Loki and Tom Imagines

By loki_imagine_this

229K 4.6K 807

A collection of Loki and Tom x Reader Imagines. No imagines contained within this piece hold any explicit con... More

Loki and your newborn
Loki comforting you after a nightmare
Loki leaving for war
Loki making pancakes
Walking through the gardens with Loki
Tom finding out whats wrong with you
Loki watching another man hug you
Loki on Valentines day
Tom on bonfire night
Loki being worried
Going to IKEA with Tom
Loki when you're sick
Loki after your death
Return to Earth (Loki)
Protective Loki
Yours and Loki's baby shower

Coming home to Tom

11.3K 209 99
By loki_imagine_this

"Tom, I'm home!" You called as you entered the door of your house placing your shopping bags on the table. "Tom?" You repeated as you slowly climbed up the stairs hearing...moans? You reached your's and Tom's bedroom door now definitely recognising the sound coming from within, you looked down at the handle and hesitated to open it as a tear began to run down your cheek. You took a deep breath before opening the door, only to be confronted by the worst scenario you could imagine. Tom was there, on top of another woman as they were both shielded underneath the duvet. A moment went by, but it seemed like hours, as you stood there in shock. Tears were now falling freely down your face, "H-how could you!" You managed to choke out as you began to back away while your body shook with a concoction of emotions. Tom's head whipped around, as he saw you it became glazed with guilt. "No, Y/n! It's not-!" "WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE!" You screamed at him before running down the stairs and out of the front door. You were now full on sobbing as you stepped into your car, slightly fumbling with the keys as your hands were shaking so much. Before you could even turn the keys in the ignition two hands were slammed onto the bonnet of your car, causing you to jump and look up. Tom.

His features were painted with pain and regret, but he is an actor after all so who's to say that he's not faking it, he was dressed only in a pair of boxers, slippers and your dressing gown. You temporarily froze. Just sitting there as he stated into your eyes, before he swiftly moved to the other side of the car, opening the door and joining you inside the car. "GET OUT!" You screamed as you dodged his hand that tried to touch your cheek. "Look Y/n just liste-" "WHY S-SHOULD I!" Tom put his hands up in surrender. "DO THESE RINGS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU!" You again screamed as you pointed toward his wedding band, and as you raised your left hand revealing your own. "Y/n, plea-" Your lips curled into a snarl as, "No T-Tom! I loved you! I gave you everything I-I had! I put aside *so many* important things to be with *you*, Tom, b-because I loved you! But it t-turns out that it was just a one way relationship, and I was the f-fool of falling in love with a *faker*!" You had never said anything in such a harsh tone in your life, yet, you had reason. You felt a sharp sudden pain across your cheek, you held your face as you turned to look at Tom, horrified. He sat there, his right hand slightly elevated, as he looked from it to you. His expression was one that you have never seen before, he was pained, upset and angry. But none of that gave him the right to hit you, supposed husband of three years or not it didn't matter.

"Y/n... Y/n look at me, please." You pondered on it for a few seconds before you began to slowly turn your head to face him, tears still running, and as you took your hand away from your face, you revealed a bright red mark, earning a wince from Tom. You needed to get out. Out. "Y/n, I love you, I really do! I just-" Tom's words faded out as you looked deep into his eyes before out of the window. You began to slowly edge over towards the door, in three, two, one, go! You swiftly opened the door before bolting out and just running as fast as you could. But it wasn't fast enough, as you were tackled to the ground by none other than the *caring* Thomas Hiddleston. "GET O-OFF ME!" "Shh, Y/n," Tom said as he held your body against his bare torso, also as your body shook with your sobs as you were crying so hard. "N-no, go a-aw-" You began to whisper but Tom cut you off. "Y/n, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, *so so* sorry... Shhh, shh, c-come on Y/n, stop crying..." You don't know why, but you wrapped your arms around him, maybe you just needed him right now. The warmth of Tom's body welcomed you, as did a light squeeze from him anyway. "I love you Y/n, you know that, I really do. Y/n, you are my life, my everything. I can't live without you." Tom whispered into your neck. He stood up slowly as he carried you bridal style back into your house.

Your energy was spent, the only thing you could do was cry slightly and hold onto Tom's warm body. He laid you down on the sofa, pulled a fleece over you and kissed your forehead. "I won't be long." Tom said and walked up stairs. You heard him moving around, only him no one else, as you lay down almost drifting into sleep. You saw Tom come down the stairs holding the bed sheets and stuffing them into the washing machine, before picking you up and carrying you into the bedroom, where the sheets were changed from white to grey, and your favourite set of pyjamas were laid out on the bed. Tom set you down on your feet as he grabbed his own pjs and said, "I'll leave you to get changed." Tom then kissed you on the forehead and walked into the en suite. You got changed as quick as you could, although it was not fast as you were exhausted from all of the crying, and Tom asked if you were decent and you said yes, allowing him to come out. Tom walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, as you rested your hands against his chest and lay your head upon his shoulder, and Tom rested his head upon yours.

He began to gently rub your back as he whispered, "I'm so sorry Y/n, please forgive me..." "Yes Tom, I forgive you, I don't know how or why, but I do. Just promise me that you won't do it again please..." "Never," Tom replied swiftly, "I won't make that mistake again, I came so close to losing you that only now did I realise how much you mean to me, and how much of a fool I was. I love you Y/n, and don't you ever forget that..." "Mmmhmm..." You mumbled as you began to fall asleep in Tom's arms, before he lifted you into bed and held you close repeatedly telling you how much he loved you, until you fell asleep. You woke up and looked at the bedside clock 03:07, you looked to your right and Tom was not there. You panicked but soon got a hold of yourself, so you decided to take a look around the house and see if you could find him. You pulled on your dressing gown, which smelt of Tom, and walked silently to his study, you could hear muttering, and the door was slightly open, you were able to push it open a lot and the scene revealed Tom, with his back towards you cursing him self for his earlier actions. "Stupid, stupid! How could you! How could you do that to her! What has she ever done to you apart from love you and be there for you!"

You noticed that his back was shaking slightly, was he crying? "Tom?" You asked, causing Tom to jump slightly and walk over to you silently. His eyes were red and puffy, and tear stains streaked his face as he looked into your eyes. He ran his hand down the side of your face that he had hit earlier, you didn't flinch, but Tom did, Tom's eyes became more sorrowful. Tom shook his head and looked down at the ground, his hand still in your face, crying as quietly as he could. You put your hand over his and leant into it, causing him to look back up and into your eyes, "What have I-I done to deserve you?" Tom asked slightly shaking his head. You didn't know what to say, so instead you stayed silent, but you did hug Tom, he needed it as much as you did. Tom hugged you back but tighter, not hurting you, as he was now fully crying onto your shoulder. "I love you so much Y/n." Tom said now resting his lips on your hairline. "I love you to Tom, more than you could ever know." You felt Tom smile, and he pulled away, kissing you on the forehead and then the lips. Tom wrapped one arm around your waist, as you did the same, "Let's go to bed." Tom said before kissing you one last time.

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