The Mutants: Leonardo x Reader

By Nerdfanatic247

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New York City. A place in which it seems every single story takes place. And who are those people in those st... More

Meet The Characters
Just A Day In The Life
Witnessing A Foot Clan Attack
Shutting Down A Foot Clan Attack
The Vigilantes Are...
The One With The Video Tapes
Visiting An Old Friend
Piecing Together The Parts
Attack On The Lair
The Sacks Estate
The Daring Rescue
Escape From The Estate
A Race Against Time
The One With The Fight To Protect New York
Out Of The Shadows
Two Years Later
Undercover Mission
Jail Break
Mutants and Vigilantes
Turtles... Meet Casey Jones... Casey... Meet Turtles
Family Tensions
Breaking Into Headquarters
A Family Divided
A Little Fieldtrip to Brazil
Krang's Attack on New York City
True Heroes

The End Is Just The Beginning

5.3K 109 18
By Nerdfanatic247

    "Okay." Donnie walked over with a needle, he injected into Splinter's arm. "The mutagen is now entering his bloodstream."

    "Master Splinter?" Mikey asked softly.

    "Nothing's happening." Raph noted.

    "Why isn't it working yet?" Mikey scoffed.

    "Mikey..." Splinter said weakly as his body twitched.

    "Huh?" Mikey asked.

    "Mikey, come closer."

Mikey leaned his head down closer to Splinter's mouth and Splinter whispered something to him. They all waited as Mikey sat back up.

    "What did he say? What did he say?" Leo asked quickly.

    "He said, please get your knee off my chest." Mikey relayed the message and they all began to laugh, backing away slightly.

    "Sensei!" Leo chuckled.

    "You're, you're alive!" Mikey laughed.

    "It worked!" Raph grinned.

    "I'm sorry. This was all my fault." Leo's mood changed suddenly from happy, to solemn.

    "You were right. We weren't ready." Raphael sighed.

    "No." Splinter's eye's opened fully and he smiled up at his sons. "It was I who wasn't ready to let you go. All you needed was to discover that your true power lies in believing in one another."

Mikey mimicked a mind blown explosion at Splinter's words.


I had found my way to April and I hugged her tightly, explaining excitedly everything that had happened to me. She told me about how she brought Vern to an ambulance and they took him away to care for his gunshot wound but that he'd be fine after all. April suggested that we went and got some food and I agreed happily.

A few days past since we had taken down Shredder. We had all agreed that it was best to give the credit to someone else, so we could all keep to the shadows. I rode my skate board beside April, while she rode her bike down the dark streets of New York City. Onto the underpass where Vern was waiting for her, leaning up against his brand new car, since the Channel 6 news van had been destroyed. His arm in a sling to help heal his wound. I tagged along, knowing the turtles were supposed to be coming to pick me up later. That was if April would let me go.

    "There they are." Vern grinned as we came closer. "New York's secret weapons."

    "Ha, ha, very funny, Vern. I could still blast you, you know that? I'm not afraid to now." I chuckled.

    "I don't doubt that for a single second." Vern chuckled back.

    "How's your arm, Vern?" April asked through a chuckle of her own at our playful banter.

    "Well, it wouldn't be much use in a fight. Specially, against this one. Not that I was much use before, but..."

    "No, you're right. You wouldn't stand a chance." I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest.

    "Did you get a new car?" April asked, gesturing to the small black vehicle he was leaning on.

    "Yeah. You're looking at the new Fenwick Express. And O'Neil taxi cab." He chuckled, alongside us. "Pretty sweet, huh? Kind of an upgrade. I figured I'd need new wheels after my old work vehicle went boom. Yeah. Channel 6 gave it to me. They said 'Don't put a scratch on it.' But, like, lightening's gonna strike strike twice, right?" He scoffed and chuckled.

    "Hmm, I'd be careful putting all your cards in one hand, Vern. You never know now that you've joined the crazy crew." I told him with a pointed expression.

    "Yeah, true. But let's try right?"

    "So, is that why you called me here, to talk about your new car?" April chuckled nervously.

    "I know that you're not exactly a fancy restaurant kinda girl, so I figured a creepy underpass in an abandoned neighborhood in the middle of the night was more your speed. I wanted you to be comfortable." Vern joked.

April looked slightly uncomfortable, until we all perked up hearing a vehicle approaching. I grinned as I heard the horn play it's musical tune, echoing through the underpass. A small car, that could fit for four turtles and one girl rolled in towards us. Mikey was the first to stick his head out the back door.

    "~Dj Mikey in the house!~" Mikey rapped.

    "What are you guys doing here?" April chuckled and jogged over towards the car.

    "Donnie, this thing is sick!" I laughed inspecting the car.

    "You know, we figured we owed you a thanks for keeping our secret." Leo smiled, sticking his head out of the passenger side window.

    "You had a lot to gain, April, from telling people about us, but you had our backs." Raph nodded as April and I looked in the back of the car at him.

    "Well, that's what families are for, Raph." I smiled softly at him and linked my arm with my sister. "Right, A?"

    "Right. We're all family." April smiled.

    "And, I'm assuming Y/n hasn't asked yet, since you're so surprised to see us." Leo gave me a pointed look and my cheeks pinked, shrugging my shoulders up and down.

    "Ask me what?" April crossed her arms and looked at me with a raised brow.

    "Oh, uh, you know. It's nothing. I'll just tag along with you guys for dinner." I chuckled, giving Vern some side eye. His eye's grew wide. He really wanted this alone time with April.

    "Whoa, no, no. Uh, what did you need to ask?" Vern stuttered.

    "I, uh, wanted to go on night patrol with the boys." I mumbled. "If it's okay with you..."

    "I don't... see why not." April said with a smirk. "Just make sure you have her home by 11!"

I really thought she was about to say no, but I perked up at her last words. I laughed and hugged her tightly, before high fiving Mikey and climbing into the back with Raph.

    "You got it, April." Leo chuckled and turned back to smile softly at me.

     "So, you guys are driving now?" Vern asked.

    "Yeah, man. I pimped this bad boy out. Got a 42 inch plasma with the NBA package, shave ice machine, 7.1 digital surround sound." Donnie explained proudly.

    "Check out the bass, bra." Mikey smirked and clicked a random button. A rocket lifted out of the roof, aimed right for Vern's brand new car.

    "Uh, oh." Vern gulped.

We all cringed as the rocket left the turtle car and exploded Vern's brand new Fenwick express.

    "Ooh... That's gonna be hard to explain." I cringed.

    "My bad." Mikey said. "I'm still figuring out the buttons."

    "That was my new Fenwick Express." Vern squeaked. Sirens started blaring in the distance. "I just... I just got that."
He grabbed at his shoulder as he began to stress out.

    "We better get out of here." Raph pointed out. "Want a ride home?" He asked April and Vern.

    "You know what? I think we're gonna take the subway. We're gonna take the subway." April looked back and forth between us and Vern as he was clearly stressing out.

    "You sure?" Mikey asked. "I got a real nice song that's all cued up. It's special, girl."

    "That's so sweet, Mikey." I patted his arm.

    "No, no, it's not. Don't." Raph warned.

    "It's for us." Mikey gesturing between himself and April.

    "I'm totally down to hear it and sing along! Musical duo of Y/n and Mikey!" I chuckled and we high fived.

    "No, no, no, Mikey. You promised." Donnie groaned.

    "Come on, Mikey. Y/n, don't encourage him!" Leo grunted.

    "Which button is it?" I asked and Mikey pointed. I pressed the button and music started playing through the car speakers. April chuckled at us. "Oooh, I love this song."

    "It's great, right?" Mikey nodded along. "It's happening." He grinned and began to sing while I laughed and the other turtles groaned. "~Imagine me and you, I do. I think about you day and night. It's only right to think about!~"

Raph and Leo pulled Mikey into the car. Donnie started it up and began to drive off. April shook her head still being able to hear our clambering.

    "Aw, guys! Let the kid, confess his love." I was laughing so hard, knowing Mikey had planned this. Tears were nearly forming in my eyes.

    "Yeah! I'm making really good headway!" Mikey scoffed.

    "Shut up, Mikey!" The other three yelled.

    "~I can't see me loving no body but you! For all my life!~" Mikey and I belted out, breaking out of the back door of the small van. "~When you're with me, baby. The skies with be blue, for all my lifeee!~" We pretended to hold microphones in our hands singing together.

We both pulled back into the truck laughing our butts off as April and Vern were completely out of sight.

    "All right, knuckles heads. Let's get our game faces on and focus. Y/n, you're going back to the lair." Leo explained.

    "Wait, what? Why?" I whined.

    "Master Splinter wants to see you." Raph explained.

    "Oh, okay." I narrowed my eyes as I thought about why he could have possibly wanted to see me.

The boys dropped me off and I walked inside, finding my way to Splinter.

    "Splinter?" I questioned softly as he was meditating in the middle of the room.

    "Come sit, my child." Splinter gestured in front of him without opening his eyes.


I quietly walked over and sat cross cross in front of him, placing my hands in my lap.

    "I'm sure you are questioning why you are here."

    "Uhm, yeah, kinda." I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

    "Skilled, brave, headstrong, playful, intelligent, gentle, kind, powerful. All these words make up who you are and so many more. Your powers are untrained, and dangerous after being bottled up for so long. Which is why you weaken easily. I would be at fault if something happened to you and I didn't offer to train you. So, if you would like. I'd like to train you. Help you develop your powers." Splinter said simply. His black eyes opened and he studied my face.

My mouth dropped open slightly and I felt like I couldn't formulate a thought besides one. I definitely wanted to be trained. Specially by Splinter. I bowed and placed my hands together.

    "Thank you, Sensei. I'd be honored to have you train me." I said softly.

    "Good. Shall we get started right away?" He asked with a grin and I nodded.

Splinter made me stand in the center of the room he trained himself and the turtles in. Seeing my skills in fighting, what weapons I worked well with, and the different aspects of my powers. We meditated and trained through the night focusing on the areas I needed to improve. An hour before 11, Splinter allowed me to leave. But he said he had a special request for a mission for me to go on. Of course, I agreed without hesitation.

I followed Splinter's instructions through the tunnels and pipes before making it to the manhole cover and slowly lifted it up. The alleyway was dark and I didn't see anyone around. I slowly climbed out, still aware of my surroundings. I let out a soft breath and closed my eyes, before a small smirk crawled across my face. Someone tried to sneak up behind me, but they weren't all that good at sneaking. The hand that attempted to grab me, I grabbed over my shoulder and pulled the heavy body over my head to the ground.

    "Oof!" Donnie groaned.

    "Donnie!" I gasped and tried to help him up. But he pulled me down with a laugh. Two other turtle bodies jumped from the shadows of the roof, down around us. "What is this an ambush?" I raised an eyebrow.

    "Eh, sort of. A kidnapping is more like it." Raph chuckled and threw a dark bag over my head, as Donnie had me pinned in his arms.

    "Yeah, girl. It's a kidnapping with a good surprise at the end." Mikey said, waving his hands in front of my face, making sure I couldn't see.

"Dude!" Raph and Donnie both hissed at their younger brother.

    "I see you took my advice and switched up the bags. Good choice." I chuckled. "Now, tell me what's going on."

    "No, can do. We are under specific orders." Donnie replied. His grip loosened, but he linked his arm with mine. Pinning them behind me and I felt him put a large zip tie around them.

    "Specific orders, huh? This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain turtle in Blue, would it?" I smirked, knowing they were terrible at keeping secrets.

I could tell all the boys were looking at each other and decided not to say anything further. I shook my head and followed along with them. After walking what felt like forever and hearing the roaring of engines above our heads, which had me curious. They stopped. I felt all hands leave me, but the bag stayed on my head.

    "Ah-ha. Very funny trick boys." I yelled out.

I suddenly heard, fighting around me. Each of the turtles had fallen to the ground one thud after another. My heart pounded in my chest with curiosity. I didn't even hear anyone approach me this time which made me smile. Stealthy. I only felt something cold, approach between my hands. It was a blade and it cut away my ties. I pulled them back around me and rubbed my hands over my wrists. I gasped as hands scooped me up bridal style and the bag was removed from my head. I blinked a few times before looking up at my blue masked rescuer.

Leo smirked at me, and I looked around to see Donnie, Mikey and Raph on the ground, pretending to have been beaten up.

    "Oh, my hero." I chuckled sarcastically.

    "I saw you were in distress ma'am and I saved you. So I do believe that in order to return the favor, if the damsel so wishes, to join me for, uh, dinner?" Leo's voice started off strong, confident, but faded to a nervous squeak and I giggled slightly.

    "What kind of damsel would I be if I said no to my hero?" I grinned and patted Leo's cheek gently, making it blush.

    "A smart one." He shrugged with a chuckle. "You're to good to need saving. I think you've proved that over the past week that we've known you."

    "That is true." I smiled. "But even a hero needs help sometimes. Do I have to remind you of the cage and the giant spire?" I said and we both snickered. "So, Leonardo, where are we going now?"

Leo stepped around his brothers and walked up around the corner. He gestured forward with his head. We were headed towards an underpass that sat over a hill facing the water where Liberty Island was in the very middle. I gasped seeing a small blanket in the distance on the ground, a box of pizza and a single candle. He placed me on my feet and we took seats across from one another. We each took a piece of pizza and enjoyed the silence in the air. Crickets chirped in the relaxing night air.

    "Y/n?" Leo said softly and I looked up at him. "Did you like the surprise dinner?" He asked awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

    "Hmm, oh yeah. Definitely. It was very fun and theatrical getting here. And this, peaceful. This view is, wow." I pointed out.

    "Good. Good. Ahem. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I-I have to get you home soon." Leo pointed out and I looked down to the ground and nodded.

    "Right. Curfew."

I stood on my feet and brushed off my pants. Leonardo quickly stood up and picked up the blanket, wrapping it up underneath his arm. We silently started walking away from the underpass and I noticed Leo looking backwards from the corner of my eye, making faces and having a silent conversation with someone. Or more like three someone's. I pretended not to notice as we both kept walking, until Leo stopped.

    "Uh, Y/n!" Leo nearly shouted and I stopped to turn and look at him.

    "Yes, Leo?" I asked.

    "I'm not very good at this stuff, obviously... Uh, I think you're really special. And I-I know we've only technically known each other for a week. But when I'm around you... When I see you I... Oh, screw it." Leo rolled his eyes at himself and quickly walked towards me.

Leo dropped the blanket from underneath his arm, wrapped one around my waist and pulled me close to his plastron chest. The second we locked eyes it was like he lost all confidence. I giggled and he placed one hand on my cheek tenderly. Gazing at me with that same expression as before. But I knew now what that other feeling was. It was love.

    "I believe your words were, oh screw it?" I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and pressing my lips onto his.

Leo's grip tightened on me pulling me as close to his body as possible. We both hummed in enjoyment of the kiss, as there were clear sparks that flew between us. When we pulled away, Leo's forehead rested on mine and we both let out breath's of air, smiling like happy idiots. Stopping for the air we needed to breathe and because we could clearly hear the other boys, whispering and high fiving. My arms stayed wrapped around his neck and his hands stayed around my waist, until he brought a hand up to push some of my hair out of my face.

    "You're so beautiful." Leo whispered.

    "And I find you incredibly attractive, handsome." I grinned.

    "What do you say. Wanna be my girlfriend? Take things slow and see where the road takes us?" Leo asked with a smirk.

    "I think that I would like that very much." I giggled. Leo, leaned in to kiss me again, but I stuck my hand in between our mouths. "I think you're gonna have to hold that thought. I think we are under attack by ninjas." I whispered and gestured to the side lightly.

Leo turned his head and his brother's disappeared from sight. He grinned and grabbed my hand. We both ran around the bridge and around to their backs.

    "Where did they go?" Mikey whispered.

    "Do you think they heard us?" Donnie whispered.

    "Nah, they probably just ran off somewhere to go make out." Raph fake gagged.

I ran and leapt off the wall silent and stealthy, before landing on Raphael's shell and scaring the life out of him. Leo jumped out and began playfully sparing with the other two. Raph let out a scream and tried to grab at me to throw me off until I started laughing and he realized it was just me.

"I really hate you." He grumbled.

    "You guys are not very good Ninjas! We could hear you and see you. You need to up your stealth game, bra." I imitated Mikey and climbed off Raph's back. Leo laughed and walked over to me, wrapping an arm over my shoulders.

    "Not very good ninjas?" Raph scoffed.

    "Hey, we are great ninjas!" Mikey pouted.

    "Hmm, I don't know, boys. She might have a point." Leo smirked at them.

    "Yeah? We'll we'll show you! Come on guys!" Donnie laughed and got into position.

    "Let's go!" Raph let out a small chuckle.

    "Let's do this!" Mikey cheered.

The five of us began play fighting and sparing with one another all in good fun. I laughed and fought well until they all ganged up on me. Who knew that I'd go from a girl with no life, no friends, and a freak. To a welcomed, loved, and most importantly a kickass Mutant.

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