Torment and Lies (New Danganr...

By Eevee_leaf

246K 4.9K 12K

!!!NOT A READER INSERT!!! A young girl finds herself trapped in a killing game where only two can remain. It'... More

[1] Apprehension
[2] Discovery
[2.5] Rock Paper Scissors
[3] Misfortune
[4] Trial
[5] Aftermath
[6] Motive
[7] Magical
[8] Desperation
[9] Distraction
[10] Overboard
[11] Rituals and Seances
[12] Secrets
[13] Blocked
[13.5] Bonus
[14] Strange behaviours
[15] The Virtual World
[16] I'm sorry
[17] Make it stop
[18] Monster
[19] Suspicious
[20] Chess
[21] The Truth
[22] Just a lie
[23] Don't leave me
[24] Misleading
[25] Do or Die
[26] Do or Die 2
[27] Melancholy
[28] Battle
[29] The final trial
[30] The final trial Pt 2
[31] The end
[32] Epilogue
Free Time Events
Love Hotel Event
Salmon Team Events
Ultimate Talent Development Plan
hey so if you want more content...

Danganronpa S Events

2.5K 46 136
By Eevee_leaf

I'm ignoring the prologue and ending of the game cuz fuck no am I writing all that out I tortured myself enough with the main story byeeee
this is a long one so buckle up besties oml 

swimmer sprite absolute slay fr
there are like no buff women in dr that I could've used for reference only sakura and uh yeah I couldn't use her f so had to improvise whoops

anyyyywwaaayyyy these were so fun omg it was a bit of a challenge to write some of the characters but yasss ichika interactions with other characters <3

Episode 3: Monodam's Hope
(This is a bonus episode (I think) in DRS that unlocks after 30 hope fragments lol and it involves the whole v3 cast so I had to write my kids all together again <3)

Monosuke roughly tossed back Chiaki's gaming device. "Here ya go, fixed the screen." He huffed. "I'm surprised you still play with that black and white hunk o' junk."

Chiaki nodded. "Thanks. And it's definitely a little old school but... some people prefer it that way."

"You asked Monosuke to fix something, Nanami? Instead of... me?" Souda cried.

Kokichi laughed at the boy. "And he did a darn good job of it. How's it feel to have your purpose in life fly out the window!?"

"Nanami! I could've modified it with a full-colour display!" Souda barked, ignoring Kokichi.

"Nana-chan just said she preferred the old school way of gaming." Ichika rolled her eyes and smirked. "She's in your class too, I would've thought you'd known this, you stupid chicken nugget."

"Don't call me a chicken nugget!" Souda barked at the small, grinning girl.

Chiaki shook her head. "No, it's fine. Like Chika-chan said, I prefer Monochrome style. It has plenty of its own charms. I didn't ask you to fix it because you were playing with the kids and looked busy..." She tilted her head. "So I figured Monosuke might be able to fix it with the power of the wand."

Monosuke nodded. "The wand is great for makin' new stuff, but it ain't so great for delicate repairs. Besides, it's faster for me to handle a simple task like this with my own two paws."

Makoto hummed. "Huh, I didn't think you were good at that."

"Eh, it ain't a big deal. I'm a machine, so I get machines, y'know?"

"Don't let Kiiboy hear you say that! Those words could short circuit any incompetent robot!" Kokichi called out with a wide grin.

Shuichi hummed. "But with a skill like that, you could turn this into a repair shop and..." 

Shuichi was cut off by a bright white light, blinding everyone in the area. When Chiaki and her friends came to, Shuichi and his friends had disappeared.

Chiaki blinked. "Huh, that light just now..."

Ibuki scratched the back of his head. "Saihara-kun and the others disappeared... I guess lightning *can* strike... uh, thrice?"

"Hey!" Monosuke barked, clenching his paw. "We were talkin' business! Which bear is responsible for this!?"

Imposter Byakuya stared at where the others just disappeared. "Going by recent events, this is an opportunity. Saihara-kun and the others are more than capable of bringing back a Fragment. Let's trust in them."

Hajime nodded in agreement with a small smile. "Right. Knowing them, it'll be a piece of cake."


Shuichi's eyes widened at the giant green, Japanese-style castle that stood before him and his class. "Wow... What *is* that!?"

"Wow, talk about a fancy castle and a bright blue sky! Looks like we won't have to deal with any *reign*!" Ichika giggled.

"Ooh! That's so cool!"Kokichi looked at the castle with stars in his eyes. "The castle is a robot! And unlike Kiiboy, it looks *tough*!"

"I prefer not to be compared with a building! Besides, I'm way more detailed!" Kiibo barked at the small boy.

Kaito punched his fists together. "I dunno if it fits my tastes either, but it's wild that someone could make such. massive machine."

Tsumugi stared at the castle in awe. "I curious if it has cool features, like transformation or combination, or a huge beam."

"This is no time for daydreaming." Maki sighed. "It's clearly a case of a Monokub abusing their wand, right?" She bit her thumb. "We need to find them quickly and make them stop. We'll be late for dinner if we don't hurry."

"I've got a hunch Monodam is behind this, what with that castle and all. But where could he be?" Ryoma muttered, looking around the vicinity.


"'Here' isn't very specific!" Tenko barked. "Tell us *exactly* where you are!"


Rantarou hummed and crossed his arms. "Ahh, so that's where his voice is coming from. the castle."

"Is there a cockpit in the castle or something?" Kokichi put his hands behind his head and grinned widely. "Oh man, I wanna try piloting it too!"

"Because you have the height to skill to find the hidden cockpit on this machine." Ichika snorted.

"Big words coming from someone who can barely reach the top shelf!" Kokichi laughed.

Ichika rolled her eyes and played with her drawstrings. "Please, I could climb to the top of that thing in less than 20 seconds."

Himiko clenched her fists and glared at the machine. "Nyeh, like we were just saying, there's no time! I was in the middle of practicing some new spells!"

Kaede cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled out. "Hey, Monodam! Care to tell us why you're doing this?"


"Is this the yandere route!?" Tsumugi cried, hiding behind her arms. "And your target is everyone on the island!? That's so innovative!"

Angie glared at the machine. "God would never permit you to control everyone. This is your opportunity to repent."

"Wanting people to get along is great! But I think you're going about this all wrong!" Kaito explained.

Gonta nodded in agreement. "That's right! Forcing people to follow you is the exact opposite of getting along!"

"You have your own grievances, I'm sure. Why don't we discuss how to resolve them?" Kirumi offered.

"Ah, look!" Gonta pointed at the castle's hand. "Monodam is riding the castle's hand and he's coming this way!"

Monodam looked down at the students. "YOU... WISH-TO-TALK? WITH-ME?"

Shuichi nodded with a small smile. "Of course... We'd all like to get along and spend our time together, after all."

Miu glared at the bear. "And if *you* wanna get along, apologize for jacking my valuable time!"

Kaede sighed. "Iruma-san... Monodam is open to talking, so could you please bring it down a few notches?"

Monodam's aura went cold. "I... HAVE-NO-DESIRE-TO-TALK."

 Shuichi blinked. "Huh?"

"Saihara!" Maki cried out, running at him, pushing him out of the way as the castle punched at him.

Tsumugi shivered. "The... castle punched at us... Are you okay, Saihara-kun?"

Shuichi nodded slowly. "Looks like it... thanks to you, Harukawa-san. You saved me."

Maki glared at the machine. "Don't mention it. Just be ready. It looks like he'd rather fight than talk."


"Here he comes..." Kirumi readied herself. "Everyone, be careful."


Monodam's castle started to ruble violently.


"Beating up Monodam stopped the castle... W-Was that my magic?" Himiko stammered.

Rantarou chuckled. "Your magic was a big help, but... it was Hoshi-kun who stopped the castle."

Ryoma shrugged. "I figured sluggin' a few balls into those arm joints would slow it, but talk about effective."

Kaito grinned at the tennis player. "Huh, it wasn't half bad. Looks like your tennis skills haven't gotten rusty at all."

"Heh, flailing my arms was pretty uncool though."

"..." Monodam glared at the students.

"Aw man, over already?" Ichika pouted. "What a shame... And I was excited to get into a real, super-duper awesome and dangerous, life-threatening battle!" She cheered.

"God, sometimes I wonder what the fucks wrong with that midget-sized brain that you have!" Miu barked at Ichika.

"..." Monodam remained silent.

"Um... Monodam..." Kaede spoke up nervously. "I'm not sure what's going on in that head of yours, but... if you really want us to get along, can't you trust in us a little?"

Rantarou nodded in agreement. "Well said. You wouldn't have to even consider controlling us if you trusted us."

"..." Monodam still remained silent.

Kokichi sighed. "When all is said and done... I guess a robot just can't comprehend human friendships."

"Hey! I won't stand for that flagrant robophobia!" Kiibo barked "I consider all of you my friends, you know!"

"..." Monodam still refused to say anything when another bright flash of white blinded the students. Once the light dispersed, the students opened their eyes to find themselves back in the islands.

"Ah... Wait!" Kaede yelled out after Monodam, who ran at the ocean and jumped in it with a big splash.

"Oh, off he goes." Ichika shrugged. 

"Nyeh!? Monodam jumped into the sea!" Himiko cried out in alarm.

Kiibo looked at the ocean with panic on his face. "Oh no! If he's not wearing a float, he'll probably never come back up!"

"We've gotta go after him!" Kaito yelled at his classmates. "Someone, bring me a rope!"


"..." Monodam refused to say anything, a blank look on his face.

"We... We managed, somehow..." Shuichi panted lightly.

"We're lucky the rescue operation went quickly." Kirumi sighed. "Imagine if he'd sunk to the bottom of the sea..."

Angie clasped her hands together. "God has spoken... It isn't your time to depart this world."


"We saved you..." Kaito grinned at the bear. "*Because* you caused us trouble!"


Kaito sighed, scratching the back of his head. "It's better to start from a clean slate rather than parting without a chance to apologize, yeah?"

"..." Monodam stared at the students before offering them a prism-shaped object.

Tsumugi blinked at the shiny object. "Oh... Is this Monodam's Hope Fragment?"


Himiko sighed in relief. "Looks like he's calmed down for now, but somehow I'm still kinda nervous..."

Korekiyo tugged at his hat. "His concession should be more than adequate... He seems rather stubborn, after all."

"Well, that settles that matter... And that puts our Monokub Fragment counter at three, right?" Tsumugi asked.

Kaede nodded in response. "I had my doubts when I heard we needed fragments from the Monokubs too, but... Yeah, I'd say it's going well! There's a light at the end of the field trip!"

OK INDIVIDUAL EVENTS NOW EHEHEHEHE god it took forever to pick out the characters help

Event 1, Gundham and Ichika, Pets:

"Oh, there you are Tanaka-san!" Ichika waved to Gundham, leaning against the fence by the paddock. "Where were you? I thought you ditched me!" She pouted, looking up at the boy.

"I just defeated hades in a jail room of pure pearl and freezing tile, made fit for a being of my standards and war like none other." Gundham crossed his arms. "It would appear that room was much more vicious than I expected. That hades spawn of a domain kept me locked away for longer than I could stand!"

"...Pfft" Ichika snorted, covering her mouth with her hand and clutched her stomach. "You got locked in the bathroom!?" She burst out into loud laughter, slapping her hand on the fence next to her.

"Silence! I shall not take such shaming bellows from a force only rivalled by my own power!" Gundham glared at the laughing girl, who was still leaning against the fence. "Let us move on. How are one's companions faring under those watchful eyes?"

"They're doing great!" Ichika clapped her hands together. "Even though it's only been a little bit in this weird virtual world... I already miss them."

Gundham puffed out his chest and nodded slowly. "One can only reach their full potential when connected with their beast. Separation from one will merely cause calamity and destruction among the mortal realm!"

"Yeah, I wish I could've brought my beasts too." Ichika sighed, resting her cheek in her palm. "They should really make pods for pets if they're going to do stuff like this." She pouted.

"Haha, when did I ever say that I was a victim of such calamity. Behold! My four dark devas of destruction are present!" Four hamsters rushed out of Gundhams jacket and climbed up his arms to rest upon his shoulders.

Ichika's eyes widened and she pointed at the small animals. "What the muffins!? How come your beasts are here! This is so unfair!" She stamped her foot on the ground and huffed. 

"It would seem one connection with their beasts are far stronger than the other." Gundham grinned widely, crossing his arms. "It appears one needs to attend to their skills."

Ichika's face fell blank. "Huh? You saying I don't have a strong bond with my pets?"

"My intention was it not!" Gundham pointed at Ichika. "I have bared witness to your skill in taming beasts so much so that I, the Supreme Overlord of Ice, recognize you as one whose power is only rivalled by my own greatness! Such a title must be worn with pride."

"Hmpf. You still doubted my bonds with my beasts, you stupid chicken nugget." The small brunette glared up at Gundham and huffed before breaking out in a wide smile. "But oh well, as long as you're still willing to watch my precious beasts when I can't, I'll forgive you!"

"Very well. I accept your request." Gundham chuckled.

Event 2, Himiko and Ichika, Growth:

Himiko sat alone at a table in the cafeteria with some papers and a pencil in hand, chewing at the end of it while staring at the papers.

"Nyeh... I'm so tired..." Himiko muttered under her breath.

"Yucchan! I brought some tea and taiyaki!" A cheerful voice broke Himiko's thoughts. She looked up and saw Ichika bounding towards her, a tray in hand. "Ah, you're still working on props?"

"Yeah... I need to make sure I'm super prepared." Himiko nodded slow;y. "Got to be certain this will be the best magic show they see..."

Ichika rolled her eyes. "You say that every time, darling." She chuckled, taking a bite out of her sweet. "You should take a break, not good to be hunched over like that. Don't want your cute little back to be curved foreverrrr."

"It's ok, I'll just use my mage powers to give me more stamina and fix my back." Himiko shrugged while giving a big yawn.

Ichika raised her eyebrow and leaned back in her chair. "Mmhm... Sure, Yucchan. Honestly, you should've asked Yonaga-san for help instead of me." She sighed.

"Yeah, but she's busy right now, so she can't help me." Himiko looked up at Ichika and tilted her head. "You could think of new ways I can use my magic to do amazing tricks that will wow the audience!"

"But I don't know enough about the tricks behind magic shows. Besides I'm surprised you're trying so hard considering how much of a lazy slob you used to be." 

"Hey!" Himiko glared at Ichika who leaned back in her chair with a small smile. 

"But hey first time for everything I guess. Whaddya doing now?" Ichika looked back at Himiko, who had buried herself back in the papers. "Yucchan?"

"..." Himiko pouted, ignoring Ichika waving her hand at her.

"Heyyy... Are you ignoring me?" Ichika pouted in return at being ignored, getting up from her seat. "..."

"Nyeh? Ichika where are you going- Ah!" Himiko's face flared up. "H-Hey! Don't hug me from behind so suddenly!"

"Nyufufu, I just thought. You were ignoring me." Ichika giggled, gently tightening her arms that were wrapped around Himiko's shoulders. "Soooo? Whaddya doing?"

"I'm just writing down a plan... Y-You could've just asked me what I was working on while sitting over there..." Himiko mumbled her face still a little red.

"Awwww... But you see, not only can I read what you've written better..." Ichika leaned into Himiko's ear and lowered her voice to a whisper. "I can be suuuuper close to you like this"

"I-I could've just used my magic to duplicate my papers so you didn't have to come over here like this..." Himiko pouted, her red cheeks puffing out.

"..." A sly grin spread across Ichikas face. "Hey, look at me."

"Nyeh?" Ichika moved her hand under Himiko's chin and tilted her head up so that Himiko could look up at her, while Ichika down. 

A soft smile spread across Ichika's face. "There's that cute little face I adore so much~" She cooed, leaning closer while cupping Himiko's cheeks with her hands. "I *much* prefer you having your eyes on me than some stupid paper."

"W-What are you doing!?" Himiko's face flared red, quickly leaning forward and burying her face back into the papers while Ichika just smiled like nothing ever happened. "Stop distracting me!" She huffed. "...This is why I prefer to ask Angie for help..."

Ichika pulled out a chair from beside Himiko and laughed. "Ouch, now that hurts! Now let me read whatcha got here." She giggled, resting her cheek in her palm and looking at the papers. "Ah, I see. Well if you need help setting up for your show, I can certainly help with that."

"Really?" Himiko nodded quickly. "That'd be great. More people helping move the props would help for a much more efficient and entertaining show for the kids."

"Hehe, you really love entertaining people, don't ya?" Ichika smiled at the small magician fondly.

Event 3, Chiaki and Ichika, Games:

Chiaki noticed Ichika sitting on a chair by herself near the reception, fiddling with a game device. "Hey Chika-chan. Are you that multiplayer game I suggested to you a while back?"

Ichika looked at Chiaki and her eyes lit up. "Ah, it's Nana-chan!" She exclaimed with a big grin. "Yep! I've gotten really addicted to this game! The gameplay is suuuuper cool, and it's got so many pretty people you can play as! Though its physics on certain characters is a bit... weird."

"Yeah, it is like that for some games." Chiaki took a seat next to Ichika, who paused her game.

"It's your fault I'm so addicted to this game now!" Ichika pouted. "It really was a *game-changer* for me." She grinned widely.

Chiaki giggled. "Good one. And I agree. This game is very addicting, which is surprising considering it's a grinding game..."

"Mmhm, grinding games can get reaaaally boring super fast. I've played my fair share of games."

"Really?" Chiaki's eyes lit up as she leaned closer to Ichika. "Tell me, what kind of games have you played? RPGS? Simulations? Puzzle? Sandbox? Shooters? Tell me so we can play them together!"

Ichika giggled lightly. "Haha, you're leaning over your chair, Nana-chan."

Chiaki quickly moved back into her own seat. "Oh sorry, I got a bit excited."

Ichika laughed and poked Chiaki's cheek. "Nyufufu, I could tell! It's so cute to see you get so into it."

"You seem pretty into games too." Chiaki smiled softly. "Please, do tell me what games you enjoy. I'd love to play them with you."

Event 4, With Swimsuits, Miu, Kokichi, Kaito, and Ichika, Water:

Ichika crouched at the edge of the pool and dipped her left hand into the pool. "Oh my muffins, the water is so cold." She mumbled, pulling her hand out from the pool's water and shaking it dry.

"I'm sure it's actually nice and warm. You should jump in Ichika!" Kokichi grinned stepping closer.

Ichika looked behind her at Kokichi and raised an eyebrow. "Push me in and I'll drag you down with me."

Kokichi gasped. "I would *never* do that to my best friend! How could you accuse me of such a thing."

"Bullshit, you were totally going to push her in!" Kaito from a bit further behind Kokichi barked.

"Nee-heehee, you got me, that was totally a lie." Kokichi turned to Kaito with stars in his eyes. "Hey hey! Momota-chan you should jump in for us. Make sure the water isn't too cold for Ichika's delicate skin."

"I didn't know you considered my skin delicate." Ichika snorted, looking her at right arm and the scars that covered it. 

"Geez, I knew parkour was dangerous but my god, you have some scars on you." Kaito hummed.

"Haha, pretty cool, right?" Ichika smirked. "I like to think of these marks as signs that I've survived." She put her hands on her hips and smiled widely.

"Yeah, so the proves you're strong right? So hurry up and get in the pool to make sure it's not too cold for me!" Kokichi demanded, glaring at Ichika.

"What happened to worrying about her skin!?" Kaito cried out, staring at Kokichi with wide eyes.

"I was lyingggg, obviously. I totally don't care about Ichika at all." Kokichi grinned, putting his hands behind his back.

"Well, good thing I don't care about you either." A wide smirk spread across Ichika's face. "Otherwise I wouldn't be willing to do this."

Kokichi tilted his head. "Huh- Woah!"

Ichika picked Kokichi up and threw him over her left shoulder. "Nyufufu, hope you like cold water, darling~"

Kokichi sweatdropped. "W-Wait-"

"Take this!" Grabbing Kokichi's waist, Ichika lifted him off her shoulder and chucked him into the pool.


Kaito's eyes widened and he took a step back. "Holy shit Ichika!"

"Argh! It's so coooold!" Kokichi whined, swimming to the edge.

"Oooh, so it is cold! Thanks for the heads up Kokichi, you've been a great help." Ichika crouched down at the edge of the pool, resting her cheeks in her hands while looking down at Kokichi. "Awww, you're actually kinda cute from this angle!"

"WAAAAHHHH!!! Ichika you big meanie! I was just lying and you betray me like this! How c-could you be s-so cruel!" Kokichi glared at Ichika with teary eyes. 

"I-Ichika, I think that was a bit far..." Kaito gave Kokichi a concerned look.

"I don't want to be around a stupid meanie head like you ever again! I'll never, *ever* forgive you!" Kokichi splashed his arms around in the pool like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Whoop-" Ichika moved to the side to avoid Kokichi's splash of water. "Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyy..." She hummed. "What if I throw Kaito in with you? Will you forgive me?"

"Oh of course." Kokichi's tears immediately disappeared and he grinned widely. "Chuck him in, my dear lackey."

"Huuuh!?" Kaito gawked at Kokichi. "Weren't you just crying a second ago!?"

"That was obviously a lieeee! Now hurry up, throw him in the pool!" Kokichi exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

Kaito took a step back and held his hands up as Ichika stepped closer, making grabby hand motions. "I-Ichika, let's talk about thi- ARGH"

In one swoop, Ichika picked Kaito up bridal style and grinned widely. "I'm so sorry my dear astronaut, but sacrifices must be made for the forgiveness of my darling Kokichi."

"ICHIKA DON'T YOU DAR-" Kaito was cut off by Ichika swinging her arms back and throwing him into the pool as well.


"I-It's freezing in here, what the hell!?" Kaito cried out, standing in the pool while wrapping his arms around himself.

"Oh well, now I know for certain to not hop in if it's that cold!" Ichika grinned widely. "Thank you boys, you've been a great help."

"What the fuck is happening here!?" The trio hear the pool gates open and shut and an annoyed Miu storming towards them.

"Oh, hi Micchan! *Water* you doing here?" Ichika snickered at her own joke.

"Oh god, the raging cumrag is here." Kokichi groaned. "Whelp, there goes any chance of having an enjoyable day."

Miu recoiled. "Heeee! I-I just came over t-to see what all the noise was for..." She then snapped back to her usual attitude. "Turns out my genius brain guessed right, it was you three fucks! It's always you three that cause the loudest fuckin noises anywhere!"

"I don't wanna hear that from someone who was labelled as a public disturbance," Kaito grumbled.

"Anyway, hopping in for a swim? I could always use a chance to show off how fuckin sexy my bazongas are dripping with water! Let's go Kaeru!" Miu grinned at Ichika.

Ichika froze. "Huh?"

"Yeah! Come on in you two, waters suuuuper nice, nee-heehee." Kokichi gave Ichika a wide grin.

"Ahaha, no. I'm goo- MICCHAN!"

"Let's fucking goooo midget!" Miu wrapped her arm around Ichika's shoulders and jumped in the pool.


The third and final splash hit both Kokichi and Kaito in the face. Kaito wiped his face. "Ichika, are you okay!? That was a really loud scream!" He yelled.

Kokichi threw his arms up in the air. "Take that Ichika! Get a taste of your own medicine, you midget!" He cheered.

"Oh my muffins, this is so fricken cold!" Ichika whined, immediately grabbing the side of the pool and lifting herself out. "A-Achoo!" She sneezed, rubbing her nose, her demeanour slightly deflated. "Ugh..."

"Haha, you sneeze like a fuckin kitten! Awww what's wrong? Can the kitty not handle the cooold?" Miu laughed, splashing Ichika with some water.

"..." Ichika glared at Miu. "Micchan, you better lock your doors tonight." Ichika narrowed her eyes at Miu. "And you too Kokichi! For laughing at me!"

"Heeeey! It was deserved after you betrayed me!" Kokichi pouted before grinning widely, bringing a finger up to his lips. "Besides, you know what will happen if you incite a prank on me."

"I swear to god, Aki, Ouma, if you two end up having another god damn prank war, you better keep me out of it this time!" Kaito barked, rubbing his eyes.

Event 5, Hajime and Ichika, Library:

"Oh, well this is a surprise." Ichika was in the library, her nose buried in a book when she noticed Hajime walk in.

"Huh? Oh, Akiyama-san... I don't think we've talked much." Hajime chuckled lightly.

"Call me Aki! It's far cuter." Ichika grinned widely.

Hajime stared at the girl, slightly taken aback. "Are you sure? I mean we aren't that close and you already want to use nicknames...?"

"Well, isn't it a way to get closer to one another and become more familiar and comfortable?" Ichika pouted, closing her book and pouting up at Hajime. "Go on, *name* a better idea then I'll consider it, nyufufu."

"..." Hajime blinked. "Was that a pun?"

Ichika just grinned. "Hehe, maybe. Being in a library is really giving me so many ideas for potential jokes."

"You're supposed to go to libraries to read, Aki-san." Hajime sighed.

Ichika leaned back in her chair. "Eh, what can I say, I just have *no shelf control* when it comes to puns."

"Okay, that's enough." Hajime rubbed his eyes.

"Awww, okayyy." Ichika pouted. "Anyway, I've just finished reading a book about Mount Everest!"

Hajime smiled lightly. "Oh, really? How was it?"

A cheeky smirk speard across the small girls face. "...They left me on such a *cliffhanger*. I can't believe they'd do something so *cold*!"

"Seriously!? Those puns aren't even library related!" Hajime barked while Ichika just laughed.

"Sorry, but all my library puns are currently *booked* out."

Hajime glared at Ichika. "Are you done now?"

"I dunno... Ammmm I?" Ichika just laughed. "Haha, your face right now is so funny! I wish you could see it."

"Ugh, I just wanted some quiet time but I get this instead." Hajime sighed.

"Oh, so that's why you came to the library?" Ichika tilted her head.

"Yeah, but that plan... clearly fell through the roof."

Ichika pouted. "You're so mean." She then grinned widely. "Well, why not join me in doing some reading?"


"There are quite a few mystery books in this part of the library." Ichika pointed behind where she was sitting. "Wanna read some with me and try and decipher the mystery together!?" She asked like an excited child.

"With me...? Wouldn't you rather someone else?"

"Well, that requires going outside and finding someone, and why would I do that when there's someone interesting right here!" Ichika smiled widely.

"Interesting...? Me?" Hajime blinked in shock. 

"Mmhm! So cmon, why not use this as an opportunity to get to know each other better!"

"...Sure. I like that. I wouldn't mind getting to know you better." Hajime smiled softly.

A sneaky grin spread across Ichika's face. "Well then, *Hajime*mashou!" *

"Oh for crying out loud." Hajime groaned.

はじめ (hajime) means "to begin" in Japanese, and はじめましょう (hajimemashou) translates to "let's start" or "let's begin"
basically, ichika is making a pun off Hajime's name lol help him

Event 6, Shuichi and Ichika, Teaching:

Ichika sat in her room alone, writing in a notebook and humming to herself. "Mmhm... That would make for a good lesson..." A knock on the door broke Ichika out of her thoughts. "Whooooo is it? Come in!"

Shuichi walked in and looked at Ichika, a little bit surprised. "Aki-san? So you were in here?"

Ichika raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Was my darling detective looking for little old me? Whaddya need?"

"It's more for Asahina-san." Shuichi chuckled lightly. "She's rounding up all the girls who have a physical talent for a volleyball game. Like, Oogami-san, Harukawa-san, Oowari-san... those guys and she wants you too."

"I see I see... Why did she send you though?" Ichika tilted her head.

"Apparently she thinks I have a knack for finding you." Shuichi gave Ichika a weak smile.

"Well I can see why. You have always been good at finding me!" Ichika giggled. "I mean look! You just found me!"

"But I never expected to find you of all people cooped up inside... You're usually outdoors." Shuichi hummed, staring at the small girl curiously. "What are you doing? It's not like you to stay inside..."

"Awwww, Shu knows me so well." Ichika clapped her hands together and cooed. "Aren't you just too cute."

"A-Aki-san... Please answer my question..." Shuichi stumbled, a light blush appearing on his face.

"Hehe, I'm just thinking of new lessons to teach, that's all." Ichika shrugged.

"Lessons...?" Shuichi gasped. "Oh, for your student, right?"

"You remembered!" Ichika grinned. "I've already got 24 lesson ideas down in the past hour!"

"24 in the past hour!? Wow... you really work fast sometimes, huh?" Shuichi chuckled.

"Mmhm." Ichika put her hands on her hips. "I expect his full attention when I get back." She then sighed. "I just do hope he's sticking to his diet. Last time you met him, I had to scold him for going off it."

Shuichi chuckled. "You really were like a big sister telling off a younger brother..."

"Hey, wanna join me? I could always use an extra head when coming up with lessons!" Ichika chirped, patting the seat next to her.

"M-Me? Wouldn't you rather someone else?" Shuichi stared at the girl owlishly.

"..." Ichika gave Shuichi a small smile. "You're the only one who knows about my student." She then looked off to the side. "Well, because he came to you to help look for his cat but anyway."

"I remember that. He was very happy to see his cat again." Shuichi laughed.

"The cat is that man's whole world." Ichika rolled her eyes. "Though I can't talk much about being a crazy cat parent. So come on! Help me out why don't ya? I also would just love to spend some time with such a pretty boy."

"Alright alright..." Shuichi sighed, the blush returning. "Only if you explain to Asahina-san why I didn't return."

"Nyufufu, deal."

Event 7, Ishimaru, Mondo, and Ichika, Troublemaker:

"Hey, you!" Ishimaru pointed his finger at Ichika, who was running around the pool late at night. "Running around in the pool area is strictly prohibited!"

"Huuuuh? You trying to tell me what to do?" Ichika pouted at Ishimaru. "I'm just trying to hone in my parkour skills." She placed a hand on her hip and sighed. "I thought you encouraged exploring our talents and putting in 'effort'."

"Of course I do! And you wishing to challenge the innermost parts of your talent is commendable indeed. However, doing so in an area like the pool is not only against the rules... It's extremely dangerous!" Ishimaru stated.

Ichika twirled the drawstrings of her jumper. "You seriously think I don't know that? Muffins above, I'm not five. Go pester someone else with your lectures."

"Hey bro, I've been looking for you." The two students looked over at the entrance of the pool to see Mondo walking towards them. "Oh, why is Aki here?"

"I was simply lecturing her on the rules of the pool and how dangerous it is to run around this area, yet she appears to not want to listen!"

Ichika clicked her tongue.  "I can hear you, bozo."

"Kid, you can't just run around a pool freely." Mondo sighed. "My bro is just worried about your safety-"

"Yadda yadda yadda." Ichika mocked Mondo by using her left hand to mimic talking. "And I thought the Ultimate biker guy wasn't such a sucker for something like *rules*." She smirked. "What, you tryna impress your little friend here? How cute."

Mondo clenched his fists. "You brat! We're just trying to look out for you!"

"You can look out for me by minding your own business." Ichika groaned, twirling her brown hair. 

"Rules are fundamental to our society and how to live a safe and healthy lifestyle! Such disobedience to the rules is bound to land one in a dangerous situation." Ishimaru explained, nodding his head. "I ask you to follow to rules as a fellow student! I have seen your academic performance in the past and such results are admirable! 

"Yeah, so I get good grades, your point?" Ichika raised an eyebrow.

"However, I am also aware you are a well-known troublemaker back at school, just like Saionji-san, Hagakure-kun, and Ouma-kun. Such unruly behaviour shall never fly when out in the real world! I ask you to accommodate to the rules to ensure a bright and healthy future, one of which I know you can achieve!"

"Heh, he's right, y'know." Monod chuckled lightly. "Just give it a try. Now is a good time to at least start before it's too late. Take it from me."

"Rules restrict us. They turn us into little puppets and allow higher-up powers to control us." Ichika sighed, rolling her eyes. "Rules are made to be broken. How can I live the free, unsupervised life I want if I'm supposed to follow rules that force everyone to stay in a little box."

"Rules are meant to keep people safe, not to confine us! Rules keep not just you safe, but everyone else!" Ishimaru nodded. "Without rules, would the world not end up in anarchy?"

"..." Ichika stared at the two boys blankly.

Mondo stared at Ichika. "You've gone pretty quiet kid, are you considering-"

"No." Ichika smiled innocently. "Piss off~"

"Why you little-!" Mondo gritted his teeth as Ichika ran away while laughing, climbing over the fence and up the nearby building, disappearing from sight. "Tch, talk about an annoying brat, laughing like that."

"It would appear that I need to take a different approach when dealing with Akiyama-san! Come, bro, let us brainstorm potential ideas!"

"Sorry bro, I don't think you're going to get through to her." Mondo sighed.

Event 8, Potential of Talent:

What are some ideas you have for unlocking new potential in your talent?

"Oooo new potential!? Now that sounds fun!" Ichika hummed. "Perhaps I could try parkouring in new landscapes, or expand on my teaching skills! So many options..."

Travelling the world sounds like fun! ✔️

I could offer new ways of teaching parkour to others.

Someone is offering me a deal?

Rantarou gave Ichika a cheerful smile. "Oh hello there Aki-san. Can I help yo-"

"Travel the world with me, Taro-chan!"

"Oh?" Rantarou blinked and then chuckled lightly. "Well, now isn't this unexpected."

Ichika bounced on her tippy toes. "C'mooonnnn! We've both travelled around the world! And it's usually all we talk about!"

"But don't we have two different goals when it comes to travelling?" Rantarou laughed. "You're after parkour experience, and I'm searching for my sister. Wouldn't we get in the way of each other?"

"It's called multitasking pretty boy!" Ichika grinned. "Of course both are feasible. I can help you find your sister with my skills." She made an explosion motion with her hands. "Booooom, we both achieve our goals! It's *ultimately* a win-win in the end." She giggled at her own joke. "Besides, I wanna meet your family. If they're as cool as Taro-chan, of course I want to get to know them!"

"Haha, well then, perhaps I'll take you up on that offer. Travelling with you would certainly be an experience I could never forget." Rantarou smiled softly at Ichika.

You and Rantarou continued to talk about travelling and promised each other to travel around the world together.

Travelling the world sounds like fun! 

I could offer new ways of teaching parkour to others. ✔️

Someone is offering me a deal?

Ibuki waved energetically at Ichika. "Hey hey! Hey, Aki-san is that you?" 

"Hi hi! Hi, it's me, Mio-chan!" Ichika returned the wave with the same energy, a big smile on her face. "Did ya need something?"

"I was wondering if you could teach me some of your parkour tricks!"

Ichika tilted her head. "Oh? Well of course." She smirked. "But I must warn you, those tricks don't come for free~"

"Well that makes sense!" Ibuki nodded. "Learning a Ultimates secret tricks can be like a Pandora's box... You have no idea what you're getting yourself into!" She cheered.

"Well, I don't mind teaching you some tricks? Do you need them for a show?"

Ibuki finched. "Wooooah! You could totally tell my intentions! How did you know?"

"Nyufufu, people often call it intuition." Ichika then sighed and gave Ibuki a small smile. "But you are kinda predictable, Mio-chan."

"Well, I need your tricks to help spice up my concerts! Imagine playing the guitar and doing some sweet parkour moves, what a banging show!" Ibuki squealed in excitement at the idea.

"Ooooo! That sounds so cooool! As long as you promise to keep giving me tips and tricks on how to play guitars, sign me up!" Ichika giggled. "Oh! And make sure you invite me to those concerts!"

Ibuki jumped up and down in pure excitement. "Gasp! Aki-san wants to know even MORE secrets of the gutiar! Well guess I have no choice! Now lets gooooo!!!"

I spent some time teaching Ibuki the basics of parkour and safety.

Travelling the world sounds like fun! 

I could offer new ways of teaching parkour to others.

Someone is offering me a deal? ✔️

"There's my dearest Ichika! I am here to request something that only you could fulfil!" Kokichi grinned with stars in his eyes.

Ichika chuckled. "Oh? Only I can fulfil? I'm intrigued."

"Nee-heehee, I figured." Kokichi put his hands behind his head. "I need you to join my organization!"

Ichika raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that's something *only I* could do, Kokichi."

"Yes it is!" Kokichi pouted. "At least... for this specific role in my organization." He smirked. "I need someone we can beat up our enemies, and destroy the competition from within." He grinned cheekily. "And who else better to fill that role than the almighty parkourist, huh?"

"Well well, I wasn't aware that you held me in such high regards. Oh, how flattered I am..." Ichika smirked. "Is what I would say if this wasn't all a lie." She laughed lightly. 

"Coooome oooonnnn Ichika, I hoped that at least you would try and play along with meeee." Kokichi waggled his finger and pouted. 

"Aaah, so it was just a lie." Ichika giggled. "Such a shame... I definitely would've accepted your offer too." She pouted.

"Hey! No lying when I'm in a two million metre radius! I hate, hate hate liars! Don't make me hate you Ichika!" Kokichi glared at Ichika, clenching his fists. 

"Nyufufu, come on darling, I was just messing with you." Ichika flicked his forehead. "Besides, I thought I got demoted from best friend to enemy after the pool incident."

"Psh, that was a lie, of course!" Kokichi grinned, his sour attitude completely disappearing. "No one could ever replace you!"

Kokichi and I spent some time together discussing how our talents could work together in the future.

Event 9, Celeste and Ichika, Europe:

Celestia approached Ichika from behind in the restaurant. "Akiyama-san, I wish to speak with you." 

Ichika turned around and raised an eyebrow. "And what could you possibly want from me hm? Are you still mad that I called you by your real name? Are you here to incite some deadly revenge?"

Celestia bit her tongue. "I detest having to speak to you, but I need input from someone who has travelled to Europe."

"Whatever do you mean?" Ichika tilted her head innocently. "I've never been to Europe."

"I do not wish to speak with you any more than you wish to speak to me. I have already spoken with Amami-kun and he told me that you have been to several parts of Europe in your lifetime due to your talent. Do not attempt to lie your way out of this, especially with me." Celestia stated coldly while glaring at the small girl.

"I'll lie to whoever I damn well please, Ms Vampire Wannabe." Ichika sighed, resting her cheek in her palm. "Dammit Taro-chan, you stupid chicken nugget... What, you wanna know if I've seen any castles or something for your little dream?"

Celestia merely giggled. "To think such an irritating brat such as yourself has decent perception skills. I simply wish to ask what places you visited that had castles for viewing and visiting."

Ichika leaned on a nearby table. "Ugh, and I thought you'd never want to speak to me again after last time... Fine, if it'll get you off my back. Château de Foix, Chenonceau Castle, The Chateau de Chambord..."

"..." Celestia hummed. "I expected a wider variety of castles and not just ones from France."

"Oh, so you actually *do* know what French sounds like huh?" Ichika raised an eyebrow. "Now that really is a surprise!"

"...Did you only mention French castles to test me?" Celestia glared at Ichika. "Are you doubting my heritage?" 

Ichika snorted. "Heritage of being a bitch-ass liar?"

"Hehehe..." Celestia pointed her finger at Ichika. "You little snot-nosed brat! I can't believe I'm here wasting my time with a piece of shit like you!" She barked, breaking all composure.

"You came to me, genius." Ichika clicked her tongue, unfazed by Celestia's outburst.

Event 10, Nagito and Ichika, Save our souls (jk Achievements):

"Akiyama-san! I recently heard that you got chosen to participate in a worldwide parkour tournament next year against some of the world's best parkourists!" Nagito gushed at the small girl. "As expected from the Ultimate Parkourist! This is a wonderful opportunity to allow your talent's hope to shine through!"

Ichika blinked and tilted her head. "Huh? How did you know that?"

"Momota-kun told me. He seemed incredibly proud of you, I'd say he was borderlining on gushing." Nagito chuckled lightly. "I don't blame him, as this is truly such an impressive feat!"

"Maaan, and that was supposed to stay under wraps too." Ichika rested her head in her palm. "Kaito was leaning over my shoulder when I got that letter a few weeks ago back at the dorms... I should've told him to bug off more." She chuckled lightly.

"Ah, I sincerely apologize! I didn't realize you wished to keep this secret." Nagito looked down at the ground in shame. "To have someone like me just so casually come up to you and speak of this... I'll keep my distance so as to not squander your potential..."

"Woooah there pal, talk about jumping to conclusions, eh?" Ichika rolled her eyes with a smile. "I doubt you'd squander me in any way, don't be so down!"

"I don't think you understand what my luck can do to others, Akiyama-san-"

"I don't know... Your luck is really intriguing." Ichika hummed with a blank stare before pouting up at Naigot. "Also call me Aki! Muffins above how many times must I tell you." 

"Such a lowly human as myself has no right to call an Ultimate by a nickname..." Nagito stared at the ground sadly. "Especially after I spoke about your recent achievement that you wished to keep quiet..."

"Well, yeah while I would prefer to keep that quiet, I don't really mind." She shrugged.

"I see... Then I'll do my best to be useful to you and keep this valuable knowledge hidden from the others." Nagito nodded.

Ichika raised an eyebrow. "Useful to me? You aren't a human tool, Komaeda-san."

"No, such a waste of human flesh like myself isn't good for anything." Nagito gave Ichika a look of determination. "That's why I will do my best to be useful so that everyone else's talents can shine brilliantly."

Ichika crossed her arms. "Sacrificing yourself won't do anyone any good." She pouted. "I'm sure your friends care about you and want you to prosper too."

Nagito hummed to himself. "...I'm not sure why, but that feels unbelievably ironic coming from you."

"Huh?" Ichika tilted her head.

"Oh dear, I spoke out loud." Nagito waved his hands frantically. "I'm so sorry, such lowly trash as myself shouldn't speak my thoughts so openly like that."

"Despite all these years, you remain the same strange nugget I met back when we first started at Hope's Peak..." Ichika chuckled lightly, shaking her head.

Event 11 Masaru and Ichika, Race:

Masaru stamped his foot on the ground. "This isn't fair! The hero doesn't lose to a wicked grown-up! One more time! This time, I'll show you monsters that heroes always win in the end!"

"...Daimon-chan, this is the 7th time you've challenged me to this obstacle course." Ichika sighed, putting her hand on her hip. "You should take a break for a bit before continuing."

"No, I need to beat you now! Because a hero never gives up! I'm going to show you who's the boss here!"

"Of course, of course." Ichika giggled lightly. "Let's just get some water, alright? There's no way you're not dehydrated right now." Ichika reached into her pocket and pulled out a medium-sized water bottle. "Here, Daimon-chan. Being dehydrated isn't good, so drink some water."

"No way! You've probably poisoned that, or done something to it! You drink some first." Masaru yelled, clenching his fists. 

Ichika shrugged. "My my, what a distrusting one you are. Well, distrust towards adults isn't a bad thing at all." She opened the lid and took a small gulp of the water. "Mmhm, nice and refreshing, with nice cold ice cubes."

"..." Masaru pouted as he felt his throat dry up a bit. "Fine, give me that." He snatched the water bottle from Ichika, who just smiled softly as he drank the whole bottle.

"So you were that thirsty huh? I guess even you lose some of your hero power, huh?" Ichika chuckled lightly, taking the empty bottle from Masaru.

"N-No I didn't! This just gave me an awesome power-up!" Masaru pointed at Ichika. "You just made a big mistake, monster! I feel more powerful than ever, and now, I'm going to strike you down once and for all!"

"Alright then!" Ichika stretched her body out and gave Masaru a cheeky grin. "Let's see if that power-up I gave you will give you the strength to take down the almighty parkour monster once and for all!"

Masaru giggled. "I'll jump over all these obstacles waaay before you can!" He ran off and Ichika simply sighed with a small smile.

"... The nostalgia is strong with this kid, huh?" She giggled to herself.

Event 12, Summer Festival, Helping out at a restaurant:

There's a festival underway where you can try things unrelated to your talent! I've been tasked with taking food out to guests thanks to my speedy nature!

"Let's see how many people I can serve in 5 minutes!" Ichika grinned.

Here is your meal, madame. ✔️

How's the food coming along? 

Why are you here? 

"Good evening, here is your food, oh fair maiden." Ichika giggled while placing a plate of food down on the table.

"Fair maiden? Now that's a new one." Kaede chuckled.

"Oh, did Kae-chan prefer pretty girl? Or perhaps beautiful girl would be more to your liking?" Ichika smirked, leaning closer to Kaede.

Kaede put her hands up, a small blush spreading across her face. "I-I don't really care, you call me what you want despite my protests... Also you're too close."

Ichika pouted but pulled away nonetheless. "Awww, why wouldn't I want to be close to you? Such a fine lady as yourself is truly a magnificent piece of art to admire." 

"Geez, you don't need to act like an actual butler, this isn't a formal event." Kaede chuckled lightly.

Kaede and I enjoyed some light banter before I was called back to work.

Here is your meal, madame. 

How's the food coming along? ✔️

Why are you here? 

"Toujou-saaan! How's it *cooking*?" Ichika giggled.

Kirumi sighed. "I've nearly finished the next batch of food, so if you're ready, please be prepared to take them out. We're getting quite the influx of customers right now."

"Okie dokie! Whatever the beautiful lady saysss!"

"I do hope you're taking this at least a bit seriously. I don't want you to spill the food on the floor." Kirumi narrowed her eyes at Ichika's lax posture. 

"Don't worry! I'm not a clutz or anything." Ichika pouted. "I thought you knew me better!"

"...Right, my apologies." Kirumi gave the small girl a smile. "I have noticed you are very efficient when you put your mind to it, Aki-san."

"Oh my muffins, a compliment from Toujou-san!" Ichika squealed in excitement. "I'll be sure to burn this into my memory!"

I helped take out more food for Kirumi!

Here is your meal, madame. 

How's the food coming along? 

Why are you here? ✔️

"Hey! How did you get in here?" Ichika barked at the black and white bear that attempted to sneak into the restaurant.

"Grrr, you kids denying me my rights to eat! This is why the youth is the worst!" Monokuma barked.

Ichika huffed. "Toujou-san told me to keep you out. And we don't need you causing a ruckus for your own pleasure."

"Wow, I gotta say, very *very* interesting words coming for you." Monokuma laughed.

Ichika picked up a nearby broom. "Leave or I shall resort to several acts of violence with this broomstick!" She pouted.

"Ow ow ow! Stop hitting me!"

"Begone, evil rodent!"

"I'm a bear, you stupid child!"

I chased Monokuma away with the broomstick I found!

Event 13, Campfire:

It's been a wild ride, but our time here is almost over! We're having a bonfire as a send-off!

"Aw man, it's nearly over already? Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have some fun tonight. I wanna roast some marshmallows!"

Is that a new invention? ✔️

Would you like one?


"Ah-hahaha! Get a load of this sexy shit!" Miu laughed while slapping her hand down on her nearby invention.

"Oooo, is that an invention for the marshmallows?" Ichika asked with stars in her eyes.

"You bet your flat chest it is! This baby has a double rotating system so you can roast five marshmallows at once, and roast them all from all angles!" Miu played with her hair as her face turned red. "I-It gets... Every angle perfectly cooked and tenderized..."

"I don't think you can tenderize marshmallows but wowee! Your invention really is working! Can I have one? Please Micchan, pleaseeee?" Ichika begged, giving Miu her best puppy dog eyes.

"W-Well, if you're going to beg like a little slut, then go ahead! Be my fucking guest." Miu laughed, placing her hands on her hips.

"Your vulgarity hasn't changed a bit since we met, huh?" Ichika chuckled. "Oh well, good thing I find that so interesting!"

Miu and I spent some time roasting as many marshmallows as we could!

Is that a new invention? 

Would you like one? ✔️


"Hey Ryucchan! I made some smores, you want?"

"How many times do I gotta tell you to stop calling me that stupid nickname..." Fuyuhiko groaned.

"You don't sound as angry this time!" Ichika gasped. "Have you finally accepted it as your nickname?"

"Doesn't matter if I accept it or not, you're just going to keep calling me it." Fuyuhiko sighed.

"..." Ichika giggled. "Awwww, you totally like it don't you, Ryucchan."

"Like hell I do!" Fuyuhiko barked. "Ugh, you just do whatever you want, no matter what anyone says."

"And that's my favourite way to roll! Anyway, you never answered my question. Want a smore? They're still waaarm!" Ichika giggled, slowly moving the smore closer to Fuyuhiko.

"Don't shove it in my face, dammit!" Fuyuhiko yelled, scooting away.

I continued talking with Fuyuhiko through the campfire despite his protests. 

Is that a new invention? 

Would you like one? 

Marshmallows? ✔️

Monaca looked up at Ichika innocently. "Ah, Aki-san! Can I ask you a favour?"

"Depends what kind of favour it is. But shoot." Ichika smiled.

"My friends and I just ran out of marshmallows!" Monaca cried. "Can you please get us some more? Pretty please?"

"Oh, but there are some right here!" Ichika pulled out a packet of marshmallows from behind her log seat.

"Oh wow! It's like magic, thank yo-"

"When did I say these were for you?" Ichika continued smiling innocently.

Monaca's face fell. "Huh."

"I saved these for *my* friends. If you want marshmallows that bad, go and get some yourself." Ichika giggled.

"...You think you're so funny don't you." Monaca's face turned dark. "Is it because you're an adult that you think you can mock children for your own little fun?"

Ichika just laughed. "Nah, I just know the difference between a child and well..." Her smile turned into a smirk. "A child like *you*, let's just say."



Monaca smiled. "Oh well. I don't really care either way."

I felt Monaca glaring at me for the rest of the campfire.

Event 14, Izuru and Ichika, Good at Everything:

"Hmm..." Ichika hummed to herself while twirling a pencil between her fingers, a book opened next to her in the library late at night. "I wonder if that was intentional."

"What are you doing?" Ichika spun around and saw Izuru staring over her shoulder.

"Oh, Kamakura-san! I..." Ichika blinked in confusion. "I didn't... hear you come in."

"Stealth is one of my many talents. Sneaking into places without making a sound is simple."

Ichika rubbed her ears. "Muffins above, has my hearing been getting worse or something?" She mumbled with a pout.

"You didn't answer my question. What are you doing in here." Izuru continued staring at Ichika with a blank face.

Ichika raised an eyebrow. "What's it to you? Interested in me, are we?" She smirked.

"No, not at all."

"Yeoch, right to the heart." Ichika sighed.

"I don't understand why someone would be here so late at night."

"Why not?" Ichika chirped. "Besides the library has such a nice atmosphere at night. Some say it's creepy, but I say it's beautiful. Besides, being here so late at night, I might get to meet a *ghost writer*!"


"Awww no reaction?" Ichika pouted.

"...I see no reason to react. It wasn't funny."

"Oooh I see, have all your emotions been *booked out*?" Ichika grinned and snickered up at the emotionless boy.

"..." Izuru stared at Ichika.

"Alright, tough crowd." Ichika let out a low whistle.

"You never answered my first question."

"Oh, so you are interested in me!" Ichika looked back up at Izuru with sparkles in her eyes.

"...If you won't tell me, I'll be leaving-"

"I'm trying to figure out who the thief is in this mystery book." Ichika smiled softly, showing Izuru the cover of the book.

"Do you find pleasure in such meaningless puzzles?"

"Hm? Meaningless? Are they really meaningless if I find pleasure in them?" Ichika smirked up at Izuru.


"You should join me! Let's *piece* this mystery together!" Ichika patted the seat next to her. "I've heard from a few people that you're super duper smart, so I wanna see that in action!"


"Woah, wait really?" Ichika's face fell blank. "I thought for sure you'd decline."

"Did you not want me to?" Izuru blinked.

"Non non! Of course not! Now sit down, there are no take backs now!" Ichika giggled with a wide grin.

Event 15, My future, Kaito, Kokichi, and Ichika:

"Even in this virtual world, they still managed to capture the essence of space." Kaito stared up at the sky, watching the stars twinkle on the balcony outside the bedrooms with Ichika.

Ichika sat next to him, kicking her legs back and forth since her feet didn't quite reach the sandy ground below her. "Yeppers! Amazing how they managed to get every position of the stars on point, huh?" She smiled.

"Yeah, now let's finally play our game!" Kaito grinned. 

Ichika nodded rapidly and puffed her chest out. "I'm *totally* going to win this one, spaceman, so be prepared!" She giggled.

"Huh!? Like hell I'll let you! I'm going to count *double* the amount of constellations from you!" Kaito grinned widely while Ichika just giggled.

"I was wondering why it was so loud out here, turns out it was just you two." Ichika and Kaito turned around to see Kokichi bounding towards them. "Talk about predictable, you two are louder than a siren!"

"Wow really?" Ichika gasped. "Maybe I should record the next time you bring out your little crocodile tears and give you a taste of the hell you put our ears through!" Ichika exclaimed with a bright smile.

Kokichi gasped and placed his hand over his heart. "I-I thought we were friends Ichika! A-And you decide to *bully* your best friend!? WAAAAHHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! I'm breaking up with you as my best friend!"

"Man, you seriously know how to hurt our eardrums." Kaito groaned, rubbing his ears. "Come in here, complaining about how loud we are, then causing a ruckus yourself."

"Nee-heehee, it's just what I do best." Kokichi put his hands behind his head and giggled. "You play this annoying game little game together almost every darn night." He pouted. "Honestly, you two are such children! I expected better from young ultimate adults like you two!"

"Hey! Like you can talk! You've forced yourself into our constellations game in the past and mocked all those beautiful stars in the sky!" Kaito barked.

"I would *never* do such a thing to those treasures in the sky!" Kokichi snapped then looked at his nails. "I am a respectable man who respects the respect out of the glowy things in the sky."

Ichika covered her mouth with both hands and giggled. "...Kokichi, you said that the libra constellation looked like the head of a dick." She raised an eyebrow at him.

"And I spoke the truth that night!" Kokichi crossed his arms and huffed.

"I can't believe you disrespected libra like that!" Kaito groaned while pinching his nose bridge.

"Hahaha! Truly an *out of this world* comment, no?" Ichika laughed.

"Yeah, well at least Ichika thought it was funny!" Kokichi grinned. "See, she gets my humour."

"That's cuz you two are so alike dammit." Kaito sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Heeey! I am *much* more tolerable than Mr Walking Chessboard as an aesthetic is." Ichika pointed her thumb at Kokichi with a smirk. "Least you don't need to question everything I say."

"Haha come on Ichika! Just because you have a cute face doesn't mean you can hide behind it whenever you please." Kokichi smirked putting a finger up to his lips.

"Mmhm, don't wanna hear that from you, darling." Ichika rested her cheek in her palm, smirking up at Ichika. "But isn't that why we keep coming back to each other?"

"Haha, bold and fearless, challenging me like that. I like it!" Kokichi grinned, putting his hands behind his head.

"Geez, you two and your lies and jokes..." Kaito scratched the back of his head and sighed. "Always tiring everyone out with your high energy."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Ichika grinned. "Oi, Kokichi, wanna join us?"

"Yeah, c'mon!" Kaito smiled up at Kokichi. "If you don't wanna play you can decide who wins in the end!"

Kokichi tilted his head. "Huuuh? Both Ichika *and* Momota-chan are on their knees begging for me to stay?" He gasped. "Are you two secretly in love with me!?"

"Like hell we are!" Kaito snapped. "Do you wanna join or not?"

"Yeah, cmon, no need to beat around the bush, pretty boy!" Ichika leaned back and looked up at Kokichi. "It'll be fun!"

"And I thought Momota-chan wouldn't want me around after last time." Kokichi looked at his nails and sighed. "I thought you hated my lies. And yet here you are pleading for more. Oh god don't tell me you two are like some weird masochists! Someone help before the weirdos trap me forever!"

"Masochists? Us!? What the hell is going on in that head of yours!" Kaito barked.

"Pfft- Ahahahaha!" Ichika burst out laughing. "Puh-lease, if anyone has a higher chance of being a masochist here, it is *totally* you Kokichi. I mean you go around and piss people off so much they treat you horribly." She snickered and shot Kokichi a cheeky grin.

"Whatever." Kaito sighed. "Besides, I never said I hated your lies." He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, they're annoying as hell, yet I'll admit, I can't help but find myself constantly enthralled by them."

"..." Kokichi's face fell blank.

"The idiot spaceman speaks nothing but truth!" Ichika announced, placing her hands on her hips. "I agree! I can't help but want to hear more of Kokichi's lies too. They're never boring!"

"Stop calling me an idiot, geez." Kaito groaned.

"But your stupidity is why I like you so much Kaito!" Ichika pouted.


"Nee-heehee, you two sure are weriddd." Kokichi giggled, walking up to Ichika and plopping down on the deck next to her. "Well, chop-chop!" Kokichi clapped his hands other. "Haven't got all night, entertain me with your knowledge about the glowy things."

"Alright! Time to show you whose the space master around here is, Ichika!" Kaito grinned.

Event 16, Kyoko and Ichika, Understanding:

"Wow, you've sure met a whole lot of interesting people in your investigations, Kyocchan! Do you have any other people you can tell me about?" Ichika and Kyoko were both sat down in the diner, drinking some tea and eating sweets together.

Kyoko chuckled lightly. "I don't think I've ever met someone who's so... Interested in my detective work before."

"Well, it's pretty clear that you're only telling me the lighter ones than the more depressing ones." Ichika sighed. "Do you think I'm not mature enough for them?"

"Well, from a surface glance, I'd have to say yes." Kyoko laughed lightly.

"Hey! Now you're just teasing me!" Ichika pouted.

"I won't lie, you are certainly more than what you allow to surface." Kyoko hummed. "I remember how quick you were to pick apart one of Ouma-kun's pranks yesterday."

"Yeah, but that doesn't really count." Ichika shrugged. "I've had that asshole on my back since I first got to this damn school." She huffed. "Such an annoying guy, honestly."

"I've noticed to seem to be drawn to the more eccentric people." Kyoko pointed out. "Ouma-kun, Tanaka-kun, Iruma-san... Is that perhaps why you're so interested in hearing about the strange people I've encountered?"

"Nyufufu, maybeeee. What can I say, they're just so peculiar, doesn't it make you want to understand how their little noggins work, hm?" Ichika tilted her head with a smirk.

"Perhaps, but I think we wish to understand people for different reasons."

"Ehehe, that is probably quuuuuite true." Ichika's eyes lit up. "Hey, can I come with you sometime? When you're meeting with people for your work?"


"You said yourself that I'm 'more than what I allow to surface'. I'm sure I can be a big help for getting into people's heads." Ichika looked at Kyoko like an excited puppy, stars glittering in her eyes.

"My detective work is confidential." Kyoko sighed. "My apologies, but I cannot allow you to help."

"Awww man." Ichika pouted. "Oh well, I guess. I was hoping to see how a detective does it."

"...But I must say, you'd make for an interesting partner." Kyoko smiled lightly. "Perhaps talking with Saihara-kun may land you a position in detective work, if you're so interested."

"Hmmm... You know, maybe I'll actually take that into consideration." Ichika smiled widely.


it has been years since I last wrote this much oh my fucking god I really hope yall enjoyed this I broke my hand for yall sobs

Word count: 10314

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