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"Yeah...get his ass!!!"


"Don't let him run away"

Absolutely fascinating.

"Get him sato-san"

The wonders of science and the human body never cease to amaze me. The fear of death can make a person do anything.

It feels like I'm watching a movie in 3-D or something.

"Ike! you're dead today when I catch you"

Sato screamed. She had been chasing Ike in the class.

Ike had been running at full throttle for 5 or 6 minutes and he did not look like he was tired or anything. Adrenaline sure is a amazing.

More importantly...fear made even ike look like an athlete. Perhaps he could be a nice tool.

He feared Sato more than he feared his body cramping.

A few minutes ago when I arrived in the class I found an interesting turn of events unfolding.

Sato had been discussing with her friends about the chess mach I had with sakayanagi yesterday. Ike then bragged about his chess skills. Apparently they did not wait for me and they both had a chess match. Ike had gone as far as to bet 5000 points on this match.

Though I had the feeling he did just to scare sato off. Too bad it didn't work

Sato looked at me for a moment before agreeing. But why?

From what I know...sato looked youtube for a checkmate pattern...the scholar's mate. I prayed for her since anyone could beat that. But my expectations were truly betrayed since she checkmated him in four moves.

" looks like something got in my eye. I'll be back "

"Your dumbass going nowhere. Ne Ayanokouji-kun please come here"

I went ahead to the table they had the chessboard on.

"Look at this pointy thingy..and this big pointy thingy here. It's checkmate right?"

It is amazing how sato didn't know it is called bishop and a queen and still won.

Ike had been bragging and then lost to her.


"Yay. Hand over the points now"

"Huh! what points? Your bitch ass ain't getting nothing."

Sato was turning into a volcano. She ran over to horikita...and was asking for something...

Horikita showcased her collection of... Oh no.

My nemesis compass-chan.

"Close the gate Matsushita-san!"


And from that point on I have been witnessing this Tom and Jerry scenario.

"I'm gonna bitch-slap your dumbass when I get you."

What's a bitch-slap? Internet-chan will never run out of business, I guess

I also noticed that Horikita had been expanding her arsenal. I need to be on guard at all times. 

But I was more interested in the climax of this chase tag which had Ike's life on the line. Sato seems to have cornered Ike near the gate. He got nowhere to run.

Will the fear of death make him fight? or will compass-chan prevail?

Unfortunately the gate opened at that very moment. Ike turned around very fast

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