Me After You: Old Story

By WriteMeYuna

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After the final battle between Major and Minor families, Pete has decided to leave his work under Boss Kinn a... More

Chapter 0: The Beginning After The End
Chapter 1: Difficult Stages of Love
Chapter 2: Never Forgets About Your Friends
Chapter 2.5: Drunk Pete means Cute Pete
Chapter 3: This Person I Named "Home"
Chapter 4: We Are All In This Together as Family
Chapter 5.1: True Nature of Tamed Beast
Chapter 5.2: Not So Relaxing Time
Chapter 6: Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Chapter 7: The Real Game Has Begun
Chapter 8: Stranger and Colpo di Fulmine
Chapter 8.5: Younger Son, Macau Theerapanyakul
Chapter 9: Silence Before The Storm
Chapter 10: Ruins of Our Paradise
Chapter 11: The Truth Behind The Scars
Chapter 12: Chasing the White Rabbit
Chapter 13: The Devil in Me
Chapter 13.5: Save and Sound
Chapter 14: "Italian Incident" - The Illusion
Chapter 16: The Rest of Our Story
Do You Know How Sexy You Are?
The Letter
Chapter 17: Missing Essential Percent of You
Chapter 18: I Found Peace in Your Violence
Chapter 19: Lingering Taste of Your Lips
Chapter 20: Our Future Depends on Your Past
Chapter 21: Silly Decisions and Crazy Consequences
Chapter 22: This Is Our Friendship
Chapter 23: One Step Back, Three Steps Forward
Chapter 24: Accept Your Punishment, It Is Only The Beginning
Chapter 25: You, Me and My Crazy Family
Chapter 26: No More Peace in Our Home
Chapter 27: The Ugly Feeling of Jealousy
Chapter 27.5: My Sweet, Lovely Boy
Chapter 28: I Am Sorry, Please, Forgive Me
Chapter 29: Yesterday's Repercussions Became Today's Blessings
Chapter 30: Mousetrap
Chapter 31: House of Madness
Chapter 32: Bloody Stains on The Ground
Chapter 33: My Own Personal Hell
Chapter 34: The Depth of My Feelings
Chapter 34.5: My Frustration Means Your Frustration, Brother
Chapter 35: Let Me Show You, Who you Belong To
Short Stories of Venice: Sleepless Night
Update Time!
Chapter 36: Loving Family
Chapter 37: Monster Hidden Inside
Chapter 38: A Morning Like No Other
Short Stories of Venice: Great and Dangerous Vegas Theerapanyakul
Chapter 39: Let Me Be Romantic, Darling
Chapter 39.5: Revenge is Dish Best Served in Handcuffs
Chapter 40: Let Me Woo You, Macau
Short Stories of Venice: Happy Birthday, Daddy
Chapter 41: To The Man Who Fell In Love With Me
Short Stories of Venice: Jealousy
Chapter 42: Sweet Taste of...

Chapter 15: "Italian Incident" - The Truth

9.4K 331 198
By WriteMeYuna

READ ME: this is a fanfic only, my all imagination after battle between Major and Minor Family. English is not my first language so please, spare me everyone. I am trying my best. <3 THANK YOU FOR ALL COMMENTS, THEY ARE HELPING ME WRITE THIS, YOU ALL ARE THE BEST! :)

📢 If you read my ffs and think "well, this was good, let me buy her coffee or donut or just something small and sweet then now you can but DO NOT feel force to support me like this! I will still add chapters normally! If you wish to support me:

Italian Incident will be put as Macau Pov and Alcazio Pov.


Sorry to make it like this but story is longer than I predicted! I'm curious what you all think now about Alcazio. :)


~~words written as this are in italian~~

All my life, death followed me like a shadow. Every moment in the past, every good, warm memory was hidden by her, and over time I learned to accept that reality. There was nothing in my existence that I would consider good, I was surrounded by evil and cruelty everywhere. At one point, it filled me so much that I had the impression there was nothing positive about me.

I worked for a man whom I hated with all my empty heart, doing for him things so horrible that a place in hell had been waiting for me for a long time, and yet I didn't care. What does it matter what will happen to me? After all, I do not worship anyone, there is not one person who would care about my fate. Yes, that's the truth, a lot of people know me, I fucked even more, and one could assume that in this whole ocean there would be at least one soul for which my fate would be important, but unfortunately it was not like this. Everyone only interacted with me when they needed a favor or a fuck.

Therefore, when I got another order, I accepted it right away. This time the fucked-up Mikolaj asked for the head of the young Theerapanyakul on a tray. I looked at his picture and the description my people made and didn't even feel sorry to kill a seventeen-year-old boy. This was the world we lived in. Dark and cruel.

I heard about their arrival immediately, but I didn't have a free time to look at my target. I knew his bedroom was right next to mine and this assured me that soon we will met. I went out on the balcony, lit a cigarette and patiently waited. I knew that sooner or later he would showed up and then I will be able to look at him closely. Poor boy, sold by his father to a real psychopath.

I took a good puff and then heard footsteps. Someone stepped onto the balcony next to me.

- Sorry - sweet voice said in broken Italian - Could you please put it out?

I looked at him and had to admit, the photos did not reflect his beauty. He was slim, shorter than me, with black, deep eyes and styled, equally dark hair. The puffed, full lips were actually grimacing as he waved his hand at my cigarette. What a pity such beauty had to die.

- Honey, I will have to say no, unfortunately. It's the only thing that relaxes me in this damn place.

I straightened up, stretching my arms upwards and deliberately showing him a piece of the body. I could feel where his gaze had stopped and I wanted to laugh. Naughty boy.

- Asshole - he muttered in Thai and then showed me strange smile - That's okay, sir!

I was shocked and then curiosity took over. I couldn't believe he just called me an asshole, and I laughed because it was the first time that I got curious about someone in this place. I waited a moment, then smoothly made my way to his balcony. The window was closed, but for me it was not a problem. Boy was lying on the bed, snoring softly, so I quickly tied his hands to the bed and waited for him to wake up. He was really cute, especially when he frowned suddenly and sighed, but when he realized he couldn't move, he quickly opened his sleepy eyes, looking around.

- You shouldn't call me an asshole - I said while searching his backpack.

I grabbed wallet and looked at the picture of him and Vegas. They had similar features, but Macau cought my attention more. There was something in his eyes that I hadn't seen anywhere else.

- I don't understand - he muttered.

- I said you shouldn't call me an asshole - this time I repeated it in his native language. He stared at me in shock, I couldn't help but chuckle. - Yes, I speak your language. I know nine other if you are curious, I understand a few more.

- You tied me up to show off? Maybe some privacy? - he wanted to kick me but his legs were too short to be able to do it.

- My sunny boy, you are in the nest of vipers. What kind of privacy you are talking about? - I pulled out his ID and raised an eyebrow in pretend surprise. - Are you Vegas's brother?

- Yes!

- But you are so... soft? - I said, wanting to make him angry, and I succeeded because his eyes began to cast lightning.

- Let me out, I will show you how soft I am! - I laughed, almost falling to the floor and then decided to untie his hands. Show me what you got, kid.

I saw his fist approaching my face, but before it reached me, I grabbed it quickly and tossed him face down on the bed. I tripped by the way and landed on his back.

- I slipped, but this position is quite interesting, don't you think, honey? - I whispered and saw how his cheeks are becoming red. - Sadly we don't have time for this type of fun.

I heard a knock on the door and I quickly stepped back, dashed to the balcony, jumped over to my side, and entered the room while closing the window. I got to know my target and had to admit it, he was tempting. If only he didn't have to die, I would love to show him how good it could be between us, but in the present situation it was impossible. Special room was waiting for us and today Mikolaj was supposed to create an opportunity for me and him to be alone. Then I will kidnap him and hold for a few days. After this he will be killed. It was all settled with Vegas's father, who assured us that as long as we pretended it was done by someone else's attack, we could kill the boy. Macau was sweet, if only he didn't have family from hell he could live a long time. What a pity.


The party began and I immediately sensed someone's curious eyesight on me, so I turned to see Macau pointing at my direction and whispering something to Vegas. He was wearing a burgundy suit which only made him seem more charming. I had the impression that many men and women were watching Macau and his brother with curiosity. I have known this company for a long time and such innocent morsels were treated as delicacies here. For some reason it made me angry.

I watched as his eyes locked on me and a thread ran between us. I had the feeling that I was swimming in those wide, chocolatey pupils until I felt a woman's touch on my back. I didn't remember her name, but it was one of my old booty calls. Macau's eyes widened when he saw us together, so I bowed my head slightly and kissed her shoulder without taking my hungry eyes from him. Time stopped, voices merged into one, and it seemed to me that we would both move towards each other soon, when everything was interrupted by the arrogant voice of Mikolaj.

- Ladies and gentlemen! Time to start our fun. The first of the games will be quite simple, we will pair up in a moment. I hid a few precious stones in the house and garden, whoever finds the most will be able to keep them or replace them and thus sign a contract with me. Isn't that hilarious?

Waiters spread around the room, holding sacks with cards in them. I've chosen my word quickly, then went through all people to stand next to Macau.

- You have 3 hours to find a partner and search, at twelve the person with the most stones needs to be in front of my office to win. Good luck!

I followed him imperceptibly from behind, trying to read the inscription on his note.

- Destiny - he whispered, and I quickly stepped back and scanned the others.

After a few minutes, I found a man with this exact word, so I pretended to run into him and quickly swapped our lines. Then I stopped near Macau's father, leaving the note in a clearly visible place.

I watched him look around for his pair and I truly wanted to laugh. Look at me, look in my direction, I want to see the surprise in your eyes when you understand who you will spend this time with. It was all too simple... Then I felt his eyes on me. He stared in disbelief at the piece of paper I had pinned to my jacket, and I could see that he was hesitating. However, he decided to take part in the game, because he slowly came towards me.

- You must be joking - I tore the paper from his hands, trying to act surprised - We have to be destined for each other, sweetheart.

- Hello, Caz - he said, and I couldn't believe what I just heard. - Let's try to spend this time like civilized people.

- Call me that again and you will see how civilized I can be, dear - I smiled at him even when I knew it never reached my angry eyes.

- I can't wait to see it - he approached me until I felt a tingling sensation around my lips - Caz.

I froze as blood rushed to my head.

- Let's start with the garden, partner - he left quickly, and I just run after him, like some lost kid.

The boy seemed to be treating me like a servant, so I was glad that he would soon be politely locked up and separate from everyone else. I wanted to hold him tight and shake him and take an apology for what he called me.

- You have to be very brave to ruin my name like that, baby - I growled.

He was walking in front of me and I didn't notice how suddenly he stopped and quickly turned to face me. He was about to fall when I grabbed him and pulled tightly against my body. I felt his hot breath on my shoulder, and I shivered. I pushed him immediately to limit our contact.

- Hmm - Macau began. - Maybe we'll make an agreement that you will stop saying "baby, sweetie" and those other funny words to me, and I won't call you Caz anymore?

I wanted to grab his beautiful, slender neck and squeeze it hard. How dare he spoil my Italian name like that? Show a bit of respect!

- People like when I call them that - I said truthfully, but he gave me a cold look.

- Well, I don't like it, so address them the same, but please spare me - he asked with annoying voice and quickly walked away, going deeper into the garden.

I smiled under my breath, ready to begin the first part of the plan. I followed him and when the occasion was right, I hit him hard on the head until he fell to the ground. I then pulled back and shouted his name anxiously, in case he was still conscious. After putting this whole show, I packed Macau into the car that had been prepared in advance and was on my way.

After many twists and turns, I got to the place I was looking for. There was a small house in front of me, surrounded only by trees. I carried the body inside, checked that everything what we needed has been put in correct places, and closed the automatic door. Only my key was able to open it again, and I hid it deeply with the phone. Then I walked over to the wall and banged my head against it until I felt blood trickling down my forehead. Convincing enough. Now all I had to do was wait.


I waited for Macau to finally open his eyes and for a moment was terrified that I had hit him too hard. Yes, I was supposed to kill him, but not like that after all. I looked at those long, black eyelashes that covered his eyes, puffed out lips, and now whitened cheeks, and I waited. Another hour passed before I finally saw him move. He tried to get up, but he didn't have enough energy, so I grabbed his arm to help. His skin burned mine, I did not understand why I react so disturbingly to our every contact. Macau looked around and then walked over to me.

- What's happening? - he looked at me and I saw fear in his eyes.

- We've been abducted - I said calmly, then gave me one of the bottles. - Drink, the body needs fluids.

I took a long sip myself and sighed as it ran down my dry throat. We were supposed to stay here for a few days and I was counting on Macau to not act like a little child. I didn't feel like being a nanny.

- So that's why. How stupid I am.

I looked at him anxiously. Did he understand that I am here to kill him? But how could he have guessed? He was looking at me with big, sad eyes and I didn't know what to do.

- What's wrong? Are you claustrophobic? Are you gonna go crazy here? - I put hand to his forehead, pretending I care. - Cold, it seems okay.

- Sorry, it's my fault - he said and I just let him believe in that. - I did not understand why my father wanted to take me suddenly to a meeting with a client, but it is so clear. I am his bargaining chip. He is risking losing me just to make a deal.

I felt numb, understanding that there are some things we have in common. I was also used at every turn. Nobody cared about my life and I had the feeling that if I ended it, there wouldn't be one person who would cry for me. No, you can't feel connection with him, you can't! He sat down with his back to me, forehead against the wall, looking like some lost puppy.

- So you mean that your father decided to put your life at stake just to have a successful deal? Well, that's fucked up.

- Well fucked up is a synonym for our family - I laughed because I understood it all too well.

- Don't worry, young one, I'll protect us. - I said even when I knew only one of us will walk from here on their own.

- Of course, because you've been doing so well so far.

I threw the bottle at him.

- You have a sharp tongue, watch out or someone will cut it - when I said that he showed me it and then added to it middle finger. - You're pushing my blood pressure up, boy!

Macau ignored me and just sat again in front of a wall. I looked at him for a moment, but I felt he had a hard time coming to terms with what his father had done. And you do not even know whole truth... I lay down on the bed, my eyes still darting toward him, until I fell asleep.

- Hey, there's only one bed, we need to share - I heard but decided to ignore him.

It was quiet for a moment, and then I felt him lie down on top of me and force himself against the wall. I smiled, helping him find some space.

- Stop fidgeting - I asked, feeling a part of me starting to harden dangerously, then I pulled away gently, wrapped arm around his body, and turned chest so that my front was glued to his back.

It was going to be a long, sleepless night, and I scolded myself inside for the sudden lack of composure. After all, it is just a body, although it fits perfectly into mine, especially when we are lying like now, but still only the body. I fucked many of such, so why now I acted this wierd? I swung my leg over his hips, hoping the boy would fall asleep quickly, then stuffed my nose into his neck and inhaled that strange, alluring scent. Something was really wrong with me.


As soon as I woke up, I felt a strong stabbing pain in my side. Macau's elbow dug into my body until I hissed. I struggled to free myself from him as he was partially lying on top of me, cuddled against my body, but after some time I was able to stand on the ground. I straightened up and I knew I needed a hot shower so I grabbed my pants from the closet and opened the hidden door leading to the bathroom. I took my time washing the hardships of last day.

I didn't expect Macau to say it was his father's plan. There was, of course, a grain of truth in it, but the plan was not to hold him until a deal was made, but to kill a boy as the icing on the cake. Mikolaj was mentally ill and expected each of his partners to pay for services. For their family, the price was unfortunately the head of the younger son. I was gonna keep him here until they figured it out, then kill the cutie and leave them a souvenir.

It wasn't the first time I had done something like this, but for some reason Macau was like a thorn in my hand. He irritated me, made me lose my mind, and I didn't know exactly how to act. From the very first moment I felt like grabbing his face and closing those cheeky mouth with a kiss, but it wouldn't be a good idea after all. Or maybe? Well, no one needed to know that something had happened between us, and he also reacted in a special way to me. I've noticed it immediately. Maybe instead of exhausting these few days, we'll just spend them having hot, meaningless sex? It would be that simple.

But I shook my head, not allowing myself to cross that line. The boy will die anyway, and when I do what I have to do, I will find someone to shake off these feelings. I got dressed and with this in mind, I went into the room, standing in front of a surprised, half-naked Macau.

- What the...

- Oh, you got up - I smiled, lazily surveying him. He was lean but well-muscled. He has golden skin, as if his body was kissed by the sun, and my mouth felt dry. - I found a bathroom, so I think they're planning to leave us here for a while.

I noticed that he was raising his hand with his sweatshirt up as if to hide from me, and then I realized that the boy had a tattoo on his side. Vertical family inscription. Nothing was written about it in the report, and it should have been for my own sake. I really wanted to kneel and lick it whole. What the fuck?

- You have a tattoo, that's new - I touched it. - Quite an interesting word choice.

I knew the boy was shivering, so I ran my fingers over it again, and he suddenly looked up and I could see a storm of emotion in his eyes. It was enough to lean over and touch his pouted lips and the rest would have rolled out quickly, but it really wasn't a good idea. Macau gave a fake laugh, pulled back, almost falling on the bed, and then quickly grabbed his clothes.

- Coward - I just shouted, silence answered me.

Macau ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I smiled because for some reason I enjoyed playing with him. In the meantime, I took out the food I had prepared in advance and spread it out on the table. Soon after, the boy returned to the room, wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. His hair was damp, a drop of water ran down his cheek, and I wanted to wipe it off, but I stopped myself. Enough is enough.

- Finally, I was about to go there to get you - I only muttered pointing hand to the place next to me - It may not be an amazing meal, but we need energy and I have the impression that I haven't eaten anything for a few days, you probably have the same.

Macau sat down next to me, his knee touching mine. It felt like a gentle bolt was running between us, but I ignored it. Apparently I was just horny as I haven't had a moment for pleasure lately. Is must be this, I'm sure.

- Aren't you afraid it's poisoned? - I heard when I took a large portion in my mouth.

I wanted to laugh because I had prepared everything myself, but I couldn't. This situation, for some reason, caused me a lot of trouble, I felt something I did not expect, regret.

- What is the point of poisoning us if they could shoot us right away? - I just asked, then shoved another fork in his hand - Eat it while it's warm.

I watched as he distrustfully picked up the food to his nose and sniffed it. He really thought he could smell the poison, if there were any? I laughed softly because at the same time his stomach growled loudly and the boy began to eat. I still had an image of his tattoo in my head, and was curious as to why this is what he decided to do on himself.

- What? - he asked, giving me a quick look.

- Why family? - I heard him sigh, but I really wanted to know.

- I don't know - he replied with a shrug. - I've always liked tattoos, so I wanted to have one myself, and since my father wasn't a supporter of them, maybe I thought that if I had it tattooed, his reaction wouldn't be too bad.

- The same father who let you be kidnapped? - I put down fork on empty plate and rested my arms on the floor at the back, gently bending chest for more comfortable position.

- Unfortunately, I don't have another one. You know, he didn't even care about it, he just looked at me and said he didn't expect anything else from someone like me.

I could see that he was still experiencing this moment because he closed his eyes for a while and sniffed. I shouldn't have felt anything seeing this, people often cried in front of me, told me sad stories that were supposed to make me not kill them, so why did I want to touch his cheek now? We were too similar and it started to be dangerous.

- I guess I'd rather him beat me up, at least I could pretend he cares.

It felt like we needed some relaxation. All naughty thoughts I had could not fit in this moment, so I got up and reached for the beer I had left in room as well. You never know what could have come in handy.

- I feel this might be of use to us - I tossed him the can and he grabbed it, staring in disbelief.

- Seriously? They even left us a beer?

- They also left some condoms - I replied, winking at him, and he blushed all over, like a tomato.

I didn't think I would like the sight so much, but suddenly I wanted to see if he was red in other places as well. The boy quickly opened the can, laughed and took a long sip. What a cute guy.

- Take it easy, darling - I blurted out, and I saw fire in his eyes.

- Of course, Caz, as you wish - he said in such a tone that I felt my jaw tighten dangerously.

- Okay, I admit it's my fault - I added, sitting next to him again - but I don't understand what you dislike about those words.

- I don't feel you are taking me seriously when you talk to me like that. Like you don't respect me, you know. You don't need to understand it, and maybe others don't mind it, but I don't want you to talk to me the way you talk to everyone else. I'm not like everyone else.

You're not like the others? Or is it just that you don't want me to treat you as I treat others? I wanted to slide my finger over those reddened cheeks, just to feel if they were as hot as their shade indicated.

- Okay. So back to your rebellious tattoo, what about Vegas?

- He liked it - Macau replied I raised an eyebrow in disbelief - He really liked it!

- I never thought Vegas would be a person to whom family means so much - I admitted.

- You can't even imagine how much - he whispered, taking another sip. - And you? Family matters to you or not?

- I don't know what family is - I admited. For few seconds I wanted to tell him some lie about my past but I was so curious to see his reaction to my words. Maybe he will look at me with pity? If he will show me that he feels bad, I hoped all those weird feelings I have will disapear. I hated when others felt bad for me, so Macau, please do it. Feel sorry so I can throw you out of my mind.

- Mine were murdered when I was six. On my birthday, which makes it all even worse. I went downstairs in the morning because my mother always made pancakes for my celebration and that's when I saw them. They were tied to chairs, gags in their mouths and he was standing next to kitchen doors. He shot them in front of me, then turned to me and said I would either die with them or live with him. Guess what I chose? - I added, trying to see every single change on his face.

I spoke coolly, not allowing any other feelings to show up. I spent my whole life suffering in silence, but I learned to hide everything so well that some people called me a robot. I watched everything which come up on Macau's face. I was searching for pity there, but he looked at me understandingly. I saw the pain and the need to support me, but there wasn't anywhere that pitiful look other people were throwing at me when they knew my story. I got up quickly and grabbed another can. This was bad, we had connection and Macau made me feel like there may be someone for whom I can have value. Very dangerous thoughts began appearing in my messed up head.

- I spent my whole life with him, protected him, cared for him, and hated myself for it every day.

- Why didn't you kill that man? - Macau stood up as well, folding his hands together in front of him as if that would keep those fingers from coming closer to me.

- Why, that's the question - I laughed and tilted the can sharply. - Because it's a monster. He cannot be killed, believe me, many have tried and everyone has died. The truth is that here you either live with him in peace or you are against him, but in this case you end up buried a few meters underground, and me? Well, I'm a coward. I don't have enough courage to let him kill me, so I'm his obedient little dog.

- Who is this man? - he came closer and I sat on the bed.

- Mikolaj Vladimirovich, our dear host.

I couldn't help but fill my words with sarcasm while saying that damned name. My face was like a mask, but inside I felt anger wafting through every muscle. Sixteen years have passed since that day, and it still felt like yesterday. I hated the guy, but I hated myself even more. I ministered to my parents' murderer, how pathetic it was.

- I shouldn't talk about it, we chose a stupid topic - I laughed awkwardly, crushing the can I was holding and tossed it against the wall. But I couldn't keep it to myself.

- It looks like - Macau began, carefully placing his hand on my shoulder and squeezing it - we both know what it's like to live with a monster. My father is like a poison that kills me and my bro every day.

I looked up at him and it felt like everything had changed between us. We realized something among ourselves, as the blocks suddenly fell in the right places. I saw Macau put his beer down and then hug me tightly against his chest. I stiffened, unprepared for such contact, but he ignored my attempts to move away. His body exuded a strange power that calmed me down, relaxed me and made me not want to let go. This was so wrong, so inappropriate. He would scream and run if he knew truth about us and this place but in those few seconds I felt warm I never knew existed. Another body shouldn't make me feel this way and yet he did. And I will kill him. I will stop this warmness with my both deathly hands. If there was a chance for me, after killing that boy it will disapear and nothing will save my soul. How I can deal with that?

- Stupid puppy - I whispered, hiding the shy smile in his belly.


We lay on the bed, Macau in front of me, pressed tight against my back. I had one arm outstretched in front of me, his head resting on it. It will be a week since I locked us in here and we spent most of our time talking. I did not think that we would open up to each other so much. Why was I so honest with him? I don't know, it didn't make any sense. Soon Macau will be dead and I will return to my dark life. Why evacuate? Why approach him unnecessarily? After all, I am only risking and although everything I say will not go beyond this place, the memories will not fade away so quickly.

- Alcazio, if your life had been different, who would you be? - Macau asked, and I frowned.

- I have no idea - I replied and thought for a moment. - I don't know if I can do anything else. I've never had a chance to find out what I'm really good at.

- You know so many languages, maybe you'd be a teacher - Macau laughed, and I felt his whole body tremble.

I myself smiled at that. What an absurd vision.

- And you? - I asked.

- I'd like to travel around the world - he whispered, and I noticed the blush on his cheek. - That is why I was so happy to go to Italy, but as you can see, I am not meant for overseas adventures.

- I'd like to take you to Florence, you'd love it there - I said softly, lazily stroking his head - but let's start with Rome. Maybe the Colosseum? Everyone who visits Italy should see it.

- I would like to see the Colosseum, but it is unlikely to be possible. As soon as the negotiations are over, my father will take us to Thailand, I am sure of it.

I felt my throat tighten because I knew Macau was still unaware of the whole truth. Unspeakable words hung above us like a hail cloud. I felt his fingers gently slide over my hand.

- I could take care of him, you know - I muttered, because at the mere thought of his father, I could feel my anger rising inside me.

- He's my problem, I have to solve it myself.

I hugged him tighter, pressed my face against his neck, absorbing the scent of his body.

- Tell me something - I said.

- When I was little Vegas secretly took me for a ride to the beach because he knew I always dreamed of seeing it. It was my birthday that I forgot about. We left school and rode his motorcycle towards the sea, but before we reached our destination something broke in the engine and we ended up standing on the side of the road. Soon after, my father called, dissatisfied as always, and sent a car for us. We both got really bad punishment that day - he turned to me, staring right into my eyes - I never thought about the beach again after that beating. I didn't want more pain over stupid frills.

For some reason, I didn't like this story. I wanted to pick him up right now and drive to the beach. I would watch him swim in the sea, run on warm sand, maybe I would even accompany him?

- And now? - I asked, rubbing my nose with his.

- I want to see the beach. Will you take me there?

We stared at each other for a while, until I've pushed my hand out from under his neck, rested firmly on my elbow, and leaned over. I couldn't answer him, I didn't want to lie, and I would have to. I stared at his lips and saw him nervously licking them with his little, pink tongue. I swallowed saliva hardly, losing the strength, struggling to hold back, then I lightly touched his lips with mine. Macau's fingers tightened on my sweatshirt, but he didn't pull me away from him, he just held onto me as I kissed him softly. I couldn't tell what I was feeling, but it felt as if everything was suddenly on right place. Our every touch made the situation even more complicated, and I didn't know what to do anymore.

- What am I supposed to do now? - I begged, and Macau rose to my mouth.

His kiss was as gentle as mine. Everything seemed to stop and electricity was flowing between us. I felt his tongue slide deeper into my mouth, and I knew there would be no turning back. I stood up suddenly, focusing all my strength on unhooking myself from him. I can't risk this anymore, it shouldn't be like that.

- This was dangerous - I said to myself, feeling that a moment longer and I would come back to him. - Very dangerous.

- Sorry - I heard, but I just shook my head.

- Don't be - I assured. - I need to control myself better.

I had to get out of here as soon as possible, it was getting more and more dangerous between us. How did I know one kiss would make me feel like this? It shouldn't, after all, I've been doing much dirtier, sexual things with a lot of people, and I've never been so shocked by anything. Macau tasted so... delicious? I couldn't define it, but I was drawn to him. I acted like a drug addict who can't tear himself away from his favorite poison. I grabbed the towel and quickly shut myself up in the bathroom, then rested my forehead against the cool tiles and took a deep breath. I let go of the cool water and stood under it until my whole body trembled. I was afraid of going to the room, but I scolded myself for that.

Soon after I left and gave Macau a worrying look, but he flashed a smile at me and walked into the bathroom himself. I quickly pulled out my phone and saw some messages there. I ignored most of them, focusing only on Mikolaj's number.

"Don't forget your mission. Waiting for proof, you might send us his head. I want to see that asshole Vegas's face when I hand it to him on silver plate."

I felt chills down my spine, nothing but Italian curses crammed into my mouth, and I couldn't contain the pain in my voice. How was I supposed to do this? How was I supposed to kill him, how was I supposed to hurt him, if all I had to do was see the sadness on his face and I wanted to beat everyone who caused it.

- Alcazio? - I shuddered hearing his concerned voice.

- Are you hungry? I can prepare something - I asked quickly, turning to smile at him.

- You don't have to, are you okay?

- Yes, I just have too much energy - I said, hoping he will believe me. - Lie down, I'll come to you soon.


It's been nine days since I locked us in here, two days since I couldn't help but think that if I hurt Macau it would be my end. I tried my best to forget what I felt, but it was ridiculous. Over a week and I want to give up everything? Risk my own life? For a seventeen-year-old? What is happening with me? I closed my eyes and started counting down from ten again. It often helped me get my thoughts together, but in this case it had no effect.

Macau had been sleeping on the bed for several hours when I reached for the hidden phone and saw one message.

"Kill him."

I looked at it in disbelief, still hoping that crazy Mikolaj would write suddenly that he was only joking. Minutes passed and I began to understand that I had to choose. Me or him. We both couldn't make it out alive, so now I asked myself a simple question. Me or Macau? I hid the phone and looked at him, he was asleep snugly against our pillow. His one arm outstretched where I used to sleep, and I knew he hoped for me to be there, cuddled against him like I would every night. This boy felt something for me and I felt something for him. Something I didn't understand. It completely enveloped me, dulled my senses. I leaned over him, almost touching his relaxed body.

- Macau - I whispered against myself, and he wrinkled his nose, then blinked a few times and looked at me blankly. - Could I touch you? I need to feel you.

I didn't know what made me say it. I didn't understand myself, after all, I wanted him and it would only be sex. Nothing more than pure animal lust, but when he looked at me so sweetly and then kissed me softly giving me silent consent, I realized that it would never be just sex and his touch would stay with me forever. I held my breath, still waiting for the words, I needed to hear them so badly.

- I need to hear this.

- Yes, you can touch me - all the barriers I had dropped, and I digged into his mouth tightly.

I kissed him like a thirsty man who had just received refreshing water. I caressed the cheek, licked neck and marked his delicious skin, doing such thing for the first time in my life. I bit him lightly, not wanting to hurt him, but hard enough to leave a mark. My mark, proudly showing that Macau already belongs to someone and that someone belongs to him. I slipped a trembling hand under shirt and touched his warm, sensitive body. I stroked the nipple and heard a groan that almost made me lose my mind. I couldn't wait any longer, so I reached down with my other hand to his stiff cock and felt the precum trickling down it.

- Please - Macau croaked, grabbing the pillow. - Mmmmm, yeah...

I caressed his swollen penis, my lips still exploring his neck that curved toward me. His taste made me want to melt with it, become one and never separate again. I felt that I would not be able to give this man back to anyone, I have never had such thoughts, until today. I felt him close as he wriggled, whispering my name. Macau's fingers running down my chest, lingering on the already tight pants. But I wanted today to belong only to him. I pulled my hand out from under his shirt and grasped both wrists, holding them above his head, and he arched back against my hips. I gritted my teeth, struggling to keep from going as deeply into him as was possible.

- This time is only for you - I promised, then speeded up my fingers.

I efficiently moved them around the penis and then brushed its head with my thumb. Macau was coming hard, rubbing against me, and I had the feeling that I didn't need anything else but this view. Bitten lower lip, eyes tightly closed, body arched in ecstasy. This sight will haunt me for ages.

- You look so sexy as you cum - I brushed the tip of his nose.

- I think I love you - he whispered shyly and my heart skipped a beat.

I pulled away and saw that he was overwhelmed by sleep. I went to the bathroom, took the wet towel from it and carefully wiped Macau's body, then put on new clothes, didn't want him to get sick, and only then took out my gun.

I unlocked it and, standing next to the bed, pointed at his head. Me or Macau? My heart was racing, but it was too late. Feelings have already entered my soul which was before destroyed by cruelty of life. I held this gun as if I had any way out, as if I could hurt him. I laughed at my stupidity because that is not an option anymore. I don't know if what I felt was love, but I couldn't let anything happen to the man sleeping in front of me. I should let him touch me, but then it would be impossible to leave.

I secured my gun, packed my things, and left the map on the table. Macau would probably think he was going back to Mikolaj's mansion, but I would never let that happen. So I marked a place where the boy could safely escape from Italy, and I was about to leave, but I couldn't help myself. I approached him again, brushing his forehead.

- Forgive me - I asked, and he whispered my name in his sleep. - I'm sick of running away, it's time to destroy the monster, and when I do, I'll come back to you. I promise.

Then I left.


I was sitting in one of the cafes they built off the beaten track. I sent Vegas a request for an urgent meeting a while ago and he promised he would come as soon as possible.

- Alcazio - I heard behind my back and saw my friend's stern face. - Where's Macau?!

Vegas had wrinkled clothes, large circles under his eyes, and tousled hair. He must have spent every moment looking for his brother.

- Sit down - I asked, and ordered us two glasses of wine.

I waited for the waiter to disappear before answering.

- He's safe - I said, and pulled out a map. - You'll find him here - I pointed, and Vegas frowned a little.

- What's going on here?!

- You and Macau must leave - I ordered. - I don't want to go into details, but Mikolaj requested as a gift for the joint relationship of your brother's head, and well, your father agreed.

Vegas stared at me in disbelief.

- It's impossible - he said, but I sensed the uncertainty in his voice.

- Think what you want, but if you don't get out of here by midnight, the boy will be dead. There is no time for your questions, just believe me in this one thing.

- But my father...

- Don't worry about him, Mikolaj won't attack so easily a boss from another country, but you are a different matter. Vegas, this is not a joke, you understand? Go over there, take Macau home or you'll lose him.

Vegas paused for a moment, then nodded. Without waiting any longer, he drank his glass and stood up.

- Could... - He stopped, looking at me. - Could you give it to Macau?

I held the letter out towards him, and he put it in his back pocket.

- He told you to do this, right? Mikolaj? - Vegas asked again, and I nodded. - I don't know why you decided to hold off, but I won't forget this.

I showed sad smile to him and he quickly disappeared. I sat down for a while longer, but I was still worried about Macau. I quickly took my backpack and also headed towards the airport. I wanted to see him one last time, because I had the impression that I would not come back alive from my fight with Mikolaj. I will try, use all my knowledge and skills, but defeating a monster is not an easy task. So I needed to see that brown, soft hair. One last time.

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