The Mutants: Leonardo x Reader

By Nerdfanatic247

140K 2.8K 594

New York City. A place in which it seems every single story takes place. And who are those people in those st... More

Meet The Characters
Just A Day In The Life
Witnessing A Foot Clan Attack
Shutting Down A Foot Clan Attack
The One With The Video Tapes
Visiting An Old Friend
Piecing Together The Parts
Attack On The Lair
The Sacks Estate
The Daring Rescue
Escape From The Estate
A Race Against Time
The One With The Fight To Protect New York
The End Is Just The Beginning
Out Of The Shadows
Two Years Later
Undercover Mission
Jail Break
Mutants and Vigilantes
Turtles... Meet Casey Jones... Casey... Meet Turtles
Family Tensions
Breaking Into Headquarters
A Family Divided
A Little Fieldtrip to Brazil
Krang's Attack on New York City
True Heroes

The Vigilantes Are...

6.3K 144 66
By Nerdfanatic247

I jumped up onto the fire escape and pulled down the stairs for April, not waiting to scale up them quickly.

    "Y/n, wait!" April hissed quietly, doing her best to keep up.    

    "I did that! I swope that room!" The deeper of the voices who had the red mask cheered.    

    "Yeah!" The other cheered and I could hear them giving each other high fives the closer I got to the top.

    "Yeah, bring it in boys!"

    "That was amazing. You guys were incredible! And did you see the girl? With the purple fire hands? That was, wow!" The purple one cheered as I spied over the edge of the building.

I saw four total figures as I had before. But, they were still hidden in the shadows and I couldn't quite make out what exactly they were.

    "Yeah we did! She was Wowza!" The orange one laughed.

    "Great elbows, Donnie! And you're right she was amazing." The blue one cheered.

    "Heck, yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" The red one joined into to their man fest of bro hugs and high fives. "This is our city! These are our streets!"

    "You mess with us, you step into the Wu, Whoo, tang!" The orange one high fived the others.

I did my best to hold in my snickers at their child like behavior. April slowly climbed up beside me and I allowed her to share the last of the ladder. She peeked over and gasped quietly.

    "Did you see that guy's jaw connect with the concrete? And when she waved her hands and the other guy flew into the wall?"" The red one laughed.

    "A lot of them will be drinking out of a sippy cup for months!" The purple one agreed.

    "Oh, that's what I'm taking about brothers. Like shadows in the night. Completely unseen."

They went to high five again, but a camera shutter and flash went off. They froze stiff, mid high five. Even I froze, slowly turning to look at April with wide eyes.

    "Seriously? Didn't you learn anything down there?!" I hissed at her quietly. Slowly turning my attention towards the vigilantes again. April's breathing picked up nervously.

    "Did you see and hear that?" The orange one whispered.

    "It was a voice and a camera flash." The purple one replied back in a whisper.

    "We know it's a camera flash and a voice. A girl's voice, I might add, that we just heard." The blue one hissed at his brothers. I gulped realizing that they knew it was me.

    "Yeah, but who's behind the camera flash?" The big red one whispered.

    "By my calculations it's another girl." The purple one whispered and relayed to his brothers.

    "Now we gotta kill them." Orange whispered to the others.

    "What?" The purple one gasped.

    "With kindness!" The orange one scoffed.

    "Go, go, go." I whispered to April, hearing the kill comment. I leaned to the side and allowed her to start to climb down.

    "Give them some flowers, earn their trust." The Orange one explained further.

    "I got this!" The red one's deeper voice grumbled and shivers shot up my spine as I began to climb down after my sister.

    "Raph, no, no, no!" The leader hissed at him.

Suddenly a chain wrapped around my waist and I grunted.

    "Crap." I huffed.

I was pulled up harshly landing on the rooftop, the chain shot out again, grabbing April and dragging her up beside me. She landed on the ground hard and I quickly moved to kneel beside her.

    "Are you okay?" I asked her quickly.

    "Ow, my arm." She hissed as I helped her sit up.

I glared into the darkness and stood in front of her protectively. Hands out at my sides, slightly protruded, but without the glow. To show I'd fight only if necessary. The one in the red mask jumped and landed in front of me, squaring up against me.

April's eye's widened alongside mine, seeing the vigilante creature in front of us. It wasn't a bulky man like I thought at all. His feet and hands only had three toes and fingers. His skin was a scaley green, with a large shell on his torso. I stared up into his bright green eyes that were underneath his red mask in shock.

    "Give me the camera." He demanded, clearly making his voice lower than it already is.    

    "Ooh, look, he's doing his Batman voice." The Purple one pointed out.

    "Take another step muscles, and I'll blast you into next week." I growled as he stood firmly in front of me, making eye contact with my sister.

    "Oh, my god. They're both super hot, I can feel my shell tightening." The Orange one remarked.

I nearly choked on the air I was trying to breath, looking around the large Turtle in front of me to raise an eyebrow at the Orange masked one. Even Big Red turned around and growled at him.

    "We can hear you!" He called out to his brother and unsheathed a blade from his back, which I recognized as a Sai blade, most commonly used in the art of Ninjitsu. April stood to her feet and I back up towards her, one arm out protectively and the other lighting up purple. He took his weapon out first. My eyes narrowed at him, ready to throw a ball of energy at him. "If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna..."

    "Enough!" One of them yelled.

My head shot up in the direction of the voice. The blue masked turtle was on top of the tower on the building. He unsheathed two katanas and flipped off, landing directly behind April and I. Making part of the building crumble under his feet. I gulped as I looked up at the big muscular turtle.

    "Back off, Raph." He growled.

His brother scoffed and raised his hands in defense, before walking away from us slightly.

    "I only saw Batman once!" Raph relayed to the purple brother for his comment earlier.

    "Whoa, put the fury flames away. We're not gonna hurt you, as long as you don't hurt us." The Blue one said gently, approaching us slowly. I strangely felt safe and, even with narrowed eyes, I let the wisps disappear from my hand. "Okay, good." He cleared his thought. "Uhm, Hello, ma'am. I apologize. My colleague here forgot to say 'please.'."

    "Not super surprised. Seems like muscles over there is all gung ho, fight first, and ask questions later." I scoffed crossing my arms.

    "Hey!" Raph scoffed. Blue chuckled.

    "He is a bit of a hothead. But, would you please hand over the camera?" Blue asked more politely than his brother, but I could still hear the sternness in his voice.

Which meant he was not playing around. He walked over, squaring up with me and we locked eyes, just as his brother had. Only this time, my heart pounded faster and my stomach turned with butterflies. His eyes were the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen, I noticed...

    "Dude, they're totally gazing into each other's eyes." The purple one pointed out in a whisper, breaking us both of our trance.

    "We are not!" We both yelled back at him, making him lift his hands and snicker.

A sudden thud, made April gasp. I whipped my head around to see the Orange masked turtle land in front of her.

    "No, no, no. Hold on. Whoa! Chill, it's just a mask. See? Don't freak out." He said softly and undid the knot of the mask, letting it fall into his hands. He showed it to us both and smiled a cute childish smile. "Right?"

I chuckled and shook my head seeing his wasn't a threat. But April wobbled and fainted, falling to the ground.

    "April!" I gasped and ran over to her, placing her head in my lap.

    "Oh, I think that went well." The purple one said.

    "Whoa, is she okay?" The Orange one asked as he tied the mask back on his face.    

    "Uh, her pulse is good. But she's probably just overwhelmed. This has kinda been a whole lot to take in all at once. You know hostage, held at gunpoint, seeing the New York Vigilantes." I rambled slightly as I shrugged. I pushed some of her hair away from her face.

    "We don't have time for this. Give us the phone." Raph demanded. I narrowed my eyes and looked up at him as he approached aggressively.

    "Listen, buddy. Back off, before I make you." I threatened.

    "Whoa, whoa. Uh, I can check her to make sure she's okay. She hit her head there when she fell..." The purple one offered cautiously stepping between us. "If you give us the phone."

    "Here." I dug through her pocket and handed them her phone. "Just, please. Make sure she's really all right." I sighed.

He took the phone with a nod and quickly deleted all the evidence April had taken from the night. He kneeled beside me, and large spy like glass came out from his glasses. He felt her pulse, checked her head. Scanned her body, giving him all the info he needed.

    "Whoa, that is amazing." I gasped amazed. His green cheeks pinked and he coughed awkwardly.

    "Oh, thank you. Uh, heart beat steady. Slight contusion to the back of the head. Blood pressure is stabilizing." He stated.

    "April? April, can you hear me?" I asked softly as her eyes began to twitch.

    "Why are we still here playing doctor?" Raph scoffed.

    "She might have a head injury." Blue rolled his eyes as he kneeled beside me.

    "Uh, correction. They're both really hot chicks and one may have a head injury, which makes it our civic duty too." Orange replied and I shook my head.

    "Ma'am, Ma'am?" Purple asked her as she came too.

    "OH, April. Can you hear me? You okay? Do you know where you are?" I asked quickly and she groaned.

    "Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks?" Orange asked and I let out a snort.

Blue put his big hand on his face and shoved him away from us.
    "Can we focus here?" Blue huffed and bent down closer, examining April. Our heads were very close to each other and I felt my cheeks heat up for some strange reason.

    "Guys, please. Come on. Give her some air." Purple scoffed, checking her pulse again. "She's okay." He nodded at me and I sighed in relief.

    "What are you?" April asked.

    "Wow, way to rush into it." I rolled my eyes. "She's definitely fine." I said and purple snickered.

    "Well," Blue looked up at his brothers. "Miss, uh, we're Ninjas." He backed up slightly and put his hands together before doing a small bow.

    "We're mutants." Raph growled looking at her and I upside down.

    "Well, technically we're turtles." Purple pointed out.

    "Oh, and we're teenagers!" Orange exclaimed happily. "But we can still have adult conversations." He grinned and winked at us both.

    "Wait, wait. So..." April tried to sit up and I quickly moved to help her. "You're... Ninja, mutant, ... turtle, teenagers?" April asked, with a furrowed brow.

    "I mean, that is what they just said." I pointed out, slapping a hand on her shoulder.

    "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous." Purple pointed out.

    "See, she's looking at us like we're freaks." Raph scoffed.

    "We are not." I scoffed back defensively.

    "Wasn't talking about you, princess, was I?" He scoffed and moved to square up with me again. "Though, I'm sure you're thinking it."

    "Uh, did you not see what I can do? If you're freaks then what does that make me?" I shot back argumentatively.

    "At least you're human." Raph argued. "I bet that's why you two followed us to take the picture, wasn't it? Show you're friends."

I felt a hand wrap around my waist and pull me backwards, while another green hand pushed on his plastron separating us.

    "Whoa, whoa. Break it up, you two." Blue rolled his eyes releasing his hand from Raph's plastron plate, his chest.

I looked up at him with a raised brow, looking down to see his hand was still attached to my waist and I was practically pulled into his side. Blue's cheeks pinked, realizing our position and quickly let go.

    "You know, Bro. That's a good thing. Maybe they have hot friends." Orange pointed out, to Raph's last statement.

    "Sorry, to burst your bubble. But, at least me personally. I don't have friends." I shrugged.

    "We can be friends!" Orange exclaimed. I tilted my head at him and let out a small smile.

    "Looking for this?" Raph asked, seeing April searching her pockets for her phone. When she looked up, he was approaching her, showing her that he had her phone. I rolled my eyes as April shot me a dirty look, and then returned her attention worriedly to the approaching turtle.

    "Don't break it." April begged. Raph's hand closed around the phone a little tighter. "No, no, no, please."

His hand raised further into the air, holding the phone tightly like he really was gonna break it. But Blue quickly intervened, stealing the phone from his grasp with an annoyed look.

    "How many times do I have to tell you?" Blue scoffed. "We don't break things. We fix them. Donnie already wiped the phone, genius."

He grunted and handed me the phone, since I was closest to him. I grinned and took it, giving it back to April. I stopped for a minute and wracked my brain after hearing the name. He said Donnie and I knew red's name was Raph... There was no way...

    "And who put you in charge?" Raph scoffed, pushing Blue's plastron, chest.

    "You know who did." Blue growled back, squaring up to his brother, who was only lightly taller than him.

    "Ooh, tension! It's been like 30 whole minutes since you guys had this argument." Orange pointed out playfully.

    "Leonardo, if we want to make it home before Master, we gotta hustle." Purple explained to the blue masked turtle.

    "Leonardo." I whispered, wide eyed. He must have heard me because he turned to look at me.

    "Do not say a word about this to anyone. If either of you do, we will find you." Leo said simply. And yet, threatening like. "April O'Neil and Y/n O'Neil."

    "Wait, wait. How do you know my name, and our last name?" I questioned him quickly. I shot a look over to Donnie and he looked around the air, like he had done nothing. "You scanned me too and it gave you that info?"

    "We're on the move, Raphael." Leo told him.

    "Raphael." April stated, her brows furrowing. I could tell she was finally thinking the same thing I was.

    "Yeaaa. We'll find you, O'Neil's." The Orange one said trying to be intimidating. I raised a brow at him and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, that came across super creepy, okay?" He chuckled nervously, making me giggle and shake my head. He smiled brightly hearing it. "We will find you, though."

    "Wait!" I stepped forward and caught Leo's hand before he jumped off the roof. "Are we gonna see you guys again?" I asked, looking up into his big blue eyes. I felt his hand wrap around mine giving it a gentle squeeze.

    "Oh, I'm quite sure we'll see each other again. Real soon." He whispered back letting go of my hand and jumping off the roof after his brothers.

    "Yeah! I was on fire, bro! Did you see me back there? Guy's I totally talked to two girls and I even made one of them laugh!"

    "Shut up, Mikey!" The other three scolded him in unison.

"Mikey..." I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief.

They whooped as they made it further and further into the distance. Jumping from roof top to roof top to make their get away. I was so entranced by thinking of the leader turtle and his striking blue eyes, I nearly forgot about their names. Until I heard the snap and shutter sound of a camera. I groaned and turned to see April was taking pictures of them leaving.

    "April!" I scolded her, rolling my eyes and trying to grab the phone.

    "No, no. Y/n, I got my proof!"

    "Didn't you hear them? They don't want to be found out either! They specifically said, "We will find you" if we tell anyone. Didn't you see the tech on, Donnie? He clearly has the means to know more about us then we probably do. You have to erase it." I demanded.

    "Come on, we have to get home! Didn't you hear their names? There's no way, right?" April asked quickly as she rushed towards the fire escape completely ignoring me.

    "Yes, yes, I heard. I was standing here too!" I scoffed and followed after her.

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