The Mutants: Leonardo x Reader

By Nerdfanatic247

140K 2.9K 595

New York City. A place in which it seems every single story takes place. And who are those people in those st... More

Meet The Characters
Just A Day In The Life
Witnessing A Foot Clan Attack
Shutting Down A Foot Clan Attack
The Vigilantes Are...
The One With The Video Tapes
Visiting An Old Friend
Piecing Together The Parts
Attack On The Lair
The Sacks Estate
The Daring Rescue
Escape From The Estate
A Race Against Time
The One With The Fight To Protect New York
The End Is Just The Beginning
Out Of The Shadows
Undercover Mission
Jail Break
Mutants and Vigilantes
Turtles... Meet Casey Jones... Casey... Meet Turtles
Family Tensions
Breaking Into Headquarters
A Family Divided
A Little Fieldtrip to Brazil
Krang's Attack on New York City
True Heroes

Two Years Later

5.6K 95 48
By Nerdfanatic247

My eyes were closed and covered by a blindfold. My mouth clamped down on the cold hard end of a spoon. An egg on my head, on the end of the spoon in my mouth and on the ends of two other spoons that were in each of my hands, out stretched and balanced at my sides. My right foot tucked up onto my thigh, with an egg balancing in between the skin of my foot and my pant leg. All as I balanced on one foot. While spinning on a board in the Ha'shi. Not as a punishment though, training.

I could hear the soft patter of steps circling around me. I breathed in and out listening to the steps and focusing. Splinter's tail whipped towards me, and I blocked the attack with my forearm. Keeping the egg on the spoon. His tail kept coming, and I kept blocking. I let out a hiss of breath when the tail, slapped into my stomach. I groaned slightly, keeping my mouth on the spoon.

    "Very good." Splinter praised. I could practically hear him thinking, as he ran his fingers over his beard. "Now switch. Use your powers to block me."

I gave a slight nod, so I wouldn't knock off the egg on my head. His tail slapped the board and made it spin around again. Making me loose any awareness I had of where I was facing. I waited and listened, breathing in and out slowly and quietly. His tail snapped and I stayed still, allowing my powers to fight for me. Left, right, back, front, center, side, behind. Purple tendrils of powers escaped my body, smacking the tail away from me. Splinter spun the board again and I nearly lost my balance. His tail flicked out towards me one last time, smacking into the side of my one standing leg.

    "Ow, shit." I cursed.

The spoon fell from my mouth, the egg fell from my head and the board slipped out from underneath me. I felt myself falling towards the floor, until I didn't. I managed to hover with the purple energy that caught my body and made me float in the air for a second, until I dropped it and landed lightly to the floor. Only letting out a small oof.

    "Told you she's a total Jedi." I heard Mikey whisper.

I lifted a corner of the blindfold and looked at the four turtles standing in the doorway staring at me in amazement. Splinter chuckled and walked over towards me and offered me a hand which I gladly accepted. I pulled the blindfold off my face completely and the scrunchy from my (H/c) hair, letting it loose and down my back.

    "I must say, you've almost achieved perfect balance between yourself and your powers." Splinter nodded at me proudly.

    "Thank you, Sensei." I nodded back at him and grabbed my water bottle, squirting some of the cold liquid down my I gasped refreshed. "I guess that's what two years of training will do to you." I chuckled.

    "You have done well, my dear. That was almost a 12 hour session."

    "11 hours, 32 minutes, and 19 seconds. That's your best record yet." Donnie calculated for me and I grinned at him.

I walked back over towards the board and picked up the five eggs that represented the five of us as a team from the ground.

    "How many did you break today?" Raph smirked smugly while I checked them all over.

    "None, you big doofus. How many did you crack earlier?" I retorted with a small snort.

I smirked as I showed him all the eggs I managed to save. Raph grunted, knowing earlier he crushed two of the five, during his training exercise. I snickered and walked towards the doorway, where Leonardo was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He still hadn't spoken, and that was normal for him. His big blue eyes watched every move I made like a hawk. I bit the bottom of my lip gently as I passed by him to walk further into the lair.

Everyone knew now that we were together. It's been almost two years since Leo asked me out that night. Splinter, was actually quite supportive. He said that our quality's were like yin and yang, balancing each other out. We were good for each other and made one hell of a team. April, was shocked and yet not all at the same time when we confessed it all to her. She was just glad that we were happy.

As for the boys. I had grown quite close to each of them in our own separate way. Michelangelo and I bonded over being the babies in our families. Our silly, quirky natures, brought us close together. We played pranks on the brothers, we sang loud obnoxious karaoke. And we played hard at video games.

Raphael and I butted heads. A lot, but mostly it was playful banter now. Typically we rebelled together and we were a night time crime fighting duo. Really as close as brother and sister. I had managed to figure out that Raph had feeling for me at one point, but they weren't like that anymore. Even though we did occasionally flirt just to get on Leo's nerves.

And sweet, shy Donatello. Easily out of all the brothers, we were the closest. He was my venting buddy. He always listened with an opened mind and gave me honest feedback. We bonded over our smart intellect. He taught me how to make gadgets with him, work all his techs computer things, and I always helped him with building the vehicles.

(Lemony action)

As I walked away from the Ha'shi, I knew Leonardo followed after me. He did every single time I had training. I turned the corner in one of the pipes towards the bedrooms. Leonardo's foot steps picked up, and he quickly grabbed my waist, and pushed me into his room.

The door closed and he pinned me up against it, eyeing me like a predator does to their prey. It used to make me self conscious, but when you have a boyfriend, like Leo. He's to sweet for his own good. Showering me with compliments, turning around the insecurities, making me feel loved and desired. And it took us a long time to reach the place we are now, with being completely comfortable with each other. Being a turtle and human, after all. Not that it ever really bothered us anyway. We hardly ever looked at it like that. We were both just mutants in each other's eyes and that didn't bother us one bit.

    "You know, I hate when you wear that." Leo growled playfully as he looked me up and down.

    "My training clothes?" I scoffed with a smirk. "You mean, this training gym bra? These form fitting yoga pants?" I asked innocently pointing them out. "You don't hate them, love. You love them." I whispered in his ear.

    "Their very distracting." He whispered, and his breath hit my face as he leaned in closer.

    "That's why I wear them." I whispered back lowly.

Leo smirked and leaned in the rest of the way, pressing his lips against mine. My hands slowly snaked up and around his neck and I pressed myself as close to him as possible. One of his large hands roamed over the soft skin of my sides, up and down between the bands of my clothing. The other held tightly to my hip, helping keep me close to him. His lips left mine and he began to trail kisses from the corner of my mouth, down my jaw line, to my neck, across my collarbone. I let out soft moans of pleasure at his touch. Using my hands to rub up the back of his neck, to the top of his head and back down again.

Leo shivered and let out a few moans of his own, which I really enjoyed. His face lifted from my collarbone, back up to my lips.

    "Jump." He mumbled against mine.

I did as he asked, jumping up, allowing him to catch me underneath my thighs. My legs wrapped around him the best I could and he carried us over to the bed. Laying me down gently. Leo hovered over me and we began to make out passionately. Our tongues fighting for dominance and his winning as always. His hands travelled up the side of my body all the way to my collarbone and to the thick strap of my gym bra. He started to pull it down over my shoulder.


My phone started singing on the night stand, making us both jump, and our heads knocked together. We both groaned and Leo flipped over off me with an annoyed huff. I held my hand on my forehead and sat up quickly, recognizing April's ringtone. I grabbed my cell and pressed talk.

    "Y/n? You're going to be late for work if you don't get up out of that sewer in the next five minutes. I swear, I'll come in after you and then I'll be late and we'll both get fired. And our lives will be ruined." April said dramatically.

    "Okay, don't be so dramatic. Miss Drama Queen." I chuckled and stood up from the bed. "I'm done with training and I'll be up in a minute."

    "Uh-huh. Five minutes, Y/n. Not ten, not seven or six. Five. And tell Leo, I said hey. Because I know he's there with you." I could hear the smirk in April's voice.

My cheeks went pink and I turned to look at Leo. His whole face was basically red and I did my best to control my snickering.

    "Hi, April." Leo called out into the phone.

    "Four minutes. Clock's ticking. Bye." April said.

    "Bye!" I shook my head and hung up the call. I looked at Leo with big sad eyes. "I have to go."

    "I know." Leo sighed, leaning up on his elbow, head resting on his hand. "Between, training, work, and vigilante justice at night. I feel like we hardly ever have time alone anymore."

    "I know, Leo. We will make time soon. I promise, with no more interruptions." I leaned down capturing his lips with mine briefly before I pulled them back. He sighed content and nodded slightly as I gathered my work clothing. I turned to look at him and he just laid there watching with that same smirk he always wore. "Uhm, privacy to change." I huffed playfully.

    "Aw, come on! It's nothing I haven't seen before!" He groaned dramatically and laid on his back, throwing a pillow over his head.

I chuckled and began to change. Pulling off my gym bra and yoga pants, replacing it with a new appropriate day bra and skinny jeans. I tossed on a teeshirt and my short leather jacket. When I turned around, Leo quickly put the pillow back over his eyes and I scoffed playfully.

    "Okay, Peaky Pete. I saw that. How much did you see?" I crossed my arms after moving the pillow from his face.

    "Uh, from when you were jumping to get into your jeans?" He said innocently and I chuckled, biting my lip and shaking my head.

    "You're lucky, I like you." I leaned down to give him one more kiss goodbye. "Bye."

    "Bye." Leo watched me head to the door, with a dreamy expression written on his face, but he jumped up as I walked out the door. "Wait, wait! We're going to the Knicks Game tomorrow night. Prime seats in the Jumbotron. Madison Square garden." He wiggled his eyebrows holding my waist. "You coming?"

    "I can't tomorrow's Thursday, remember? Designated April and Y/n hang out day." I sighed.

    "Aw, you're not coming? You've shattered my heart, angel. Purely shattered." Mikey whined dramatically as he walked by us into the kitchen. Leo and I separated and I walked towards the port to leave the lair.

    "I'm sorry, Mikey." I called out after him.

    "Way to break all our hearts." Raph scoffed. He brushed past me, knocking his shoulder into mine.

    "Oh shut up, Red. Weren't you just complaining how you miss the good old days. No girls. Wishing you could have a guy's only day?" I pointed out with a raised brow.

    "Designated no girlfriends allowed day. I believe he called it." Donnie chuckled walking by.

    "Yea! That! Even though it's only Leo who has one! So thanks for singling me out!" I called out to him with a small laugh. "All right, boys. As fun as this is. April's gonna kill me if I don't get topside. I'll see you, Friday? Yeah?"

    "Yeah, I'll see you, Friday." Leo chuckled.

    "Have fun spending quality time with you brothers!"

    "Yeah, have fun spending time with your sister!"

I ran out of the lair and up the ladder to the manhole cover. Pushing it out of the way and climbing out. Using my power to push it back.

    "You're late." April sang, tapping her watch.

    "I'm sorry. You know how hard it is to leave the lair. They hate saying goodbye, and so do I." I groaned and we began walking. "If vigilantism paid, like it does for Vern, I'd be living the high life." I let out a small sigh. "You know how much they hate being stuck down there all day long, waiting for night. At least I came come to the surface. They can't." I sighed.

    "I know. I know. One day things will change and they'll be able to come out into the open and be accepted into society. But for now, they're safer out of sight." April pursed her lips tightly. "Come on, we gotta hurry."

April and I walked into Channel Six news room. She was almost always busy now that she had an anchor position on the morning news. I yawned and grabbed a coffee, making my way to my new desk. I had taken a position almost two years ago as a Investigative journalist reporter in April's place. Without all the camera work. It was just a desk job, bringing in stories to tell. I didn't care about having the biggest stories like she had. But, I almost always did, being that I was a night time vigilante. I had all the great scoops and news stories. I was even offered last week a higher up position for the afternoon/ nightly edition segments. But that would be taking up way more of my time. I told them I'd think about it, but I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna take it.

Work was long and boring. Filled with paperwork, lots of coffee, and patience. One of the new guys, was about my age, hit on me constantly. I never reciprocated the feelings, since I have a boyfriend. Which is the only person I have eyes for. But it wasn't exactly like I could come out and say I had one either. No pictures of us on my desk, or anything so he'd think I was lying anyways and continue to pester me. Granted there was a picture of us on my phone, but that was my Home Screen photo. Lock Screen was of April and I.

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