Revealing the mastermind - Cl...

By deadshot269

214K 3.9K 2.2K

A reaction fanfic based of the Light novel Classroom of the elite. The first part is reaction and the story... More

Chapter 1- Arrival
My Idea for this fanfic
Interlude - 1
The most reliable
Girl talk(Part-1)
Girl talk(Part-2)
I am...
The "Perfect" Chapter
Chapter -11
Chapter - 12
One-shot: Lucid Dreams
One-shot: Perspective
Not an update
100+100K special (MISCONCEPTIONS)
Y2V7 aftermath

One shot - White Room Simulation

3.9K 51 7
By deadshot269

Long time no see readers...I know I have not updated for a long time. But I am doing it when I find time...real life is more complicated than it sounds.

I came up with the idea of simulators some time ago after I read Y2V8, the link to which you will find here:

At one point Ayanokouji states that he has been part of simulations outside the white room. The crux is simple...according to the white room orders, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka (And I assume others as well) were taken outside of the white room to imitate situations that were part of his assignments as an agent. So I came up with this idea...

How about we simulate a task from the white room? After all, Volume 0 is coming in December and we do not have much time. Enjoy!

PS: I wrote this in a couple of hours, there might be some errors.

Ayanokouji POV

Right now, at this moment sitting on the couch in the lobby of Hotel Paradise. There are people moving around so this makes it easier for me to blend in. I had a newspaper which I scanned through in a few moments to answer any questions a stranger might ask. My back to the reception but my ears are on it. The Lady living in room 204 is checking out and will be out for a few hours.

Time to move.

I put aside the newspaper and used the stairs to reach the second level. There I broke into the apartment using the master key I had been provided as part of the inventory. I will remove every trace of my presence when I leave this hotel to move on to the next location.

I drew the curtains for more privacy as soon as I walked in. I went to the window and brought out the binoculars.

While pressing the button on the microphone I sent a message

"Request for Contact. Need verification code from the command." I said into the microphone

The building I was looking at was swarming with guards. They were changing shifts this time. I had scouted it out from a couple of more locations and this was the final one. The guards on the front do not move. There are guards present on floor 10 of the target building and the floors above and below which I can see after zooming through my monoculars. There are guards on top of the roof whose movements are the easiest to follow

"Command 29415. Send confirmation code from your side," the voice said from the other side.

"Agent 401, task 3014. I have completed the scouting of the target. Awaiting further instructions," I sent in my confirmation code.

"Excellent. The minister will arrive there in about half an hour from now. Discretion is the primary goal until we have eyes and ears on their meeting. You are free to use any methods subject to these conditions," a rather exuberant voice for someone who is an instructor in the white room. Maybe he is new here. The call immediately cut after those words and I checked out of the hotel.

The guards punched their cards on the way out as new guards take their place. I have learned that they change the guards every six hours. This information is crucial to my plan.

I followed one of the guards whose shift had ended. My instructions are to make sure no casualty takes place until there is live fire from the enemy side. I'll have to knock him out and make sure no one notices until the task is over.

I follow this guard into a shop where is buying clothes before going home. There are cameras everywhere and this place isn't alienated in the least. Taking him down here would be disadvantageous here. I have to wait. 27 minutes remaining before the minister arrives for the meeting. I will wait some more time. If he does not move into a location where I can take him down, the current plan goes down the drain and I will have to think of something else to use to infiltrate.

A couple of minutes pass before he moves again inside the mall. This time he is going to a food court.

Should I take the risk here or not? If I leave him unattended, I might have to take increased risk after I infiltrate the building. Taking him down here and using the resources available from this guy seem to be the best choice. I choose to take the risk here.

I moved up to the guy,

"Excuse me," I said.


"I am sorry if I am mistaken but there was a person who sent me here to call you out. He was dressed just like you and I was informed to tell you that you forgot something while you were leaving" I told him.

I had used the fact that another guard was calling him for something. This should be believable.

"Where?" He asked as he stood up.

"The said person is behind that shop." I pointed him to the place where I needed him. It wasn't a place that would look suspicious, while at the same time it was devoid of people courtesy of the shop I pointed to being unpopular. He starts walking to that store while I walk behind him at a distance not to look suspicious.

As soon as he reached behind the store, I moved at full throttle

"There's no one here--WHAT?!" He was startled seeing me charge at him like that.

before he could realize the full situation, I grab his hand and twist it hard while covering his mouth using my other hand. Even if he is conscious at the moment he will pass out soon and I drag him where it will be hard to find an unconscious person.

I took the card that he used on his way out of his shift and headed to the target building.

22 minutes remaining.

On my way to it, I realized that the option of barging straight in is not feasible at all. The building is constructed in a way that there is space between and all the rooms around it are arranged in a circular fashion. The meeting is happening on the tenth floor. The floor above and below that one are covered with guards and so is the roof. Infiltrating from the top was not an option either.

I moved in plain sight of the small crowd who were doing their regular business and found my way in the streets to the back of the building without getting noticed and behind the wall.

The guards have covered every entry point--the stairs, the lift, and the parking region are under supervision. 

I have found my entry point.

A little to the side is where the pipeline runs from the top to the bottom. And it will give me the access I need.

19 minutes remaining.

I take a minute to memorize the moving patterns of guards on the outside perimeter to the most time to climb using the pipe. At this point, I shall not worry about the unlikely case of being spotted by someone who is not a guard. If that were to happen I could only fasten my process and hide while I can. When the guard disappeared from my planned route to the pipeline, I jumped over the pipeline, and it took me another 5 seconds to reach it. I have nearly thirty seconds to climb up and reduce the possibility of getting spotted.

Maintaining a firm grip on the pipe which was made out of polyvinyl chloride I moved up, one floor after another. My target is to reach the 12th floor and from there I would find a spot to break in and move inside down to the 10th floor where the meeting is scheduled to take place.

I reach the top with fifteen minutes remaining. There, on the 12th floor of a building, I stood on nothing more than mere gaps in the wall to support my entire weight. I had to move away from the pipe, to a balcony that was about twenty-five feet away along the outside circumference of the building. I took off my shoes to better fit my toes in the gaps that were part of the wall design. With six feet remaining, there were no infrastructural points that availed support and I had to jump to the balcony.

This action could not be performed with both of my legs...and I could only use my right foot to jump. I took a breath, balanced myself over 100 feet in the air, and jumped with every ounce of my strength. 

I had reached the 12th floor without dying. Now for the hard part...

I used the master key to move into the room which was directly attached to this balcony. The possibility of any guards present on this floor is low although not impossible so I have to take caution.

I opened the door that leads me to the hallway--there was no one around. I scanned both sides and took a look down at the central space where the meeting was scheduled to take place.

A complete concrete structure is suspended on a platform in the center. One way in and out. No windows and two armed guards at the entry. Apart from that, there were 8 cameras pointing in specific directions. Taking into account the field of vision of these cameras, they should be able to monitor each other, hence the possibility of physically rendering them was void.

Each guard used their magnetic card whenever they were moving across floors. Considering that the cardI have belongs to a guard who has completed his shift, it is likely that his card and the authorization it carried were revoked. The minutes I had wasted in getting him were rendered useless, but it was a correct move to make on the off chance of a possible weakness in the enemy fortress.

On the 12th floor, there was a security room which was likely where they were monitoring the cameras.

10 minutes remaining.

I had mere moments to decide on my actions from here on and mere minutes to act on them. The way to infiltrate was not the easiest but it wasn't impossible either. I come in only to realize that there is no direct visible path to get a bugging device inside the meeting room.

Was the infiltration the incorrect step to take? The possibility of a solution's existence outside of this building came into mind. But I did not have enough time to go out and think of another plan

I heard every guard reach for their microphones and receive a message. A minute later the light on top of the elevator blinked and an old person. possibly in their sixties came out of it. This was one of the two individuals who were supposed to be in that room. When the contact arrives, the task window will end.

Do I move to the security room? It might help me deactivate the cameras, but the personnel will be alarmed. Not an option. I had to think out of the box. Plus it was clear that the inventory I have will not allow me to move discreetly down to the meeting floor.

I made a trap that will generate sound to act as a distraction. I went to the elevator, and using a knife, broke into the electronic board which housed the circuits delivering the power to the lift. There, I short-circuited the wire which would replicate the situation of a power cut.

The elevator shut down.

5 minutes remaining.

The guards on the tenth and the eleventh floor reacted and in a few moments started checking the elevator switch.

I waited in silence along the stairs that were closest to the elevator and a few moments later heard footsteps coming upward.

When the guard came to the 12th floor, I moved behind him and let him discover the elevator where I had cut the power. 

"I have found the anomaly source," he spoke into the microphone, "the power will resume shortly."

A small shattering sound came from a few rooms apart. This was from the trap I had set earlier.

"Hold on a moment, I am checking something here. I will be back in a couple of minutes." This was my best shot. With one swift strike, I took him down with a blow on the back of his head. I took his magnetic card and went down to the tenth floor using another staircase.

The guards change every six hours, and since there is no need for them to know every other guard personally the chances are minimal that every guard down there remembers the face of this guard that came up. Add into it the restoration of the power and also the fact that the contact will be here in a minute giving the best window to move in. I quickly changed into the guard uniform and moved downstairs using the elevator.

The guards seem to take one look at me and keep moving on their routes.

The task was all but complete. The elevator notified the entry of the contact here. And as he stepped out of the lift on the tenth floor, I realized that the contact who was supposed to meet the minister there was no one but the instructor who had been assigned for monitoring me during this task.

After he went through the metal detectors, I slipped the bugging device into one of his pockets which will allow him to record the meeting.


"Good work out there, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." The instructor said to me as I was being taken back to the white room.

It was unnecessary to put out any words here.

"This was your last simulation before we relocate you."

Apparently, the facility needs to undergo recalibration. Until that happens, the white room will not be able to go carry out future operations.

"What do you think about the possibility of the existence of solutions other than yours?"

"I think there might be a couple of more ways to complete this task."

"Would you mind pointing them out for me?"

"The rough way would be to eliminate everyone in the security room and use the cameras that were already present there. And the third method is something I am not quite sure of, but it exists outside the target."

"You are right. As expected, I must say. There is a window where you could take the place of the driver who was in the car with the minister alone. This would work since the minister was the only person who was not checked on his way into the meeting room. But it was practically impossible since you would only be able to realize that after you infiltrate the building."

The clues that I had sensed after entering the building led me to this hunch. It was true after all. Nonetheless, it didn't matter.

As long as I was able to come out victorious, that was all that I cared about.

Author's note:

I really like to be able to design simulations where we can see Kiyo as an agent. But it is hard. I am going to need your advice on that.

Also, I was thinking about starting a new reaction altogether where the cast is from after Y2V7. That would allow us to include realistic personalities of characters from other years as well. Plus volume 0 reactions would be the best. The wait is finally over. I no longer have to worry about "THE WHITE ROOM'S MASTERPIECE LAST CHAPTER COMING UP"

Thank you for reading this fanfic and please feel free to drop your views in the comments.

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