The Mutants: Leonardo x Reader

By Nerdfanatic247

140K 2.8K 594

New York City. A place in which it seems every single story takes place. And who are those people in those st... More

Meet The Characters
Just A Day In The Life
Witnessing A Foot Clan Attack
Shutting Down A Foot Clan Attack
The Vigilantes Are...
The One With The Video Tapes
Visiting An Old Friend
Piecing Together The Parts
Attack On The Lair
The Sacks Estate
The Daring Rescue
Escape From The Estate
A Race Against Time
The End Is Just The Beginning
Out Of The Shadows
Two Years Later
Undercover Mission
Jail Break
Mutants and Vigilantes
Turtles... Meet Casey Jones... Casey... Meet Turtles
Family Tensions
Breaking Into Headquarters
A Family Divided
A Little Fieldtrip to Brazil
Krang's Attack on New York City
True Heroes

The One With The Fight To Protect New York

4.5K 108 19
By Nerdfanatic247

Shredder walked away from the ledge of the building and back over towards the computer, setting the toxin to release in five minutes. NYPD showed up at the bottom of Sacks tower, creating perimeters around the building because of the falling debris.

    "Come on, guys!" Raph yelled.

Leo swung Donnie back and forth, and let go. His body flew through the air upward just as the last bolt released from the metal railing. Raph grunted as he reached out for Donnie's outstretched staff, Leo's arm stretching out to grab Donnie's foot again. The bar fell away from the building and Raph grabbed them just in time.


Using the momentum they already had going, Raph swung the staff forward with a yell. Forcing Donnie and Leo up to the rooftop once more. Mikey scaled the building carefully, managing to get back up. Shredder charged backwards towards the turtles as they landed on their feet and they began to fight with him. He quickly kicked Donnie and Leo in separate directions. Charging back at Leo with his bladed hand ready to strike his chest. The Shredder's hand moved down downwards him, Leo winced preparing for the pain, but quickly looked up hearing a clashing of blades instead. Raphael jumped from the edge of the building just in the nick of time.

Crossing his blade with Shredder's and saving his brother from a terrible fate. Raph pushed the blades away from Leo and began trying to take on Shredder again. Raph was knocked away and Shredder reached down grabbing Leonardo's ankle, flipping him further away. He grunted as his body hit the ground again. Still determined, he got back to his feet and picked up his blade. They went at each other, and Leo nearly had the upper hand, until Shredder threw him over towards the edge of the building again. Where each of his brothers groaned from their spots beside him.

    "Enough. This lesson is over." Shredder growled as he walked back towards the computer set up.

    "Oh, we're getting our asses kicked out there!" Raph grunted, sitting up.

    "We only got 50 more seconds before the toxin is released." Leo groaned.

    "Hey!" Mikey's eye lit up as he got an idea. "Who wants to play buck-buck?"

    "Buck-buck?" Raph growled.

    "What?" Leo scoffed.

    "Tony-on-a-pony." Donnie groaned and winced while sitting forward. "Some people call it Johnnie-on-a-rock."

    "Wait." Leo grinned. "Yeah. Let's play buck-buck."

    "But why would we...?" Donnie tried to ask, but Raph put his hand up, silencing him.

    "No. We do what Leo says." Raph agreed, surprising all the brothers. But making them all smile at one another. Raph turned and looked at Leo, and put out his fist. "Lead the way." He said and they fist bumped.


I sat at the edge of the station table, waiting for Sacks to move closer towards us. April, got to her feet in a crouch, ready to run. Sack's raised the gun at us and Vern grabbed a microscope. Big, heavy, and metal.

    "O'Neil!" Vern shouted.

April and I both jumped up from our spots. A wave of purple covered in front of me like a shield. The gun shot bounced off it and April ran towards the button. Sacks turned towards Vern and let out another bullet, but missed. April pressed the button and the extinguishing system came on down from the ceiling. I forced the shield forward and pushed Sacks body directly under one of the streams. He yelled out and ducked as the harsh blast of air rained down on him.

Vern ran forward, raising the microscope into the air. Sacks raised the gun towards him again and let out a final bullet, while the microscope collided with his head.

    "Vern!" I yelled seeing the both of them fall to the ground.


Each of the turtles got to there feet and put their weapons in the center. Crossing them over one another, like you'd do with your hand during a huddle on a team. They grunted and lifted up their weapons, preparing to fight. Shredder turned slowly and saw the turtles approaching him.

Leo ran first, twisting in the air with a yell, katanas in hand. He slashed down, only for his blade to be blocked. Leo, kneeled on the ground in front of Shredder, allowing Mikey to come next. He flipped over his brother's shell and collided his foot to The Shredder's face making him stumble backwards. Mikey kneeled down in front of Leo as Donnie jumped over both of their shells.

Donnie swiped his staff underneath Shredder's feet, tripping him up. Donnie quickly kneeled to the ground in front of Mikey. Raphael ran across all of their shells last. Donnie stood up at Raph's foot stepped on him, giving him a boost into the air. With a war like cry, Raphael stuck out his foot and collided it into the Shredder's armor. He was pushed backwards with such force that even trying to stab his blades into the grates, didn't stop him. His body went sliding off over the edge of the building.

    "Cow-a-bunga." Raph smirked, placing his tooth pick back in his mouth.


    "Holy, shit, Vern!" I pulled his body over towards the table and leaned him up against it. "Are you okay? How bad is it?"

    "Ugh, it's in my shoulder." He winced, touching the tender spot in his arm where he was shot. "Look, just go get help and take the mutagen with you. Just go!"

    "Vern, stop the sacrifice play! You're not gonna die. April, you help him. I'm gonna take the mutagen and go help the turtles." I looked up at her and she grabbed my hand as I started to stand up.

    "Be careful." She smiled weakly and I nodded.

    "Just another day in the life of a man of action." Vern chuckled to April through his pain. "Oh, ow. Nope. Not getting up yet."

I got up and grabbed the full container of the green ooze and ran towards the elevator to get to the rooftop.


    "You know how to use this thing?" Raph asked Donnie as they approached the computer equipment. The timer ticked down. Only 34 seconds left until the toxin was released.

    "It's a simple command-line interface. No one's used this code in 15 years. I-I mean, I've read about it online, but this kinda thing takes time."

Donnie continued ranting as his fingers worked their magic over the keys. But, Shredder was crawling his way back up the building and back onto the roof top. Raph, turned hearing the metal clanging and climbing back up.

    "I didn't think there was a way I'd ever be in a position where the fate of an entire city depends on whether or not I'd be able to figure out this kinda of system!"

    "I'll buy you some time." Raph looked between his brothers and Shredder as he straightened up on the edge of the building.

Shredder spun around, releasing some of the blades from his armor to go flying through the air. Raph charged at him and deflected the blades, quickly joined by Leo and Mikey. Each of them doing whatever it would take to protect Donnie.

    "Toxin disbursement in, five... four... three.. two..." The computer voice relayed as Donnie's forehead beaded with sweat. Pressuring increasing to finish this once and for all.

The sound of the system shutting down occurred just in time. Donnie had done it.

    "Bam! System disabled! Who want's Italian!" Donnie cheered happily. "I'm buying! Tiramisu for everybody!"

He yelped as a blade came bouncing off the building, just barely missing his arms. Shredder looked at the building angrily, seeing the red toxin stop coming out from it. He threw the blades over the turtles heads and the force bent the beams holding the large metal spire upward. He repeated the action over and over, until the building began to tip. Leo turned, wondering why Shredder wasn't attacking them anymore, only to see what he was doing instead.

    "Uh, Leonardo?" Donnie called out to him worriedly.

    "Fall in!" Leo shouted.

Each of the four turtles ran forward taking on a corner of the falling building and holding it in place with their hands and bodies. They grunted and groaned holding all the weight of the tower.

    "Hold on! Hold it! Hold it!"

Metal debris began to fall down the towers spires.

    "If the spire falls and the toxin makes ground impact, it'll contaminate a 10 block radius!" Donnie calculated while holding up his corner of the building.

    "What are the odds of us stopping that from happening?" Leo grunted.

    "Uh, 0.00000000003%!"

    "I'll take it!" Leo stated, trying to hold up one of the bending legs. "Nobody moves, no matter what."

    "But Leo!" Michelangelo yelled to him, seeing Shredder approaching.

    "I said no body moves!"

    "Leo! I'm letting go!" Raph grunted as he held one of the heaviest sides.

Shredder approached Leonardo and punched him in the gut. Leo grunted, but didn't let go of the beam. I ran to the top of the roof, seeing the trouble the boys were in. I watched as Shredder punched Leo again. Anger filled me, seeing them all like that, in such trouble.

    "SHREDDER!" I screamed, holding the mutagen high in one hand. His head whipped towards my direction and I smirked at him, slowly backing up towards the edge of the building. "This is all that's left! Come get it you, giant tin can!"

    "You, little girl." Shredder growled, stepping away from Leonardo. He jumped from the spire all the way over towards me. Making it only a few feet away in distance between us. My free hand lit up purple, as the mist swirled around my finger tips. "That belongs to me."

    "I don't think so." I growled.

    "Hold on! Hold on! Hold it!" Leo grunted as the building got lower and lower on their bodies.

The top of the spire exploded from the strain on the building. Tipping right towards Shredder and I. Taking the chance at my small distracted moment, Shredder ran at me. His metal armor collided with my body and we fell over the edge of the building. I screamed as we tumbled downward. I faced Shredder's mask and lifted my fist to punch him. The power from my hand created a powerful punch, knocking him off my body and away from me. He fell towards the fallen spire and grabbed a hold. I screamed as my body twirled around in the air, trying to reach any of the sticking out metal bars. Barely catching myself on the last one.

The tower of the spire crashed into one of Time Square's large TV's and tons of debris fell towards the ground. My hands were slipping from the pole I was on. I tried to swing myself over to the next bar and barely caught it. I grunted and tried to keep a good grip on the pole, It bent under the weight as it was already weak. I turned slightly and saw Shredder coming right for me again.

    "Y/n!" Raph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey yelled. Letting go off the bottom of the fallen spire, seeing as it served a purpose no more, peering over the edge of the building. Raphael jumped over the edge first, running along the spire to head towards us.

    "Come on, guys!" Raph yelled to them all.

    "Go, go, go!" Leo ushered them as he jumped next followed by Donnie and Mikey.

Shredder swung at me and I swung my body to try and avoid him. He grabbed the green ooze out from underneath my arm and attached it to his belt. The bar he was holding, made him drop slightly as it started to break. I let go with one hand and tried to throw a blast at him. It smacked into his arm and made the bar waver further. He growled and grabbed a blade from his suit of armor, throwing it at the bar holding me up. It sliced in half and I screamed falling through the air towards the ground of Time Square.

    "No! Y/n!" Raph screamed, jumping after me with no hesitation.

Leo jumped after Raph, Donnie jumped after Leo, and Mikey jumped after Donnie. Mikey grabbed Donnie's leg and the spire with his hands.

    "Raphael!" I screamed reaching my hands upwards towards him as I fell.

    "I got you, Raph!" Leo stated, grabbing Raph's leg.

Raphael focused, hand out stretched towards mine. Finally connecting and grabbing ahold of my hand and arm, in his large hand. We bounced for a moment and I grunted along with a few of the others.

    "Holy shit! Holy shit!" I freaked out, clawing my other hand up onto Raph's that was holding me.

    "Hold on! Hold on, Y/n!" Leo yelled down towards me.

    "I got you, Y/n. I got you." Raph said in a soothing tone.   

    "I swear to all things good, don't drop me!" I cried out, trying to keep my grip on Raph's hand.

Shredder growled, seeing the chain of mutants. He grabbed another blade and threw it at Michelangelo. But Mikey, deflected the blade away, back at him and into Shredder's chest. I looked around and got an idea.

    "Swing me towards him!" I called up to Raph.

    "Are you crazy?" Raph grunted.

    "Yes!" I yelled back.

    "Do it!" Leo yelled at him.

Raph grunted at me with a nod and started swinging my body. Shredder pulled the blade from his chest.

    "Leo!" Raph said, pointing out Shredder.

Leo, grabbed a katana with his free hand and threw it at Shredder, making it stab through his chest of armor again. Raph and the turtles swung my body forward and I yelled, sticking out my foot and colliding it into Shredder's armor. He grunted and his grip released from the pole. Making him fall towards the ground. In order to ensure damage, I stuck out my hand and forced purple energy towards him. Shredder's body crash landed roughly into the pavement below, cracking all around him. Creating a rather large crater around his body. Dust and dirt blew around because of the impact.

    "That's my girl." Mikey sighed dreamily.

Each of the turtles had grabbed onto the metal bars of the spire and held on tightly during the swing. Raph's hand pulled me up as he grabbed ahold, and placed me up on it next to him. I breathed heavily and clung onto the metal. My eyes widened hearing the creaking occur and we all screamed as the spire broke from it's hold in between the two buildings. It landed on the edge of another TV and I felt my body get whipped around almost falling off. I cried out, and Raph's arm wrapped around my waist. He hoisted me up and safely pushed me inside the spire.

I huffed and turned around staring straight down. Heights never bothered me before, but this. This is so not my version of fun. I met Raph's green eyes and we looked at each other worriedly.

    "I think this is it, guys!" Donnie yelled to his brothers.

    "Does anyone have anything they wanna say?" Leo asked.

We all started screaming again, as the bar rolled off the edge of the tv.

    "Donnie?" Leo grunted as we landed on another tv edge.

    "I'm the one who licks the icing off the pop tarts every morning and outs them back in the box!" He scream as he confessed.

    "No, no, no, no!" I screamed as the spire tip forward again. We all started screaming, falling towards the ground.

    "I so did not understand the ending of Lost!" Mikey confessed as we all twirled through the air.    

    "Raph?!" Leo yelled.

    "I just, uh, uh, if this is our last moment together, I just want you guys to know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I was so hard on you. Uh, every-time I pushed you, I-I threatened you, I yelled at you, I pushed you beyond your limits, it's because I believe in you! I believe in each one of you!" Raph yelled passionately. "I believe in your spirit and your intelligence. And your potential. And every time I talked about walking away, it was because I was scared! I just didn't think I was good enough to stand next to you and call you brothers. And say to you, I love you! I love you guys so much!"

We had landed on the ground only a moment ago. I helped cushion our landing some with my powers and we all looked at Raph during his powerful, emotional speech.

    "Raph?" Donnie called out gently. "We made it."

    "Are you crying?" Mikey asked.

    "No, ding-dong. It's just a little dusty out here." Raph sniffled.

    "Aw, it's okay, Big Red. You big ol' softy." I chuckled and patted his arm.

"Tell anyone and you're dead." Raph threatened.

The people of New York ran over towards the cloud of dust that finally began to settle, towards Shredder's body. The container of mutagen had smashed on the ground, ending any chance he had with the ooze. Except a small drop, he curled into his hand from his finger. Raph threw me over his shoulder with a chuckle and while the people were distracted, we all jumped into the nearest manhole cover. The turtles immediately walked back to their lair to save Splinter, while I went back up to the surface to find April.

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