Loki and Tom Imagines

By loki_imagine_this

229K 4.6K 807

A collection of Loki and Tom x Reader Imagines. No imagines contained within this piece hold any explicit con... More

Loki and your newborn
Loki comforting you after a nightmare
Loki leaving for war
Loki making pancakes
Walking through the gardens with Loki
Tom finding out whats wrong with you
Loki watching another man hug you
Loki on Valentines day
Tom on bonfire night
Coming home to Tom
Loki being worried
Going to IKEA with Tom
Loki when you're sick
Loki after your death
Protective Loki
Yours and Loki's baby shower

Return to Earth (Loki)

8.9K 142 5
By loki_imagine_this

You stood there, twiddling your thumbs as it came closer to three o'clock in the afternoon. You kept glancing at the clock, wishing for the hands to go back in time, not forward! You sighed, while tracing the pattern which flowed across your wedding ring. It was beautiful. It was made of a metal unknown to you, but it seemed to swim with blacks, golds, greens and greys, all of which were your favourite colours to be surrounded by. A small smile crept up onto your face, remembering the day that your true love placed that ring upon your finger and devoted himself to you, as you did to him. You heard soft footsteps, not quite pulling you fully out of your thoughts, but enough to cause you to smile a bit more. He walked softly into you, as he snaked his arms around your torso, holding you close, while he burrowed his head into the crease of your neck. You felt his warm breath escape from his nose and travel down from your jaw to your shoulders, making you shiver and giving you slight goosebumps.

You relax back into his form, feeling his abs soft, yet firm, cradling your body as he slowly rocked you from side to side. "Y/n, darling. What bothers you?" You sigh and lean your head against his, "Nothing, my love." He nudges further into your neck; and you bring your hand up to stroke his hair. "Y/n, is this because we have to return to midguard to visit you family again?" You sighed, you knew that he already knew the answer to his own question. He stood up straight and placed a small kiss on your neck as he did so, and entwined his hands with yours as he spun you around to face him. "What happened last time wasn't your fault, y/n." You look down at the floor, only for Loki to lift up your chin so that he was able to gaze into your eyes. His thumb remained on your cheek, with his fingers just beneath your ear. "You have to stop blaming yourself for something that you didn't do," His thumb caresses your cheek as he continues, "It was an accident. And it was *not* your fault!" You look deep into his eyes, and bring your hand up to hold his close to your face; you then look down and sigh. It was your fault, you had always told your self so. "It was my fault Loki...it was..." "No it wasn't." He raised his voice a little, not to sound aggressive, but just to prove his point. "Yes it was Loki!" You almost shouted, as you looked him dead in the eyes, whilst on the verge of tears. He looked down upon you with sympathy, he hated seeing you like this. He pulled you into a much needed embrace and you instantly wrapped your arms around him and began to sob. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay." He said while he gently smoothed down your hair, and stroked your back.

He was the only person that you could console in, the only person who would listen and understand you in the way that somebody should. All because he had went through the same pain before by himself. Loosing his mother and taking on the burden that was left behind. As the memories raced through your mind your breathing began to quicken. You saw the moment of which she fell backwards off of the building, arms flailing, and her eyes pleading for help; yet all you did was to meet her eyes and reach out a desperate hand of which she would be to far gone to catch. Your mind was clouded by the reflection of her falling body off of the thousands if panels of glass which formed the sky scraper, and the screaming of Loki as you stood back from the edge only to get a jumping distance. But Loki had managed to catch up with you and hold you with his arms folded across yours as you kicked and screamed. You belonged with your mother. Dead. After all you had killed her. You were the one who had tripped and pushed her over the edge. It was you. You. Nobody else. You were now hyperventilating, and kneeling with Loki ,also kneeling, holding you firmly by the shoulders, with a worried expression coating his face. You couldn't feel any thing apart from the warm tear tracks and Loki's vice like hold on you. "Y/n. Calm down darling." Loki's soft voice brought you back to normality, and you lent your forehead against his.

"I'm sorry Loki." "You have nothing to be sorry for y/n." Before you could protest his lips were upon yours, and his hands on your cheeks. At first you stiffened, as he took you by surprise, but you instantly relaxed, and leant into the kiss afterwards. You entwined your fingers within his hair and pulled him that little bit closer. This was the one thing that you could not , no matter what, risk losing. Even if it meant that you had to lay down or lose your life. You didn't care, you just couldn't live without him. "I love you Loki." You said breaking the kiss. His smile radiated through you, causing you to smile also. "I love you too y/n" Loki stood up and offered a hand to pull you up; you accepted. "I think that it's time to go my love." Loki said as he gestured toward the clock. It was five minutes to three. You sighed. "I suppose so." He then spun you around and picked you up like he had on the day of your wedding and carried you to your horse. "I say we have a race." Loki said smirking. "Like you would stand a chance against me!" You boastfully replied. "Well...I say that we get going then!" And he took off. "Hey!" You shouted after him, also spurring your horse on. "That's not fair!" "I do what I want y/n! You should know that by now! I don't play by the rules!" Typical Loki.

"Come on Chancer! Hup, hup!" "Your midguardian horse won't be a-" Loki was cut off by Chancer's whinny. "You were saying!" You shouted as you charged past Loki and his steed. As you both neared the rainbow bridge your horses seemed to pace each other, as if they no longer wanted to race, but wanted to be shoulder to shoulder instead. No matter how hard you and Loki tried, you could not separate your horses. "Well I think that's it's safe to say that I won that race!" You said as you held your head high. "What! No way! How did you work that out!" You shrugged you shoulders, "I don't know, but I just know that I won; as always." Loki rolls his eyes, while you have a smug smirk upon your face as you begin to reach the end of the bifrost. When you final come to a halt, Loki dismounts first, and offers you his hand to help you down. You smile; he is such a gentleman, and always there for you even when you didn't need him.

As you stepped down from your horse, you saw Loki's gaze drift over you, causing you to blush, before his lips land upon yours. "You look beautiful y/n. As always." He whispers, while resting his forehead on yours, as you bite your lip. "And you, Loki, my love, are as handsome as ever." And with that he picked you up by your waist and spun you around while you held onto his shoulders. "Woah, there!" He said as he placed you back down, and you stumbled backwards as you were dizzy. You both laughed as he spun you back into him, as if you were dancing at a ball, with his hand around your waist, securing you to him. You placed your hands gingerly upon his chest, feeling the soft beat of his beautiful heart. It was beyond you how his heart had once been consumed by darkness, and how he had killed purely out if malice. When you began to fall in love with Loki, everybody had tried to dissuade you from this path of love -or as they called it, destruction. Everybody but Queen Frigga. She had always been there for you, years before you had even begin to fall for Loki. You had found a portal to Asgard by accident, and had wound up on the realm eternal. The Queen had found you wondering around the edges of town, scared and alone.

She had made small talk with you, bringing you out of your shell, and causing you to tell her more about yourself and earth. You had also told her that you thought this was all a dream, but Frigga had proved otherwise by telling you the history of Asgard's interventions with Midgard. And also by telling and showing you her family. You were extremely shy, as this was a new world to you, but the Queen soon made you feel at ease with the kindness she, her family, and the guards showed you. You were only young when this had happened, so Queen Frigga was also like a mother to you. She had given you a locket, of which you only had to open and place your thumb upon, and it would teleport you to Asgard. Which to you was the realm of comfort and security. Asgard was your second home, and upon it was your second life.

A life of which you loved and cherished, a life of which you were not told how worthless you were every day, but in fact it was the opposite, Queen Frigga would tell you how important you were in the world; even if you had not found your true purpose yet, you would play a huge part in many peoples lives, and how one day you may even be a mother, like her. And on those nights that you really needed Frigga by your side, to tell you that you meant so much to her, and that her family were fond of you, you would use the locket, and you would be surrounded in your paradise, with the spots of mischief here and there, played out by the one and only Loki. It just really helped you through the hard years of your teenage life. Loki must have noticed that you were in deep thought,"Remembering the old times my love?", he asked as he sent the horses back toward the city. Your eyes dilated, "Huh, oh, sorry. Yeah...", and you looked at the ribbons of colour flowing beneath your feet. He smiled, and took your hand, "I will always be here for you y/n, my love." Loki told you as you began the short walk to Heimdell. "I know Loki. And I will always be here for you in return." You said smiling at Loki.

"Ah, Prince Loki, and Princess Y/n," Heimdell boomed deeply, his voice would have dominated the room had Loki not been present. Loki gave Heimdell a nod, and you a quick hello. "Where do you wish to go today my highness'?" You leant into Loki's shoulder, and he wrapped and arm around your waist.

"Midgard, please, Heimdell." Loki said as he gave you a reassuring squeeze, in reply you nuzzled his shoulder. "Of course, my Prince." And with that Heimdell lifted his sword, and started the bifrost, as you and Loki made your way to the standing point. Loki turned you around to face him, "Don't worry y/n. Every thing will be fine. I promise." He took hold of your hands as you whispered, "You promise." "I promise." He said with a nod and a soft smile. You sighed, and he stroked your cheek with his thumb. "My highness', I wish you a safe journey, and as always, just call upon me when you wish to return." "Thank you Heimdell." You and Loki said in unison, although, you were slightly less audible, and you were now clinging to Loki, as if you were to not see him again for a year. He began again to smooth down your hair as he gave you a concerned look, you gave him a small smile and then he lent down and kissed you softly on the forehead. A bright light then came into action, and Loki wrapped his arms a little firmer around you as you felt your feet leave the floor. Your hair whipped your face, as the colours did your eyes. "Remember your promise Loki." "As always my love." And he was right; never had either of you ever broken a promise of which you had made to each other, you had complete and utter trust within him, and you knew that it was safe there, as was your heart.

You raised your head from Loki's chest as you felt your feet touch solid ground. That was it. You were here. Earth. Somewhere you hadn't been for so long. You surveyed the surroundings. Recognising the place where you had grew up. You saw the park and remembered how your mother had always worried about your father pushing you too high, how she had always been there to pick you up when you fell down. You smiled, as you still held onto Loki. She had always told you how she would always be with you, even when she was not. "Ready?" Loki asked as he rubbed you back and smiled, as he saw that you were now happy. You looked into his beautiful eyes, "Yes." You began the short walk to your child hood home. Oh how you had missed it so. You were almost eager enough that you could run up to the door. Loki had a huge smile plastered upon his face, he loved to see you happy. You twirled around, making Loki laugh as he held your hand gently above your head. You stopped and looked at him. "I love you so much Loki. You mean the world to me, I could never bear to loose you." "I love you so much more, and you mean the universe to me y/n."

You rolled you eyes, lifted an eyebrow, and held his hands, "So, you want to play that game do you?" He chuckled, and kissed you deeply, "Y/n?" You heard a familiar voice sound. You and Loki looked toward the voice. "Father!" You shouted as you and Loki both blushed. Loki let go of your hands and you instantly ran into your father's open arms. Holding him tight, as if trying to make up for all of the years that you had lost between each other. You finally released your father, and he simply looked into your e/c eyes, "You have always been so beautiful, y/n." You roll your eyes and Loki approaches the both of you, "He's not wrong y/n." You give him a small glare and pinch him discreetly,as he does to you in return. Loki then looks to you father and smiles, "Hello, Mr. Y/L/N. It's nice to see you again." "Please, call me D(dads)/N! And it is always a pleasure to see you!" With that you father invites you both inside, where you find various members of your family; including their children. "Y/n!" Your niece and nephew scream in unison, as the twins charge towards you, waving their arms in the air.

You kneel down with open arms, bracing for the small impact that would soon follow. "The tiny terrors!" You say in reply. Their short arms reached around as much of you as they could hold, climbing over each other in the process, as if competing against each other to see who could own more of you. You heard Loki chuckle as he knelt down beside you, now releasing the tiny terrors, or as you liked to shorten it, the Double T's. Your niece, being the elder of the two, was double T1, and your nephew, being the younger of the two, was double T2. "Wow double T's!" You exclaimed, "Haven't you grown!" "Y/n we missed you!" T1 said jumping up and down, with her brother soon following her actions, "Yeah, yeah! We missed you!" "And you brought Loki too!" Your niece exclaimed, while in the process of jumping onto him, closely followed by her brother, knocking Loki over in the process. "Woah! You guys have got heavy since the last time I saw you!" Loki said while on his back, with the twins sitting on top of him, you couldn't help but giggle, he was always good with children. He caught your eye and smiled, then you had an idea, you could tell that Loki knew what it was by the look of displeasure on his face. "No y/n! No!"

The twins then turn to look at you, as a huge smile coats your face; it's contiguous. "BUNDLE!" The three of you shout, as they jump up so that you can pin Loki down which the first bundle body. "No, no, no! N-ugh!" You land directly on top of him, laughing all the while, with the twins small body's soon following yours. "Ugh- and I'm dead. Ughhhh..." Loki says as he lifts up his head, and drops it's back down, unable to keep a small smirk from appearing on his 'depleted' face. "Oh no! He's dead!" T1 said with a smirk on her face, "Quick y/n! He needs the kiss of life!" You both giggle together, while T2 has his own input, "What! No! That's disgusting!" He sticks his tongue out at the end, as you turn to Loki you see him trying to hold a straight face, but he's failing miserably. "Okay, here it goes!" You lean down and kiss Loki lightly, but lovingly, he smiles beneath your lips. "Aww!" "Yuck!" Loki's eyes open upon que, "I love you." He whispered. "I love you more." You stand up as you feel your niece scramble upon you back, "Piggy back, piggy back! Please!" "Okay! T2 you go and-" no need, he was already helping Loki up to his feet, desperate to enjoy the childhood exhilaration of a 'piggy back ride'. You had an idea, "How about... a piggy back race!" "Yes, yes, yes!" The twins certainly approved of the idea, as they were bouncing up and down upon your backs.

"Oh, your on!" Loki was defiantly into the idea also. You rolled your eyes, how he could be so childish some times! But you loved him for it, as you always would. "In three two-go!" And you were off, heading toward the end of your -old- garden. "Wooo!" Your niece screamed as you ran, carefully, steadily edging closer to the garden boundaries. "And back again!" You heard Loki shout, you turned around to see Loki making his way back toward the house. "Hey! No fair!" Your niece screamed, almost destroying your ear drums in the process. Waiting at the back door was your father and your brother, holding a finish line made of toilet roll. You smiled to yourself. It was good to be back.

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