The Ultimate Hero: Deku 10X

By SonicDeku97

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Hello this is a story of the anime series my hero academia and the cartoon series ben 10 and in this story it... More

Deku 10 part 1
Deku 10 part 2 origins and choosen
more power means more responsibilitys
starting line and unexpected visitor
A meeting with the staff of UA
dont get expelled on the first day
No new page just an UPDATE
aliens vs bakugo
bakugos starting line
Choosen leader
USJ Attack
Escape From The Warlord
Ochacos Goal
UA sports fest part 1 the race is on
UA sports fest part 2 Cavalry Battle
Sports Fest Fights part 1
Update 2
Sports Fest Fights part 2 Izuku vs monster
Sports Fest Fights part 3 Champion
Sports Fest Aftermath
Time to pick some Code Names
Internships Enter Biazzre Gran Torino
Hosu City Incident
Hosu Aftermath
Origins of One For All
Preparing For The Finals
Survival Battle
Parents Day
The Finals Exam
A Friendly Encounter
Date At The Circus
Class A day at the Pool
Save the World with Looove
Two Heroes: Welcome to I-island
Two Heroes: Party Crashers
Two Heroes: Final Boss
Two Heroes: After Party
Meet the Wild, Wild Pussycats
Story Time Around The Camp Fire
Friday The 13th
My Hero
Fight On Deku
The Ultimate Villain
Omnitrix VS All For One
Sayonara Symbol Of Peace Being New Start

OVA 2 Training With The Dead

202 6 8
By SonicDeku97

(After school it was dawn)

We see her walking home

2 classmates watch her

Class girl 1: asui always goes home right away i can't tell what she's thinking

Class 2: her expression doesn't change at all too is it because she's a frog

Narrater tsu: with hero studies taking up even more of my time i wasn't able to make any friends at the time

(Moments later)

Narrater tsu: but during all that there was 1 girl who started stalking me around her name was habuko mongoose she was always alone too and sometimes she would suddenly use her 3 second paralysis stare quirk and other times she would start flicking her tongue at me it was creepy

As she still walks then stops

Narrater tsu: but then i started to understand so i built up some courge to spoke to her

She turns to the snake headed girl hiding behind the pole

(At UA in class 1A)

Narrater deku: as the internships under the pro heroes ended brought all of us back to school and with our practical exams just 4 days away we were ready to continue our ordinary lives or so we thought

Aizawa standing at the front desk tired as always: it's a little sudden but for our next hero exercise

3 unknown students stand beside him

Aizawa: 4 hero class students from Isami High School they will be joining us as special guest

Some of class 1A students were hyped: WAHOOO WELCOME TO UA

Mineta crys with joy and drools with thirst: IT'S A GIRL WITH GLASSES

Midoriya annoyed his head: keep it in your pants mineta

Kaminari happily slides to the glasses girl: hey there beautiful i lost my number can i have yours

The glasses girl was flattered but embarrassed and slides away as a familiar ear phone stabs the pikachu in the ear and he was shocked and his body slumps down and vibrates

Some of class 1A though it was funny: HAHAHA

Jiro annoyed: dammit stop showing off your stupidity

Aizawa was mad and annoyed as his eye's glowed red making everyone shut up

The teacher calms down: now introduce yourselves

(Music stops)

The glasses girl: oh of course we'll be running the exercise with you today Isami High School hero class im kashiko sekigai

Most of the class 1A students mostly the boys liking her: ooooooooooh

A chubby boy sweating and wipes himself with a rag: same class im dadan tadan

He then bows: pleasure to meet you

Class 1A thinks he's ok: oooooh

A blue and white haired boy glares and sulk: fujimi

He glares at bakugo who notices

Aizawa confused: wait there's supposed to be 4 of you

Confusing everyone else as there was a shadowy figure hiding behind sekigai and the figure reveals to be a familiar snake headed girl that tsu recognizes and both were surprised and they immediately hug each other and both were very happy


Habuko: TSU

Uraraka happy for them: oh so there friends

Midoriya a little worried: this is pretty unusually in normal nature

Fujimi annoyed: mongoose don't be all friendly with these trash UA guys

Bakugo gets mad and rages: WHAT YOU SAY YOU ISAMI PIECE OF SHIT

He was about to jump out of his desk

Midoriya annoyed with arms crossed: bakugo chill


Aizawa annoyed: how about you shut up first

Bakugo growls at him

Aizawa: alright its time to go change into your costumes and make your way to ground omega iida your fast so guide the isami students

Iida salutes: YES SIR

We now see bakugo and fujimi clashing glares at each others faces with there hands in there pockets

Midoriya gets annoyed by this

Aizawa sees the problem: midoriya make sure those 2 don't kill each other

Midoriya: yes sir

(Moments later in girls locker rooms)

We see the girls getting changed into there hero costumes

Uraraka: ah i knew it you 2 went to the same middle school right

Habuko in her costume

She and tsu were still happy to be together

Tsu: ribbit yes we are very good friends

Habuko flicks her tongue as some of the 1A girls were a little creeped out

Mina: is that so

Uraraka: i can't help but feel uneasy around her

Momo: oh so your the president of your class

Sekigai: why yes

She looks at her: and what about you

Momo: oh im just a vice commander with iida and midoriya is our class president but he prefers to be called class leader

Sekigai surprised: oh i wish i thought of that and i hear he's pretty good at it

Uraraka: oh yeh he really is even tho he's a pretty big nerd sometimes it's almost like he's done it before

Mina leans in with a grin: and he's the big nerd that you kissed at the sports festival


She blushes more with embarrassment

Sekigai and habuko got confused as they remembered watching it

Sekigai: midoriya is actually all those alien heroes right and what do you mean

Mina grins: well-

Uraraka immediately covers her mouth: let's just say deku prefers his aliens as there own beings

Sekigai confused: oh interesting

Habuko looks at her best friend: speaking of boys tsu you seeing anybody

Tsu looks away and blushes: well not exactly

Mina leans in and grins: well actually-

Tsu immediately covers her mouth: mina don't start

Sekigai looks away: well whatever the case is being president it's a stressful job because of a troublesome student we have

Momo had a teardrop: we know that feeling cuz we got the same problem too

(Music stops the boys side)

We see bakugo and fujimi still at each others faces as the other's notice it and got a bit worried

Fujimi smugs evilly: a delinquent as 1 of the top students UA seems to have gone downhill

Bakugo grins evilly: you mind saying that again you isamishit i didn't hear yeh

Some of the other's were too scared to interfere

Fujimi: i just don't like you that's what im saying i don't like how your looking down on me just because your in UA that's what im saying

Mineta panicking: midoriya please do something

Midoriya annoyed and breaths: im on it

He walks to them

Bakugo raging more: if your going to start a fight then start 1 that you can actually win

Fujimi smugs evilly more: then we'll prove it yeh in this exercise that we are the superior school


Midoriya gets between them and pushes them away from each other: ok you 2 break it up save it for the exercise

Bakugo keeping his eyes on his new target: stay out of this nerd he started it so he's getting it

Fujimi doing the same: yeh you dam alien freak you ain't the boss of me

Midoriya glares with his arms crossed: no im not but ill call her for you if you like

Fujimi glares at him: and what makes you think im afraid of her

Midoriya: and i don't care if you are or not and i don't care what your problems are im the leader of my class and i do what's best for them to keep them in line

Fujimi: then tell me mr rising star of UA what's a big shot hero like you even doing in a school like this dump when your already a big time super hero and what good are any of these dead weights other then slowing you down

The rest of the class 1A boys look at them ungratefully

Bakugo got real mad: THAT'S IT

He was about to rush him but midoriya with his full cowl on quickly slams him to a wall of lockers flat against his stomach and is pinned by the watch wielder


Midoriya glares: you shut up i won't say it again

He glares at the other: and as for you someone like you probably wouldn't understand

Confusing fujimi

Midoriya: and im here at UA trying to become a real hero like everyone else and i am powerful on my own but i can't do everything by myself i learned that many times and because my quirks came late i had to work harder then everyone to get where i am and again im the leader of my class and i do what's best for them cuz they are more then just my friends and classmates they are my team

Surprising them even fujimi

Midoriya: i look out for them and they all look out for me and i trust everyone of them and i would do anything i can to save and protect them if it were you would you do the same for yours

Fujimi more surprised then glares away: whatever

Tadan nervously and wipes the sweat with a rag: im so sorry fujimi says lots of nasty things but he's not a bad person in heart

Midoriya breaths: it's cool we kinda have the same problem

He looks at them: bakugo is always troubling us and doesn't admit it even when he's wrong and just looking at them there almost the same person

Bakugo and fujimi rage at him: GET YOUR DAM EYES CHECKED I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM

Midoriya annoyed and glares with his arms crossed: sure whatever you say

Some of the other boys in 1A there heads: i really hope nothing bad happens in the exercise

(Moments later at ground omega)

Aizawa and all of class 1A and isami students were standing near the gate to the forest field

Aizawa: good everyone is here today's hero exercise will be observed by me and someone else

Confusing the other students as we see the Isami students in there costumes

Midoriya realizes his head: wait i feel like we did this before

He then looks up to the sky and predicted

Buff all might drops from the sky: I HAVE-

He super hero lands next to aizawa and the impact from the land explodes

All might stands with his fist on his hips: ARRIVED LIKE A SPECIAL GUEST

The isami students were amazed and excited to see him


Sekigai: in the flesh

Tadan: such power

Habuko: im so jealous of UA

Midoriya looks at them and smiles for there excitement

All might: now about our little exercise we're going to have you all go through survival training

Surprising and confusing all the class 1A students

Midoriya raised his hand: survival training but sirs didn't we already do this with that time with shinso

Surprising the isami students

All might points: haha correct young midoriya but this time we have 4 special guest

He pulls out a remote and presses a button and holo screen pops up next to him that says "survival training"

All might: let me explain and the rules are the same but heres the lay out for those who don't know due to the fact that there's more of you this time there will be teams of 4 each and that makes 6 teams overall and you will start at the predetermined positions that we have chosen for you but there is 1 objective and that is to survive you either run or fight anything goes victory will go to the last team standing even if it's the last member of that team

Aizawa holding capture tape: if you run into another team and manage to bind your opponents with this familiar item or any other method

Midoriya: so everything is still the same

All might gets excited: correct NOW LET'S ANNOUNCE THE TEAMS

(The teams)

Team A: midoriya, uraraka, tsuyu, mina

Team B: bakugo, kirishima, shoji, momo

Team C: todoroki, ojiro, hagakuri, koda

Team D: tokoyami, iida, sato, sero

Team E: mineta, kaminari, jiro, aoyama

Team F: fujimi, habuko, tadan, sekigai

Tsu notices: huh most of these teams are almost the same as last time


Midoriya with his arms crossed: mina i remember what i said to you the last time we were teamed up

Mina: yeh yeh no worries and this time how about you don't run off without us

Midoriya smiles with a thumbs up: gotcha and girls

His team gather up and he has his left fist reach out to them: let's do our best

The girls fist bump with him: YEH

All might: and young midoriya you remember who your not allowed to use during this kind of training right

Midoriya: yes sir and are there any updates for any other aliens added to my bans list

All might: nope but it will update for any other aliens you haven't shown to us yet

Midoriya realizes: hey your right

He looks at his watch and thinks: now that i think about it who have i not shown off yet

Aizawa too tired for this: think about that later all teams head to your starting areas the exercise will start in 10 minutes without warning

All might: make sure that you survive

The students: YES SIR

All of the team's start running into the forest field

Uraraka: deku let's do our best

Midoriya: yeh

Habuko: i won't lose to you tsu

Tsu leaps to run: ill give it my all too

Fujimi: i might let you smell my victory

Bakugo: go ahead and try if you can

(Moments later with team A)

We see them sitting with midoriya looking through his watch and switching out aliens in his tens list

Mina: ok so what's the plan can't we just go and fight the other teams

Midoriya: no even with me and uraraka we'll be at a disadvantage we don't have any scouts like shoji, jiro, tokoyami and koda i could use wildmutt but i won't be able to speak normally and quick communication is needed and if we move we might walk into a trap and even if we get lucky we might give away where we are fighting for other teams to find us plus we don't want all the teams after us and there's also the isami team and like everyone else they probably watched the sports festival so they seen what we can do and probably planned strategies for each of us and the worst part is we don't know what there capable of or what there quirks are about

Uraraka: so what should we do

Midoriya: well this is a survival exercise

Mina: oh that's right all we need to do is survive like all might said

Tsu: so we should sit tight for now and not move recklessly

Midoriya: yeh that does sound like a good plan

Mina excited with her hands up: AWESOME

Uraraka also excited: what a relaxing plan

Midoriya goes to his watch and twist the dial: but other then wildmutt i do have a few aliens that can be useful for scouting and i think this guy should help us out

Confusing them

Uraraka: is it ditto but i thought he's not used for fighting

Midoriya smiles at her: he's sort of like ditto but there is a difference

He was about to transform but uraraka stops him: deku wait

Confusing him

Uraraka: if you transform now the green flash might give us away

Midoriya grins: oh right but it'll be quick i promise but just incase i need you 3 to try cover me so the flash does not get seen

Mina grins: whoa a little straight forward aren't we

Uraraka glares at her: mina

Midoriya gets annoyed: just do it

They did what he said they looked around and they surround him with there body's

Uraraka a little nervous: deku this alien is not too big or anything right

Midoriya: oh no worries he's like around minetas height but don't get the wrong idea

Tsu: not thinking about it

Uraraka annoyed: deku just do it already

Midoriya: ok ok

He breaths and slams on the watch the green flash explodes as the girls cover there eye's as the light dies down and they look in shock as they see

The alien: SOUND-WAVE

(Yeh i just giving some of the aliens i like better names at this point)

Soundwave: al-right let's do it

The girls were amazed and they sat down and the little alien suddenly made 2 clones of himself

Soundwave 1 looks at his clones: search a-round the ar-ea make lit-tle less of us as poss-ible if you get spot-ted fight back if you mu-st

The other soundwaves salute: got it

The 2 run off separately in different directions

Uraraka: do you guy's communicate like how ditto does

Soundwave looks: i wish but we have a way to lo-cate or al-arm each other

He turns to them: al-so just in-case when i say co-ver your ears do it imme-diately cuz i won't say it tw-ice if nee-ded

The girls got confused but understand

Tsu/uraraka: got it

Mina: so now what do we do

Soundwave sits with his arms and legs crossed: for now we play the wait-ing game


She then pulls out a bag of chips: hey how about a snack while we wait

Uraraka happily offers: ILL HAVE SOME

Tsu smiles: ribbit me too

Soundwave had a teardrop: just don't be too re-laxed

(Music stops)

Mina smiles at him: don't you ever get tired of being serious

Soundwave looks down: well due to all the re-cent e-vents with vill-ains i guess i have been on edge for a-while

The girls understand what he means

Uraraka then grabs the bag from mina and hands it to the little white alien confusing him

The gravity girl gives a smile: well we've all have been it has been pretty crazy but as long as we're all together there's nothing we can't accomplish so deku for now just relax with all the friends you have

Soundwaves cheeks turn green and he smiles: thank you ura-raka

Mina and tsu smile for there little moment

Soundwave reaches his right hand into the bag for a chip throws it in his mouth and chows on it: de-lish

The girls: hahahaha

(The monitor tower)

We see aizawa and weak all might standing on the roof watching the exercise going on

Aizawa looks at his wrist watch: it's been past 10 minutes already

All might: and like that time before none of the teams started moving aizawa you probably should of changed a few things we even have the isami students as guest

Aizawa: relax of its going how it was before then we both know how it's going start plus with the finals just 4 days away there's energy and tensions flowing in all the students in the hero classes so avoiding fights isn't always an option and reminding them of patience and self control is important

All might holds up binoculars he brought with and looks into them: well guess you got a point there

In the binoculars he sees something: oh look at that

From there view they see and hear multiple blast in the forest

(In the forest)

No surprising it was bakugo on the loose with his evilish grin: i don't care who ill crush them all and this time ill win with perfection

He rockets with his quirk

At the top at a high point of a mountain jiro with her jack stabbed into the ground and she and her teammates kaminari, mineta aoyama posing

Jiro hears there opponent approaching: it's bakugo he's on his own again

Mineta annoyed: this time we'll get him

Aoyama dabs: he is way too confident

Kaminari: alright then let's get the jump on him

The boys spread out to there positions leaving jiro

Bakugo runs to find his first victim's then suddenly his eyes catch something flashing the angry bomber rockets up with his quirk and dodges an incoming blue laser then his eyes catches a shower of purple balls thrown at him but bakugo uses his quirk to maneuver through the balls

The angry bombers head: a concentrated attack they tried this on me

He grins evilly: before don't they ever learn heres another ear rape for you jack girl

He hits a blast at the ground but jiro immediately pulls out her earphone from the ground before the blast

Jiro glares and smiles: that happened before so not this time

Bakugo got confused as he doesn't hear any painful screams

At the top of the mountain mineta throws his balls

(That sounds criminally wrong)


Bakugo then sees aoyama to his left

The france teen smugs and gets ready to fire his laser: i got you

Bakugo then uses multiple blast to repeal the balls to aoyama

Aoyama saw that coming he immediately jumps and aims his laser at the ground blasting himself up dodging the balls surprising bakugo as he glares

Aoyama smugs: you've missed

Bakugo glares and growls his head: so they did learned

Suddenly kaminari: alright bakugo let's see if you dodge this

Getting his attention as he looks behind and sees his hands sparking on the ground he's standing on and he knew what was coming


He unleashes an electric wave at bakugo who rockets up with his quirk and dodges the wave

Bakugo glares and grins: HA you stupid pikachu did you really think that would work on me

Kaminari smiles: nope but it turned out well

Confusing bakugo as he is still high in the air then suddenly a loud soundwave was blasted at him

Bakugo covers his ears with his hands as are in pain: ACH

He lands on his feet and glares where the sound blast is coming from and sees jiro

Jiro smiles: how's that ear rape bakugo

Bakugo got really annoyed while he was distracted

Kaminari rushes at him: THIS IS OUR CHANCE

With his hands sparking with electricity but bakugo sensed him coming he steps back out of his way surprising kaminari and bakugo grabs on the back of his opponents head and used his strength to slam kaminaris face to the ground knocking him out shocking his teammates

Mineta/jiro: KAMINARI

Bakugo: ill admit

Confusing them

Bakugo faces the ground: you losers really shined this time but against me fancy plans like this won't be enough

He glares at them and grin: and if that's all you can do then your done

Mineta glares: OH YEH

He throws more balls at him: TAKE THIS YOU DAM JERK

Bakugo saw them coming and moves out of the way making the balls land in the unconscious kaminari

Mineta worried: huh oops

Bakugo: yeh your screwed

Getting his attention and sees there opponent with a devilish grin: so do tell who's scarier me or dekus tiger freak

Mineta too scared to answer and crys then faints

Bakugo disappointed: weak loser

He then hears a familiar lazer fired at him he ducks and dodges it and looks over his shoulder and quickly looks at mineta and grins an idea

Aoyama: you won't beat us this time you devilish fiend

Bakugo: if im the devil

Confusing the france teen

Bakugo grabs the unconscious minetas leg and glares over his shoulder: THEN ILL DO A DAM GOOD JOB AT IT

He carries mineta with 1 hand and runs towards the france teen who fires his lazer again bakugo jumps aside and rockets up with 1 free hand

Bakugo: alright you trash pervert lets make you useful for once

As he is high in the air and blast rapidly with his free hand and spins at a high speed and the balls on minetas head fly off on there own and shoot at aoyama who was shocked and didn't have time dodge them this time and he fabulously falls

Aoyama embarrassed: mamma

Bakugo lands with mineta still in his hand then he sees jiro who is far from the him

Bakugo grins: alright ears your turn

Jiro glares nervously: it's jiro and you wouldn't really hurt an innocent girl would you that wouldn't be very hero like

Bakugo annoyed: ok fine

He immediately rockets at her with 1 hand and still carries mineta and jiro freaks out and jumps out of the way


Bakugo grins at her: nah something more humiliating

He grabs her arm and throws and sends her flying

Jiro freaks out and crys: KAAAAAAH

She sees she is about land on the unconscious kaminari who is flat on his front and his back side is covered in minetas balls

(If only mineta had a different quirk that didn't involve balls)

Jiro tucks and rolls and lands perfectly which actually surprised her: oh wow didn't really think that would work

Bakugo: eh i give it an 8

Shocking her as she looks behind and sees him bakugo then roughly pushes her onto the unconscious kaminari sticking them together

Jiro embarrassed and blushes: ok this is so not cool if he farts ill vibrate you till you can't move anymore

Bakugo grins: if he does just hope it doesn't shock you haha

Mineta waking up: huuuuuh

Getting bakugos attention as he lifts up him as he is hanging upside down

Minetas looking sick with his eye's closed and his head all red: my head is burning what's happening

Bakugo: oh nothing much

Mineta opens his eye's can in shock and fear: bakugo

The angry bomber grins evilly: you got that right trash and just for everyone reading this page ill just do them all a huge favor

Everything suddenly turns black

We see bakugo running off to find more victims leaving all of team E gathered mineta and aoyama were taped together near jiro who is still stuck to kaminari kicking them out of the exercise

Mineta covered in bruises but somehow still conscious and crys in pain: that was very mean

Then from nearby bushes we see a soundwave clone popping his head up and he saw everything that happened and felt sorry for mineta and his team he then looks where bakugo was going and runs to his direction

(With team A)

We see them moving at a slow pace and they heard all of the explosions

Soundwave: the exp-losions stopped which means bak-ugo is mak-ing his move

Uraraka worried: what's going out there

Soundwave: it be best not to know

Tsu: ribbit will your clones be alright by themselves

The alien looks: oh don't worr-ie we sound-waves are strong es-pecially in groups


Team D see bakugo running at them and ready themselves


The living quirk rushes at there opponent: GOT IT

Bakugo sees him coming: DIDN'T I TELL YOU

He aims his hand at the quirk shoots a blast: YOUR NO MATCH FOR ME

Dark shadow felt the sting from the light from the blast: KAAAAAAH

Tokoyami felt frustration

Iida rushes to the opponent: LEAVE IT TO ME

Bakugo sees him coming and rockets away

Iida runs after him: GET BACK HERE

He then sees a whole bunch of seros tape scattered everywhere in his way

Iida shocked as he forgotten they were there: DAMMIT

He tries to stop but was moving too fast to slow down and gets caught in the trap

(Music stops and moments later)

Bakugos teammates momo, shoji and kirishima finally catch up to him

Momo: bakugo your advancing too quickly

Kirishima: where's the ememy

Bakugo points to team D all wrapped up and hanging from the tree like a pinata

Bakugo: i already dealt with them

Momo surprised: he defeated 8 people alone


Bakugo not satisfied: whatever where's that isamishits guy

Shoji: what

Bakugo annoyed: im talking about the isami students

Kirishima confused: huh usually in these exercises you go after midoriya mostly

Bakugo glares away and growls: ill go after that luck freak as soon as i beat that piece of-

Shoji: WAIT

Getting there attention as his duplicate eye and ear sees and hears something


He turns to the direction of the source

Kirishima: what is it

Momo: wait are those

They see something falling from the sky

Momo turns shocked: MISSILES

The missiles fall and the explode on the ground in the area around them the blast from the missiles create a large puff of white mist as it creates a loud sonic wave

(With team A)

The girls cover there ears


Uraraka: that's so loud

Soundwave not bothered but looks worried at them and looks at the direction the sound came from

The alien: the is-ami stu-dents most be mak-ing there move

The corner of his eye he sees 1 of his clones come out of the bushes getting the girls attention

Soundwave 1: well any de-tails

Soundwave 2: 1 of the is-ami stu-dents fired miss-iles at bak-ugos team

Soundwave 1: i fig-ured good work

The other soundwave merges with the other

Soundwave: now where is the o-ther me

(Music stops back to team B)

We see a soundwave sitting in a tree on a branch as he was surprised by the missiles

The soundwave: i pro-bably should head back to the o-ther me

But then he hears someone coming and sees the isami students

Sekigai: this is odd im not reading any life forms

Tadan nervous: they didn't escape did they

Habuko: you used flash bangs didn't you tadan you've covered so much of the area so im sure you got them

They look around for there opponents

Sekigai looks at her holographic arm gear: so they should be unconscious around here

Fujimi smugs: heh tadan you should of used real missiles

But then: HEY

Getting there attention was a green blanket and it uncovers itself revealing team B

Bakugo glares and grins: you really are irritating you know that

Shocking the isami students

Sekigai: no way

Fujimi was annoyed

Soundwave in the tree watching and smiles: way to go guys

Then unknown to him a 2 squirrels see the alien in there tree

Fujimi glares at his main opponent: i hope your ready

Bakugo gets into his position and grins: you better be worth my time


The scream gets there attention as they all look around it was the soundwave clone in the tree being attacked by the squirrels as he tries to shack them off but loses his balance and falls off the branch as the squirrels jump off him to the branch the alien lands on the ground on his back

Soundwave: ow

He sits up and looks annoyed at the little critters: this is why i don't get a-long with anim-als

He then realizes and looks and sees both the other teams looking at him as the alien gets up

Soundwave nervously grins: oh hey fol-low class-mates i was-n't spy-ing or any-thing


Momo: wait bakugo we've never seen that alien before have we

Shoji with multiple eyes and ears he's just made: she's right but he's probably alone

The isami students were very surprised

Fujimi more annoyed: oh it's just that freak

Tadan: what a unique specimen

Habuko: is he by himself should we go after him first

Sekigai: hold on we don't know what he can do so we'll have to proceed with caution tadan check his power levels

Tadan: ok

He presses a button and looks and scans the little white alien reading his charts

Tadan: ok his strength seems to be average along with agility and agile and as for his power

He reads the chart and then starts sweating more in shock and felt really nervous and reads it

His classmates and teammates look at him confused

Fujimi glares: well spit it out what's his power level say

Tadan starts freaking out: it's-it's-it's OVER 10,000

Shocking them and bakugos team


Kirishima: whoa 10,000 whatever that little guy can do it's no surprise coming from midoriya

Momo: yeh

Bakugo glares at the alien his head: levels all that bullshit is probably from one for all but whatever that little freak is we better be on our guards

The alien: oh i call this guy sound-wave pre-tty cool right

He points to somewhere with both fingers: any-ways ill just go leave you guys a-lone and head back to my team good luck

Bakugo: whatever just don't get knocked out before i get the chance at you

Surprising his teammates

Soundwave smiles and gives a thumbs up: ok-ey cool

He was about to head back to his team


Getting his attention

Fujimi glares: pretty bad idea to separate from your own team i don't care what you are cuz shortly you will become 1 of my uncontrollable slaves of terror

Soundwave confused and glares: slaves of ter-ror

Bakugo: hold it

Getting there attention

Bakugo glares: if anyone is gonna beat that freak of a nerd it's gonna be me so if you want him

He positions himself with a few small spark blast: you'll have to go through me first

Surprising his teammates and the alien

Soundwave: huh thanks i guess

Fujimi: it won't matter you'll all be my toys of terror a little soon

The red pipes on his costume flows in purple

Habuko: wait leave it to me

Soundwave then quickly looks away and covers his eye's

Habuko eyes glowed behind her yellow glasses and they glowed brighter then momo, kirishima and shoji all collapsed from her quirks effects

Soundwave looks at them his head: good think tsu tell us a-bout her quirk earlier

Tadan: we should capture them now

He then notices 1 of them was missing and looks up: LOOK

They all see bakugo high in the air as he is also effected by her quirk


Bakugo then recovers from the paralysis and grins at them: JUST 3 SECONDS

He rockets down to them: WHAT A WEAK QUIRK

Soundwave then runs off to head back to his other clone and teammates

Fujimi felt frustration: stop mocking us


Fujimi throws his right fist: DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US

Sekigai got scared of whats going to happen: NO FUJIMI

(Music stops)

But too late the pipes on the sleeves of fujimis costume shoots out a pink mist shocking bakugo as he was hit in the face with the stuff along with his teammates as they cover there mouths not to breath it in

Momo: what is this

The other isami students doing the same

Habuko frustrated: FUJIMI YOU IDIOT

The mist spreads around the forest and reaches the other teams that were tide up

The soundwave clone not too far from them he sees the mist he then quickly jumps and turns to face the mist he holds down his breath

Soundwave yells: AAAAAAAAAAAA

He yells out a sonic soundwave at the mist blowing it away from him as the yell also launches him farther away from the mist

(With team A)

We see them moving as they heard the soundwave not too far from them

Mina: what was that noice

The soundwave: must be the o-ther me

Uraraka then sees the mist and points: then what is that mist

They what she is pointing to

Soundwave: i don't know but we should stay a-way from it

Then something in the bushes gets there attention was the other soundwave covering his mouth as he walks out of the bushes and to them

Soundwave 1: are you o-k what hap-pened

Soundwave 2 breaths for air and looks at him: it was 1 of the is-ami stu-dents

He points to: that mist that fu-jimi guy and baku-go and his team and o-thers were caught in it i don't know what it does but we should get a-way from it

Soundwave 1: al-right then

The soundwave merges with his clone he presses his symbol and changes back to midoriya

He looks at his teammates: we should get to higher grounds

The girls: RIGHT

They all start running away from the mist

(The monitor tower)

The teachers see the mist from there view

Aizawa: that mist i read the data sheets on the isami students and it's a very troublesome quirk we should call off the exercise before-

All might: no

Confusing aizawa and looks at him

All might: this situation can be called a survival situation we just got to have faith in our students to put a stop to it

He grins at his coworker with a thumbs up: it'll be ok if things get too bad ill step in

Aizawa thinks about his time limit: ill leave it in your hands then

(The forest with team A)

We see them running up a mountain as they see a better view of the forest and the mist all around

Midoriya was concerned about it then his eyes catches: todoroki

They see him and his team running beside them

Todoroki: midoriya now isn't the time to fight

Midoriya glares at the mist: agreed

Todoroki: do you know what caused that mist or what it is

Midoriya: it was caused by 1 of the isami students im not sure what stuff does but i hate to find out

His eye catches something walking in the forest and he stops as the others do as there confused

Uraraka: what's wrong deku

They all see what he is looking at

Midoriya concerned: something coming

Tsu: hopefully there alright

Uraraka waves her hand: HEEEEY UP HERE

They recognize the figures as they walk unusually and some got nervous as they noticed something strange about them

Uraraka scared: w-what's going

They see bakugo, kirishima and momo walking slowly out of the forest out of shade

Midoriya glares at there appearance his head: something is not right what are they

Uraraka and the others freak out

The girls were terrified: KAAAAAAA

We see fujimi hiding behind a tree: haha

He glares and smugs at there horrified faces: serves them right

Time stops

(Narrater mic: romero fujimi quirk Zombie Virus he can releases a mist that spreads fast and infects people if they breath it in and once infected the victims can't be damaged and all brain activity also stops and the victims will also randomly use their quirks they also go Aaah is this really a heroic quirk

Suddenly narrater deku: no i don't think so it's way too dangerous for hero work

Narrater mic got confused: hey where did you come from)

Time goes to normal

The teams were terrified and confused as they see more of there friends and classmates and isami students were also infected

Tsu worried: habuko

Hagakure: everyone but why

Uraraka: it must be that mist because of it there all zombified

Midoriya moves his watch close to his mouth: omnitrix call aizawa

Surprising the others as the watch beeps

Aizawa picks up: what is it midoriya

Midoriya: aizawa are you guys seeing this

Aizawa: yeh it looks pretty bad but that doesn't mean the exercise is called off

The students were shocked: WHAT

Mina pulls midoriyas arm to her mouth: ARE YOU SERIOUS YOUR NOT GONNA HELP US

All mights voice: relax students just remember this is a survival exercise and it just became the real thing and it's now your job to stop it save your ill classmates just have faith in yourselves and each other and if things get too rough for you ill step in and handle it

They look at there undead friends using there quirks randomly

Midoriya: yes sirs and by the way i just have 1 question

Getting there attention in a split screen

Midoriya turns confused and scratches his head: what's a zombie

The other students then fall and on there heads with there feet in the air and the teachers had teardrops

(The teachers side)

Aizawa: wow we really need to get that kid to see some movies

All might: i agree

(The students side)

Mina in raged and grabs midoriya and shacks him: HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT AN ALIENS IS AND NOT A ZOMBIE

Midoriya dizzy: sorry i don't think i ever watched those movies

Suddenly fujimi: HEHEHEHEHEHE

Getting there attention

Fujimi smugging: what a delinquent for not knowing what such a creature is a big shot like you is all flashy but no brains

Midoriya glares at him: you

Fujimi: and why aren't you using that little sound freak from before don't tell me your underestimating me


Unknown to him the 1A students see zombie bakugo behind him as they got worried


Miidoriya quickly powers up: FULL COWLING

He quickly rushes at fujimi who was shocked as midoriya kicked the zombie in the face knocking him away from the isami student who was confused

Zombie bakugo slowly gets up

Midoriya surprised: wow even like that he's still fighting his enemies

He glares at the isami student: your the 1 that caused this whole mess so how do we stop it

Fujimi confused and glares: aren't we in a middle of an exercise so why the hell would i help you

Midoriya immediately grabs him by the shirt and takes away his face mask and throws it off the cliff of the mountain

Fujimi gets mad: HEY I NEED THAT

Midoriya: now you got a reason to help and cure your friends and classmates i contacted the teachers and because of this mess that you made the rules just changed and you wear that mask so you won't get effected by your own quirk so now you either help us or you become 1 of your own slaves of terror

Fujimi glares and growls: fine

They turn to the army of zombie classmates

Midoriya: so what do we do

Fujimi: first we need-


Getting there attention in worried as they see hagekure and ojiro getting bitten by kirishima and tokoyami

Uraraka scared: HAGEKURE, OJIRO

She and the others back away from them

Midoriya then grabs the isami student and rushes to his alive classmates as they see there bitten classmates become 1 of them

Zombie ojiro and hagakure: Aaah

Mina: oh no it's just like in the movies you once you get bit you become 1 of them

They got to koda too and is silent as always but creepy

Uraraka: oh not poor koda too

They see zombie sekigai being sexually harassed by zombie mineta as she tries to knock him off but no good

Midoriya: and mineta is still mineta

They were surrounded by there zombie classmates

Todoroki glares: let's try this

He slightly moves his foot and spreads the ice all around his allies and freezes the zombies in there tracks to stop them from moving

The alive students were happy for it

Mina: YES

Todoroki looks at the isami students: can't you just undo all this or something

Fujimi annoyed by this: i wish i could but i can't i can only release the mist that comes out of me also that won't be enough to stop them

Confusing todoroki

The zombies then break there feet out of the frozen trap which shocked them and todoroki

Fujimi: they also become stronger so weak ice like that won't slow them down

The zombies walk slowly to them and they got more scared and worried

Mina freaking out: MIDORIYA DO SOMETHING

Midoriya: we should stay away from them

He looks at: uraraka quick make us all flout

Uraraka: got it

She quickly places her right hand on the ground with 4 of her fingers touching and the middle finger up and lowers it


The pink ring then spreads to her classmates feet and she makes herself flout and they all immediately jump and start flouting away

Fujimi freaks out: WAAAAH im not used to flying

Midoriya: well you better get use to it

Zombie tokoyami: Aaaaah

His dark shadow comes out to attack them: AAAAAAAH

Shocking them

Tsu: looks like dark shadow is also infected because he and tokoyami are 1

Midoriya glares: sorry dark shadow

He quickly activates full cowl and moves in the air dodging the living quirk and readys his right fist: SMASH

He knocks the living quirk straight down but he is not out

Midoriya looks at the gravity girl: get us somewhere down far from them

Uraraka: got it

She points her fingers together down towards the side of the mountain and she the others immediately flout to the direction

Fujimi surprised: whoa never seen her do this at the sports festival

Midoriya smiles

Uraraka gets them just above the ground and puts her fingers together: RELEASE

Gravity was put back to everyone as they land on there feet

Midoriya looks at them: already let's get moving

Everyone else: right

Suddenly tsus left foot was grabbed by dark shadow which shocked her: RIBBIT

The undead quirk then drags her away from the others

Midoriya and his classmates were shocked and worried: TSU

The frog girl panicking and using her free foot trying to kick off the undead living quirk and he finally lets go and goes back to his host

Tsu scared for her life as she sits up and sees habuko and tokoyami both standing before her

Habuko/tokoyami: Aaaaaah

The frog girl was scared and worried as she didn't want to live them: habuko, tokoyami

Both the zombies hesitate to do anything to her

Tsu was relieved: habuko, tokoyami

Which surprised fujimi as he watches

Midoriya and the others were relived

Tsu happily stands up and grabs her best friends hands: even as a zombie you still remember me thank you habuko as a zombie or whatever we'll always be friends

Zombie habuko smiles: Aaah

Midoriya surprised: huh guess even as zombies they are still small parts of themselves

He smiles: that's a relief

Uraraka and others also relieved: yeh

Fujimi annoyed by this: well of course there not like real zombies so they only have so little self control and other things

Confusing them as they look at him

Midoriya: really like what

Tsu still holding her friends hand then suddenly a right hand places on the left side of her face confusing her

Tsu: ribbit

The hand turns her face to zombie tokoyami: aaaaah

Tsu blushes: ribbit tokoyami

Tokoyami moves closer towards her

Tsus face turns crimson red and her heart beats rapidly loud her head: RIBBIT RIBBIT RIBBIT RIBBIT

The zombie bird teen clashes his lips with hers

Midoriya and the others were shocked and a little disturbed

Mina grins a little: well that's romantic and a little disturbing wish i had a camera

Midoriya: is that 1 of the side effects

Fujimi about to puke: yeh when they have self control they do stuff they never had the guts to do mostly to there crushes but also

Zombie tokoyami backs away from tsu she then turns her face to the others

Showing that she has become 1 of them

Zombie tsu: RAaaaah

Midoriya and uraraka were shocked and mad there heads: BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

Mina tries to grin: well guess that's 1 other way to be a zombie

Midoriya: yeh tokoyami must of passed his infection on to her when he kissed her

Zombie tsu and habuko still holding each others hands as tsus lays against tokoyami

Uraraka happy for them but creeped out: even as zombies there still good friends and a little straight forward for tokoyamis part

Midoriya glares: yeh but things just got worse

He looks down in frustration and thinks his head: what the hell are we supposed to do now what can i do to put a stop to this


Getting the students attention as they happily turn to the skys as there happy to hear

Midoriya: YES

All might drops from the sky: EVERYTHING IS FINE WHY YOU ASK

He super hero lands on the ground as it explodes into dirt and dust it clears up

Revealing weak all might as he waves and spits out blood: BECAUSE I HAVE ARRIVED

The students look at him

Both midoriya and uraraka shocked and disappointed and turned pale there heads: ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME

All mights worried and looks at himself: damn it i over used my muscle form on my way to school again this morning so i can't maintain it anymore

Fujimi confused: who the hell is that old fart where's all might didn't he just drop from the sky

The class 1A look at him as they think of an excuse

Midoriya looks at the man: MR YAGI

Confusing the isami student even more

The arm of zombie students walk slowly to the weak old hero

All might scared out of his mind as he turns to them his head: oooooooh

Midoriya immediately jumps infront of him and activities his watch

He glares at the zombies: sorry about this guys

He slams on the watch the green flash explodes and reveals

The alien: TERRASPIN

Surprising all might and the others

The alien turtle then quickly hovers and his legs merge together making a fan blade and they all start spinning at high speed shooting a whirlwind blowing all the zombies away from them

Terraspin stops and lays flat down on his front: hop on and hang on

All might: huh ok

He steps on to the alien turtles back and sits on 1 knee and terraspin then hovers up and flys and stops near his remaining allies and lands for a moment

Terraspin: uraraka you can make yourself and mina flout again and follow me everyone else hop on my back and hold on tight to mr yagi

Everyone else understoods: right

They did want he said and terraspin takes off with fujimi in the front todoroki behind him as he holds on to him with all might in the back holding on to him as he tries not to freak out with uraraka flouting with mina as they fly and follow the alien

Mina grins a little: a flying turtle as an over sized fan now i seen everything

Terraspin: well at least this won't be the weirdest alien you guys ever met

(Monitor tower)

Aizawa not going to bother: ill leave this to you

(Moments later)

We see them land on a cliff of a mountain the students and all might step off of terraspin

Uraraka puts her fingers together: release

Putting the gravity back to her and mina

Mina relived: hoof we made it

Terraspin stands up: yeh i just hope i didn't hurt those guys too much

Fujimi: oh relax the effects from my quirk will prevent them from getting much damaged like a fall from this cliff this high won't even break a bone in there body's or get bruises but once the effects wear off they might feel a little headache

Terraspin breaths for relief: well that's good to hear

Fujimi still confused: oh and also

He points to the old hero: who is this old skeleton looking guy and where did he come from

Terraspin: oh this is mr yagi he's actually a teacher of UA and also my foster father

Mr yagi plays along waves at him: yes hello i was just wondering around its an old habit

Surprising fujimi: wait your this freaks father

Terraspin was ticked

Mr yagi smiles: yeh i know it's surprising but i get that a lot

Fujimi: oh ok then

He politely bows: nice to met you

Surprising the alien all might and todoroki

Terraspins head: wow he's almost the opposite of bakugo that's good i guess

Uraraka was tired and catches her breath and sits on her hands and knees

Mina got worried: hey are you ok

Getting the others attention as the alien runs to her side and kneels near her

Uraraka: im ok this whole mess is just stressful and im over using my quirk i guess

Terraspin: i understand you did save us so you just rest for a little bit

He stands and turns to the isami students: fujimi the effects of your quirk don't last forever right how long does it last

Everyone looks at him as he is annoyed

Fujimi looks out and sees some of the mist he made: that mist i made is not clearing up yet i might of over did it this time get rid of all of it and the effects of my quirk on everyone will wear off i don't know how long it takes tho

Terraspin looks at the mist then looks and sees a cave: alright then i should be able to blow it all away so ill handle it

He points to: all of you get in that cave

Most of everyone else: right

Terraspin: and ill also try to lure the zombies away from you guys but just incase todoroki you need to seal off the cave from anything that does not sound like me

Todoroki determined and nods: got it

Mr yagi: will you be alright

Terraspin smiles: yeh i will this alien is actually immune to a lot of things that are not healthy so that's

He moves to his side and whispers to his ear: well that's what i heard from you know who

All might nods to understand

Then: Aaaaaaaahh

Getting there attention at the bottom of the cliff were all the zombie students as some were climbing on the side of the mountain

Terraspin looks at everyone and to points at the cave: everyone into the cave now

The students: right

Terraspin was about to take off but someone grabs his finn hand getting his attention was uraraka

The gravity girl was scared out of her mind: you'll be ok right

Terraspin: i will i promise

Uraraka glares: good cuz so far it has been pretty stressful and you better not come back as a zombie humungosaur or anybody

Terraspin gives a smile: ha don't worry i won't

Suddenly explosions were heard getting there attention

Zombie bakugo flying awkwardly towards them: Aaaaah

Terraspin quickly fires a hurricane blast at the zombie bomber and he falls into the forest and the alien quickly turns to uraraka and blows her away into the cave with todoroki catching her as he seals off the entrance with ice

Terraspin turns to the zombies that are climbing

The turtle alien: alright then it's hero time

He takes off and lands at the bottom to get there attention


The most of zombies then jump from there current height of the cliff and start moving towards him

Terraspin a little creeped out with a smiles: haha guess that worked too well

Then: Aaaaah

Getting his attention was zombie bakugo again with his usual glare

Terraspin surprised: wow with that zombie stuff you guys really can take punishment but good thing is

He then starts flying again: you are a lot slower then usual

He takes off as the zombies start following him

(Inside the cave)

We see everyone resting sitting against the rocky walls

Todoroki: i really hope midoriya knows what he's doing

Uraraka: so do i

Mina: yeh this exercise is going a little too far

Mr yagi places a hand on urarakas shoulder: oh im sure young midoriya is gonna be ok just gotta have faith in him

Uraraka smiles at him: yeh your right

Fujimi annoyed and glares at the ground: where are all the teachers

Getting there attention

Fujimi: shouldn't they be doing something about all this by now all might and eraserhead are watching right so why aren't they doing anything to helping us

All might looks at him and looks down in shame of himself as the other students look at him

Uraraka looks at him: oh well when deku called them earlier they only said the rules changed and it's part of the experience that us students need after all this is a survival exercise right

Surprising the others

Fujimi: huh guess your right but what if all of us become 1 of them then what

Uraraka: we won't

Fujimi confused: how can you be so sure and relaxed by all this whole mess

Uraraka gives a smile: because whenever our classmates are involved in crazy stuff like this deku always pulls through for his friends because he'll do what it takes to save and protect us or even cure because that's the type of hero he's always been and i've always believed in him

All might, todoroki and mina smile for how right she is

Fujimi surprised and remembers what he said earlier

Past midoriya: i would do anything i can to save and protect them if it were you would you do the same for yours

Uraraka grins and thinks carefully: and besides even if all might does help us it be pretty scary if he gets bitten by 1 of them

All might himself and everyone else turned really nervous just thinking about it

Fujimi turns annoyed for how right she is: so do you have a thing for that alien freak or something

All might and mina cover there mouths in laughter but couldn't hold it in

Todoroki confused his head: a thing for midoriya like a present i didn't know it was his birthday today

Uraraka embarrassed and turns red as four arms and covers her face: oh no no no we are just really good friends that's all

Mina slides to the isami students and whispers: oh yeh she definitely does they do a lot together it's so cute

Uraraka glares at her in rage: WHATEVER SHE'S TELLING YOU IT'S NOT TRUE

Fujimi regrets for asking: ok ok sheesh

Uraraka looks at her: anyways mina those zombies movies you watched how do they end and how do the protagonist escape

Mina looks up and tries to remember: oh well not all of them end the same

Making everyone else nervous

Mina: some have good endings while most have really bad endings so let's just hope we're not in 1

Making them all even more nervous

Mr yagi: yikes

Suddenly the wall of ice was cracked from the other side getting there attention as they get up

Mr yagi: oh no there here

Fujimi: guess that big hero of yours didn't lure all of them

The ice wall was getting smashed rapidly by the small undead army

Todoroki: at this rate we'll be overruned

He tries to keep the wall up

Everyone gets into there positions to be ready for what's coming

All mights head: come on midoriya hurry up otherwise

He eye's the isami student: ill have no choice but to over use my muscle form and risk exposing myself to young fujimi

Uraraka sweats worried her head: come on deku your our only hope


Terraspin flys not too fast over the trees to keep the zombies on his tail

The alien stops flying and lands and looks at them: ok looks like i got most of there attention

He looks and sees the mist: dang there's still lots of it guess ill have to go to the center where it all started

He walks slowly to the mist and is almost near it: and honestly im not really sure if this stuff doesn't really work on me in this alien but if i don't do something who will so here goes something

He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and closes his eye's and walks into the mist and when he does he opens his eye's and feels fine

Terraspin smiles: alright so far so good

The zombies students: Aaaaaaah

The alien hears them coming: better do this fast the others are counting on me

He starts running

(Inside the cave)

The zombie students outside still trying to break in

Mina scared: guys what are we going to do

Todoroki infront of all might to protect him: i don't know but we better come up with something fast

All might frustrated his head: for the safety of the students i have no choice

Uraraka sees the old heros eyes and knows what he's thinking and looks at isami student

The gravity girls head: with fujimi here all might is hesitating to use his power but if he does he might hurt himself again like before and exposing his secret in the process

She looks at her hands: guess i have no choice

She shows determination and grips her fist and immediately runs infront of them surprising them all

Todoroki: what are you doing

Uraraka: everyone stay behind me

Her head: i really hope this works deku you better do something fast

(Outside with terraspin)

The alien now finally reaches the center where is all started

Terraspin: alright here it is

He turns and sees the zombies still following him

Terraspin: and i better do this fast

He quickly falls backwards and lands on his back

The alien: i really hope this works

In a split screen of uraraka and terraspin: AND IF I NEED TO DO THIS TO SAVE MY FRIENDS I HAVE TO GO PLUS ULTRA

To uraraka side she puts both her hands out towards the ice wall cracking open

Uraraka: guess it's time to try out something new

From both hands she puts her index and ring fingers together with her thumb they glowed which surprised all might and the other students

The zombies finally break through ice with there massive strength as there were not too many

Todoroki lits up his left side

Mina freaking out: uraraka whatever your doing do it now

Uraraka: im on it URAVITY SHIELD

She immediately separates her fingers and when she does the pads on her finger tips release a large barrier in a shape of a roundish rectangle with pink aura lines and the zombies try to pass through but barrier is stopping them in there tracks

All might and the others were surprised

Uraraka smiles with her index and middle fingers together to keep the shield up: it worked

She slowly walks forward towards the zombies and the barrier moves pushing them

Mina: what are you doing

Uraraka: giving us a path a way through

(With terraspin)

We still see him on his back

Terraspin: ALIEN COWLING 25%

His whole body glows and dark green and brown bright lighting flashes all over and he starts spinning his finns a lot faster


He the spinning force of his fin blades creates a tornado that towers up from where he is

(The cave)

Uraraka and the others see the tornado as they are surprised

(Monitor tower)

Aizawa watching and sees: that's something you don't see everyday

(With the alien)

The tornado sucks up all the remaining mist in the area and blows it all up into the sky clearing up all the mist and the zombies grabbing on to things to there almost undead lives

Terraspin stops the spinning and gets back up and looks up and smiles at the sky: alright

He turns and sees his classmates still zombies and slowly walking towards him

Terraspin: it might take a while before there all themselves again better get back to the other's

He takes off flying back to the cave

(The cave)

They were all very happy as they saw what happened

Uraraka: HE DID IT

Mina happily jumps up: WAHOOO THAT'S OUR LEADER

Fujimi annoyed: don't celebrate yet it won't be long until there all normal again

Uraraka: don't worry leave it to me

She keeps the shield going and she was getting exhausted from it and catches her breath

Urarakas head: now it's tiring me out i better do it quick

She pushes the zombies back more with the shield and now she and the others are now out of the cave

Uraraka glares her head: i better time this just right

She carefully sits on 1 knee and quickly as she was about to separate her fingers to release the shield she then sees terraspin flying towards them

The alien turtle: URARAKA IM COMING

He lands on the near the edge of the cliff behind the army of zombies he presses his symbol and green flashes back to midoriya


Getting there attention as they turn to him and start walking towards him


The gravity girl smiles: GOT IT

She separates her fingers releasing the shield as it vanishes and she quickly puts her right hand on the ground as the zombies are almost around her


The pink ring spreads quickly reaching pass each of the zombies between her and midoriyas making them flout and confusing them

Uraraka and midoriya happily punch there fist into the air: ALRIGHT

(Music stops)

All might and the other students were relived that it's finally over

Uraraka collapses on her hands and knees and catches her breath: guess i still have a lot of work to do

Midoriya immediately run pass under the feet of the zombies to his classmate as they gathered

The watch wielder helps her stand up and have her relax against him with his arms around her

Midoriya smiles: you sure do and you did great

He looks the isami student: alrighty then we just have to wait for the effects wear off right

Fujimi: yeh

Todoroki: but what about the rest of them didn't the others chase after you

Midoriya: yeh

He looks over his shoulder to the edge of the cliff: i had to fly back here as quick as i can so there probably not too far good thing there pretty slow

Suddenly aizawa: good work everyone

Getting there attention as he walks up with his hands in his pockets and is wearing a gas mask

Aizawa: now that whole mess is over this exercise is pretty much done and those of you that are not zombies right now win the exercise including those of your teammates despite being zombies

Uraraka and mina were both happy to hear: ALRIGHT

Fujimi turns confused: huh hey wait if your here then where's all might

Making the old pro nervous along the other students

Aizawa pulls the mask off his tired face: he had an urgent meeting to get to but he sends his regards to everyone for trying there best

Fujimi: oh alright then

All might, midoriya and others breath for relief there heads: oh good he bought it keeping my/his secret is hard to keep

Then: aaaaaaah

Getting there attention was everyone back to normal and still flouting as they don't look so good

Iida looks around confused: where am i and what happened

He feels pain in his head: and why does my head feel like it was banging against a tree

Mineta: same here but my head feels a little chilly

Sekigai: aaah fujimi is what happened

Fujimi then politely bows to them: sekigai and everyone i do apologize for all of this

Midoriya: iida are you guys feeling ok

Iida: sort of but it's all a blurr and i don't know what happened after that mist appeared

Midoriya gives a smile: oh it's a long scary story

He looks and nods at uraraka and she understands and nods back

She looks at them and puts her fingers together: release

Gravity was put back into every flouting as they all land safely on there feet despite there headaches

Midoriya then let's go of uraraka runs to the edge of the cliff and sees the rest of the students also not being zombies but feeling pain in there heads

Midoriya smiles with reliefs: yep looks like everything is back to normal

Suddenly bakugo: HEY FREAK NERD

Getting everyones attention as they hear familiar blast and see him flying with his quirk

Bakugo shows his evil grin: i don't give a crap what's going on but im about to make you kiss the ground

Some of class 1A had teardrops there head: yep everything is normal

Bakugo then rockets towards his target: NOW DIE

Midoriya annoyed and glares and powers up his full cowl: aww crap here we go again

(Moments of meaningless fighting later)

Back in class 1A after aizawa explained to everyone of what exactly happened

Kaminari smiles: wow that's really surprising and unexpected

Sero looks at him: yeh and that explains all of the sores in our body's

He rubs his elbows: my tape shooters are stinging what the heck was zombie me doing


Some of the others had teardrops there heads: he's jealous of himself

Sekigai gives a cold glare at the small goblin: if it weren't for this headache i would run up and kill that little pervert right away

Momo does the same: trust me your not the only 1

Aizawa too tired to deal with all of this: so anyways today was a mess that should never ever happen again but good work everyone your all dismissed and politely say goodbye to isami students

He turns and walks to the door

Class 1A students: yes sir

Aizawa looks at: and midoriya make sure that bakugo apologizes to his isami twin

Midoriya annoyed: yes sir

Bakugo who is all bandaged up and fujimi rage: I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM

Midoriya/aizawa: sure

The teacher leaves the room with everyone getting out of there seats and talking to each other and midoriya sees bakugo about to leave right away

Midoriya immediately grabs and pinches his ear: oh no you don't

Bakugo rages at him: LET ME GO YOU DAM NERD

Midoriya glares: not without apologizing to fujimi


Midoriya: i don't care you either apologize or ill turn into ghostfreak possess you and make you walk into the girls bathroom buck naked

Surprising everyone else as they imagined it: HAHAHA

Bakugo growls in rage

Fujimi was grabbed and pinched the same way by sekigai

The glasses girl glares: you too fujimi

The zombie quirk user sulks and glares away

Midoriya moves bakugo closer to them: we're waiting

Both the twins roughly rub there faces at each other with glares and growl like tigers

Midoriya annoyed by this: i think that's good enough

Sekigai: yeh i agree

They let them go and bakugo immediately leaves with rage

Tsu and habuko smiling at each other

The frog girl: habuko i am so glad that i got to see you again

The snake girl: me too tsu

Tsu tils her head: we got turned into zombies

Habuko: we got hurt

Tsu: but it was really fun

Habuko: you got kissed by that guy tokoyami

Surprisingly everyone else as they heard right

Tsu blushes but keeps a straight face: please don't remind me

Getting the bird teens attention: i what

Tsu looks at him: don't worry about it

Mina with a grin slides to the bird teen getting his attention: whoa hold it you sly bird boi there's something i should tell you of how tsu got turned into a zombie

Confusing the bird teen even more

Tsu: mina

Getting her attention

Tsu keeping her straight face but gives a cold stare: i will swallow you whole

Minas face turns blue as she got the message and backs away from the confused bird teen

Tsu looks at her best friend in the world: but in other words i am so glad that we did it together

Habuko: me too

They happily hugged each other

Frog girl: habuko no matter what schools we both are in let's work hard to become great heroes together

Snake girl: yes

They both cried with joy

Midoriya and everyone else smile for them

Midoriya then looks at her: hey sorry about all of this

Sekigai smiles: no we should be the ones apologizing

Midoriya: nah you guys were special guest here at UA and today was a mess so how about we all hangout together sometimes not as students from different schools but hangout as friends

Sekigai smiles: that would be great and maybe we could bring the rest of our classmates along

Midoriya: oh sure

Tsu and habuko over heard them: we would like that

Everyone else also agree for the idea: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Todoroki walks up: midoriya

Getting his attention: yeh todoroki what's up

Todoroki: i don't know why you never told any of us but happy birthday

(Music stops)

Shocking and surprising midoriya and everyone else: HUUUUUUUUUH

Midoriya turns confused: todoroki what do you mean todays not my birthday what gave you that idea

Uraraka then realizes and panics of how exactly and immediately rushes

Todoroki points to: fujimi mention to uraraka about having-

Uraraka quickly covers his mouth with both hands


Confusing everyone else

Todoroki moved hers hands off: i was about to say that

Midoriya more confused: ok then thanks but again it's not my birthday and to be honest with you i don't know what or when my birthday exactly is

Shocking everyone in class 1A

Outside the room we see weak all might and aizawa leaning against the wall as they heard him right and all might was shocked as everyone else


Midoriya shocked nervous and confused: huh yeh is that bad

Surprising everyone even more as mina backs away from him

Uraraka turns sad: deku you mean to tell us you never had a birthday

Midoriya got confused more: huh no i do know what it is but i never actually had 1 when i was found at the orphanage the members said i was like a year old so they couldn't trace when i was born exactly

Making everyone else more sad to hear that

Midoriya gives a smile and puts his hands in his pockets: but it doesn't really matter to me cuz i already have everything i ever wanted

Surprising everyone

The watch wielder: i have a quirk or too many im in the school of my dreams i have great and incredible friends all around me everyday and most of all im on a good road of becoming the hero i want to be and i know birthdays are supposed to make someone special or something like that but it's not important to me but im happy as i am already

Outside the door all might and even aizawa was surprised

Midoriya looks at his watch and hand: all because of luck im just glad that im not alone anymore that's the greatest gift anyone could ever give me

Uraraka and everyone else smile with respect for there leader

Narrater deku: the survival exercise was crazy it surprised a lot of us and i am happy for tsu and her friend for seeing each other and i get everyone was sad for hearing about my 15 lacks of birthdays but i really do appreciate them for caring and i really am glad to have them as follow classmates and friends and that they all will be great heroes someday

(The end)

(After credits scene)

(Moments later after school)

Everyone was heading home and we see tsu walking by herself

Suddenly tokoyami: tsuyu

Getting her attention

Tokoyami nervous and tries not make eye contact: listen don't be mad but dark shadow remembered everything and told me what happened during the exercise

Tsu blushes and her heart beats rapidly and tries really hard to keep a straight face: ribbit oh well really

Dark shadow appears with a smile: let's just say that fumi here didn't really mean to do that so he's just trying to apologize

Tokoyami annoyed: what he said

Tsu understands: oh well it's ok nobody was really hurt but that's all that matters and besides it was actually the zombie you so you probably didn't really mean to do that

Tokoyami sadly looks down: huh right

Tsu knows that he's sad about it and knows what to do she walks up to him grabs his face surprising and confusing him the frog girl then pulls his face closer to hers and kisses him

The bird teen was shocked and blushes as he immediately backs away

Dark shadow also surprised and whistles

Tsu surprised as she didn't notice it before: it's soft

Tokoyami understands what she means

He scratches his face: huh yes my mouth is actually softer then a regular birds beck

Tsu smiles: hmhmhm also now we're even and also start calling me tsu

Tokoyami smiles: oh right and so see you tomorrow

Tsu: ribbit yeh cya

She turns and walks away to her way home

Tokoyami suddenly: CAW CAW CAW

Surprising himself and grabs and shuts his mouth with his hands as tsu looks at him also surprised

Tokoyami: huh does this mean that we're a thing now

Tsu blushes and thinks about it and looks at him: whenever you actually have the guts to tell me then ill tell you but not now ok

Tokoyami got more nervous but motivated: huh of course of course see you tomorrow

He immediately turns and runs off home in embarrassment

Tsu smiles: ribbit ribbit ribbit

Unknown to her in the forest on the other side of the road mina was stacking behind a tree and saw the whole thing

Mina winks and grins at us with a thumbs up: oh yeh this ship has set sailed

(Now the end)

And another page/OVA done by yours truly i of course could of avoided this 1 but this ova is mostly about tsu and i have to keep everything in the entire series in order plus some filler pages ill might add in the future also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR HERO OF THE STORY DEKU and of course to mirio since they share the same birthday for some reason and of course this storys deku never actually had his celebrited due to complicated unknown past reasons but im sure that all might and everyone will probably somehow make it up for him in the future to show how much they appreciate our hero of the story but how will they you have to keep reading for next season that's all folks


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