Jujutsu Kaisen X OC (The Red...

By Bitch-Chan88

31.1K 1.1K 211

Inari Aikawa, a sorcerer from one of the four great sorcerer families, lost both of her parents at a young ag... More

Author's Notes
Juju Tech High School
It's Just The Beginning
The Forth Student
The Special-Grade
The Aftermath
Sukuna's Innate Domain
Yuuji's Revival
The Second Years
The Soulmates
Please Don't Go
Back Home Adventures
Extra Curricular Activities
Problematic Students
The Higher Ups
Nanami Kento
Yoshino Junpei
Yoshino Junpei's Salvation
Mixed Feelings
Good And Evil
Exchange Event
The Witch's Awakened
I've Returned
Meeting With The Adults
Short Break!!
Let's Patch Up!!
Exchange Event Ft. Baseball
My Husband And My Lover
Gojo Satoru (Special Chapter)
The Yasohachi Bridge
Fushiguro's Starting Point
The Brothers
Trying To Comfort
A Witch's Instincts
Time With Gojo
Not a Chapter
Just The Beginning
Sukuna's My SoulMate?!?
6 Years Later
I'm getting Married?!
What A Warm Welcome!
The First Night and Morning
A Taste of Poison
Marked by Destiny
Plan A, B, C
Take Me Home!!
The Star Festival
The Cold War
Almost Gave in
What Happened To Us
Last 10 Days
Gojo Satoru's Backstory
And So It Begins
The Shibuya Incident
Rock, Papers, Scissors
Those 10 Fingers
The King Of Curses
The Rituals
Time's The Enemy
Curse You All
Not a Chapter

I'm Keeping Her!!

1.2K 55 7
By Bitch-Chan88

Inari's Pov

It felt somewhat shady when Gojo specifically instructed me to go to the basement, but being the obedient girl I am, I descended the stairs without hesitation. 

As soon as I reached the bottom, an ominous feeling washed over me, setting my senses on edge.

Without warning, I felt a sudden attack from behind and instinctively crouched down, narrowly avoiding the assault. 

"~~~ Killl~~ Kill~~~" I heard the ominous hissing of tarantulas, their threatening display sending shivers down my spine as they vigorously slapped the ground with its claws like ferocious beasts.

"No... No no no no no no.... No fucking way....!!" I muttered under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I braced myself for what was to come.

Suddenly, one of the tarantulas spat out a slimy projectile towards me. Reacting quickly, I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the corrosive substance. 

However, to my horror, my rose whip got caught in the path of the attack. "What the?" I exclaimed in shock as I watched in dismay as the acidic substance melted through the whip like ice. 

With no time to spare, I quickly threw the damaged whip away before the corrosive acid could reach my hands, realizing that I was facing a much more formidable foe than I had anticipated.




"Aaahhhh!!" I screamed in terror as I bolted away from the looming threat.

"SATORUUU!!! YOU-!!" I shouted in panic, but my words were cut short as the sharp hands of the creature attempted to smack me. 

"Ahhh! Kyaaa!! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" I cursed aloud, narrowly dodging the attacks as I frantically tried to evade its relentless pursuit.

As I ran, I realized something wasn't right. This wasn't just any curse trying to slash me—it was something far more sinister. With a sudden realization, I ducked just in time to avoid a deadly strike.

't was Ouroboros!!!'

I  found myself in a room, panting heavily as I locked the door behind me, seeking refuge from the relentless pursuit of Ouroboros. 

Opening a window, I peered down at Gojo, who gazed up at me with an expression that seemed to convey understanding of the perilous situation I was in.

"You Fucker!! I'LL KILL YOU!! I swear to god!! I'm killing you if I come out alive!!" I shouted angrily at my new Sensei.

My frustration boiling over as I blamed him for subjecting me to such a harrowing experience on my first mission as a Jujutsu sorcerer. 

"Let's see..." In response, Gojo simply smiled, his expression dripping with contempt, before flipping me off—an action that only fueled my rage further.

As the door began to bang ominously, I frantically reached into my pocket and retrieved a handful of seeds. 

Infusing them with my cursed power, I hurled them at the door, watching as they rapidly grew into a tangled mass of black death plant, ensnaring the entrance and providing a temporary barrier against the relentless assault.

"It won't be able to hold it down. Think, Inari, think!!" I muttered to myself, panic rising within me as I desperately racked my brain for a solution to my predicament.

Ouroboros was a towering skull-headed spider, a remnant of the Earth's last 'kaiju age.' Her most notable feature is her pedipalps, which give her a hydra-like appearance,

Each of her five claws generates a different venom, making her one of the most toxic life-forms anywhere. "She's not a curse. She's an A-grade demon!!" 

The door banged open, sending me reeling back in terror as Ouroboros loomed before me, her presence casting a shadow of impending doom over me. 

'R.I.P my life ayy!!!' I gulped nervously, feeling a sense of dread wash over me as the serpent-like demon approached.

With lightning speed, the knife-like claws lunged at me simultaneously, their sharp edges bared and venom dripping menacingly. 

Reacting quickly, I dodged their attacks, narrowly avoiding the lethal strikes.

"Petal Whirlwind!" I cried out, summoning a whirlwind of razor-sharp rose petals into existence, the delicate blooms materializing in the palm of my hands. 

With a swift motion, I sent the swirling petals hurtling towards Ouroboros, hoping to shred her monstrous form to pieces.

Despite their razor-sharp edges, they merely glanced off her thick hide, failing to inflict any significant damage. 

It was a technique that might have worked against lesser curses, but against Ouroboros, it proved futile.

"Oh, well, screw me sideways!" I found myself lacking in ideas, so I faced the attack head-on like a real man!

With lightning speed, one of the claws struck, sinking its nails into my flesh and sending me hurtling towards the wall.

 With a sickening crash, the wall shattered upon impact, and I was thrown out into the open air, landing hard on my back on the unforgiving ground below.

"What? You done already?!" Gojo's annoying voice interrupted my thoughts, and I glared up at him, frustration evident in my gaze. 

"Youuu bastard!!" I spat, my anger boiling over as he laughed mockingly. "It's a semi-first-grade curse." He remarked casually, his smirk infuriating me even more.

"I'm still starting, the hurdle is out of my league!" I retorted, annoyance lacing my words as I struggled to my feet. "So what? Gonna give up now?" Gojo taunted, his amusement evident in his tone.

"Over my dead body," I declared defiantly, my resolve steeling as I brushed off his taunts and pushed past Gojo and headed back inside, refusing to let defeatism hold me back.

I returned to face Ouroboros, steeling myself for the impending confrontation. 

As the monstrous creature lunged at me once more, I dodged its attack with a swift maneuver, narrowly avoiding its deadly grasp.

"Wait!" I called out desperately, but Ouroboros showed no signs of halting its relentless assault, continuing to press its attack without mercy.

As I faced Ouroboros once more, determination burning bright within me, I found myself gaining the upper hand in our fierce battle. 

"People, if you don't know curse techniques, then just release curse energy." A ball of power surged through my palms, and I blasted it against her.

Dodging its relentless attacks with calculated precision, I managed to outmaneuver the creature, landing a decisive blow that left it reeling.

Fueling my actions, I unleashed the energy, aiming directly at her. The blast crackled with intensity as it hurtled towards its target.

As Ouroboros staggered, weakened by my onslaught, I saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. 

Despite the pain coursing through my body and the blood staining my skin, I recognized the potential in this fearsome demon before me.

"I can remove your curse," I declared boldly, seizing the moment as I addressed Ouroboros with unwavering resolve.

To my surprise, the creature paused, its eyes narrowing as it regarded me with newfound interest. "Hisss~ whatssss do you meansss~~~?" it hissed, its voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Summoning every ounce of courage I possessed, I pressed on, knowing that this was my chance to strike a bargain that could change both of our fates. 

"You were cursed by Queen Medusa, weren't you?" I challenged, my smirk growing as I saw the flicker of recognition in Ouroboros's eyes.

"You want your body back, right? I can help you with that," I offered, knowing full well the tragic tale of Ouroboros's curse. 

Medusa, the queen of demons, had been consumed by jealousy over Ouroboros's beauty, cursing her to become a Skeleton-like spider monster. 

Its skeletal form twisted and contorted, resembling a grotesque fusion of bones and arachnid features and banished her to the human world for eternity.

In that moment, I saw the glimmer of hope in Ouroboros's gaze, a spark of longing for the life she had lost to the cruel whims of fate. 

It was a risky gambit, to be sure, but I was willing to take the chance, knowing that the potential rewards far outweighed the risks. 

Ouroboros calmed down and slithered closer to me, her gaze intense and filled with a mixture of distrust and desperation. 

"If you're lying, I'll bite your head off!" she warned, her voice dripping with malice. Despite the threat, I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine at her words.

"But under one condition," I demanded.

"First, remove my curse," she hissed, her voice laced with urgency and desperation. 

With a confident smile, I drew a symbol with my blood on her skin, tapping into the ancient powers of white witchcraft that flowed through my veins.

As witches, we possessed the innate ability to undo curses, a skill passed down to me by my mother, a master in the art of white magic. 

With practiced precision, I focused my energy, channeling it into Ouroboros's body

"It's going to be painful," I warned, my voice tinged with sympathy as I unleashed a surge of cursed energy, causing her bones s to fall away and her additional hands to dissipate, leaving her writhing in agony.

"God, it's... Arghh!! Ahh!! So fucking painful!!" Ouroboros screamed, her cries echoing through the room as she endured the excruciating process of transformation. 

After what felt like an eternity, the transformation was complete, and Ouroboros stood before me in her true form, her expression one of relief and gratitude.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, taking my hands back as I watched her closely. She looked down at her newly restored body and nodded, a wide grin spreading across her face. 

"Wonderful!" Ouroboros exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with newfound joy and in that moment, my heart skipped a beat as to see how pretty she was.

'Nice... she's nice! I really want her!!' 

"It's not finished yet; you can still revert to your previous form if you please. I can only have my full authority over you after my awakening," I replied, cautioning Ouroboros about the limitations of our newfound alliance. 

"Kid, what's your name?" She inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity. "I'm Inari Aikawa," I responded, bracing myself for any potential backlash to my association with Sukuna.

"Ah... Sukuna's wife?" she asked with a teasing glint in her eyes, and I couldn't help but groan in exasperation. "No..." I muttered.

To my surprise, Ouroboros laughed heartily, her amusement infectious as she shook her head. "So, what do you want from me?" she asked, her tone curious yet wary.

I grinned.

"Become mine!" I declared boldly, my voice ringing with determination.

Her reaction was immediate, and she glared at me with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. Instantly, I regretted my boldness, feeling a pang of fear grip my heart.

'Was that too much to ask for?' I wondered, nervously scratching my face as I awaited her response.

But to my relief, Ouroboros's expression softened, and she smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Sure," she replied nonchalantly, her casual acceptance catching me off guard.

"Really?!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my surprise at her willingness to comply with my request. She nodded in affirmation, her grin widening as she regarded me with amusement.

"But I can't let you out like this, so I'll keep you in my mind palace," I explained, outlining the terms of our agreement. 

With a sense of determination, I bit my finger, offering her my blood as a binding contract between us.

Ouroboros bowed her head respectfully, accepting my offering as she licked the blood from my hand. "With this, you're mine forever. It's a bond," I declared solemnly, sealing our alliance with a blood pact.

"It'd be great working under you, mistress," Ouroboros remarked with a mischievous glint in her eyes, her tone laced with playful sarcasm.

Proudly, I smirked at her words, feeling a sense of accomplishment at having gained such a powerful ally. 

"I'll leave my life in your hands," Ouroboros declared, kissing my knuckles in a gesture of respect.

With a sense of purpose, I placed my hands on her head and concentrated, drawing her essence into my mind palace, where she would reside as a trusted companion and ally.

Feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me, I straightened my posture and met up with Itadori.

A few minutes later....

"Man, you're all beaten up," Itadori remarked as I stumbled into him, exhaustion evident in every movement. "It was really difficult," I groaned, leaning heavily on him as we made our way upstairs.

"I finished mine in just a few seconds," he boasted, a hint of pride in his voice as we heard Kugisaki's distressed tone from another room. 

It was clear she was in trouble.

Without exchanging a word, we shared a knowing glance and approached the wall where her voice emanated from. 

"Punch it," I instructed, and Itadori complied, his fist colliding with the wall with a resounding impact.

"Huh? I missed?" he questioned, but before I could respond, he kicked the wall, shattering it and revealing the scene inside. 

I swiftly moved in, slicing off the arm of the curse that had threatened Kugisaki, freeing the trapped boy. "You okay?" I asked, catching the kid as he stumbled towards us, relief flooding his expression. 

"Yes!" he exclaimed, clinging to me tightly as Itadori dispatched the curse with a powerful kick, sending it tumbling away from us.

"It's getting away!" Itadori exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the retreating curse.

"Not for long," Kugisaki interjected as she reached out for the arm I had severed. Itadori handed it over without hesitation, and Kugisaki wasted no time in springing into action.

Placing a doll on the severed limb, she wielded her hammer with practiced precision, striking the makeshift weapon with a force that sent shockwaves rippling through the air. 

"Huh? A straw doll?" the kid asked, his voice filled with curiosity as he hugged me tightly from the right. "Creepy," Itadori remarked, echoing the sentiment as he embraced me from the left.

"Straw Doll Technique Resonance!" Kugisaki announced, her voice commanding as she hammered the dolls together with a nail.

With a decisive strike, Kugisaki exorcised the curse, her movements swift and precise as she neutralized the threat before us. 

As the tension eased, Itadori couldn't help but voice his concern. "This is why I told you it's dangerous to go alone and you need to take it seriously!" he admonished frustrated.

"You never said it was dangerous to go alone!" Kugisaki retorted, her rebuttal swift and sharp, causing me to sweat drop at their exchange. 

'No... in fact he did,' 

"Wait, I didn't?!" he questioned, genuine surprise evident in his voice as he realized his oversight.

"Besides, what the heck are ya eating that lets ya punch through walls with yer bare hands?!" Kugisaki demanded, her curiosity piqued by Itadori's extraordinary strength.

"It wasn't reinforced concrete!" he defended himself. "Not the point! It'd still be impossible for most people!" she persisted, bombarding him with questions about his uncanny abilities.

"Most people? You know, you've been asking me a lot of questions, but what about you? Why did you come to Jujutsu Tech?" Itadori redirected the conversation, prompting Kugisaki to pause and consider her response.

"Because I hate the countryside. I wanted to live in Tokyo! This was the only way for me to move to the city without having to worry about the expenses!" she confessed, her tone defiant yet tinged with underlying determination.

"You'd risk your life for that?" I interjected, unable to hide my surprise at her candid admission.

"Sure. It's to stay true to myself, after all. If I had stayed in that village, I'd be as good as dead," Kugisaki affirmed, her resolve unwavering.

"So as far as that goes, I'm grateful to you too. There wouldn't have been a bright future if I had died or had been the only one to survive. Thanks," Kugisaki expressed sincerely.

"Well, having a more serious reason doesn't make anyone better than the rest," I replied modestly.

"Okay! I've said thanks so we're even now! No more of that talk!" She interjected and Itadori groaned accepting her thanks with a hint of discomfort, much to my amusement.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked, clearly puzzled by Kugisaki's abrupt change in demeanor as we exited the building.

We settled by a staircase, awaiting the arrival of Gojo and Fushiguro as they went to let the boy go back home.

"Did you know I get into a foul mood when I'm hungry?" Kugisaki initiated a conversation, drawing attention to her rumbling stomach.

"When are you not in a foul mood?" Itadori grumbled, his retort earning a chuckle from me as I offered Kugisaki a granola bar.

"Can I really have it?" she asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement, and I nodded in response. She accepted the snack eagerly, her childlike enthusiasm bringing a smile to my face.

"Good job, team! We made sure the kid got home," Gojo announced as they approached us, his tone proud and approving. 

"Ah... Inari, you're not much hurt even though you fought with a semi first-grade?" he inquired, his eyes scanning me for any signs of injury.

"Ehh?! Really?!" Kugisaki exclaimed, surprise evident in her voice. I nervously averted my gaze, avoiding their scrutiny.

"You exorcised her, right?" Fushiguro asked, seeking confirmation. 

Gojo, however, seized my cheeks, his grip firm as he turned my face towards him, his expression expectant.

"You finished her right?!" Gojo asked with a smirk, his tone carrying a hint of malice, and I felt a wave of panic wash over me.

 "I... I made a pact with her..." I mumbled nervously, barely audible.

"HUH?!" Gojo's voice rose in annoyance, and I flinched, slapping his hands away from my face. "Okay, fine!! I formed a bond with her!" I admitted, my words rushed and uncertain.

Gojo sighed, rubbing his temples in exasperation. "I asked you to exorcise her, not to make friends with her!" he reprimanded sternly, his frustration evident. 

I shrugged, adopting a nonchalant demeanor. "She was strong, I thought it was a good idea," I defended my actions, though I could sense Gojo's disapproval.

"Anyway, what's done is done. Let's leave it at that, shall we go grab some grub?" Gojo suggested.

"Steak!" Itadori declared eagerly. "Sushi!" Kugisaki chimed in with excitement. "I'm fine with anything," I added.

"Let me take care of it! And you, Megumi?" Gojo inquired, but Fushiguro remained engrossed in his phone, seemingly ignoring the question. 

"All right, let's go," Gojo declared, leading us away from the scene. "Oh, I forgot about my biggest haul of the day. Hey, you, go fetch my things," 

Kugisaki suddenly remembered, turning to Itadori and assigning him the task of retrieving her belongings from the coin locker in Harajuku. 

"What? Why should I do it? I thought we were even," Itadori protested.

"We won thanks to my cursed technique. Got a problem?" Kugisaki retorted, her tone challenging. "What about my raw strength?" Itadori countered.

"Your monstrous power from eating weird shit?" Kugisaki scoffed, dismissing his argument with a snarl.

"It's not just that! Right, Fushiguro? Huh? What's the matter, Fushiguro?" Itadori turned to Fushiguro, seeking support, but the latter remained silent, focused on his phone. 

"Nothing. He's pouting because he was left out," Gojo interjected, explaining Fushiguro's subdued demeanor.

"Poor little baby!" Kugisaki teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Awww, Megumi!! You're so cute!" I chimed in, wrapping my arms around his neck playfully. 

"Ugh, let me go!" Fushiguro grumbled, attempting to push me away, while we all shared a laugh at the playful exchange.

Later, Itadori and Kugisaki decided to settle their dispute with a game of rock-paper-scissors. 

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" they exclaimed simultaneously, their hands forming their chosen symbols.

With their game concluded, we made our way to Kugisaki's place for dinner. 

"Sushi, huh? I guess we could go to the usual place in Ginza..." Gojo suggested, scrolling through his phone for options. 

"If we're going for sushi, shouldn't Rokushiki be a better place..?" I proposed, considering another popular sushi restaurant in the area and Gojo shrugged indifferently. 

"I'll call us a driver," I announced, pulling out my phone and instructing my butler to send a car large enough to accommodate all five of us and ended the call.

"I want revolving sushi..." Itadori chimed in, expressing his preference. Taking charge, I decided to arrange transportation for us. 

"Ugh!! Itadori, you— Ugh!! Fushiguro, you tell him something!!" Kugisaki groaned, clearly exasperated with Itadori's antics.

"I'd rather we go somewhere tasty, Gojo-Sensei's paying anyway," Fushiguro replied calmly, trying to defuse the situation.

"I'm fine as long as the place has beer, I'm craving some," I added in anticipation.

"My favorite is Sushi Go," said Gojo, just as a conspicuously expensive car pulled up in front of us, and a man from my clan stepped out.

"Madam, where shall I take you?" He asked, and I gestured for him to wait for a minute as I turned back to address the group.

"But I'd rather go with Splendid Sushi if it's someone's first time," I replied, nodding at Gojo for confirmation.

"Yay," Itadori cheered enthusiastically. "Hey, no one said we're going!" Kugisaki interjected, her annoyance evident in her voice as she shot Itadori a reproachful glance.

But Itadori persisted, holding his finger up as if to make a point. "Listen, Kugisaki, in Splendid Sushi, the sushi comes on a bullet train," he explained.

Kugisaki's interest was piqued by his description, and she nodded, intrigued. 

With eager anticipation, we all piled into the car, with me and Gojo taking the seats at the very back of the seven-seater car, while the younger ones settled in front of us.

As the driver started the car and began our journey, Itadori couldn't contain his excitement. 

"Driver!! This girl has never had revolving sushi her whole life!!" he exclaimed, leaning halfway out of the window.

"Take us to Splendid Sushi with that big-ass parking lot at the interstate," he cheered, and I chuckled at his exuberance, shaking my head fondly at his contagious energy.

"Nee... how good is your alcohol intake...?" Gojo asked, nudging me playfully. I hummed, turning to look at him.

"Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, nothing intoxicates me, my whole body is filled with even more poisonous toxins," I explained, and he furrowed his brows, clearly puzzled.

"Then why do you drink...?" he inquired, his curiosity evident in his expression. 

I chuckled, giving him a sly grin. "It tastes good, so..." I replied cryptically, leaving the rest unsaid as we continued our journey.

Eventually, we arrived at the sushi place, and we promptly booked a table, eager to satisfy our hunger. As we dug into the delicious array of sushi, the lively atmosphere of the restaurant enveloped us.

After a while, I noticed Gojo excusing himself from the table and stepping out. 

Curiosity piqued, I glanced at Itadori, who was thoroughly enjoying his meal, before deciding to follow Gojo to see what he was up to.

As I walked out, I noticed Gojo lighting up a cigarette in the alleyway. "Mind if I join you?" I asked casually, gesturing to the pack in his hand.

He glanced at me, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Sure, but don't go telling anyone about this," he replied, offering me one.

I took it gratefully, leaning against the wall next to him as we both took long drags, the smoke swirling lazily around us. "So, what's the deal with Fushiguro today?" I asked.

Gojo exhaled a cloud of smoke, his gaze following mine. "He wanted to fight along with you, but he was still healing so I told him to sit this one out," he mused.

"Haha... he's so cute..." I chuckled taking another drag before exhaling slowly, watching the smoke dissipate into the night air.

"Yeah, he is" Gojo replied, as he stubbed out his cigarette against the wall.

We stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the only sound the faint hum of the city around us. Then, Gojo glanced at his watch. 

"Well, I should probably head back inside and pay the bill, " he said, starting to walk away.

I nodded, lingering in the dark alleyway, enjoying the cool breeze against my skin. "I'll catch up with you later," I called after him, watching as he disappeared into the building.

Alone in the quiet darkness, I took a deep breath, savoring the moment of solitude

Then suddenly, Itadori approached, placing his hands on either side of my face, and I smirked as he pinned me against the wall. 

"You seem to be close with Gojou-Sensei...?" he asked, his tone probing.

I chuckled, circling my hands around his neck. "You jealous...?" I teased, letting my cold hands trail down his spine, eliciting a shiver from him.

"Hmm... a little..." Itadori replied honestly, his gaze fixed on mine. I chuckled again. "Well, we're engaged," I dropped the bombshell, watching his reaction closely.

"Eh?!" Itadori exclaimed, frozen in disbelief.

"Eh?!" I mirrored his shock, realizing he wasn't aware.

"I didn't tell you...?" I asked, surprised.

He shook his head rapidly, clearly stunned. "Oh... We've already signed the papers, only the rituals are left..." I explained.

Itadori gaped widely, his eyes wide with astonishment, and I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "Don't laugh!! This is serious!!" he exclaimed, flustered.

"Don't worry, it's something our clan decided. I have no intention of marrying Satoru." I chuckled, reassured him and Itadori sighed in relief. 

"The one you should be worried about is Sukuna, you know...?' I said, caressing his cheeks gently, and he looked at me, confusion evident in his eyes. "Sadako was his soulmate...."

Itadori seemed to be lost in thought, his expression growing more somber. "If I am what people say I am... then I might be--- Mhmpp!" 

Itadori didn't let me finish my sentence, leaning in and kissing me softly. "I don't want to think about Gojou-sensei or Sukuna or anyone..." He sighed, leaning in once more, seeking comfort.

"Yuuji..." I blushed as I felt his lips hovering just above mine, the warmth sending shivers down my spine. "Inari..." Itadori whispered my name, his breath warm against my skin.

Unable to resist any longer, I grabbed his collar and pulled him into a passionate kiss, the world around us fading away as we lost ourselves in each other's embrace.

A/N: Jujutsu Kaisen X OC X Incorrect Quotes.

*Fushiguro and Inari arguing*

Fushiguro: Nothing in life is free!
Inari: Love is free.
Itadori: Air is free!
Kugisaki: Knowledge is free!
Sukuna: Most things in life are free if you just steal them.
Fushiguro, Kugisaki and Itadori:......
Inari: Sukuna. No.
Sukuna: Why not--
Inari: NO!!

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