might want." She sashayed out of the room, Anthony following her.

"Your vindictiveness is noted-"

"The duke has not called on me!" Sienna exclaimed, cutting off Anthony. "And I am not consorting with any friend of yours." She struggled to hold back a chuckle, "Though I must say, it is not surprising in the least to know that you are only here because you are jealous."

"I'm not here because I'm jealous-"

"Goodbye, my lord." Siena walked away before Anthony stopped her with his hand on her hip.

"I'm here because I miss you," he confessed. "I cannot think of anything else, Siena. Come back to me." He kissed her and she pushed him off.

"Your position in life remains unchanged," Siena said, her voice shaking. "And so too, does mine. You are the viscount. Your responsibility will always be to that title, above all else. You shall marry, sire and heir, and guard your family. And I . . . shall always be the woman you may love in darkness, but never in the light of day. You have made me promises before, and I, like a fool, believed them. I cannot be your fool again." She walked out of the building, and Anthony stayed behind, stunned by what he was just told.


Eleanora was startled when she heard the front door slam at the ungodly hour of night. Once more, she had trouble sleeping and resided in the drawing room, relying on her needlework to lull her back into slumber. After so many instances of staying up all night conversing with Anthony when she should have been sleeping, she was wondering if her body had become accustomed to Anthony's presence in the night.

She sat up straight when he entered the room. "I was not expecting you to come back this early in the night, Anthony."

"Neither was I," he sighed, taking a seat across from her.

She picked up her supplies and went to sit beside him, taking note of his expression when he entered the room. "My lord, why do you look so crestfallen?"

"Siena and I have decided to part ways." After a pause, Anthony corrected himself. "Well, she decided. I was just on the receiving end of it, getting slapped in the face."

"I see," Eleanora said, nodding, not exactly knowing what to say or do next. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Just sit beside me, that's all," he whispered, with a small smile to Eleanora.

The next evening as Anthony was going through finances in his study, he couldn't help but hold and look at his father's pocket watch. Every so often he did this, just to experience a comforting feeling of being hugged by an invisible force. His mother walked in, and he set it down.

"Will you be joining us at tonight's ball, Anthony?" she asked, holding a piece of paper.

"I have accepted the invitation."

"Then perhaps you might cast your eye over this list before the event, then," said his mother, handing him the paper.

What is this?" he asked, accepting the parchment and reading over it.

"These are names. Fourteen, to be exact. Fourteen single eligible young ladies, all from excellent families. Lady Leeworth, eldest miss is-"

"I shall consider your suggestions. Thank you." Anthony set it aside, expecting his mother to leave the room so he could focus back on his work, but she kept watching him. "Was there something else?"

"What time do you have?"


"The time. You were just checking your father's old watch when I caught you, yes? It is a lovely heirloom."

"It is quarter till, Mother," Anthony finally said.

"It's quite late, indeed. At any rate, do let me know who I should introduce you to, my dear. Time, as we both know, is certainly of the essence." She left the room, and Anthony glanced over the list of names once more, wishing that 'Eleanora Fitzwilliam' had fallen upon as one of the names; on the top of the list.


"'The Iron Fist' and 'The Irish Giant'," Eleanora said, reading from the poster out loud in a grimace. She looked around in disgust at the rowdy crowds moving past her in every possible direction; even the unknown foul smell bothered her, though she couldn't find the source of it.

"Whatever are you making that face for, Nora?" Anthony asked as she and Daphne held his arms.

"It repulsively smells of . . . body odor and perspiration," she replied.

"If Mama knew I were here, of all places," Daphne said, shaking her head in worry.

"Trust she would have more to say to me than you," Anthony assured.

Eleanora let out a gasp, tightening her grip on Anthony's arm. "There's the prince!"

At the sight of Daphne, the prince of Prussia bowed his head forward, standing beside the Irish Giant. As Prince Friedrich walked towards Daphne, Anthony and Eleanora departed from her and kept walking.

"You should've seen the Irish Giant. He seemed more your type," Anthony joked.

"Anthony, please," Eleanora scoffed. "Just don't stray away from me, I'm scared to be mongled by a great amount of sweaty men eager to watch violence in a ring."

"Are you saying I smell sweaty? I'm certainly looking forward to watch the violence," Anthony asked in mock offense.

"No, Anthony, you do not smell sweaty," Eleanora answered, rolling her eyes yet smiling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats! The match is about to begin!" announced the referee.

Anthony turned to Eleanora. "Shall we?"

"We shall," she replied, still smiling. "Maybe if I watch this match I'll finally understand the hoopla about boxing."

They both took a seat in the bleachers by Lord Featherington, Benedict, and Colin, having to squeeze around the crowd to find a place to sit down.

Eleanora looked down at her hand around Anthony's arm. "You know, my lord, you do not need to offer your arm to me anymore. We are sitting."

"And you needn't still hold onto my arm," Anthony retorted, keeping his eyes on her.

The bell rang and the match began.

"Come on, Mondrich! Watch your feet!" Eleanora could hear the duke yell out from the ground level. She certainly wasn't expecting him to be present.

"Hastings had been helping Mondrich train for this match for ages," Anthony explained, leaning towards her ear to socialize amidst the cheering and yelling.

"Then I shall hope he wins. Maybe I now understand boxing."

"Because of the art of sportsmanship?"

"No," Eleanora retorted with a smirk. "The shirtless glistening men punching each other."

"Go on, Mondrich!" Benedict and Colin yelled, standing up from their seats from the possible adrenaline of watching the match.

"Plant a facer, Mondrich!" Eleanora yelled out with her hands cupped around her mouth, joining the brothers in cheering. She immediately covered her mouth, remembering that she was to act ladylike "This is invigorating!" Eleanora said to him.

The two could see Daphne and the Prussian prince cheering on Mondrich's opponent. It seemed like Mondrich was regaining the upper hand and Eleanora cheered louder than Anthony's two brothers combined, making him smile. Mondrich knocked out the Irish Giant, and the bell rang, signalling the end.


I hear you are to leave town tonight," Anthony said to Simon, setting his drink down and sitting across from him.

"You hear correctly," Simon replied, interrupted from being in deep thought.

"I misjudged you," the Viscount Bridgerton admitted. "I was never quite certain, but now it is clear your intentions with Daphne were honorable after all. She has found herself a prince, and you are going on your way. Perhaps one day the two of us will be able to laugh at all of this?"

"Perhaps," was all Simon could say. He finally made eye contact and smirked. "Are you to tell me you're sorry to see me go?"

"We should not have to go that far, should we?"

The two raised their glasses in a silent toast.

"Lord Bridgerton." Anthony turned around from his chair to find the prince walking up to him.

"Your highness," Anthony greeted, immediately standing up.

"I was told you would be here. Might we have a word?"

Anthony knew he couldn't reject an offering to speak to a prince. Especially since he and Daphne had been seeing each other more frequently than she has been seeing Simon. "Certainly."


"Your brother took you where?" Violet interrogated, standing over Daphne as she kept her eyes to the pianoforte. "Please, for the love of everything good, tell me Eleanora did not join," she added, closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"Guilty as charged," Eleanora answered, not looking up from her needle work.

"He kept close watch of both of us the entire time, Mama," Daphne assured.

"It does not matter!" Violet said. "A boxing exhibition is no place for any young lady."

"Is it a place for a prince?" Hyacinth joined in. "Was he at today's match, Sister?"

"He certainly was," Daphne answered, smiling.

"It is a loathsome and barbarous form of entertainment," Violet continued.

"What about the duke?" Hyacinth asked.

Daphne stopped playing and she and Violet both turned to the youngest Bridgerton, asking simultaneously, "What about the duke?"

"Was he also present?" Hyacinth asked, startled from the sudden reaction from her mother and eldest sister.

"I do not know," Daphne lied, picking up on her pianoforte. "If the duke was there, I did not see him."

Anthony strided into the room. "Mother. Daph," he greeted.

"Did you truly take your sister and Eleanora to a boxing match?" was the first thing out of Violet's mouth to Anthony.

"Your admonishment will have to wait," he interrupted. "I have news." He turned to Daphne. "Prince Freidrich has asked for my permission to propose."

Eleanora gasped at the news.

"So soon?" Daphne asked, once again shifting her attention no longer on the pianoforte.

"What did you tell him?" Violet asked.

"That I know better than to answer for my sister," Anthony answered.

"Smart idea," Eleanora said, earning a glaring stare from Anthony.

"I have no objections to the man," he continued. "People speak well of him. Whatever you decide, Daph, you shall have my support."

"I . . ." Daphne struggled.

You need not decide now," her mother reassured. "You certainly have not known him long."

"Let me know when you have an answer, and I shall convey it," Anthony stated.

"Indeed," Daphne confirmed.


"Miss Eleanora, will you be attending tonight's ball?" her maid asked, sorting through her gowns and jewelry.
"I'm afraid not," Eleanora struggled to say, her voice raspy from all the yelling at the boxing match.

The bothersome rasp must have gradually developed over the course of the day, which would have explained why it wasn't noticed sooner.

"Oh dear," the maid said, eyes wide. "I'll go make you some tea with honey, miss. I suggest you rest up."

"Thank you," Eleanora said amidst a fit of coughs.

She decided to turn in for the night early, and had her bath and slipped into her nightgown.

Meanwhile, with Anthony at the Trowbridge ball, surrounded by what could only be described as circus performers and mime-faced orchestra players and singers, he spotted Siena singing a French song in one of the costumes. The last thing he wanted was to see Siena, and yearned to dance with Eleanora, but she said she was not feeling well.

"Anthony," his mother called. She walked towards him with a lady by her side. "This is Miss Addington; the Earl of Lindsay's niece."

"Pleasure," Anthony curtly said with a nod. He then turned his eyes away in disinterest, still thinking of how much he wished for Eleanora by his side.

After a while, he noticed Daphne flee the ballroom and to the courtyard, and decided to go searching for her. After twenty minutes or so of searching, he decided to look in the hedge labyrinth that accompanied Lady Trowbridge's property. He turned a corner, finding Daphne and Simon kissing.

"Bastard!" he yelled, pushing Simon away from his sister, landing a punch on the duke's face and knocking him down, kicking him once.

"Anthony!" Daphne cried out as he stepped away, out of breath.

"You will marry her," Anthony commanded with no hesitation. "Immediately."

Daphne turned to him in utter shock. "What?"

"We can only hope that no one saw you take such liberties and my sister is saved from further moritfication. You will marry her!"

Simon finally managed to stand up. "I cannot marry her," he said, avoiding eye contact with Daphne.

"You have defiled her innocence, and now you refuse her hand?! I knew you were a rake, Hastings, I never thought you a villain," Anthony spat.

"I cannot marry her," the duke repeated.

"Then you leave me no choice. I must demand satisfaction."

"A duel?" Daphne asked, still struggling to cope from the shock. "Anthony, you cannot-"

"He dishonors you, Sister. He dishonors you, and me, and the very Bridgerton name." He turned to Simon in disgust. "I have misjudged you, indeed. You have duped us both, but I shall not see my sister pay for my own misdeeds. We will settle this as gentlemen."

"I understand," Simon stated humbly. "I shall see you at dawn."

Daphne looked to him in utter shock, tearing up. "I do not understand. You would rather die than marry me?"

"I am truly sorry."

"We need to go, Daph," Anthony said, shepherding away his sister. "Before anyone should see us."

They reentered the ballroom, and Anthony approached his mother and Colin with Daphne by his side. "Our sister has a headache. I am taking her home. See to Mother, will you?"


"Thank you, Humboldt, no need to send anyone up," Anthony dismissed, ushering Daphne into the foyer.

He lowered his voice for her as soon as Humboldt walked in the opposite direction and was out of earshot. "I want you to know I am not angry with you. I do not blame you for what transpired."

"Do not treat me like a child," Daphne said shakily. "I did this."

"He took advantage of you."

"No less than I took liberties with him."

Anthony shook his head. "You do not understand. I should have protected you better. I knew his true nature from the start."

Daphne stared at her brother in disgust. "You think that just because I am a woman, I am incapable of making my own choices?" she accused. "Is that it, Brother? Do you even care that Simon has dishonored me, as you say, or is it your own male pride that you seek to satisfy?"

Anthony hated to admit that this is what Eleanora would have said to him, being disappointed in him too. Avoiding her question, he simply said, walking away, "You are to go on up to bed."

"You cannot duel him! It is illegal, to name but one reason. You could both be arrested, let alone, killed. There must be another way."

"What would you have me do?" Anthony asked Daphne frustratedly. "I do not take this decision lightly, but this is the way things are handled amongst gentlemen. If this were to become known-"

"I could live with that," she interrupted. "What I could not live with is the duke's death on my hands." After a pause, Daphne added, "Nor yours. However tempting that may be at this very moment."

"It is more than just your honor at stake. It is your sisters' too, and even Nora's. The entire family name. It has been decided."

"This is madness!" Daphne said angrily, about to storm off before she spotted Benedict walking towards them.

"What is it?" he asked cluelessly, looking between his siblings and noting the tension in the middle of a heated argument.

"You and I need to talk," Anthony said, grabbing his arm and ushering him into his study. "Daphne, bed."

She followed after them but Anthony closed the door to the study in her face before she managed to catch up with them.

"I will need you to stand as my second," Anthony said after telling Benedict of the situation.

"What if you get yourself killed?" Benedict asked.

"Then the title and estates will pass to you," the eldest simply said.

"And if you kill Hastings?"

"Then I shall have to leave the country and you'll be head of the family in every way that matters."

In the silence, the two heard chuckling outside, so they peered through the door to see what the source of the sound was.

"Of course not, you are clearly sober," Colin said, leading his mother up the stairs, making her laugh.

"And I'm sober enough to know when you're being impertinent," Violet said, cupping his face. "Good night, dear."

"Good night, Mother."

As Violet ascended up the stairs, Anthony discreetly got Colin's attention, nodding his head to meet them in his study."

"Good god," Colin said, slouching his shoulders. "Did someone die?"

After the discussion of the duel, Anthony was left alone to ponder in his study alone. He gazed down at his father's pocket watch, and downed his hard liquor. He looked up, thinking of Eleanora, deciding that she must know of his current situation and what might result as his fate. He drank the last of his liquor and exited out of his study.

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